SAT. MARCH 15TH 2025
R.W.A. founder, owner, and promoter "Dr. Feelbad" took the house mic to regretfully and officially announce that recently crowned R.W.A. Regional champion "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman due to recent surgery would have to forfeit his title!!! Immediately an entitled "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre stormed out to the ring with his hands out figuring the belt should outright be awarded to him!!! However, Feelbad told Spectre that, despite the R.W.A. Board pressuring him to expedite the matter of crowning a new champ, he personally first wished to see how he and others fare in their upcoming matches!!!
●●● (1) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre defeated "The Blond Blur" Mikey Montgomery, "figure-four leglock" SUBMISSION in 8:24 after having targeted working on his foe's lower body throughout the contest!!!
●●● (2) Super Hentai pinned Damian Chambers in 8:50 with a top-rope splash-press set up by a powerslam!!!
●●● Immediately afterward "Dr. Feelbad" asked Hentai to remain at the ring to face Spectre for the vacant Regional title!!! Feelbad stated that Hentai was highly deserving due to the several occasions recently where he had been cheated out of championships!!! The "Big Boss" would bolt down the rampway and tear into Hentai immediately!!! ●●●
"Big Boss" Glenn Spectre pinned Super Hentai in only 2:08 with a roll-up cradle high on the shoulders with both his feet on the ropes for extra illegal leverage!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest: WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), C.O R. in 10:58 (nonetheless, WarHoss retained their title) when the going got too tough for the defending titleholders who then left the ring area taking their belts with them up the rampway through the exit curtain never to return!!!
●●● (5) "The REVenue" Ron Hunt (with "Notorious" Norm and personal ring announcer Meighan Nelson) pinned "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight in 12:05!!! Nelson would read a long prepared diatribe first denigrating anything and everything R.W.A. and next extolling all of her perceived virtues of the group members who hired her!!! Official Jeff Jefferies' eyeglasses would eventually be knocked from his face causing him to miss Hunt's delivery of a low blow as well as Norm reaching through the ring ropes to add extra illegal leverage to the victory three-count!!!
When once again Hunt would refuse to give any answer to why he had betrayed R.W.A. on the previous live event, "Doc" proceeded to uncharacteristically vent his spleen bigtime on them to eventually be brutally beaten down for his efforts!!!
The "REAL1" (formerly known as Enzo Amore) pinned current R.W.A. "No Limits" titleholder "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 11:04!!! When the going was getting too tough for Emricko, he tried to walk out on the match!!! However, his enemy "Lights Out" Johnny Norris would emerge through the stage curtain and immediately run him back into the ring!!! "REAL1" would soon clock him with a "Eat Da Feet" type manuever to cop the victory cover!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
●●● (7) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris defeated "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador (with Julia Lynn), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:22!!! With Norris about to chokeslam Salvador, Gianni Michael Emricko would interfere and join Dios in a double-team beatdown until Greg T. Knight would come to the rescue!!!
Newly-crowned champion "The Unstoppable Spark" Ava Brooks defeated Layna Lennox and "The Unwilting" Tatiana (Brooks pinned Tatiana following a modified inverted D.D.T.) in 6:41 to retain her title!!!
Jaxon would toy with Kincaid for the first three minutes even allowing him to strike him several times to show that there was nothing he could do to hurt him!!! "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander would rush in at that point allowing Kincaid to retreat out of harm's way halfway up the exit ramp!!! Damian Chambers would next got involved curb stomping, piledriving, and finally nailing Jaxon with a spinning kick for Alexander to cover him for an unofficial three-count and take physical possession of the R.W.A. heavyweight championship belt!!!
Lynn was accompanied by Meighan Nelson carrying the birthday cake!!! Lynn would use the house mic to specifically invite "Lights Out" Johnny Norris to join the festivities!!! Once he had arrived Lynn attempted to employ her feminine wiles and promises of title opportunities to manipulate Norris into joining her band of thugs namely Ron Hunt, Norm, J-Rocc, Dios Salvador, etc.!!! Norris' retort was simply to smash the cake into her face and leave the ring!!!
R.W.A. founder, owner, and promoter "Dr. Feelbad" took the house mic to regretfully and officially announce that recently crowned R.W.A. Regional champion "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman due to recent surgery would have to forfeit his title!!! Immediately an entitled "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre stormed out to the ring with his hands out figuring the belt should outright be awarded to him!!! However, Feelbad told Spectre that, despite the R.W.A. Board pressuring him to expedite the matter of crowning a new champ, he personally first wished to see how he and others fare in their upcoming matches!!!
●●● (1) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre defeated "The Blond Blur" Mikey Montgomery, "figure-four leglock" SUBMISSION in 8:24 after having targeted working on his foe's lower body throughout the contest!!!
●●● (2) Super Hentai pinned Damian Chambers in 8:50 with a top-rope splash-press set up by a powerslam!!!
●●● Immediately afterward "Dr. Feelbad" asked Hentai to remain at the ring to face Spectre for the vacant Regional title!!! Feelbad stated that Hentai was highly deserving due to the several occasions recently where he had been cheated out of championships!!! The "Big Boss" would bolt down the rampway and tear into Hentai immediately!!! ●●●
"Big Boss" Glenn Spectre pinned Super Hentai in only 2:08 with a roll-up cradle high on the shoulders with both his feet on the ropes for extra illegal leverage!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest: WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), C.O R. in 10:58 (nonetheless, WarHoss retained their title) when the going got too tough for the defending titleholders who then left the ring area taking their belts with them up the rampway through the exit curtain never to return!!!
●●● (5) "The REVenue" Ron Hunt (with "Notorious" Norm and personal ring announcer Meighan Nelson) pinned "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight in 12:05!!! Nelson would read a long prepared diatribe first denigrating anything and everything R.W.A. and next extolling all of her perceived virtues of the group members who hired her!!! Official Jeff Jefferies' eyeglasses would eventually be knocked from his face causing him to miss Hunt's delivery of a low blow as well as Norm reaching through the ring ropes to add extra illegal leverage to the victory three-count!!!
When once again Hunt would refuse to give any answer to why he had betrayed R.W.A. on the previous live event, "Doc" proceeded to uncharacteristically vent his spleen bigtime on them to eventually be brutally beaten down for his efforts!!!
The "REAL1" (formerly known as Enzo Amore) pinned current R.W.A. "No Limits" titleholder "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 11:04!!! When the going was getting too tough for Emricko, he tried to walk out on the match!!! However, his enemy "Lights Out" Johnny Norris would emerge through the stage curtain and immediately run him back into the ring!!! "REAL1" would soon clock him with a "Eat Da Feet" type manuever to cop the victory cover!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
●●● (7) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris defeated "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador (with Julia Lynn), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:22!!! With Norris about to chokeslam Salvador, Gianni Michael Emricko would interfere and join Dios in a double-team beatdown until Greg T. Knight would come to the rescue!!!
Newly-crowned champion "The Unstoppable Spark" Ava Brooks defeated Layna Lennox and "The Unwilting" Tatiana (Brooks pinned Tatiana following a modified inverted D.D.T.) in 6:41 to retain her title!!!
Jaxon would toy with Kincaid for the first three minutes even allowing him to strike him several times to show that there was nothing he could do to hurt him!!! "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander would rush in at that point allowing Kincaid to retreat out of harm's way halfway up the exit ramp!!! Damian Chambers would next got involved curb stomping, piledriving, and finally nailing Jaxon with a spinning kick for Alexander to cover him for an unofficial three-count and take physical possession of the R.W.A. heavyweight championship belt!!!
Lynn was accompanied by Meighan Nelson carrying the birthday cake!!! Lynn would use the house mic to specifically invite "Lights Out" Johnny Norris to join the festivities!!! Once he had arrived Lynn attempted to employ her feminine wiles and promises of title opportunities to manipulate Norris into joining her band of thugs namely Ron Hunt, Norm, J-Rocc, Dios Salvador, etc.!!! Norris' retort was simply to smash the cake into her face and leave the ring!!!
RWA- FURY 2025
SAT. FEB. 15TH 2025
●●● (1) NON-TITLE MATCH ●●●
"The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze pinned current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 5:57!!! Gianni's "Champion's Advantage Chosen Stipulation" was that the bout would be "non-title" because his foe's regular tag-team "Blayzin' Saddles" just had three straight shots at tag champs "WarHoss" and still had no gold to show for it!!! Emricko would eventually lose focus when the music of "Lights Out" Johnny Norris hit, and the man whom he had put on the injury shelf for one year had emerged through the stage curtain!!! Blayze would immediately jump on this opportunity via a rear takedown cradle high on the shoulders augmented by a perpendicular backbridge over him to score the stunning upset victory!!!
Gregory had a special announcement which was that he would soon be going on his fifth military deployment overseas and that tonight would be his last R.W.A. event for awhile!!! He next took time to point out in the crowd now retired southwestern Pennsylvania longtime indy wrestling great Crusher Hansen!!! Suddenly, Julia Lynn and three of the four "Team: One Time" thugs emerged through the stage curtain and were beginning to surround the ring, that is until Gregory's "Feelbad Four" teammates stormed out to quickly run them off!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) (now recognized as the top contenders for the R.W.A. tag-team title) defeated the debuting duo of Chug Baughman & Johnny Machismo (Hamilton pinned Machismo following their usual double-team "3-D" finisher) in 6:10!!!
"Big Boss" Glenn Spectre pinned Crusher Hansen in 4:18!!! Spectre had been earlier informed by Jason Gray during a pre-show in-ring interview that his originally scheduled opponent R.W.A. Regional titleholder "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman would be unable to appear due to adverse travel conditions!!! An angry Spectre made his "open challenge" announcement and, with no immediate takers, ventured outside the ring to where Crusher Hansen was seated and proceeded to harass and insult him until his target had taken enough!!! The Crusher immediately tore into his tormentor for a couple of minutes looking every bit as if he still had it despite having been retired for five years!!! However, Spectre would take out one of Hansen's knees via a vicious chopblock and would henceforth target the injured limb!!! Spectre would eventually sidestep a charging Hansen along the ropes and then roll up his rebounding foe pinning him with both feet on the ring ropes for extra illegal leverage!!! Afterward Spectre would shove down both R.W.A. officials and proceed to wrap a chair around Crusher's bad leg and viciously stomp it as a message to his rival Super Hentai!!! Promoter Dr Feelbad later announced Spectre would be fined the sum of his evening's pay and beyond!!!
Slammin' Sammy defeated "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn, DISQUALIFICATION in only 2:02 for shoving down a protesting ref Ross!!!
●●● (5) "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight pinned "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 14:10!!! Knight eventually at the last instant would reverse Beastman's attempt to run him into Kincaid's waiting bone smash from the ring apron!!! Knight would scale a turnbuckle to execute his electrifying leaping "shooting star" clothesline clout and level his staggering foe for the winning cover!!! Afterward the losing West Virginia Wildman would bigtime shove Kincaid to the canvas for his "faux pas"!!!
As promoter Dr. Feelbad was in the ring taking seat reservations for the upcoming March 15th live event featuring former W.W.E. star Enzo Amore, Tony Kincaid approached him begging him to no avail to change the match stips in the later R.W.A. heavyweight title bout!!!
As "Doc" was in the process of getting "The Wise Guys" observations about their current #1 contenders status for the R.W.A. tag belts, champions "WarHoss", Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly, who had attended that evening supposedly just to scout their future challengers, entered the ring to taunt them!!! A brief in-ring battle ensued with WarHoss eventually skulling both 'Wise Guys" with the title straps and then planting each of them one after the other with their double-team "uranage" maneuver to leave them lying prone on the canvas!!!
Either A.J. Alexander wins and becomes the new champion, or else Crash Jaxon afterward will get five minutes against Tony Kincaid!!!
○○○○○ THE TITLE MATCH ○○○○○
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 12:24 to retain his title!!! The match turning point occurred when Kincaid panicked and pulled official Ross by the ankles from the ring with the champion attempting a cover!!! At this point Alexander would apply a "crucifix" on Jaxon to reverse him into his advantageous pinning position with no ref available to toll a potential title-changing three-count!!! Soon after Jaxon would run diagonally three consecutive times across the ring to crush Alexander with 301-pound backed corner turnbuckle squashes and immediately clock his staggering foe with a bigtime clothesline clout to next score the title-retaining pin!!!
○○○○○ AFTERWARD ○○○○○
Tony Kincaid would plead for a reprieve from facing Jaxon for five minutes, so Dr. Feelbad (not out of mercy but to make him have to think about it day and night sweating and praying for four long weeks) delayed the inevitable five-minutes until the next R.W.A. live event on March 15th with the threat of losing his R.W.A. commentating position with non-compliance!!!
In retrospect what occurred here should have been a "red flag" for what would happen later in the evening's main-event!!! These two had been going at each other for quite a while about threatening to reveal the other's dreaded secret, and nothing would ever be made public!!! Norm would finally reveal this evening some non-salacious, inconsequential yarn about Julia Lynn attempting to procure a license to promote wrestling in Pennsylvania and his own efforts to squash it!!! After finishing Norm laid his mic on the canvas near her and stepped back to allow her to reveal his "dreaded" secret, only for Lynn to also put down her mic and storm off in a huff!!!
●●● (7) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The Sexy Talented Dude" Corey Futuristic in only 1:54 following an extended vertical-suplex, a horizontal sideslam, and a chokeslam!!! His hated rival Gianni Michael Emricko attempted a postbout attack, but he was soon ran off with no damage done!!!
●●● ( THE R.W.A. 4-ON-4 WAR was won by "Team: One Time" (J-Rocc pinned McChesney) in 14:29!!!
