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10 December 2011 - RWA Seasons Beatings 3
by Jason Valasek on Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 8:07pm
The show began with RWA Commissioner Piv explaining that even though "Notorious" Shane Taylor would be competing, he is still officially fired. Shane came out to the ring with his lawyer, whom he introduced as Dylan James, and threatened Piv for firing him, pointing out a clause in his contract that allows him to defend himself if a fan enters the ring. Therefore, Shane claimed to be innocent of wrongdoing because Ryan Mitchell's father entered the ring of his own free will. Piv also made a stipulation for the tag match: if Ryan Mitchell and Chris Taylor win, Mitchell gets a one-on-one match against Shane Taylor at RWA Uprising on January 21. But if Shane Taylor and his mystery partner win, Shane will become the number one contender for the RWA Heavyweight Title. Shane told Piv he had no problem with the stipulation, because Ryan Mitchell wouldn't even make it to his match later in the show.
In the first contest, Christopher Arkadian, "Marquee" Mikey D, and G-RaVeR faced off in a three-way dance. At first, Mikey was content to watch from outside the ring, allowing his two opponents to tire themselves out enough for Mikey to pick his spots to attack and run away again. In the end, G-RaVeR hit a Spanish Fly on Mikey for the pinfall victory.
Jay Ice came out to the ring, expecting to make an open challenge, but was interrupted by Piv, who introduced the debuting Scott Sarin as Ice's opponent. Ice used brass knuckles behind the referee's back to pick up the tainted win. After the match, Ice planted Sarin with a Rock Bottom.
The match between Scott Prodigy and "Next Trending Topic" Jack Pollack ended in a no-contest due to Terry Ring running in and attacking Prodigy. Piv and Feelbad called for security to remove the former RWA wrestler from the building.
Jimmy Nutts defeated Joey Vengeance via submission, after reversing a nonchalant pin attempt into a modified gogoplata.
Shane Taylor was true to his word, as "Steel City Prodigy" Ryan Mitchell was nowhere to be seen when it came time for his tag team match. Taylor's mystery partner was revealed to be "Son of Strongstyle" Jay Ice, and the two Clevelanders proceeded to take on Chris Taylor in a handicap match. Shane hit a World's Strongest Slam on Chris, but only got a two-count. Support from the fans energized Chris, enabling him to hit the Double Down Tornado DDT on Jay Ice, at which point Ryan Mitchell hit the ring to clean house. He stood in the center of the ring and taunted Shane Taylor to step through the ropes and face him head-on, but Shane backed down and left the ringside area. Mitchell hit a top rope elbow drop and a Steel Curtain on Jay Ice for the win. Afterward, Mitchell asked RWA officials for a contract signing in the ring so he could make sure Shane Taylor would have no way of getting out of their one-on-one match.
As intermission ended, Ryan Edmonds came out to berate Angel again, saying that she didn't make enough money taking pictures with fans and that she needed to earn her keep. Lamont "Action" Williams came out to confront Edmonds for disrespecting women, but Ryan said it was Lamont who was being disrespectful and told him to kiss his boots. Lamont responded with a single-leg takedown, and RWA Commissioner Piv made the match official by announcing that Edmonds would defend his RWA Pennsylvania Regional Title against Williams. During the match, Edmonds grabbed Angel by the hair and dragged her back through the curtain into the locker room, leaving Williams alone in the ring to win the match by countout. As a result, however, Edmonds still retains the title.
Stryder, one half of the RWA Tag Team Champions, faced off against prospective Feelbad Five member Juice Jennings, with Dr. Feelbad and Alexa. Stryder set Jennings up for his rugby ball spear, but Joey Vengeance appeared and grabbed Stryder's foot, then pulled him out of the ring and started beating on him, resulting in a disqualification.
The other half of the tag champs, Ashton Amherst, faced off against Ryan Reign (with Dr. Feelbad and Alexa). Reign attempted a powerbomb on Amherst, and referee Jonny Mac got knocked down by Amherst's leg, prompting Juice Jennings and Joey Vengeance to hit the ring. Jon Burton and Stryder come out to make the save, but Ashton waved them off, saying he didn't need their help. Stryder accidentally collided with Amherst, allowing Reign to hit a Curb Stomp to pick up the opportunistic win. The Feelbad Five continued the beatdown after the match, with Vengeance hitting a fisherman buster on Stryder. Amherst recovered enough to chase the Feelbad Five away with a chair, but then inexplicably left without checking on his tag team partner.