□□□□□ "TEAM: ONE TIME" □□□□□
▪︎▪︎▪︎ J-Rocc, Daddy
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador
▪︎▪︎▪︎ Sebastian "Master Of The Canvas"
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The Most Successful Man In Wrestling Today" Carson Drake (current N.W.A. world's television champion)
▪︎▪︎▪︎ (led by Julia Lynn)
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ VERSUS ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
□□□□ "TEAM: FEELBAD FOUR" □□□□
▪︎▪︎▪︎ Super Hentai
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "Big League" John McChesney
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
▪︎▪︎▪︎ (led by Notorious Norm)
The eight participants would battle unofficially at ringside for several minutes before an opening bell would be rung during which time "Rev" Hunt would be "injured" and have to be helped hobbling to the back by security and the attending physician!!! The bout would continue to the point where the main focus was on J-Rocc against McChesney with the other principals battling off somewhere else out of the spotlight!!! The first betrayal would come when Norm confiscated the spray can from Lynn and proceeded to immediately turn and blind McChesney with the contents!!! Their victim would continue battling and surviving despite greatly impaired vision!!! Suddenly, the "injured" "Rev" Hunt would gimp down the rampway toward the ring despite the attempted restraint of Dr. Feelbad and mount the apron acting anxious to tag in to the match!!! However, as soon as McChesney neared him in an attempt to tag, Hunt jumped from the apron to the floor and performed a few "jumping jacks" with a smirk on his face proving he had not be injured all along!!! Soon J-Rocc would boot McChesney head-on in the groin and pin him for the deciding three-count!!!
"The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze pinned current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 5:57!!! Gianni's "Champion's Advantage Chosen Stipulation" was that the bout would be "non-title" because his foe's regular tag-team "Blayzin' Saddles" just had three straight shots at tag champs "WarHoss" and still had no gold to show for it!!! Emricko would eventually lose focus when the music of "Lights Out" Johnny Norris hit, and the man whom he had put on the injury shelf for one year had emerged through the stage curtain!!! Blayze would immediately jump on this opportunity via a rear takedown cradle high on the shoulders augmented by a perpendicular backbridge over him to score the stunning upset victory!!!
Gregory had a special announcement which was that he would soon be going on his fifth military deployment overseas and that tonight would be his last R.W.A. event for awhile!!! He next took time to point out in the crowd now retired southwestern Pennsylvania longtime indy wrestling great Crusher Hansen!!! Suddenly, Julia Lynn and three of the four "Team: One Time" thugs emerged through the stage curtain and were beginning to surround the ring, that is until Gregory's "Feelbad Four" teammates stormed out to quickly run them off!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) (now recognized as the top contenders for the R.W.A. tag-team title) defeated the debuting duo of Chug Baughman & Johnny Machismo (Hamilton pinned Machismo following their usual double-team "3-D" finisher) in 6:10!!!
"Big Boss" Glenn Spectre pinned Crusher Hansen in 4:18!!! Spectre had been earlier informed by Jason Gray during a pre-show in-ring interview that his originally scheduled opponent R.W.A. Regional titleholder "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman would be unable to appear due to adverse travel conditions!!! An angry Spectre made his "open challenge" announcement and, with no immediate takers, ventured outside the ring to where Crusher Hansen was seated and proceeded to harass and insult him until his target had taken enough!!! The Crusher immediately tore into his tormentor for a couple of minutes looking every bit as if he still had it despite having been retired for five years!!! However, Spectre would take out one of Hansen's knees via a vicious chopblock and would henceforth target the injured limb!!! Spectre would eventually sidestep a charging Hansen along the ropes and then roll up his rebounding foe pinning him with both feet on the ring ropes for extra illegal leverage!!! Afterward Spectre would shove down both R.W.A. officials and proceed to wrap a chair around Crusher's bad leg and viciously stomp it as a message to his rival Super Hentai!!! Promoter Dr Feelbad later announced Spectre would be fined the sum of his evening's pay and beyond!!!
Slammin' Sammy defeated "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn, DISQUALIFICATION in only 2:02 for shoving down a protesting ref Ross!!!
●●● (5) "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight pinned "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 14:10!!! Knight eventually at the last instant would reverse Beastman's attempt to run him into Kincaid's waiting bone smash from the ring apron!!! Knight would scale a turnbuckle to execute his electrifying leaping "shooting star" clothesline clout and level his staggering foe for the winning cover!!! Afterward the losing West Virginia Wildman would bigtime shove Kincaid to the canvas for his "faux pas"!!!
As promoter Dr. Feelbad was in the ring taking seat reservations for the upcoming March 15th live event featuring former W.W.E. star Enzo Amore, Tony Kincaid approached him begging him to no avail to change the match stips in the later R.W.A. heavyweight title bout!!!
As "Doc" was in the process of getting "The Wise Guys" observations about their current #1 contenders status for the R.W.A. tag belts, champions "WarHoss", Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly, who had attended that evening supposedly just to scout their future challengers, entered the ring to taunt them!!! A brief in-ring battle ensued with WarHoss eventually skulling both 'Wise Guys" with the title straps and then planting each of them one after the other with their double-team "uranage" maneuver to leave them lying prone on the canvas!!!
Either A.J. Alexander wins and becomes the new champion, or else Crash Jaxon afterward will get five minutes against Tony Kincaid!!!
○○○○○ THE TITLE MATCH ○○○○○
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 12:24 to retain his title!!! The match turning point occurred when Kincaid panicked and pulled official Ross by the ankles from the ring with the champion attempting a cover!!! At this point Alexander would apply a "crucifix" on Jaxon to reverse him into his advantageous pinning position with no ref available to toll a potential title-changing three-count!!! Soon after Jaxon would run diagonally three consecutive times across the ring to crush Alexander with 301-pound backed corner turnbuckle squashes and immediately clock his staggering foe with a bigtime clothesline clout to next score the title-retaining pin!!!
○○○○○ AFTERWARD ○○○○○
Tony Kincaid would plead for a reprieve from facing Jaxon for five minutes, so Dr. Feelbad (not out of mercy but to make him have to think about it day and night sweating and praying for four long weeks) delayed the inevitable five-minutes until the next R.W.A. live event on March 15th with the threat of losing his R.W.A. commentating position with non-compliance!!!
In retrospect what occurred here should have been a "red flag" for what would happen later in the evening's main-event!!! These two had been going at each other for quite a while about threatening to reveal the other's dreaded secret, and nothing would ever be made public!!! Norm would finally reveal this evening some non-salacious, inconsequential yarn about Julia Lynn attempting to procure a license to promote wrestling in Pennsylvania and his own efforts to squash it!!! After finishing Norm laid his mic on the canvas near her and stepped back to allow her to reveal his "dreaded" secret, only for Lynn to also put down her mic and storm off in a huff!!!
●●● (7) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The Sexy Talented Dude" Corey Futuristic in only 1:54 following an extended vertical-suplex, a horizontal sideslam, and a chokeslam!!! His hated rival Gianni Michael Emricko attempted a postbout attack, but he was soon ran off with no damage done!!!
●●● ( THE R.W.A. 4-ON-4 WAR was won by "Team: One Time" (J-Rocc pinned McChesney) in 14:29!!!
□□□□□ "TEAM: ONE TIME" □□□□□
▪︎▪︎▪︎ J-Rocc, Daddy
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador
▪︎▪︎▪︎ Sebastian "Master Of The Canvas"
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The Most Successful Man In Wrestling Today" Carson Drake (current N.W.A. world's television champion)
▪︎▪︎▪︎ (led by Julia Lynn)
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ VERSUS ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
□□□□ "TEAM: FEELBAD FOUR" □□□□
▪︎▪︎▪︎ Super Hentai
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "Big League" John McChesney
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
▪︎▪︎▪︎ "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
▪︎▪︎▪︎ (led by Notorious Norm)
The eight participants would battle unofficially at ringside for several minutes before an opening bell would be rung during which time "Rev" Hunt would be "injured" and have to be helped hobbling to the back by security and the attending physician!!! The bout would continue to the point where the main focus was on J-Rocc against McChesney with the other principals battling off somewhere else out of the spotlight!!! The first betrayal would come when Norm confiscated the spray can from Lynn and proceeded to immediately turn and blind McChesney with the contents!!! Their victim would continue battling and surviving despite greatly impaired vision!!! Suddenly, the "injured" "Rev" Hunt would gimp down the rampway toward the ring despite the attempted restraint of Dr. Feelbad and mount the apron acting anxious to tag in to the match!!! However, as soon as McChesney neared him in an attempt to tag, Hunt jumped from the apron to the floor and performed a few "jumping jacks" with a smirk on his face proving he had not be injured all along!!! Soon J-Rocc would boot McChesney head-on in the groin and pin him for the deciding three-count!!!
SAT. JAN. 18TH 2025
The returning "Big League" John McChesney pinned "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador in 8:28 with a "Northern Lights Suplex" and backbridge set up by a "T.K.O." maneuver!!!
●●● (2) WOMEN'S MATCH ●●●
"Loca" Pegasa (with "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly) pinned "The Beautiful Bad Ass" Laylah James in 4:46!!! Eventually as James was scaling a turnbuckle, she was discreetly pushed down to the canvas by Helmsly, leading directly into Pegasa's modified "flatliner" takedown and the winning three-count!!!
"Quick Draw" Shelby Wylder pinned "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly in 5:26!!! Immediately following the women's bout, Helmsly commandeered a house mic to vehemently complain about not being scheduled for in-ring competition on this 16th Anniversary card!!! Wylder finally interrupted the rant to make his challenge, and owner Dr. Feelbad could be seen nodding his approval from a distance!!! Wylder eventually in a wink of an eye countered Helmsly's attempted set-up of his usual "pedigree" style face-first piledriver finisher via a double-leg takedown into a jackknife rollover-cradle pin!!!
The interview would soon morph into a triple-team beatdown on Jaxon administered by the trio of The Beastman, A.J. Alexander, and Tony Kincaid necessitating a rescue armed with ringside chairs by Super Hentai, Greg T. Knight, and "The Rev" Ron Hunt!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Hamilton pinned Couture)!!! The R.W.A. fans were overwhelmingly behind "The Wise Guys" during this battle between usually hated duos!!! Eventually Hamilton managed to escape Klein's rear grasp at the last instant resulting in Couture's charging kneestrike inadvertently instead blasting his partner from the ring!!! Left at a one-on-two disadvantage, Couture was then the recipient of his foe's finishing "3-D" double-team maneuver to next be covered for the three-count!!!
Champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko vs. challenger "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory!!! Gianni refused to divulge his "Champion's Advantage Chosen Stipulation" before the event!!! He said R.W.A. refused his initial choice for the stip, so he will eventually reveal it during the contest when he is ready!!!
○○○○○ PART ONE ○○○○○
Dennis Gregory pinned champion Gianni Michael Emricko after 6:10 and was announced as the new "No Limits" titleholder!!! With Gianni down on all fours, Gregory leaped high to crush his foe via a seated senton into the canvas to be pinned!!! Gianni quickly procured a house mic to announce that his chosen stip was his access to a "mulligan" (a golf term for a "re-do") to be used by him if desired, so what had just happened was more or less expunged from memory and the bout was re-started!!!
○○○○○ PART TWO ○○○○○
Gianni Michael Emricko pinned Dennis Gregory after only 1:06 to retain his title!!! Gregory would soon be hurled through the ring ropes for a bad landing on the hardwood floor!!! He would reenter the ring very obviously not 100% to moments later rebound into Gianni's scoop flying powerslam press for the title-retaining three-count!!!
○○○○○ POST-BOUT ○○○○○
Emricko would be in the process of gloating that there was no one left to challenge him for his belt, when the house lights went out momentarily!!! Once lighting was restored, standing right behind G.M.E. was the man whom he had earlier put out of action for months on end, "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, who proceeded to chokeslam him in center ring!!! As Emricko rolled out to the floor writhing in pain, Norris partly agreed that there was no one left - no one left but him!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
"The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight pinned "The Rare Breed" Dakota Orion in 8:58 after leveling his foe via a spectacular top-rope leaping "shooting star" clothesline clout!!!
●●● (7) THE 5-MAN STEEL GAUNTLET FOR THE R.W.A. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP was won by "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman in 20:17!!!
***** Two contenders start the event!!!
***** A new athlete will enter either following an elimination, or every three minutes!!!
***** Elimination by pinfall, submission, or over-the-top-rope!!!
#1: "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre (eliminated 1st at 11:10 - over the top rope)
#2: "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt (eliminated 3rd at 15:29 - over the top rope)
#3 - "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) (last to be eliminated at 20:17 by Shadoman after well over a dozen rolling reversals of a "small-package" cradle)
#4: Super Hentai (eliminated 2nd at 11:35 - over the top rope)
#5: "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman (eventual winner at 20:17 pinning A.J. Alexander)
Champions "The Best In The Midwest" - "WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blayzin' Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) for the third consecutive R.W.A. live event (Kelly pinned Blayze) to retain their title!!! "WarHoss" would swing Blayze from the canvas in front of them via his legs over the top for a behind them facedown pancake landing to be pinned!!!
●●● R.W.A. owner Dr. Feelbad introduced his "Feelbad Four" team inside the ring for the February 15th match-up with "Team J-Rocc"!!! The stakes are believed to be J-Rocc taking over R.W.A. via a victory, and R.W.A. ridding itself of J-Rocc for an indefinite period of time with a win!!! Stay tuned to R.W.A. social media for the exact official stipulations in the coming weeks!!!
Super Hentai, "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory, "Big League" John McChesney, "The Rev" Ron Hunt with "Notorious Norm" in an advisory position
Julia Lynn would appear at the top of the rampway as a spokesperson for "Team J-Rocc", but she would reveal nothing about any team members, only that she would finally reveal Notorious Norm's dreaded secret if he would dare to get involved!!! ●●●
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid), TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS to retain his title!!!
○○○ 1st fall: Beastman pinned Jaxon in 2:29 whlle Kincaid was reaching through the ropes to hold down one of the champion's legs for extra illegal leverage!!! Kincaid would then choose a "First Blood Match" for the next fall!!!
○○○ 2nd fall: Jaxon over Beastman, FIRST TO BLEED in 2:10!!! Jaxon utilized Beastman's giant bone to pound a chair the West Virginia Wildman was wielding right back into his skull to split him wide open!!! Crash then elected for a "Tables Match" in the rubber fall!!!
○○○ 3rd fall: Jaxon over Beastman, FIRST TO DRIVE HIS FOE THROUGH A TABLE after about fifteen minutes to retain his title!!! The interfering A.J. Alexander's thrust-superkick would inadvertently nail Beastman who then stumbled back against a table standing upright against a turnbuckle where a charging Jaxon would spear him through it for the title-retaining duke!!!