Despite RWA Commissioner Piv's best efforts to maintain order at the contract signing between Ryan Mitchell and Shane Taylor, tempers flared and physicality ensued, ending with Taylor chokeslamming Mitchell through a table.
In the final match, the team of Kato & Bodie Williams squared off against the team of Future Valentine. Kato and Bodie resorted to dirty tactics and double teaming on "The Ace of Hearts" Shane Valentine, but "The Future" Calvin McGrath was able to get the hot tag and take control. McGrath and Valentine hit the Hulk Smash on Williams, but then Valentine turned on his longtime friend and partner, hitting him with a Tigerbomb, allowing Bodie Williams to pick up the pinfall victory. After the match, Williams held Calvin's arms back so that Kato could get in a cheap shot, but Kato made a swerve of his own and hit Valentine instead. Calvin hit a neckbreaker on Bodie, and then he and his former mentor stared each other down in the ring before finally hugging. Kato admitted he wasn't quite sure how to be a good guy, but asked Calvin to help him out.
On Saturday, 12 January 2012, in the West Newton Gymansium, the Renegade Wrestling Alliance celebrates its three-year anniversary. Ryan Mitchell will finally get his hands on Shane Taylor in a one-on-one unsanctioned match. More matches and details to come at
RWA Seasons Beatings 3
by Public Event ยท By Derek Widziszewski, Paul Vlosich and Lindsay Trubiani
Adult Tickets: $12 Children Under 14 Tickets: $6
Though it comes earlier this year, the spirit of the holidays festers in the atmosphere, bringing with it cheer and good nature. Along with those season's greetings, within the RWA lurks an annual helping of Season's Beating!! It's the end of the landmark year of 2011 and the last show before our 3rd Anniversary show!
ATTENTION!!! PUBLIC APOLOGY TO RWA FANS AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY OF RYAN MITCHELL If you ever wanted to know why fans should stay in their seats, regardless of what a wrestler might say or do, then the vicious attack on Dean Madar (Ryan Mitchell's father) is your eye opener. After insulting both his wife and son, Mr. Madar succumbed to the tauntings of "Notorious" Shane Taylor and entered the squared circle. Taylor quickly showed his dominance and severely injured the elder pharmacist with a ruthless onslaught of pain. Ryan ran out to help his father, but the damage had been done. An ambulance was summoned and took Mr. Madar to receive the care he needed, with the Madar family in tow. In a rare moment of agreement, both Dr. Feelbad and PIV agreed that Shane Taylor had gone too far and fired him from the RWA. We in the RWA never condone actions like the ones Shane Taylor made on November 5. Thus, like Feelbad and PIV did that night, we apologize to anyone and everyone who was affected and/or offended by these terrible events. Please look here and on our website,, for updates on this situation.
Tag Team Grudge Match "Steel City Prodigy" RYAN MITCHELL & CHRIS TAYLOR vs. "Notorious" SHANE TAYLOR & ????? In a surprise return, Ryan Mitchell came back to the RWA Arena. If anyone thought he was there just to give an update, that was quickly dispelled as he cleared the ring and called out Shane Taylor. As the referees, fans, and other staff tried to tell Mitchell that Taylor had been fired - Taylor's music played. The atmosphere was filled with dread and anticipation as all waited for Taylor to show, however, he did not come through the curtain. The music started a second time, but to the same conclusion. Ryan demanded one last chance for Taylor to show himself. When the music started for the third time, a mysterious lady in back appeared instead. This proved to be only a distraction as Shane Taylor attacked Ryan Mitchell from behind and decimated him. Ryan's long time best friend, Chris Taylor rushed out to offer assistance, but ended up with the same fate as Ryan - laid out in the ring.
It took Dr. Feelbad threatening to call local police for Shane Taylor to finally leave the building. As both Feelbad and PIV assured Ryan that Taylor would never set foot in RWA again, Ryan bit back saying that if Feelbad didn't give him the chance to get his hands on Taylor, then he would come after Feelbad instead. Reluctantly, Mitchell was helped from the ring, still demanding a chance to get his hands on Shane Taylor. To prove that he had nothing to do with the heinous attack, Dr. Feelbad approved Ryan Mitchell & Chris Taylor vs. Shane Taylor & a partner of his choosing, match stipulation to be announced at a latter time. Please watch for any updates to this match as they are revealed! Who will partner up with the monstrous Shane Taylor? What will happen when Mitchell & Taylor finally meet in the ring? Will this have ramifications on Uprising 4 (3rd Anniversary show)??
Special Challenge Tag Team Match FUTUREVALENTINE (RWA Heavyweight Champion "The Future" CALVIN McGRATH & "Ace of Hearts" SHANE VALENTINE) vs. KATO! & "High Tide" BODIE WILLIAMS No one could have guessed that a man as eccentric as Kato! would have any influence on our heavyweight championship. He answered McGrath's open challenge, setting up a fascinating teacher vs. student match that ended in the most delirious way - Kato! intentionally DQing himself and then asking his former protege "why are we doing all this?". The RWA champion demanded a rematch to prove himself as champion but Kato! obviously didn't show. Instead Shane Valentine cashed in his heavyweight title shot against his best friend. The best friends engaged in a battle of pure power & force. The RWA Family could almost see the tremors in the air as these hulks smashed into each other. Sadly, that match didn't see an end as new roster member Bodie Williams caused a no contest. Backstage, he answered a big question - "Why did I do that? To deliver a message...since my boy Kato! couldn't be there, I spoke for him. You see Calvin..your teacher has a new student. We'll see you & your boyfriend next month." Not disagreeing with the new guy's idea, management has made this big tag team match. The champion and his equally powerful best friend versus Pittsburgh's craziest veteran and his hungry & aggressive new apprentice - only at RWA Season's Beatings 3 on December 10!
RWA Cruiserweight Championship JIMMY NUTTS (challenger) vs. "Mr. Riot, Ruckus, & Rock" JOSEPH BROOKS w/ DR. FEELBAD (champion) For the past few months, Jimmy Nutts has been on the hunt for the first singles championship in his young career. He surprised the RWA Family and led the Feelbad 5's cocky and brash Joseph Brooks to a very even matchup for the Cruiserweight title. Brooks resorted to using his title belt as a weapon to put Nutts away. Then the next month, Nutts defeated Brooks in a non-title challenge, tapping him out with a triangle hold submission! With that victory, Nutts will receive another title shot at Brooks...but according to the champion, it will be at HIS decision as to when that match would take place. Even still, a match has been set for Season's Beatings 3. Will it even place? If so, can Jimmy Nutts complete the biggest year of his life with solo gold??
RWA News
HOT NEW TALENT IN THE RWA! If you missed last month's showcase, then you'll need to get familiar with some never-before-seen face on the RWA roster! Here's some quick notes to catch you up! 1. "High Tide" BODIE WILLIAMS - This blond-haired big man from the Maryland/West Virginia region made a fast impact with an impressive showing against Chris Taylor and even got in the face of RWA Heavyweight Champion Calvin McGrath! 2. "The Next Trending Topic" JACK POLLACK - Bringing Twitter into the ring in a better fashion than mentioning it constantly, this young man has the ability to indeed "trend" with the other RWA stars...if he'd lay off some goofiness. 3. MIKEY D - Hailing from "party central", Mikey D was a little more concerned about having a good time than winning his math. Maybe that's why he didn't catch Dr. Feelbad's eye last month... 4. JOEY VENGEANCE & JUICE JENNINGS - Young and to the point, these guys reminded RWA of how the Pocket Rockets were when they started - full of potential & full of energy. Sadly, they seem to have to a big opportunistic nature as well. They impressed Feelbad at first, but lost that interest when they couldn't secure the tag team titles. Still.....tag title shot on their first show ain't bad at all!