○○○○○ THE AFTERMATH ○○○○○
Jaxon made Alexander a proposition - a shot to win his R.W.A. title on February 15th with a victory in exchange for him getting five minutes with Tony Kincaid via a title retention!!! Despite the vehement protests of his presenter Kincaid, A.J. agreed to the deal!!!
The returning "Big League" John McChesney pinned "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador in 8:28 with a "Northern Lights Suplex" and backbridge set up by a "T.K.O." maneuver!!!
●●● (2) WOMEN'S MATCH ●●●
"Loca" Pegasa (with "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly) pinned "The Beautiful Bad Ass" Laylah James in 4:46!!! Eventually as James was scaling a turnbuckle, she was discreetly pushed down to the canvas by Helmsly, leading directly into Pegasa's modified "flatliner" takedown and the winning three-count!!!
"Quick Draw" Shelby Wylder pinned "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly in 5:26!!! Immediately following the women's bout, Helmsly commandeered a house mic to vehemently complain about not being scheduled for in-ring competition on this 16th Anniversary card!!! Wylder finally interrupted the rant to make his challenge, and owner Dr. Feelbad could be seen nodding his approval from a distance!!! Wylder eventually in a wink of an eye countered Helmsly's attempted set-up of his usual "pedigree" style face-first piledriver finisher via a double-leg takedown into a jackknife rollover-cradle pin!!!
The interview would soon morph into a triple-team beatdown on Jaxon administered by the trio of The Beastman, A.J. Alexander, and Tony Kincaid necessitating a rescue armed with ringside chairs by Super Hentai, Greg T. Knight, and "The Rev" Ron Hunt!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Hamilton pinned Couture)!!! The R.W.A. fans were overwhelmingly behind "The Wise Guys" during this battle between usually hated duos!!! Eventually Hamilton managed to escape Klein's rear grasp at the last instant resulting in Couture's charging kneestrike inadvertently instead blasting his partner from the ring!!! Left at a one-on-two disadvantage, Couture was then the recipient of his foe's finishing "3-D" double-team maneuver to next be covered for the three-count!!!
Champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko vs. challenger "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory!!! Gianni refused to divulge his "Champion's Advantage Chosen Stipulation" before the event!!! He said R.W.A. refused his initial choice for the stip, so he will eventually reveal it during the contest when he is ready!!!
○○○○○ PART ONE ○○○○○
Dennis Gregory pinned champion Gianni Michael Emricko after 6:10 and was announced as the new "No Limits" titleholder!!! With Gianni down on all fours, Gregory leaped high to crush his foe via a seated senton into the canvas to be pinned!!! Gianni quickly procured a house mic to announce that his chosen stip was his access to a "mulligan" (a golf term for a "re-do") to be used by him if desired, so what had just happened was more or less expunged from memory and the bout was re-started!!!
○○○○○ PART TWO ○○○○○
Gianni Michael Emricko pinned Dennis Gregory after only 1:06 to retain his title!!! Gregory would soon be hurled through the ring ropes for a bad landing on the hardwood floor!!! He would reenter the ring very obviously not 100% to moments later rebound into Gianni's scoop flying powerslam press for the title-retaining three-count!!!
○○○○○ POST-BOUT ○○○○○
Emricko would be in the process of gloating that there was no one left to challenge him for his belt, when the house lights went out momentarily!!! Once lighting was restored, standing right behind G.M.E. was the man whom he had earlier put out of action for months on end, "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, who proceeded to chokeslam him in center ring!!! As Emricko rolled out to the floor writhing in pain, Norris partly agreed that there was no one left - no one left but him!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
"The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight pinned "The Rare Breed" Dakota Orion in 8:58 after leveling his foe via a spectacular top-rope leaping "shooting star" clothesline clout!!!
●●● (7) THE 5-MAN STEEL GAUNTLET FOR THE R.W.A. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP was won by "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman in 20:17!!!
***** Two contenders start the event!!!
***** A new athlete will enter either following an elimination, or every three minutes!!!
***** Elimination by pinfall, submission, or over-the-top-rope!!!
#1: "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre (eliminated 1st at 11:10 - over the top rope)
#2: "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt (eliminated 3rd at 15:29 - over the top rope)
#3 - "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) (last to be eliminated at 20:17 by Shadoman after well over a dozen rolling reversals of a "small-package" cradle)
#4: Super Hentai (eliminated 2nd at 11:35 - over the top rope)
#5: "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman (eventual winner at 20:17 pinning A.J. Alexander)
Champions "The Best In The Midwest" - "WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blayzin' Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) for the third consecutive R.W.A. live event (Kelly pinned Blayze) to retain their title!!! "WarHoss" would swing Blayze from the canvas in front of them via his legs over the top for a behind them facedown pancake landing to be pinned!!!
●●● R.W.A. owner Dr. Feelbad introduced his "Feelbad Four" team inside the ring for the February 15th match-up with "Team J-Rocc"!!! The stakes are believed to be J-Rocc taking over R.W.A. via a victory, and R.W.A. ridding itself of J-Rocc for an indefinite period of time with a win!!! Stay tuned to R.W.A. social media for the exact official stipulations in the coming weeks!!!
Super Hentai, "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory, "Big League" John McChesney, "The Rev" Ron Hunt with "Notorious Norm" in an advisory position
Julia Lynn would appear at the top of the rampway as a spokesperson for "Team J-Rocc", but she would reveal nothing about any team members, only that she would finally reveal Notorious Norm's dreaded secret if he would dare to get involved!!! ●●●
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid), TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS to retain his title!!!
○○○ 1st fall: Beastman pinned Jaxon in 2:29 whlle Kincaid was reaching through the ropes to hold down one of the champion's legs for extra illegal leverage!!! Kincaid would then choose a "First Blood Match" for the next fall!!!
○○○ 2nd fall: Jaxon over Beastman, FIRST TO BLEED in 2:10!!! Jaxon utilized Beastman's giant bone to pound a chair the West Virginia Wildman was wielding right back into his skull to split him wide open!!! Crash then elected for a "Tables Match" in the rubber fall!!!
○○○ 3rd fall: Jaxon over Beastman, FIRST TO DRIVE HIS FOE THROUGH A TABLE after about fifteen minutes to retain his title!!! The interfering A.J. Alexander's thrust-superkick would inadvertently nail Beastman who then stumbled back against a table standing upright against a turnbuckle where a charging Jaxon would spear him through it for the title-retaining duke!!!
○○○○○ THE AFTERMATH ○○○○○
Jaxon made Alexander a proposition - a shot to win his R.W.A. title on February 15th with a victory in exchange for him getting five minutes with Tony Kincaid via a title retention!!! Despite the vehement protests of his presenter Kincaid, A.J. agreed to the deal!!!
SAT DEC. 14TH 2024
●●● (1) "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (with Tony Kincaid) pinned "The Iwa Of Ojiji" Shadoman in 10:03 to gain the "Lottery Ticket"!!! Shadoman appeared almost certain enroute to victory after delivering a hair-raising top-rope leaping piledriver from atop a turnbuckle!!! However, Kincaid would mount the ring apron causing official Ross to abort his pin count!!! Shadoman would sock Kincaid down to the gym floor, but he was then distracted by "King Of Men" Devin Devine strolling down the rampway!!! By the time Shadoman had turned back around toward Alexander, his opponent had already recovered enough to maneuver him in a wink of an eye into a reverse double-leg cradle and backbridge to steal the winning three-count!!!
●●● (2) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre vs. "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt, 15:00 TIME-LIMIT DRAW!!! Afterward it would take the efforts of all three assigned R.W.A. officials to separate the brawling pair!!! Dr. Feelbad would announce that, even though neither man managed to win, neither man was defeated either, so each was awarded a "Lottery Ticket" with the stipulation that they had to start versus each other in the "Steel Gauntlet" on January 18th!!!
Shazza McKenzie & The Renegade Rider & "The Savage Gentleman" Victor Benjamin, S.G.V.B. defeated "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn & J-Rocc, Daddy & current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (Three person pile-on pin of J-Rocc) in 11:12!!! In this bout, the men could only compete in the ring against the other men, and the women only versus each other!!! J-Rocc at the start announced that the originally scheduled Julia Lynn was safe and tucked in at home and, since Feelbad had added Benjamin as Super Hentai's replacement, he could add the dangerous 6'1" tall Synn to his trio!!! The big turning point occurred as J-Rocc inadvertently elbow-dropped his partner Synn when his intended target Shazza moved at the last instant, and immediately after Synn's running kneestrike would inadvertently clock J-Rocc when McKenzie escaped his rear grasp just prior to the intended impact!!! Synn and Daddy then got into a heated argument ending with J-Rocc shoving her hard into a collision with ref Ross kayoing him for the remainder of the bout!!! Synn proceeded to walk out on her partners, and then Benjamin embarked on a lightning-like whirlwind of martial arts moves sending Emricko down and out onto the floor at the same time knocking J-Rocc loopy!!! At a one-on-three disadvantage J-Rocc was bounced like a pinball from Benjamin's hard blow to Shazza's "stunner" maneuver, to finally Rider's thrust-superkick for the pile-on victory cover happily tolled by Dr. Feelbad!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blayzin' Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) (Blayze was pinned following their usual "double-team uranage" finisher) in 10:01 to retain their title!!! Despite a nearly 300 pound combined weight disadvantage, "Saddles" was even more impressive and came even closer to capturing the title than on the previous meeting!!! As a result, later in the evening, Dr. Feelbad announced the two teams will meet for the third consecutive live event at the January 18th "Anniversary Event"!!!
●●● (5) "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight (formerly known as "Project X") pinned "Quick Draw" Shelby Wylder in 9:13 following a spinning facedown pancake slam originating out of a lower back fireman's carry!!!
●●● (6) WOMEN'S MATCH ●●●
"Loca" Pegasa pinned Ava Brooks in 5:16 after planting her foe via a "downward spiral" maneuver!!! Beforehand Brooks' obsessed enemy "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly was spotted going into hiding beneath the ring, but the masked Mexican beauty to her credit was able to earn the duke all on her own without his help!!!
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (with Tony Kincaid), DISQUALIFICATION in 15:27 to retain his title!!! Beastman continually defied Ref Karen's orders to let Crash out of a corner dropping around six 400+ pound "seated senton" landings onto his prone adversary!!! Dr. Feelbad soon after would announce a return go between the two at the "16th Anniversary Event" on January 18th!!!
●●● Director "King Of Men" Devin Devine with the authorization of his charge "Colossal" Mike Law extended a "peace offering" to "Shadoman" with an offer to join their faction as well as a gift of a birthday cake!!! But before he could get a knife and/or a spatula to present a slice to him, "Shadoman" would shove the whole thing into Devine's face to the delight of the huge turnout!!! Immediately following the conclusion of the night's live event, it was decided by the R.W.A. powers that be that Shadoman would be awarded the fifth and final "Lottery Ticket" for the R.W.A. Regional Title "Steel Gauntlet" on January 18th!!! ●●●
●●● J-Rocc on the rampway and Dr. Feelbad in the ring bickered back and forth on the house mics!!! J-Rocc announced that he would not be appearing on the January R.W.A. event due to another commitment!!! So for the February R.W.A. card J-Rocc proposed that Feelbad choose a four-man team to face his four-man team and, if J-Rocc's team loses, he promises to leave R.W.A.!!! ●●●
Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
Mickey Gambino
"The Ronin" Stevie LeBell
"Uncle" Paul Atlas
(with valet Emmy D)
(introduced by their guest ring announcer "Hardcore" Dan Hooven)
(win, lose, or draw - tonight they were going to war one final time)
□□□□□ DEFEATED □□□□□
"The Made Man" Gino DeCapo
"Brutal" Tommy Hamilton
"The Sure Bet" Asher Knox
"No Shame" Jimmy Shane
Mickey Gambino pinned Hamilton in 19:31!!!
●●● For a good period of time things looked bleak for the Gambinos after Hamilton had hurled LeBell so hard through the ropes crashing the cage door open for a brutal tumble down the ring steps to the hardwood floor!!! After Stevie had recovered enough to attempt a return inside the cage, either the door would be held shut by his foes or one of them would come out to beat him down once more!!! In the meantime, during their four-on-three advantage, the Wise Guys maintained complete control!!! Hamilton would leave the cage to bring in weapons including steel chairs, a table, and a bag of thumb tacks!!! The tide of the match turned when LeBell scaled to the very top of the cage from the outside and leaped from that altitude with a spectacular flying cross-bodyblock bowling over all four of his opponents simultaneously!!! Eventually the continuing battle dwindled down to two-on-two with Marshall & Mickey against DeCapo and Hamilton with the others (two from each team) either kayoed or temporarily incapacitated!!! Soon Mickey would be battling with DeCapo at the top of a ringpost and would ram his skull into the cage resulting in his falling down through a table laced with thumb tacks and be put out of action!!! Moments later Marshall would hold Hamilton captive over a knee for Mickey's top-rope leaping smash with a steel chair and the match concluding three-count!!! Afterward after words of gratitude from Dr. Feelbad for how years ago the arrival of the Gambinos in R.W.A. had helped turn around a struggling promotion, members of the feuding families embraced and shook hands in mutual respect!!!
●●● (2) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre vs. "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt, 15:00 TIME-LIMIT DRAW!!! Afterward it would take the efforts of all three assigned R.W.A. officials to separate the brawling pair!!! Dr. Feelbad would announce that, even though neither man managed to win, neither man was defeated either, so each was awarded a "Lottery Ticket" with the stipulation that they had to start versus each other in the "Steel Gauntlet" on January 18th!!!