NO COMMENT The mental rivalry between Jay-Ice and Commissioner PIV continued on last month at Open Season 3. Ice's scheduled opponent wasn't able to make it, so PIV pulled a trigger he had in his pocket - giving G-RaVeR his shot at revenge!! The two cruiserweights put on the sleeper match of the night and it looked like the win could go to either man in the end. Unfortunately, that person with the victory was Jay-Ice. When asked for a reaction to this, PIV simply stated "No comment". The fact that Jay-Ice won with his ability and not with underhanded tactics has shown the Commissioner that he may have bit off more than he can chew..
RWA ANNOUNCES 2011 YEAR END AWARDS From top to bottom, this year of 2011 has been phenomenal for all of us in the RWA, both staff and wrestlers. At this very moment, we are compiling information from the past year's worth of our live events to make the categories and nominees for these awards. On December 10, YOU will vote on these questions & categories, with the winners announced on January 21 at Uprising 4, our 3rd Anniversary Show! Thank you for all the memories!!
A sincere THANK YOU goes to each and every one of the fans, friends, wrestlers, staff, and supporters of the Renegade Wrestling Alliance! Without ANY of you, we would not be where we are today! 2011 has been the absolute BEST year this company has had, and it is all because of YOU!! See you at the show December 10, 2011 in West Newton, PA!!
Renegade Wrestling Alliance - Because being #1 means being the BEST overall product available! |
05 October 2011 - RWA Open Season 3
by Jason Valasek on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2:47am
Jimmy Nutts opened the show by calling out Joseph Brooks and challenging him to a rematch for the RWA Cruiserweight title. Brooks agreed, but stipulated that Nutts would only get his title shot if he beat Brooks in a non-title match first.
"The Ace of Hearts" Shane Valentine defeated "Next Trending Topic" Jack Pollock via pinfall after hitting a tigerbomb.
Next, Dr. Feelbad, Alexa, and Ryan Reign came out to the ring. Reign was upset that he lost the tag titles because Feelbad tapped out, but Feelbad pointed out that he should never have been in that match, and announced that Patrick Hayes and Jon Burton were fired from the RWA. As a result, the Feelbad 5 were looking to audition new talent, and Feelbad promised that by the RWA's third anniversary show in January, he will have created an new Feelbad 5 stable.
"Marquee" Mikey D, Juice Jennings, Joey Vengeance, and Christopher Arkadian faced each other in a four-way match. The three newcomers primarily ganged up on Arkadian, but were unable to keep from fighting amongst themselves as well. During the match, Arkadian and Mikey D fought on the outside, while Jennings and Vengeance pinned each other in the ring, resulting in a victory for both men. After the match, Feelbad offered them both not only a spot on the RWA roster, but a tag team title shot, as Ryan Reign would join Jennings and Vengeance in a handicap match for the titles. RWA commissioner Piv initially nixed the idea, saying that title shots are earned and not given, but Ashton Amherst and Stryder accepted the challenge.
Jimmy Nutts defeated Joseph Brooks via submission. Brooks went to hit Nutts with the belt, as he had in their previous match, but referee Timothy Cash grabbed the belt from Brooks, distracting him enough for Nutts to lock in a triangle hold. After the match, Brooks said that Nutts would get his rematch, but Brooks would decide when, where and how. More details will shortly be announced on the RWA Pro Facebook page.
Jay Ice came out for his match against Aftermath, but Piv informed him that Aftermath is injured, and so instead his opponent was G-RaVeR. RaVeR hit a flatliner and went to the top rope for a swanton, but Ice got his knees up to block it, then delivered a sitout powerbomb for the pinfall victory.
"Simply the Best" Ryan Edmonds (with Angel) defended the RWA Pennsylvania Regional title against "Untouchable" Chris LeRusso in a no-disqualification match. While the challenger was incapacitated, Edmonds told Angel she needs to earn her keep, and to get in the ring and choke LeRusso, but she refused. Edmonds berated his downed opponent, but LeRusso responded with a low blow and Near Death Experience. LeRusso went for a finisher off the top, but Edmonds shoved referee Timothy Cash into the ropes, knocking LeRusso off. Ryan followed up with a rolling headbutt, then again turned his attention to Angel on the outside. Angel slid a chair into the ring, and LeRusso grabbed it, but Edmonds dragged his valet into the ring, using her as a human shield. When LeRusso dropped the chair, Edmonds seized the advantage. The champion wrapped the chair around LeRusso's neck and stomped on it, which was enough to pick up the pinfall victory to retain the title.