Shazza McKenzie & The Renegade Rider & "The Savage Gentleman" Victor Benjamin, S.G.V.B. defeated "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn & J-Rocc, Daddy & current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (Three person pile-on pin of J-Rocc) in 11:12!!! In this bout, the men could only compete in the ring against the other men, and the women only versus each other!!! J-Rocc at the start announced that the originally scheduled Julia Lynn was safe and tucked in at home and, since Feelbad had added Benjamin as Super Hentai's replacement, he could add the dangerous 6'1" tall Synn to his trio!!! The big turning point occurred as J-Rocc inadvertently elbow-dropped his partner Synn when his intended target Shazza moved at the last instant, and immediately after Synn's running kneestrike would inadvertently clock J-Rocc when McKenzie escaped his rear grasp just prior to the intended impact!!! Synn and Daddy then got into a heated argument ending with J-Rocc shoving her hard into a collision with ref Ross kayoing him for the remainder of the bout!!! Synn proceeded to walk out on her partners, and then Benjamin embarked on a lightning-like whirlwind of martial arts moves sending Emricko down and out onto the floor at the same time knocking J-Rocc loopy!!! At a one-on-three disadvantage J-Rocc was bounced like a pinball from Benjamin's hard blow to Shazza's "stunner" maneuver, to finally Rider's thrust-superkick for the pile-on victory cover happily tolled by Dr. Feelbad!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blayzin' Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) (Blayze was pinned following their usual "double-team uranage" finisher) in 10:01 to retain their title!!! Despite a nearly 300 pound combined weight disadvantage, "Saddles" was even more impressive and came even closer to capturing the title than on the previous meeting!!! As a result, later in the evening, Dr. Feelbad announced the two teams will meet for the third consecutive live event at the January 18th "Anniversary Event"!!!
●●● (5) "The Wrestling Artist" Greg T. Knight (formerly known as "Project X") pinned "Quick Draw" Shelby Wylder in 9:13 following a spinning facedown pancake slam originating out of a lower back fireman's carry!!!
●●● (6) WOMEN'S MATCH ●●●
"Loca" Pegasa pinned Ava Brooks in 5:16 after planting her foe via a "downward spiral" maneuver!!! Beforehand Brooks' obsessed enemy "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly was spotted going into hiding beneath the ring, but the masked Mexican beauty to her credit was able to earn the duke all on her own without his help!!!
Champion "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (with Tony Kincaid), DISQUALIFICATION in 15:27 to retain his title!!! Beastman continually defied Ref Karen's orders to let Crash out of a corner dropping around six 400+ pound "seated senton" landings onto his prone adversary!!! Dr. Feelbad soon after would announce a return go between the two at the "16th Anniversary Event" on January 18th!!!
●●● Director "King Of Men" Devin Devine with the authorization of his charge "Colossal" Mike Law extended a "peace offering" to "Shadoman" with an offer to join their faction as well as a gift of a birthday cake!!! But before he could get a knife and/or a spatula to present a slice to him, "Shadoman" would shove the whole thing into Devine's face to the delight of the huge turnout!!! Immediately following the conclusion of the night's live event, it was decided by the R.W.A. powers that be that Shadoman would be awarded the fifth and final "Lottery Ticket" for the R.W.A. Regional Title "Steel Gauntlet" on January 18th!!! ●●●
●●● J-Rocc on the rampway and Dr. Feelbad in the ring bickered back and forth on the house mics!!! J-Rocc announced that he would not be appearing on the January R.W.A. event due to another commitment!!! So for the February R.W.A. card J-Rocc proposed that Feelbad choose a four-man team to face his four-man team and, if J-Rocc's team loses, he promises to leave R.W.A.!!! ●●●
Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
Mickey Gambino
"The Ronin" Stevie LeBell
"Uncle" Paul Atlas
(with valet Emmy D)
(introduced by their guest ring announcer "Hardcore" Dan Hooven)
(win, lose, or draw - tonight they were going to war one final time)
□□□□□ DEFEATED □□□□□
"The Made Man" Gino DeCapo
"Brutal" Tommy Hamilton
"The Sure Bet" Asher Knox
"No Shame" Jimmy Shane
Mickey Gambino pinned Hamilton in 19:31!!!
●●● For a good period of time things looked bleak for the Gambinos after Hamilton had hurled LeBell so hard through the ropes crashing the cage door open for a brutal tumble down the ring steps to the hardwood floor!!! After Stevie had recovered enough to attempt a return inside the cage, either the door would be held shut by his foes or one of them would come out to beat him down once more!!! In the meantime, during their four-on-three advantage, the Wise Guys maintained complete control!!! Hamilton would leave the cage to bring in weapons including steel chairs, a table, and a bag of thumb tacks!!! The tide of the match turned when LeBell scaled to the very top of the cage from the outside and leaped from that altitude with a spectacular flying cross-bodyblock bowling over all four of his opponents simultaneously!!! Eventually the continuing battle dwindled down to two-on-two with Marshall & Mickey against DeCapo and Hamilton with the others (two from each team) either kayoed or temporarily incapacitated!!! Soon Mickey would be battling with DeCapo at the top of a ringpost and would ram his skull into the cage resulting in his falling down through a table laced with thumb tacks and be put out of action!!! Moments later Marshall would hold Hamilton captive over a knee for Mickey's top-rope leaping smash with a steel chair and the match concluding three-count!!! Afterward after words of gratitude from Dr. Feelbad for how years ago the arrival of the Gambinos in R.W.A. had helped turn around a struggling promotion, members of the feuding families embraced and shook hands in mutual respect!!!
SAT. NOV. 16TH 2024
●●● (1A) WOMEN'S MATCH ●●●
Ava Brooks vs. "Loca" Pegasa, NO CONTEST in only 2:53 after "Classic" Chris Helmsly had out of nowhere rushed into the ring to attack Brooks immediately prompting "The Shadoman" Elijah to come to her rescue!!!
Ava Brooks & "The Iwa Of Ojiji" - "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated "Loca" Pegasa & "Classic" Chris Helmsly (Shadoman pinned Helmsly with Brooks piling atop him following a pair of diagonal runs across the ring to crush the victim with "corner cannonballs") in 5:20!!!
●●● (2A) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre defeated "El Ahrairah" Foxcatcher, REFEREE STOPPAGE T.K.O. after 5:01!!! After Spectre had four times executed big moves on Foxcatcher only to pull him up from the canvas each time just before a third pin count, official Jeff Jefferies would finally mercifully call for the bell!!!
"The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre, C.O.R. in 4:51 when his foe walked out on the match never to return when the going got too tough!!! Seeing how Spectre had just abused the rookie Foxcatcher, an angry Gregory would goad him into a bout against him!!! Gregory had been left without an opponent to this point after he had been informed that his scheduled foe Patrick Hayes would not be able to make the event!!!
The members of "The Wise Guys Family" commandeered a house mic as well as the R.W.A. ring and called out "The Gambino Family"!!! It started out "three-on-three" with:
"The Made Man" Gino DeCapo
"Brutal" Tommy Hamilton
"The Sure Bet" Asher Knox
Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
Mickey Gambino
"The Ronin" Stevie LeBell
(with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D)
However, once again the "Wise Guys" would eventually pull an ace from out of their sleeves with "No Shame" Jimmy Shane joining their side prompting Paul Atlas to then get physically involved!!! Finally the "Wise Guys" would be driven "en masse" out to the ringside floor with the Gambinos in total control of the in-ring turf!!! Paul Atlas then took a mic to inform them that there is now a Steel Cage Match in their future at R.W.A. "Season's Beatings" on December 14th!!! This upcoming bout (win, lose, or draw) will be The Gambinos final teaming together!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest" WarHoss (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blazing Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) (Bruiser pinned Cowboy following a spinning uranage) in 9:19 to retain their title!!! As WarHoss was approaching the exit curtain, "Doc" asked them if they would be willing to grant their foes a return bout after they had given them such a run for their money!!! Their immediate reply was negative, but R.W.A. management thought otherwise and added a return go to the upcoming December 14th live event!!!
●●● "Doc" had been scheduled for an exclusive interview with the 6'1" tall top prospect being added to the growing R.W.A. Women's Division, "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn, but Tony Kincaid shooed him away in order to try adding her to his stable of stars!!! However, Kincaid only succeeded in making her angry, and she would proceed to kick poor R.W.A. Multimedia rep Timothy Titan upside his head and out cold to demonstrate so!!! ●●●
Champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned Super Hentai in 9:58 to retain his title!!! Emricko decided to exercise his option as defending "No Limits" titleholder to attach a stipulation by assigning Spectre as the official!!! The "Big Boss" played fair and square until Hentai appeared enroute to a possible victory!!! After a powerslam and next a rebounding reverse rolling-cradle, Spectre each time just loitered around the ring oblivious to Hentai's pinning positions!!! Finally, Emricko would kick out Hentai right into the waiting Spectre's kneestrike to the jaw for the Italian Strongman's title-retaining three-count!!! Dennis Gregory would arrive on the scene to prevent any further damage to Hentai as well as to bigtime admonish on the house mic the two who had cheated his friend out of victory concluding with his longtime catchphrase: "There are wannabes, and there is Gregory"!!!
"King Kong Husk" The Beastman & "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt (Alexander pinned Hunt after smashing him with Beastman's giant bone while Kincaid was occupying the official's attention on the ring apron) in 9:41!!! Rev and Gory, not on the best of terms even before this bout, engaged in a heated discussion following this disappointing loss!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "Former W.W.E. & T.N.A. Star" Heath Slater in 10:36!!! J-Rocc eventually pulled Ref Karen into the path of the charging Slater to knock her temporarily out of action!!! Julia Lynn next took this opportunity to blind Slater with the contents of her stray can to set up J-Rocc's low blow to cop the victory cover!!! An angry Dr. Feelbad then presented J-Rocc and Julia the bad news: On the upcoming December 14th live event there will be a Six-Person Tag-Match with J-Rocc, Julia Lynn, and a partner of their choosing versus the debuting Australian female sensation Shazza McKenzie and two partners of R.W.A.'s choosing, one of which may be The Renegade Rider!!!
The 2024 "R.W.A. Renegade Rumble" winning "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon (cashing in his prize, an "Anytime Shot" at the title) pinned champion "Colossal" Mike Law (with his "Director", "King Of Men" Devin Devine) to win the title!!! Jaxon eventually planted Law with a "pop-up powerbomb", but Devine pulled out ref Jefferies to ringside by his ankles to halt the tolling of a possible winning pin!!! At this point "Shadoman" Elijah emerged to brawl with Devine out through the left side stage exit never to return!!! Soon Crash would execute an encore "pop-up powerbomb" to score the historic title-winning three-count!!!
Ava Brooks vs. "Loca" Pegasa, NO CONTEST in only 2:53 after "Classic" Chris Helmsly had out of nowhere rushed into the ring to attack Brooks immediately prompting "The Shadoman" Elijah to come to her rescue!!!
Ava Brooks & "The Iwa Of Ojiji" - "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated "Loca" Pegasa & "Classic" Chris Helmsly (Shadoman pinned Helmsly with Brooks piling atop him following a pair of diagonal runs across the ring to crush the victim with "corner cannonballs") in 5:20!!!
●●● (2A) "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre defeated "El Ahrairah" Foxcatcher, REFEREE STOPPAGE T.K.O. after 5:01!!! After Spectre had four times executed big moves on Foxcatcher only to pull him up from the canvas each time just before a third pin count, official Jeff Jefferies would finally mercifully call for the bell!!!
"The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre, C.O.R. in 4:51 when his foe walked out on the match never to return when the going got too tough!!! Seeing how Spectre had just abused the rookie Foxcatcher, an angry Gregory would goad him into a bout against him!!! Gregory had been left without an opponent to this point after he had been informed that his scheduled foe Patrick Hayes would not be able to make the event!!!
The members of "The Wise Guys Family" commandeered a house mic as well as the R.W.A. ring and called out "The Gambino Family"!!! It started out "three-on-three" with:
"The Made Man" Gino DeCapo
"Brutal" Tommy Hamilton
"The Sure Bet" Asher Knox
Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
Mickey Gambino
"The Ronin" Stevie LeBell
(with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D)
However, once again the "Wise Guys" would eventually pull an ace from out of their sleeves with "No Shame" Jimmy Shane joining their side prompting Paul Atlas to then get physically involved!!! Finally the "Wise Guys" would be driven "en masse" out to the ringside floor with the Gambinos in total control of the in-ring turf!!! Paul Atlas then took a mic to inform them that there is now a Steel Cage Match in their future at R.W.A. "Season's Beatings" on December 14th!!! This upcoming bout (win, lose, or draw) will be The Gambinos final teaming together!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest" WarHoss (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "Blazing Saddles" ("The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & Techno Cowboy) (Bruiser pinned Cowboy following a spinning uranage) in 9:19 to retain their title!!! As WarHoss was approaching the exit curtain, "Doc" asked them if they would be willing to grant their foes a return bout after they had given them such a run for their money!!! Their immediate reply was negative, but R.W.A. management thought otherwise and added a return go to the upcoming December 14th live event!!!
●●● "Doc" had been scheduled for an exclusive interview with the 6'1" tall top prospect being added to the growing R.W.A. Women's Division, "Muscle Mommy" Lexus Synn, but Tony Kincaid shooed him away in order to try adding her to his stable of stars!!! However, Kincaid only succeeded in making her angry, and she would proceed to kick poor R.W.A. Multimedia rep Timothy Titan upside his head and out cold to demonstrate so!!! ●●●
Champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned Super Hentai in 9:58 to retain his title!!! Emricko decided to exercise his option as defending "No Limits" titleholder to attach a stipulation by assigning Spectre as the official!!! The "Big Boss" played fair and square until Hentai appeared enroute to a possible victory!!! After a powerslam and next a rebounding reverse rolling-cradle, Spectre each time just loitered around the ring oblivious to Hentai's pinning positions!!! Finally, Emricko would kick out Hentai right into the waiting Spectre's kneestrike to the jaw for the Italian Strongman's title-retaining three-count!!! Dennis Gregory would arrive on the scene to prevent any further damage to Hentai as well as to bigtime admonish on the house mic the two who had cheated his friend out of victory concluding with his longtime catchphrase: "There are wannabes, and there is Gregory"!!!