After the match, Shane Taylor came out to the ring to inflict even more damage to LeRusso, hitting an avalanche splash in the corner, followed up with a World's Strongest Slam. As Taylor left the ring, announcer Michael "Doc" Daugherty asked him for an interview. Doc asked Shane why he was going after Ryan Mitchell, and his friends Chris Taylor and LeRusso, pointing out that Mitchell's friends and family were in the audience. Taylor eyed Mitchell's family and demanded that Ryan's father get into the ring and admit that his son was a coward and that Shane was the better man. Chaos ensued when Taylor scooped up Mr. Madar and hit a World's Strongest Slam. RWA officials and security finally cleared the ring so that Mitchell's father could be taken away in an ambulance.
After the intermission, Dr. Feelbad and Piv set aside their differences to publicly apologize for Shane Taylor's behaviour and announce that they have fired Taylor due to his actions.
In another RWA debut, Bodie Williams faced Chris Taylor. Taylor hit a neckbreaker for the finish, but Feelbad grabbed the referee to break up the pinfall. Taylor still won the match, as a result of a disqualification.
In a 3-on-2 handicap match, Ashton Amherst and Stryder defended the RWA Tag Team Titles against Ryan Reign, Juice Jennings, and Joey Vengeance (with Dr. Feelbad and Alexa). Feelbad's team used a lot of misdirection and double teaming, but their momentum was halted when Vengeance kicked Reign by mistake. The champions capitalized on the miscue, allowing Stryder to hit a spear to retain the titles.
After the match, Ryan Mitchell attacked Vengeance and Jennings and grabbed a microphone. He called out Shane Taylor and challenged him to a match. Taylor continued his reign of carnage by hitting a World's Strongest Slam on Chris Taylor onto the wooden floor outside the ring, followed up by a second one in the ring on Mitchell. Miraculously, Mitchell kicked out at 2, but Taylor picked up the victory after a big splash.
After Feelbad and Piv fianlly regained control, Ryan Mitchell told Feelbad to pull whatever strings he needed to in order to reinstate Shane Taylor, or he'd take his frustration out on Feelbad instead. Feelbad, wanting to prove that he had nothing to do with Shane's attacks, told Mitchell and Chris Taylor that at the next show, they would face Shane Taylor and a partner of his choice in any type of match they wanted.
Due to Kato's absence, Shane Valentine challenged his friend Calvin McGrath for the RWA Heavyweight Title. During the match, Bodie Williams attacked McGrath, causing the match to be thrown out. McGrath and Valentine quickly regrouped, putting Williams down with a double chokeslam and double powerbomb.
On Saturday, December 10, RWA returns to the West Newton Gym for Season's Beatings 3. Matches already signed are: Joseph Brooks vs. Jimmy Nutts for the RWA Cruiserweight Title, and Ryan Mitchell and Chris Taylor vs. Shane Taylor and a mystery partner. |
08 October 2011 - RWA Bloody Harvest 3
by Jason Valasek on Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 2:59am
Jay Ice started the show by calling out RWA commissioner Piv, and asked him to read his contract to prove that he is "untouchable". Piv tried to fire Ice after destroying Christopher Arkadian last month, but Piv perused the contract to find that it did indeed indicate that Jay can't be fired, due to his guaranteed RWA Cruiserweight title shot. Piv said that even though he couldn't fire Jay, he could make his life miserable until he cashes in his title shot. Piv announced that Ice would face a mystery opponent from his past later in the night.
Ashton Amherst defeated "Hot Stuff" Chris Marx with an MK Ultra. After the match, Feelbad continued to berate Amherst for losing the title last month. Ashton went to the back, further evidencing the discord between him and the Feelbad 5. Piv added fuel to the fire by announcing that Ryan Reign would defend the RWA tag team titles, even though no other members of the Feelbad 5 were in attendance.
"Notorious" Shane Taylor defeated "The New Genesis" Christopher Arkadian with a judo front slam.
"Untouchable" Chris LeRusso defeated Scott Prodigy with the Near Death Experience. After the match, LeRusso requested an additional stipulation for his no-DQ match versus Ryan Edmonds next month. He asked for the Feelbad 5 and Troy Davis to be banned from ringside, but if LeRusso loses, he would never get another RWA Pennsylvania Regional title shot against Edmonds.
Jay-Ice is on a roll! |
The First Black President of Professional Wrestling, Lamont "Action" Williams, called out Patrick Hayes for attacking him at his last RWA appearance. Jay Ice came out to ask if Williams was his surprise opponent, and Piv revealed that there would be a three-way match between Ice, Williams, and Aftermath. Ice stalked outside the ring, waiting for one of the others to get the upper hand and then attack from behind. Williams hit Legislation on Aftermath for 2, then Ice attempted a codebreaker on Williams, but he reversed it into an Impeachment. Patrick Hayes's music hit, causing Lamont to run the back to find him. Aftermath hit a curb stomp, but then Ice hit him with brass knuckles while the referee's back was turned to steal the win.
Shane Taylor being a bully in the RWA =( |
"The Steel City Prodigy" defeated "Sensational" Seth Allen. Allen reversed the Steel Curtain into a spike DDT for 2. Mitchell hit a top-rope elbow drop, then reversed a crossface into a Steel Curtain for the win. After the match, Shane Taylor hit Mitchell with a big slam and splash. RWA announcer Michael "Doc" Daugherty got in the ring to ask Ryan his thoughts after being attacked by Taylor twice. Mitchell said Taylor is not in his league, and didn't deserve a match against him.
Joseph Brooks (with Dr. Feelbad and Alexa) defended the RWA Cruiserweight title against Jimmy Nutts. Nutts hit an axe kick for 2, but argued with the referee about the count. When the official's back was turned, Brooks hit Nutts with his Cruiserweight title belt to retain.
Chris Taylor and Shane Taylor fought their way out to the ring, where Shane hit a splash off the second rope. Ryan Mitchell chased Shane away with a chair, while an obviously injured Chris Taylor was helped to the back.
Stryder and Ashton Amherst RWA Tag Team Champions? |
Ryan Reign and Dr. Feelbad (with Troy Davis and Alexa) defended the RWA Tag Team titles against Stryder and his mystery opponent, Ashton Amherst. Stryder hit his rugby ball spear on Reign, but Davis refused to count. Amherst hit the MK Ultra on Davis, and referee Timothy Cash came to the ring to replace him. Stryder and Amherst pull Feelbad into the ring, where Stryder applied the Texas Cloverleaf, causing Feelbad to tap out. As a result, Stryder and Ashton Amherst are the new RWA Tag Team Champions. Incidentally, Stryder is now the first and only RWA Triple Crown Champion.
In the main event, Calvin McGrath defended the RWA Heavyweight Title against Kato. The challenger hit a blatant low blow in full view of the referee, causing a disqualification. As McGrath recovered, Kato told McGrath that the fans don't care about him, and McGrath responded with a low blow of his own. On Saturday, 05 November 2011, RWA presents Open Season 3 in the West Newton Gym. |
09/17/11 - RWA Fall Free For All 3, Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies!
link on article by David Singer below
Look out Erin West! G-Raver is going to eat your brains! | |
09 July 2011 - RWA Resurrection 2
by Jason Valasek on Sunday, July 10, 2011 at 1:51pm
The show began with Oriley Chambers vs. Christopher Arkadian. Chambers came out from under the ring to gain the early advantage, but Arkadian was able to come up with the win after a floatover DDT.
"Mr. Riot, Ruckus and Rock" Joseph Brooks defeating G-Raver |
Because Jesse Skelton was unable to defend his Cruiserweight Title due to an injury, the title was made vacant and a three-way match was held to determine the new champion. "Awesome" Allen Lynch and Oro Miedo were joined by the returning G-RaVeR. Oro Miedo went for a moonsault, but Lynch got his knees up to block it; however, RaVeR was also on the top rope and hit a swanton onto Lynch for the win. RaVeR got on the mic and said that the man he really wanted to beat for the title was Jesse Skelton, and that when Skelton comes back to RWA, RaVeR would put the title up against him. RaVeR's celebration was short-lived, as Dr. Feelbad and Joseph Brooks made their way to the ring, taking advantage of the Cruiserweight Title's 24/7 rules. RaVeR missed a Swanton and Brooks hit a neckbreaker to become the new RWA Cruiserweight Champion, giving the Feelbad Five all of the singles titles in the RWA. Dr. Feelbad vowed that the tag belts would be next on their list.