"King Kong Husk" The Beastman & "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander (presented by Tony Kincaid) defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt (Alexander pinned Hunt after smashing him with Beastman's giant bone while Kincaid was occupying the official's attention on the ring apron) in 9:41!!! Rev and Gory, not on the best of terms even before this bout, engaged in a heated discussion following this disappointing loss!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "Former W.W.E. & T.N.A. Star" Heath Slater in 10:36!!! J-Rocc eventually pulled Ref Karen into the path of the charging Slater to knock her temporarily out of action!!! Julia Lynn next took this opportunity to blind Slater with the contents of her stray can to set up J-Rocc's low blow to cop the victory cover!!! An angry Dr. Feelbad then presented J-Rocc and Julia the bad news: On the upcoming December 14th live event there will be a Six-Person Tag-Match with J-Rocc, Julia Lynn, and a partner of their choosing versus the debuting Australian female sensation Shazza McKenzie and two partners of R.W.A.'s choosing, one of which may be The Renegade Rider!!!
The 2024 "R.W.A. Renegade Rumble" winning "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon (cashing in his prize, an "Anytime Shot" at the title) pinned champion "Colossal" Mike Law (with his "Director", "King Of Men" Devin Devine) to win the title!!! Jaxon eventually planted Law with a "pop-up powerbomb", but Devine pulled out ref Jefferies to ringside by his ankles to halt the tolling of a possible winning pin!!! At this point "Shadoman" Elijah emerged to brawl with Devine out through the left side stage exit never to return!!! Soon Crash would execute an encore "pop-up powerbomb" to score the historic title-winning three-count!!!
SAT. OCT. 19TH 2024
●●● (1) "King Kong Husk" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes in 6:12!!! Beastman would eventually block a diving from a turnbuckle "sunset-flip" takedown try by Hayes and then promptly drop an estimated 400-pound "seated senton" upon him for the victory three-count!!! Afterward on stage Kincaid would inform interviewer "Doc" that his Beastman was not an opening match wrestler but a main-event one!!!
The Renegade Rider defeated champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:36 (Emricko, nonetheless, retained his title)!!! During the introductions J-Rocc, Daddy charged the ring vehemently screaming that the Rider was actually "Big League" John McChesney who had been banned from R.W.A. for the remainder of the calendar year due to a loss (by nefarious means) to the Daddy a few months back!!! J-Rocc would eventually make contact with a fallen Rider on the rampway costing an angry Emricko an "outside interference" disqualification loss!!! "The Italian Strongman" would soon give J-Rocc a heated piece of his mind at the exit curtain!!!
"The Forsaken" ("Black Sheep" Benett Cole & "The Diamond Standard" Aiden Hall) defeated "The First Shot" (Brennen "The First" & "The Shot" Cal Keaton) in 8:29!!! Cole and Hall would eventually combine efforts to hoist Brennen into position for the 316-pound Black Sheep's devastating spinning "uranage" slam for the winning cover!!!
"Doc" had just begun to ask scheduled guest "The Rev" Ron Hunt about the status of his recent injury and eventual return to in-ring action when for the second straight R.W.A. event A.J. Alexander would emerge to rudely shove the guest aside and take over!!! A.J. would soon slap Hunt across the face prompting a challenge from Rev to take it to the ring!!! When Alexander dawdled and appeared ready to walk away as he did previously with Reese Hayes, Dr. Feelbad gave him a count of ten to enter the ring or else face a suspension of sixty days!!! However, Rev was not going to wait that long and dove through the ropes at him, and the match was on!!!
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander in 10:01!!! Hunt was just coming back from an injury, but he was still able to withstand all of the potent offense of his opponent!!! Rev eventually dodged a sidekick attempt to roll-up the spinning Alexander high on his shoulders for the three-count!!! Afterward Rev would offer a handshake to his defeated adversary as he tried in vain to change his recent negative attitude!!! An order on a house mic from Tony Kincaid to A.J. plus the arrival of Beastman convinced Hunt that Alexander had advanced beyond the reach of his help!!!
H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) pinned "The New & Improved" Super Hentai (Preston Everest) in 8:45 bell-to-bell time to gain back his identity!!! The men were supposed to be joined at the neck by one end of a steel chain, but Everest refused and resisted all efforts to attach it to him for almost the entire battle!!! The two battled wall-to-wall unofficially and hurled each other through the ringside chairs for over ten minutes!!! Finally official George Ross would call for an opening bell, but Everest had only pretended to attach the chain and would continue to beat on Supreme with the loose links!!! Supreme would finally gain enough advantage to forcibly tether his foe to the steel!!! Soon Supreme would yank the chain up hard between Everest legs and powerslam him near a corner with enough chain slack to leap down from atop the turnbuckle for a double kneedrop and the identity regaining three-count!!! Afterward a name out of his past "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre entered the ring to at first congratulate Hentai before later threatening him!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
Featuring the 2024 R.W.A. Halloween Costume Contest hosted by Dr. Feelbad, Doc, and Jason Gray!!!
"Team: Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton & "The Sure Bet" Asher Knox) defeated "The Sleeper" Don Murphy & "The S.T.D.'s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Corey Futuristic) (Knox pinned Murphy) in 8:17!!! Wise Guys DeCapo and Hamilton would treat all three of their foes in succession to their devastating "3-D" maneuver with first "The S.T.D.'s" and then finally on Murphy with Knox adding even more destructive impetus to it to cop the concluding cover!!! Afterward on stage DeCapo would boast to "Doc" how they were now the big dogs in R.W.A. having run "The Gambino Family" out of town!!!
Ava Brooks vs. "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly, MATCH NEVER OFFICIALLY GOT STARTED!!! Brooks had totally embarrassed Helmsly on the previous R.W.A. live event when she answered his "open challenge" and proceeded to pin him via a "small-package" cradle in only 55 seconds!!! This time around Helmsly would wait in ambush to blindside her enroute to the ring, toss her skull first into an iron ringpost, and finally plant her inside the ring with a "pedigree" face-first piledriver!!! The attending physician had to be called to the ring for the unconscious victim, and the bout had to be canceled!!!
●●● ( "The Shadoman Man" Elijah defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, C.O.R. in 12:56!!! Right at the beginning The Renegade Rider (suspected by J-Rocc to be the banned John McChesney) let the Daddy know he was still around watching him!!! Eventually J-Rocc would be about to take a chair into the ring, when Rider snatched it away from the blindside!!! J-Rocc then completely lost focus as Rider embarked on a hilarious "cat and mouse" game while running away from him just fast enough and long enough to run out the official's count of ten!!!
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law defeated Patrick Hayes and "The New Age Plague" Gory (Law pinned Gory) in 15:32 to retain his title!!! Law was awarded a "Champion's Advantage" in that he did not have to enter the bout until the five-minute mark without worry of losing his title during that time frame!!! Gory would eventually apply on Law that arching back double-arm reverse chinlock to which the champion had submitted on the previous card!!! Patrick Hayes would break that up, so Gory soon blinded him via spewing his red mist into his eyes!!! Gory proceeded to reapply his grip to Law and, when the blinded Hayes ended up close enough to possibly jump down upon them from atop a turnbuckle, "Rev" Ron Hunt rushed out to shove down Hayes away from them!!! A.J. Alexander next pulled Ref Karen out to the floor with the result that she did not witness Law finally tapping out in the ring to Gory's hold!!! Tony Kincaid then unleashed the 400-pound Beastman to plant Gory with a big slam for Law to slowly and warily crawl onto him for the title-retaining three-count!!! As a result neither Gory nor Hayes may compete again for the R.W.A. heavyweight belt as long as Law remains the titleholder!!!
■■■■■ POSTBOUT ■■■■■
To the victor belongs the spoils so, when Law opened the beautifully gift wrapped package awarded to the winner, he discovered a message from "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon announcing his return to R.W.A. on November 16th to crash in his prize from winning the "Renegade Rumble" back in August - the "Anytime Shot" at the R.W.A. Heavyweight Title!!!
The Renegade Rider defeated champion "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:36 (Emricko, nonetheless, retained his title)!!! During the introductions J-Rocc, Daddy charged the ring vehemently screaming that the Rider was actually "Big League" John McChesney who had been banned from R.W.A. for the remainder of the calendar year due to a loss (by nefarious means) to the Daddy a few months back!!! J-Rocc would eventually make contact with a fallen Rider on the rampway costing an angry Emricko an "outside interference" disqualification loss!!! "The Italian Strongman" would soon give J-Rocc a heated piece of his mind at the exit curtain!!!
"The Forsaken" ("Black Sheep" Benett Cole & "The Diamond Standard" Aiden Hall) defeated "The First Shot" (Brennen "The First" & "The Shot" Cal Keaton) in 8:29!!! Cole and Hall would eventually combine efforts to hoist Brennen into position for the 316-pound Black Sheep's devastating spinning "uranage" slam for the winning cover!!!
"Doc" had just begun to ask scheduled guest "The Rev" Ron Hunt about the status of his recent injury and eventual return to in-ring action when for the second straight R.W.A. event A.J. Alexander would emerge to rudely shove the guest aside and take over!!! A.J. would soon slap Hunt across the face prompting a challenge from Rev to take it to the ring!!! When Alexander dawdled and appeared ready to walk away as he did previously with Reese Hayes, Dr. Feelbad gave him a count of ten to enter the ring or else face a suspension of sixty days!!! However, Rev was not going to wait that long and dove through the ropes at him, and the match was on!!!
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander in 10:01!!! Hunt was just coming back from an injury, but he was still able to withstand all of the potent offense of his opponent!!! Rev eventually dodged a sidekick attempt to roll-up the spinning Alexander high on his shoulders for the three-count!!! Afterward Rev would offer a handshake to his defeated adversary as he tried in vain to change his recent negative attitude!!! An order on a house mic from Tony Kincaid to A.J. plus the arrival of Beastman convinced Hunt that Alexander had advanced beyond the reach of his help!!!
H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) pinned "The New & Improved" Super Hentai (Preston Everest) in 8:45 bell-to-bell time to gain back his identity!!! The men were supposed to be joined at the neck by one end of a steel chain, but Everest refused and resisted all efforts to attach it to him for almost the entire battle!!! The two battled wall-to-wall unofficially and hurled each other through the ringside chairs for over ten minutes!!! Finally official George Ross would call for an opening bell, but Everest had only pretended to attach the chain and would continue to beat on Supreme with the loose links!!! Supreme would finally gain enough advantage to forcibly tether his foe to the steel!!! Soon Supreme would yank the chain up hard between Everest legs and powerslam him near a corner with enough chain slack to leap down from atop the turnbuckle for a double kneedrop and the identity regaining three-count!!! Afterward a name out of his past "Big Boss" Glenn Spectre entered the ring to at first congratulate Hentai before later threatening him!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
Featuring the 2024 R.W.A. Halloween Costume Contest hosted by Dr. Feelbad, Doc, and Jason Gray!!!
"Team: Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton & "The Sure Bet" Asher Knox) defeated "The Sleeper" Don Murphy & "The S.T.D.'s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Corey Futuristic) (Knox pinned Murphy) in 8:17!!! Wise Guys DeCapo and Hamilton would treat all three of their foes in succession to their devastating "3-D" maneuver with first "The S.T.D.'s" and then finally on Murphy with Knox adding even more destructive impetus to it to cop the concluding cover!!! Afterward on stage DeCapo would boast to "Doc" how they were now the big dogs in R.W.A. having run "The Gambino Family" out of town!!!
Ava Brooks vs. "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsly, MATCH NEVER OFFICIALLY GOT STARTED!!! Brooks had totally embarrassed Helmsly on the previous R.W.A. live event when she answered his "open challenge" and proceeded to pin him via a "small-package" cradle in only 55 seconds!!! This time around Helmsly would wait in ambush to blindside her enroute to the ring, toss her skull first into an iron ringpost, and finally plant her inside the ring with a "pedigree" face-first piledriver!!! The attending physician had to be called to the ring for the unconscious victim, and the bout had to be canceled!!!
●●● ( "The Shadoman Man" Elijah defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, C.O.R. in 12:56!!! Right at the beginning The Renegade Rider (suspected by J-Rocc to be the banned John McChesney) let the Daddy know he was still around watching him!!! Eventually J-Rocc would be about to take a chair into the ring, when Rider snatched it away from the blindside!!! J-Rocc then completely lost focus as Rider embarked on a hilarious "cat and mouse" game while running away from him just fast enough and long enough to run out the official's count of ten!!!
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law defeated Patrick Hayes and "The New Age Plague" Gory (Law pinned Gory) in 15:32 to retain his title!!! Law was awarded a "Champion's Advantage" in that he did not have to enter the bout until the five-minute mark without worry of losing his title during that time frame!!! Gory would eventually apply on Law that arching back double-arm reverse chinlock to which the champion had submitted on the previous card!!! Patrick Hayes would break that up, so Gory soon blinded him via spewing his red mist into his eyes!!! Gory proceeded to reapply his grip to Law and, when the blinded Hayes ended up close enough to possibly jump down upon them from atop a turnbuckle, "Rev" Ron Hunt rushed out to shove down Hayes away from them!!! A.J. Alexander next pulled Ref Karen out to the floor with the result that she did not witness Law finally tapping out in the ring to Gory's hold!!! Tony Kincaid then unleashed the 400-pound Beastman to plant Gory with a big slam for Law to slowly and warily crawl onto him for the title-retaining three-count!!! As a result neither Gory nor Hayes may compete again for the R.W.A. heavyweight belt as long as Law remains the titleholder!!!
■■■■■ POSTBOUT ■■■■■
To the victor belongs the spoils so, when Law opened the beautifully gift wrapped package awarded to the winner, he discovered a message from "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon announcing his return to R.W.A. on November 16th to crash in his prize from winning the "Renegade Rumble" back in August - the "Anytime Shot" at the R.W.A. Heavyweight Title!!!
SAT. SEPT. 21ST 2024
Faux Hentai immediately embarked on a rant:
"Give me a good reason to sign!"
"Whom has Supreme ever beaten?"
"I am a 27-year vet (speaking as if he were really Hentai) who has already done more than H.L. Supreme!"
"I have already left his lifeless body in the ring!"
"I am not signing anything!" (right before walking out on the negotiations)!!!
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned champion "The Big Dog Around Here" ELI in 8:52 to win the title!!! After minutes of smashing each other with steel chairs and brawling around ringside, Emricko produced and taunted ELI with a black top hat very much like the one he had worn during his days as "The Shadoman" Elijah!!! ELI managed to snatch it and, as he was about to wear it, appeared to be lapsing into a flashback daydream with many in the crowd positively vocal in their realization of what was happening!!! However, ELI's loss of focus enabled Emricko to kick him square between the uprights followed by a knockout belt with brass knuckles taken from inside the top hat to next cop the title-winning cover!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) vs. "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) (with "Gambino Family" members - Paul Atlas, valet Emmy D, and "The Ronin" Stevie LeBell), NO CONTEST in 3:02 bell-to-bell time with the wall-to-wall brawling totally out of control!!! However, the war would still continue for minutes on end with the entire "Gambino Family" getting physically involved!!! The Wise Guys eventually unveiled an "Ace In The Hole" ("The Sure Bet" Asher Knox) who armed with a steel chair turned the tide of the postbout brawling totally in their favor and enabled them to uncontested drag Emmy D into the ring to totally destroy her via their "3-D" double-team maneuver!!!
●●● (3) "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander in 11:02!!! Alexander would eventually connect with a middle-rope "moonsault" press but the veteran Gregory in a wink of an eye from underneath on his back would reverse A.J. into a pinning position for the three-count!!! Afterward sore-loser A.J. would not win himself any new fans with his disrespectful refusal of Gregory's offer of a handshake!!!
Female rookie sensation Ava Brooks (answering the challenge) pinned "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsley in only 55 seconds via a "small-package" cradle out of nowhere!!! Immediately following the previous contest Helmsley would emerge from the fans' entrance, storm into the ring, commandeer the house mic, and finally embark on a rant against the R.W.A. and Dr. Feelbad for totally ignoring his recent booking inquiries!!! Thus, he would take it upon himself to book his own bout via an "open challenge"!!! Afterward Feelbad would instruct R.W.A. security to evict the intruder from the building!!!
"The Man-Beast" & "The Original E.C.W. Legend" - Rhino defeated J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn), DISQUALIFICATION in 12:44!!! With Rhino having dominated a significant portion of the bout and being apparently enroute to an eventual victory, Julia Lynn entered the ring to squirt her spray can into his eyes to prompt the D.Q.!!! A short time later Rhino's eyesight had cleared enough to bigtime "Gore" a strutting J-Rocc through an upright table set against a turnbuckle and leave him prone for a length of time!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
After tough negotiations had taken place backstage during the early bouts, both "The New & Improved (Faux) Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) and H.L. Supreme (the original and real Super Hentai) quickly signed the contract!!!
○○○ If Supreme wins, he gets back all of the Super Hentai intellectual property including the ownership of the name, the mask, the works, etc.!!!
○○○ If Everest wins, he receives a shot at every R.W.A. title, he then owns also the intellectual property of H.L. Supreme, Supreme must unmask and then retire!!!
Supreme and Dr. Feelbad were very confident that Everest would agree to such lopsided stips without reading the fine print stating the type of match ..........
"A Dog Collar Chain Match" with each man attached at the neck by one end of Preston Everest's long steel chain!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The S.T.D.s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (Kelly pinned Flexor following the WarHoss double-team uranage) in 10:24 to retain their title!!!
Doc's attempt to interview "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes was almost immediately interrupted by A.J. Alexander who referred to him as a "shit stain" as he bumped him aside!!! Alexander proceeded to boast about his recent time in Japan and then rag bigtime on the R.W.A. fans!!! Alexander next slapped Hayes hard enough to sent him stumbling halfway down the rampway!!! From there Hayes removed his shirt and proceeded inside the ring from where he would challenge his tormentor!!! A.J. would advance as far as mounting the ring apron for a few stretching exercises before he turned tail walking away toward the side exit!!!
●●● (7) "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul pinned "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador in 9:06 after headlocking his foe and running up a turnbuckle with him for a top-rope leaping flying bulldog takedown!!!
"The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Shadoman" Elijah (joining the bout at about the 6:30 mark) defeated R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Colossal" Mike Law & "The Big Papi Of Professional Wrestling" Big Cuzzo (with their director "King Of Men" Devin Devine) (Gory over Law with an arching back double-arm reverse chinlock SUBMISSION) in 9:06!!! "The Rev" Ron Hunt had originally been slated to be Gory's partner but, due to his recent severe thumb injury, the R.W.A. attending physician would not clear him to compete!!! Thus, Gory had to go at it alone with a one-on-two disadvantage!!! With a victory, Gory would earn an October 19th title opportunity versus Law but, with a loss, he would never get a title shot at champion Law again!!! Gory would absorb a tremendous double-team beating for over six minutes until the music of "The Shadoman" hit!!! Elijah and Gory from that point would completely clean house until yielding the victory submission!!! Afterward, with Dr. Feelbad and members of both teams loudly bickering over the two house mics as to what would be the consequences of this victory, it has not yet been determined whether or not Gory would get the title bout, whether or not both Gory and Elijah would receive a crack, or whether or not neither of them would!!! Stay tuned!!!
Faux Hentai immediately embarked on a rant:
"Give me a good reason to sign!"
"Whom has Supreme ever beaten?"
"I am a 27-year vet (speaking as if he were really Hentai) who has already done more than H.L. Supreme!"
"I have already left his lifeless body in the ring!"
"I am not signing anything!" (right before walking out on the negotiations)!!!
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned champion "The Big Dog Around Here" ELI in 8:52 to win the title!!! After minutes of smashing each other with steel chairs and brawling around ringside, Emricko produced and taunted ELI with a black top hat very much like the one he had worn during his days as "The Shadoman" Elijah!!! ELI managed to snatch it and, as he was about to wear it, appeared to be lapsing into a flashback daydream with many in the crowd positively vocal in their realization of what was happening!!! However, ELI's loss of focus enabled Emricko to kick him square between the uprights followed by a knockout belt with brass knuckles taken from inside the top hat to next cop the title-winning cover!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Hamilton) vs. "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) (with "Gambino Family" members - Paul Atlas, valet Emmy D, and "The Ronin" Stevie LeBell), NO CONTEST in 3:02 bell-to-bell time with the wall-to-wall brawling totally out of control!!! However, the war would still continue for minutes on end with the entire "Gambino Family" getting physically involved!!! The Wise Guys eventually unveiled an "Ace In The Hole" ("The Sure Bet" Asher Knox) who armed with a steel chair turned the tide of the postbout brawling totally in their favor and enabled them to uncontested drag Emmy D into the ring to totally destroy her via their "3-D" double-team maneuver!!!
●●● (3) "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory pinned "The Man Who Sold The World" A.J. Alexander in 11:02!!! Alexander would eventually connect with a middle-rope "moonsault" press but the veteran Gregory in a wink of an eye from underneath on his back would reverse A.J. into a pinning position for the three-count!!! Afterward sore-loser A.J. would not win himself any new fans with his disrespectful refusal of Gregory's offer of a handshake!!!
Female rookie sensation Ava Brooks (answering the challenge) pinned "The Highlight Of The Night" Classic Chris Helmsley in only 55 seconds via a "small-package" cradle out of nowhere!!! Immediately following the previous contest Helmsley would emerge from the fans' entrance, storm into the ring, commandeer the house mic, and finally embark on a rant against the R.W.A. and Dr. Feelbad for totally ignoring his recent booking inquiries!!! Thus, he would take it upon himself to book his own bout via an "open challenge"!!! Afterward Feelbad would instruct R.W.A. security to evict the intruder from the building!!!
"The Man-Beast" & "The Original E.C.W. Legend" - Rhino defeated J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn), DISQUALIFICATION in 12:44!!! With Rhino having dominated a significant portion of the bout and being apparently enroute to an eventual victory, Julia Lynn entered the ring to squirt her spray can into his eyes to prompt the D.Q.!!! A short time later Rhino's eyesight had cleared enough to bigtime "Gore" a strutting J-Rocc through an upright table set against a turnbuckle and leave him prone for a length of time!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
After tough negotiations had taken place backstage during the early bouts, both "The New & Improved (Faux) Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) and H.L. Supreme (the original and real Super Hentai) quickly signed the contract!!!
○○○ If Supreme wins, he gets back all of the Super Hentai intellectual property including the ownership of the name, the mask, the works, etc.!!!
○○○ If Everest wins, he receives a shot at every R.W.A. title, he then owns also the intellectual property of H.L. Supreme, Supreme must unmask and then retire!!!
Supreme and Dr. Feelbad were very confident that Everest would agree to such lopsided stips without reading the fine print stating the type of match ..........
"A Dog Collar Chain Match" with each man attached at the neck by one end of Preston Everest's long steel chain!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The S.T.D.s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (Kelly pinned Flexor following the WarHoss double-team uranage) in 10:24 to retain their title!!!
Doc's attempt to interview "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes was almost immediately interrupted by A.J. Alexander who referred to him as a "shit stain" as he bumped him aside!!! Alexander proceeded to boast about his recent time in Japan and then rag bigtime on the R.W.A. fans!!! Alexander next slapped Hayes hard enough to sent him stumbling halfway down the rampway!!! From there Hayes removed his shirt and proceeded inside the ring from where he would challenge his tormentor!!! A.J. would advance as far as mounting the ring apron for a few stretching exercises before he turned tail walking away toward the side exit!!!
●●● (7) "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul pinned "El Generalisimo" Dios Salvador in 9:06 after headlocking his foe and running up a turnbuckle with him for a top-rope leaping flying bulldog takedown!!!
"The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Shadoman" Elijah (joining the bout at about the 6:30 mark) defeated R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Colossal" Mike Law & "The Big Papi Of Professional Wrestling" Big Cuzzo (with their director "King Of Men" Devin Devine) (Gory over Law with an arching back double-arm reverse chinlock SUBMISSION) in 9:06!!! "The Rev" Ron Hunt had originally been slated to be Gory's partner but, due to his recent severe thumb injury, the R.W.A. attending physician would not clear him to compete!!! Thus, Gory had to go at it alone with a one-on-two disadvantage!!! With a victory, Gory would earn an October 19th title opportunity versus Law but, with a loss, he would never get a title shot at champion Law again!!! Gory would absorb a tremendous double-team beating for over six minutes until the music of "The Shadoman" hit!!! Elijah and Gory from that point would completely clean house until yielding the victory submission!!! Afterward, with Dr. Feelbad and members of both teams loudly bickering over the two house mics as to what would be the consequences of this victory, it has not yet been determined whether or not Gory would get the title bout, whether or not both Gory and Elijah would receive a crack, or whether or not neither of them would!!! Stay tuned!!!
SAT. AUG. 31ST 2024
J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "Big League" John McChesney in 9:31!!! After McChesney had just bowled over J-Rocc via a top-rope leaping flying cross-bodyblock for a possible winning cover, ref Jefferies became distracted by Lynn's mounting of the apron!!! An incensed McChesney would immediately send her crashing down from her perch via his thrust-superkick!!! As the official was watching the just arrived Chris Taylor tending to the downed damsel on the floor, a hoodie wearing hoodlum (later identified as the returning Gorgeous Gregory) sneaked inside the ring behind him to blindside McChesney with a low blow followed soon by J-Rocc's piledriver for the three-count!!!
"The Gambino Family" (Marshall "The Bull" Gambino & Mickey Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The S.T.D.s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (Mickey pinned Flexor following their usual "Gambino" double-team finisher after Chest had just inadvertently blasted his own partner from the ring) in 8:40!!! Afterward, as the two victors were celebrating their triumph, they would be distracted by a threatening audio message from their enemies "The Wise Guys" being played on the public access!!! This enabled two inside men of "The Wise Guys" (Benett Cole & Aiden Hall, already in the building booked for the "Renegade Rumble") to blindside them and viciously beat them down!!!
Everest would talk bigtime smack on H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) saying that he really needed a tune-up match and finally goaded him out to the ring!!! Everest would first blind Supreme with powder, wind a long, heavy steel chain around his fist to pound him with a trio of blows, wrap the links around his neck to legsweep him down for simultaneous choking while ramming the back of the head hard into the canvas!!! Officials Jefferies and Karen were finally able to stop the onslaught but not before Supreme would have to be ruled out of action for the evening!!!
Champion "The Big Dog Around Here" ELI pinned "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq. in 8:41 to retain his title!!! After wearing down this formidable challenger matchlong with his variety of spectacular athletic maneuvers, ELI would finally clock his rebounding foe with a big clothesline clout to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
Former W.W.E. superstar 'Swoggle (formerly Hornswoggle) & "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor & (his chosen partner) Gorgeous Gregory (double-team pin on Taylor) in 8:58!!! The first order of business was R.W.A. owner Dr. Feelbad under a threat of suspension ridding ringside for the match duration of some excess baggage namely J-Rocc and Julia Lynn!!! Eventually Taylor would be caught alone at a one-on-two disadvantage to be kicked several times by 'Swoggle followed by a 301-pound front-falling powerslam by Jaxon for the pile-on cover!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
●●● Before R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad could leave the ring after his usual intermission chore of taking reservations for the next R.W.A. live event, he was surrounded by the entire angry "Gambino Family" en masse (Marshall, Mickey, Paul Atlas, Emmy D) and subsequently bullied and harassed verbally until he gave in to their demands for reinstatement of "The Wise Guys" so they could get their hands on them face-to-face!!! ●●●
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory and "The New & Improved Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) (Law pinned Everest) in 13:49 to retain his title!!! Eventually the contents of a bag of powder was kicked back into the face of Everest by Gory who then planted his blinded victim with his "Q.A.S." maneuver for a cover attempt!!! However, the opportunistic Law would snatch Gory and hurl him from the ring to steal the title-retaining three-count!!! Afterward Gory was rip-snorting mad as yet another title-winning moment was stolen from his grasp!!!
The trio boasted about how it would be a team effort with the three of them to win the "Renegade Rumble", but it would soon later be Gregory betrayed by the other two!!!
●●● (6) THE 28-PERSON R.W.A. "RENEGADE RUMBLE" (TO A FINISH) was won by "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 42:06 to earn an "Anytime Shot" at the R.W.A. Heavyweight Title good until the end of the R.W.A. Anniversary Event in January, 2025!!!
○○○ The Beastman would not be in the house for his #9 entry, so Dr. Feelbad would designate Tony Kincaid as his replacement!!! Feelbad would personally drag him from the commentary table on the stage, down the rampway, and into the ring!!!