Patrick Hayes called out Dr. Feelbad and Ashton Amherst to inquire about his status in the Feelbad Five. Shane Valentine and Calvin McGrath came out to interrupt them, and challenged Hayes and Amherst to a match, with the stipulation that whichever team wins, both members of that team would receive a title shot at any RWA title at any time of that man's choosing. In the absence of a commissioner, Future Valentine asked RWA co-owner Tawny Shyrell to approve of the stipulation, which she did, much to Dr. Feelbad's chagrin.
Chris LeRusso faced off against Jay Ice, where the winner would receive a guaranteed shot for either the PA Regional or Cruiserweight title. Ice pulled referee Timothy Cash into the way of a corner splash by LeRusso, but the move backfired as there was no referee to check for a submission after Ice applied a Boston crab in the middle of the ring. He called out another referee, but LeRusso hit a German suplex, and each ref counted a pinfall. As a result of this split decision, both men were declared the winners and each will receive a title shot of their choosing. After the match, Ice offered to shake LeRusso's hand, but LeRusso saw the swerve coming and avoided Ice's attack.
Shane Taylor |
In a match where the winner would receive an RWA contract, the Human Element took on the retuning Jammin' Jay Dee. The match was short, as it was interrupted by Shane Taylor, who destroyed both men and went to sign the contract for himself. Before he could sign, however, another long absence from the RWA was ended when Scott Prodigy made his return and challenged Taylor for the contract, a match which Shane Taylor won.
The Pocket Rockets faced off against the Feelbad Five's Jonathan Burton and Ryan Reign in a non-title match. JT Williams reversed swinging side slam by Burton into a crucifix pinning combination for the win.
Poor "Famous" Troy Davis...=( |
A shot at the RWA Heavyweight Title was on the line, as Ryan Edmonds squared off against Stryder in a non-title match. Before the match, Ryan Edmonds told the fans that the beautiful blonde accompanying him was named Angel, and that none of the fans were allowed to talk to her or look at her. Referee Troy Davis expresses his distaste for Stryder, and created a stipulation that, if Edmonds wins, that Stryder would have to become Davis's "personal bitch". Stryder agreed on the condition that, if he won, he would get to shave Davis's head and get rid of his "stupid Justin Bieber" haircut. Edmonds appeared to have the match in hand after reversing the rugby-ball-spear, but he noticed Feelbad and Angel at ringside, and his jealousy apparently got the best of him. He went outside the ring to separate the two of them, and when he got back in, Stryder rolled him up for the quick pinfall victory. As promised, Troy Davis's head was shaved by Stryder after the match.
In the main event, Calvin McGrath and Shane Valentine (with PIV) defeated Ashton Amherst and Patrick Hayes (with Dr. Feelbad). Amherst hit a superplex, followed up by a Hayes frog splash for a two-count, but then Valentine hit a tiger driver on Hayes, and McGrath hit a swinging face plant for the win.
Next month, RWA returns to the West Newton Gym on Saturday, August 13 for Aggression 3. Stryder will challenge Ashton Amherst for the RWA Heavyweight Title, and the Pocket Rockets defend their Tag Team titles against Jon Burton and Patrick Hayes. Will Feelbad make good on his promise to own all the gold in the RWA? |
Oro Miedo |
Oro Miedo arrives!! The talent pool of RWA has now transcended borders, with its first masked luchador now flying high in the West Newton Gymnasium. ORO MIEDO (Spanish for "golden fear") burst onto the scene, earning himself an official roster spot in a debuts match on June 4. Carrying on the popular lucha libre wrestling style, Oro Miedo will surely aim towards the best competition that can be put in his way. What are his motives? What are his goals to achieve in RWA? Is there more to learn about this masked man? |