○○○ Once both of "The Wise Guys" hired henchmen, Benett Cole and Aiden Hall, had officially entered the Rumble, the "Gambino Family" en masse would deliver their receipt, running the thugs from the ring, up an aisle, and out of the building!!!
○○○ Replacing the injured H.L. Supreme for the #19 entry would be determined by a random drawing by all (and I mean "all") of R.W.A. personnel currently in the house, resulting in the drafting of R.W.A. cameraman Matt Carlins!!!
○○○ The elimination of Cowpoke Paul by Patrick Hayes would elevate him into a tie with Johnny Norris for the all-time most eliminations in "Renegade Rumble" history!!!
○○○ Gianni Michael Emricko's elimination of R.W.A. "No Limits" champ ELI would earn him a September 21st shot at the title!!!
○○○ Patrick Hayes would eventually be revealed as the randomly drawn winner of the "Wildcard" designation which enabled him a free reentry after first being ousted by "Crash" Jaxon to soon end up also being the final man eliminated by the eventual winner!!!
○○○ #1 - "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
○○○ #2 - Patrick Hayes (designated "Wildcard", last man eliminated)
○○○ #3 - "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage
○○○ #4 - "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon (eventual winner)
○○○ #5 - "The Sexy Talented Dude" Chest Flexor
○○○ #6 - "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis
○○○ #7 - "Black Sheep" Benett Cole
○○○ #8 - Slammin' Sammy
○○○ #9 - Tony Kincaid
○○○ #10 - "The Diamond Standard" Aiden Hall
○○○ #11 - "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul
○○○ #12 - "The" Timothy Titan
○○○ #13 - Jace Mara
○○○ #14 - Devin Swayze
○○○ #15 - Gorgeous Gregory
○○○ #16 - Jay Roqua
○○○ #17 - Ava Brooks
○○○ #18 - Sweet Baby Trey
○○○ #19 - Matt The Cameraman
○○○ #20 - "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer
○○○ #21 - "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq.
○○○ #22 - K.C. Warr
○○○ #23 - "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
○○○ #24 - "The Sexy Talented Dude" Brian McDowell
○○○ #25 - J-Rocc, Daddy
○○○ #26 - R.W.A. "No Limits" champion ELI
○○○ #27 - "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
○○○ #28 - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko
J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "Big League" John McChesney in 9:31!!! After McChesney had just bowled over J-Rocc via a top-rope leaping flying cross-bodyblock for a possible winning cover, ref Jefferies became distracted by Lynn's mounting of the apron!!! An incensed McChesney would immediately send her crashing down from her perch via his thrust-superkick!!! As the official was watching the just arrived Chris Taylor tending to the downed damsel on the floor, a hoodie wearing hoodlum (later identified as the returning Gorgeous Gregory) sneaked inside the ring behind him to blindside McChesney with a low blow followed soon by J-Rocc's piledriver for the three-count!!!
"The Gambino Family" (Marshall "The Bull" Gambino & Mickey Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The S.T.D.s" - "Sexy Talented Dudes" (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (Mickey pinned Flexor following their usual "Gambino" double-team finisher after Chest had just inadvertently blasted his own partner from the ring) in 8:40!!! Afterward, as the two victors were celebrating their triumph, they would be distracted by a threatening audio message from their enemies "The Wise Guys" being played on the public access!!! This enabled two inside men of "The Wise Guys" (Benett Cole & Aiden Hall, already in the building booked for the "Renegade Rumble") to blindside them and viciously beat them down!!!
Everest would talk bigtime smack on H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) saying that he really needed a tune-up match and finally goaded him out to the ring!!! Everest would first blind Supreme with powder, wind a long, heavy steel chain around his fist to pound him with a trio of blows, wrap the links around his neck to legsweep him down for simultaneous choking while ramming the back of the head hard into the canvas!!! Officials Jefferies and Karen were finally able to stop the onslaught but not before Supreme would have to be ruled out of action for the evening!!!
Champion "The Big Dog Around Here" ELI pinned "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq. in 8:41 to retain his title!!! After wearing down this formidable challenger matchlong with his variety of spectacular athletic maneuvers, ELI would finally clock his rebounding foe with a big clothesline clout to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
Former W.W.E. superstar 'Swoggle (formerly Hornswoggle) & "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor & (his chosen partner) Gorgeous Gregory (double-team pin on Taylor) in 8:58!!! The first order of business was R.W.A. owner Dr. Feelbad under a threat of suspension ridding ringside for the match duration of some excess baggage namely J-Rocc and Julia Lynn!!! Eventually Taylor would be caught alone at a one-on-two disadvantage to be kicked several times by 'Swoggle followed by a 301-pound front-falling powerslam by Jaxon for the pile-on cover!!!
■■■■■ INTERMISSION ■■■■■
●●● Before R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad could leave the ring after his usual intermission chore of taking reservations for the next R.W.A. live event, he was surrounded by the entire angry "Gambino Family" en masse (Marshall, Mickey, Paul Atlas, Emmy D) and subsequently bullied and harassed verbally until he gave in to their demands for reinstatement of "The Wise Guys" so they could get their hands on them face-to-face!!! ●●●
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory and "The New & Improved Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) (Law pinned Everest) in 13:49 to retain his title!!! Eventually the contents of a bag of powder was kicked back into the face of Everest by Gory who then planted his blinded victim with his "Q.A.S." maneuver for a cover attempt!!! However, the opportunistic Law would snatch Gory and hurl him from the ring to steal the title-retaining three-count!!! Afterward Gory was rip-snorting mad as yet another title-winning moment was stolen from his grasp!!!
The trio boasted about how it would be a team effort with the three of them to win the "Renegade Rumble", but it would soon later be Gregory betrayed by the other two!!!
●●● (6) THE 28-PERSON R.W.A. "RENEGADE RUMBLE" (TO A FINISH) was won by "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 42:06 to earn an "Anytime Shot" at the R.W.A. Heavyweight Title good until the end of the R.W.A. Anniversary Event in January, 2025!!!
○○○ The Beastman would not be in the house for his #9 entry, so Dr. Feelbad would designate Tony Kincaid as his replacement!!! Feelbad would personally drag him from the commentary table on the stage, down the rampway, and into the ring!!!
○○○ Once both of "The Wise Guys" hired henchmen, Benett Cole and Aiden Hall, had officially entered the Rumble, the "Gambino Family" en masse would deliver their receipt, running the thugs from the ring, up an aisle, and out of the building!!!
○○○ Replacing the injured H.L. Supreme for the #19 entry would be determined by a random drawing by all (and I mean "all") of R.W.A. personnel currently in the house, resulting in the drafting of R.W.A. cameraman Matt Carlins!!!
○○○ The elimination of Cowpoke Paul by Patrick Hayes would elevate him into a tie with Johnny Norris for the all-time most eliminations in "Renegade Rumble" history!!!
○○○ Gianni Michael Emricko's elimination of R.W.A. "No Limits" champ ELI would earn him a September 21st shot at the title!!!
○○○ Patrick Hayes would eventually be revealed as the randomly drawn winner of the "Wildcard" designation which enabled him a free reentry after first being ousted by "Crash" Jaxon to soon end up also being the final man eliminated by the eventual winner!!!
○○○ #1 - "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
○○○ #2 - Patrick Hayes (designated "Wildcard", last man eliminated)
○○○ #3 - "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage
○○○ #4 - "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon (eventual winner)
○○○ #5 - "The Sexy Talented Dude" Chest Flexor
○○○ #6 - "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis
○○○ #7 - "Black Sheep" Benett Cole
○○○ #8 - Slammin' Sammy
○○○ #9 - Tony Kincaid
○○○ #10 - "The Diamond Standard" Aiden Hall
○○○ #11 - "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul
○○○ #12 - "The" Timothy Titan
○○○ #13 - Jace Mara
○○○ #14 - Devin Swayze
○○○ #15 - Gorgeous Gregory
○○○ #16 - Jay Roqua
○○○ #17 - Ava Brooks
○○○ #18 - Sweet Baby Trey
○○○ #19 - Matt The Cameraman
○○○ #20 - "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer
○○○ #21 - "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq.
○○○ #22 - K.C. Warr
○○○ #23 - "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
○○○ #24 - "The Sexy Talented Dude" Brian McDowell
○○○ #25 - J-Rocc, Daddy
○○○ #26 - R.W.A. "No Limits" champion ELI
○○○ #27 - "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
○○○ #28 - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko
SAT. JULY 20TH 2024
1) AJ Alexander Defeated Alexander Monroe via Pinfall
2) Preston Everest Defeated Reese Hayes via Pinfall
3) Chris Taylor Defeated JAZ (Jasper Alvin Ziegenbock) via Pinfall
4) Crash Jaxon Defeated Chris Taylor via Count Out
5) Crazzy Steve Defeated Gianni Emricko via Pinfall
6) Gory Deeated Malaki Gage via Pinfall
7) War Hoss Defeated Golden Glovers via Pinfall to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships
8) Mike Law Defeated H. L. Surpreme and Rev. Ron Hunt via Pinfall to Retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
SAT. JUNE 15TH 2024
Champion ELI defeated "The Stone Age Savage" Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid), DISQUALIFICATION in 10:36 to retain his title!!! After a sit-out double-arm chokeslam and a powerbomb of ELI had both yielded only a two-count cover of the resilient champ, Beastman proceeded to maul official Zach Krasche and forfeit his title opportunity via disqualification!!!
●●● Between bouts R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Colossal" Mike Law and recently stripped titleholder Patrick Hayes got into a rhubarb which would soon escalate into the other four "Quest For The Throne" contenders (Hunt, Everest, Gory, Supreme) joining in and battling in a "Pier Six" brawl!!! The worst casualty of this would be "The Rev" who ended up with Gory's mist spewed into his eyes after the intended target had ducked!!! ●●●
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The New & Improved Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) in 6:03!!! This bout had already been scheduled at this point on the card, and Everest had no intention of letting the event be moved until later or even allowing Rev a few extra minutes recovery time!!! Everest beat on the blinded Hunt for a majority of the match and even attempted to use the balled-up chains of Supreme (left over from the earlier brawl) until ref Bo Browning intervened!!! Rev would endure the lengthy punishment until finally hitting with his "standing bulldog" finisher to cop the victory cover!!!
●●● Julia Lynn next barged out to schedule her own mic time and announced that if anyone would ever divulge her "secret", it would be her!!! "Notorious" Norm next emerged with an envelope which he said contained the details of that dreaded secret!!! With a big, confident smile on her face, Lynn proceeded to whisper something into Norm's ear which immediately wiped the smirk from his face and turned his face as white as a sheet!!! Lynn snatched the envelope and tore it into shreds as Norm turned to walk off as if on a death march into the consoling arms at ringside of Dr. Feelbad!!! Stay tuned!!! ●●●
"The Gambino Family" (Stevie LeBell & Marshall "The Bull" Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The S.T.D.s" ("Sexy Talented Dudes") (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (LeBell pinned McDowell) in 10:03!!! A highlight of the bout was the backfiring of McDowell's attempt to use a bowling ball on offense!!! Eventually Emmy D would roll it diagonally across the ring hard into the seated McDowell's groin!!! Soon Marshall would hold McDowell captive high in a bearhug for LeBell's front kick to his face leading directly to the clinching three-count!!!
●●● As the intros were about to commence for the following contest, loud crashing sounds were heard from the direction of the former R.W.A. ring entrance location!!! Moments later an unconscious Marshall "The Bull" would collapse through the door onto the floor!!! A note would soon be delivered to ringside which read: "Hit #3" (and signed by "The Wise Guys")!!! ●●●
"Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland) pinned "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in only 4:31!!! Edmonds was subbing for the originally scheduled "All Ego" Ethan Page who had just signed an exclusive W.W.E. contract forcing him to relinquish all other bookings!!! The start of the event was delayed by a seemingly "never would end", grandstanding combined rant and diatribe by the foursome of Edmonds, J-Rocc, Chris Taylor, and Julia Lynn!!! An angry Dr. Feelbad finally would rule that this would be a "one-on-one contest" and that all other persons had to leave ringside or face an R.W.A. suspension of no less than one year!!! McChesney immediately thrust-kicked Edmonds and dragged him out to the concessions area where he showered him with hot dogs with condiments!!! Finally back inside the ring another "coup de grace" thrust kick would yield the winning three-count!!!
●●● (5) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes in 5:51 with a powerbomb directly into a double-leg front-cradle!!!
H.L. Supreme pinned Patrick Hayes (with his "Ace" - Gianni Michael Emricko) in 10:13!!! Eventually Supreme would scale a turnbuckle only to be discreetly pushed off down to the canvas by Emricko!!! With the momentum having changed, Hayes would mount the same corner with plans for his usual "frog splash" finisher!!! However, ELI would emerge to push "Ace" across the apron into a collision with Hayes who was then crotched onto the turnbuckle support to next tumble down to the mat!!! Supreme's spectacular top-rope leaping double-kneedrop finished Hayes for the cover!!!
"The Undeniable" Brandon Lee & "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn) (Lee pinned Taylor) in 16:35!!! Eventually Lee would throw off an attempt by Taylor to set up his usual finishing "diamond cutter" and soon nailed him with a spectacular flying kick to his head to next score the victory pin!!!
●●● Afterward John McChesney rushed out to attack J-Rocc seeking some early revenge for his piledriver on the rampway which had sidelined him for a couple of months!!! McChesney would battle on even terms at ringside with both J-Rocc and Taylor for several minutes, but in the meantime three R.W.A. officials and some security members would be injured in their efforts to intervene!!! ●●●
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") in 10:15!!! After official Bo Browning had been taken out of action when Law backpedaled Gory into squashing him against a turnbuckle, all hell broke loose with the other "Quest For The Throne" contenders (Hayes, Hunt, Supreme, Everest) and more meddling and fighting among themselves!!! Eventually Hunt would smash a steel chair bigtime across Gory's back just after the intended target had moved!!! Law waited until ref Browning was about to emerge from his slumber to execute a "brainbuster" suplex with the still stunned Gory to get the title-retaining count of three on a canvas littered with other prone bodies!!!
Champion ELI defeated "The Stone Age Savage" Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid), DISQUALIFICATION in 10:36 to retain his title!!! After a sit-out double-arm chokeslam and a powerbomb of ELI had both yielded only a two-count cover of the resilient champ, Beastman proceeded to maul official Zach Krasche and forfeit his title opportunity via disqualification!!!
●●● Between bouts R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Colossal" Mike Law and recently stripped titleholder Patrick Hayes got into a rhubarb which would soon escalate into the other four "Quest For The Throne" contenders (Hunt, Everest, Gory, Supreme) joining in and battling in a "Pier Six" brawl!!! The worst casualty of this would be "The Rev" who ended up with Gory's mist spewed into his eyes after the intended target had ducked!!! ●●●
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The New & Improved Super Hentai" (Preston Everest) in 6:03!!! This bout had already been scheduled at this point on the card, and Everest had no intention of letting the event be moved until later or even allowing Rev a few extra minutes recovery time!!! Everest beat on the blinded Hunt for a majority of the match and even attempted to use the balled-up chains of Supreme (left over from the earlier brawl) until ref Bo Browning intervened!!! Rev would endure the lengthy punishment until finally hitting with his "standing bulldog" finisher to cop the victory cover!!!
●●● Julia Lynn next barged out to schedule her own mic time and announced that if anyone would ever divulge her "secret", it would be her!!! "Notorious" Norm next emerged with an envelope which he said contained the details of that dreaded secret!!! With a big, confident smile on her face, Lynn proceeded to whisper something into Norm's ear which immediately wiped the smirk from his face and turned his face as white as a sheet!!! Lynn snatched the envelope and tore it into shreds as Norm turned to walk off as if on a death march into the consoling arms at ringside of Dr. Feelbad!!! Stay tuned!!! ●●●
"The Gambino Family" (Stevie LeBell & Marshall "The Bull" Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The S.T.D.s" ("Sexy Talented Dudes") (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) (LeBell pinned McDowell) in 10:03!!! A highlight of the bout was the backfiring of McDowell's attempt to use a bowling ball on offense!!! Eventually Emmy D would roll it diagonally across the ring hard into the seated McDowell's groin!!! Soon Marshall would hold McDowell captive high in a bearhug for LeBell's front kick to his face leading directly to the clinching three-count!!!
●●● As the intros were about to commence for the following contest, loud crashing sounds were heard from the direction of the former R.W.A. ring entrance location!!! Moments later an unconscious Marshall "The Bull" would collapse through the door onto the floor!!! A note would soon be delivered to ringside which read: "Hit #3" (and signed by "The Wise Guys")!!! ●●●
"Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland) pinned "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in only 4:31!!! Edmonds was subbing for the originally scheduled "All Ego" Ethan Page who had just signed an exclusive W.W.E. contract forcing him to relinquish all other bookings!!! The start of the event was delayed by a seemingly "never would end", grandstanding combined rant and diatribe by the foursome of Edmonds, J-Rocc, Chris Taylor, and Julia Lynn!!! An angry Dr. Feelbad finally would rule that this would be a "one-on-one contest" and that all other persons had to leave ringside or face an R.W.A. suspension of no less than one year!!! McChesney immediately thrust-kicked Edmonds and dragged him out to the concessions area where he showered him with hot dogs with condiments!!! Finally back inside the ring another "coup de grace" thrust kick would yield the winning three-count!!!
●●● (5) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes in 5:51 with a powerbomb directly into a double-leg front-cradle!!!
H.L. Supreme pinned Patrick Hayes (with his "Ace" - Gianni Michael Emricko) in 10:13!!! Eventually Supreme would scale a turnbuckle only to be discreetly pushed off down to the canvas by Emricko!!! With the momentum having changed, Hayes would mount the same corner with plans for his usual "frog splash" finisher!!! However, ELI would emerge to push "Ace" across the apron into a collision with Hayes who was then crotched onto the turnbuckle support to next tumble down to the mat!!! Supreme's spectacular top-rope leaping double-kneedrop finished Hayes for the cover!!!
"The Undeniable" Brandon Lee & "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn) (Lee pinned Taylor) in 16:35!!! Eventually Lee would throw off an attempt by Taylor to set up his usual finishing "diamond cutter" and soon nailed him with a spectacular flying kick to his head to next score the victory pin!!!
●●● Afterward John McChesney rushed out to attack J-Rocc seeking some early revenge for his piledriver on the rampway which had sidelined him for a couple of months!!! McChesney would battle on even terms at ringside with both J-Rocc and Taylor for several minutes, but in the meantime three R.W.A. officials and some security members would be injured in their efforts to intervene!!! ●●●
Champion "Colossal" Mike Law pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") in 10:15!!! After official Bo Browning had been taken out of action when Law backpedaled Gory into squashing him against a turnbuckle, all hell broke loose with the other "Quest For The Throne" contenders (Hayes, Hunt, Supreme, Everest) and more meddling and fighting among themselves!!! Eventually Hunt would smash a steel chair bigtime across Gory's back just after the intended target had moved!!! Law waited until ref Browning was about to emerge from his slumber to execute a "brainbuster" suplex with the still stunned Gory to get the title-retaining count of three on a canvas littered with other prone bodies!!!
SAT. MAY 18TH 2024
Champions "The Best In The Midwest: WarHoss" (Pat "The Bruiser" & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") (Kelly pinned LaVey) in about 8:00 to retain their title!!! WarHoss would eventually nail their two rebounding challengers with simultaneous boots to their faces and then follow up immediately with a double-team "uranage" on LaVey to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
●●● (2) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (introduced at his insistence as "The New & Improved Super Hentai") pinned "The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze in 7:51 after yanking him by his hair into position for his "unprettier" move finisher!!!
●●● As Blayze was still lying prone afterward inside the ring, the sadistic Tony Kincaid suddenly tossed Beastman's giant bone near him in an effort to manipulate the West Virginia Wildman into staging a beatdown!!! However, Beastman's later scheduled main-event opponent A.E.W. superstar Lance Archer started heading toward the ring with all of the R.W.A. officials and security as well as about half of the R.W.A. locker room in close pursuit to eventually successfully keep the two apart until their later match time!!! ●●●
Champion "Eli" pinned "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 6:24 to retain his title following a "Victory Roll" rana takedown!!! After the R.W.A. officials had halted his escape attempt, Emricko fell to his knees in front of Eli begging for mercy!!! However, it was a ruse to sneak in an uppercut low blow, confiscate the steel chair, and then dish out five swats to the winner of the contest!!!
●●● (4) J-Rocc, Daddy (with "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor) pinned "The Undeniable" Brandon Lee in 10:56!!! As Lee was in the process of stepping through the ropes back into the ring, J-Rocc utilized a heaping handful of his gear to roll him into a small-package cradle and steal the winning three-count!!! Taylor, who had just been banished from ringside by official Ross for interference, afterward rushed back out only to have his planned attack on Lee thwarted by the Englishman's spectacular flying kick!!! Lee then informed "Doc" Michael that he wanted a tag-team bout with those two on the next live event and would be looking for a partner!!!
●●● An angry R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that he was unable to reach an agreement with R.W.A. heavyweight champion Patrick Hayes to face "The New Age Plague" Gory for the title!!! His demands were not only too many but also too ridiculous to satisfy, and he was now claiming a "stubbed toe" injury as the reason for not even showing up at the building!!! Feelbad was just about to strip Hayes of the title when Hayes' "Ace" Gianni Michael Emricko emerged to offer his services as a surrogate defending the belt for him in his place!!! Feelbad agreed on the condition that, if there would be even a slight case of cheating controversy in his victory, the title would be stripped!!! ●●●
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (defending the title as a surrogate for the absent Patrick Hayes) pinned H.L. Supreme in 11:03 to temporarily retain the belt for Hayes!!! Supreme (the real Super Hentai) would eventually render Emricko flat on his back and was about to leap down from atop a turnbuckle upon him with one of his "Super Hentai" finishing moves when Preston Everest (the faux Super Hentai) began ranting on a house mic from the ringside floor about how the planned maneuver now belonged to him and could not be used!!! Supreme would just temporarily shut up the annoying Everest by bowling him over with a flying cross-bodyblock from his high perch!!! Everest soon recovered enough to mount the apron and continue his microphone diatribe!!! This enabled Emricko to run the distracted Supreme from behind into the ropes where Everest was standing with Supreme's head loudly konking the live handheld mic before he was rebounded into the Italian Strongman's reverse rolling-cradle for the victory pin!!!
●●● Afterward, despite Emricko's protest that he had absolutely nothing to do with Everest's involvement, Feelbad announced that the title was being stripped and would be awarded back to the man who twice had not been defeated fairly for it - "The Rev" Ron Hunt, thereby making the next scheduled bout a championship match!!! ●●●
"Colossal" Mike Law pinned champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in 10:22 to win the title by reversing his foe's takedown cradle over into his favor via a heaping handful of his gear!!!
●●● Julia Lynn was announced as coming to the ring next to finally reveal her dreaded secret which Notorious Norm had threatened to expose on the previous R.W.A. live event!!! However, it was "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor who emerged through the entrance curtain speaking on a cellphone presumably with Lynn!!! Nothing would be revealed from Taylor nor from the later arriving Notorious Norm!!! Taylor did at the end get the satisfaction of clubbing Norm hard across the back of his neck rendering him facedown on the canvas!!!●●●
"The Gambino Family" (Stevie LeBell & Marshall "The Bull" Gambino) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The Runway", "The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein, (Gambino pinned Klein) in 7:15!!! The Runway appeared to have been taunting Atlas and Emmy D standing down at ringside after which they both turned around to each be clobbered by Marshall's big double clothesline clout leading directly to the victory cover!!!
●●● Postbout, as the victorious "Gambino Family" was scaling the ramp, Paul Atlas had just first exited the curtain when a loud noise was heard and the Gambinos' mentor came flying unconscious back out through the curtain!!! A note was delivered to ring announcer Hank Hudson stating "That was Hit #2, signed The Wise Guys!!!" That means Hit #1 had to be their attack on the Gambinos' newest family member Stevie LeBell during intermission at the previous live event after they had earlier lost a "Losers Leave R.W.A. Match"!!! With a seething with anger look on his face Marshall looked briefly at the note, crumbled it into a ball, and spiked it onto the hardwood floor!!! ●●●
A.E.W. superstar "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer (with Notorious Norm) pinned "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 14:06!!! The two would battle pillar-to-post and wall-to-wall all over the building!!! At about the 11-minute mark J-Rocc and Chris Taylor would emerge to beat down Archer at ringside and then haul him on his back to center ring!!! Archer would roll aside at the last instant to avoid Beastman's top-rope flying splash-press attempt!!! He would follow up with consecutive chokeslams on Taylor, J-Rocc, and finally Beastman for the winning three-count!!! Afterward Norm would extort an agreement from J-Rocc to meet John McChesney on the next live event to stop Archer from torturing the captive Taylor!!! When Archer proceeded to chokeslam Taylor anyway, J-Rocc then demanded that McChesney beat A.E.W. star Ethan Page first before a match with him!!! Stay tuned!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest: WarHoss" (Pat "The Bruiser" & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") (Kelly pinned LaVey) in about 8:00 to retain their title!!! WarHoss would eventually nail their two rebounding challengers with simultaneous boots to their faces and then follow up immediately with a double-team "uranage" on LaVey to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
●●● (2) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (introduced at his insistence as "The New & Improved Super Hentai") pinned "The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze in 7:51 after yanking him by his hair into position for his "unprettier" move finisher!!!
●●● As Blayze was still lying prone afterward inside the ring, the sadistic Tony Kincaid suddenly tossed Beastman's giant bone near him in an effort to manipulate the West Virginia Wildman into staging a beatdown!!! However, Beastman's later scheduled main-event opponent A.E.W. superstar Lance Archer started heading toward the ring with all of the R.W.A. officials and security as well as about half of the R.W.A. locker room in close pursuit to eventually successfully keep the two apart until their later match time!!! ●●●
Champion "Eli" pinned "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko in 6:24 to retain his title following a "Victory Roll" rana takedown!!! After the R.W.A. officials had halted his escape attempt, Emricko fell to his knees in front of Eli begging for mercy!!! However, it was a ruse to sneak in an uppercut low blow, confiscate the steel chair, and then dish out five swats to the winner of the contest!!!
●●● (4) J-Rocc, Daddy (with "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor) pinned "The Undeniable" Brandon Lee in 10:56!!! As Lee was in the process of stepping through the ropes back into the ring, J-Rocc utilized a heaping handful of his gear to roll him into a small-package cradle and steal the winning three-count!!! Taylor, who had just been banished from ringside by official Ross for interference, afterward rushed back out only to have his planned attack on Lee thwarted by the Englishman's spectacular flying kick!!! Lee then informed "Doc" Michael that he wanted a tag-team bout with those two on the next live event and would be looking for a partner!!!
●●● An angry R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that he was unable to reach an agreement with R.W.A. heavyweight champion Patrick Hayes to face "The New Age Plague" Gory for the title!!! His demands were not only too many but also too ridiculous to satisfy, and he was now claiming a "stubbed toe" injury as the reason for not even showing up at the building!!! Feelbad was just about to strip Hayes of the title when Hayes' "Ace" Gianni Michael Emricko emerged to offer his services as a surrogate defending the belt for him in his place!!! Feelbad agreed on the condition that, if there would be even a slight case of cheating controversy in his victory, the title would be stripped!!! ●●●
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (defending the title as a surrogate for the absent Patrick Hayes) pinned H.L. Supreme in 11:03 to temporarily retain the belt for Hayes!!! Supreme (the real Super Hentai) would eventually render Emricko flat on his back and was about to leap down from atop a turnbuckle upon him with one of his "Super Hentai" finishing moves when Preston Everest (the faux Super Hentai) began ranting on a house mic from the ringside floor about how the planned maneuver now belonged to him and could not be used!!! Supreme would just temporarily shut up the annoying Everest by bowling him over with a flying cross-bodyblock from his high perch!!! Everest soon recovered enough to mount the apron and continue his microphone diatribe!!! This enabled Emricko to run the distracted Supreme from behind into the ropes where Everest was standing with Supreme's head loudly konking the live handheld mic before he was rebounded into the Italian Strongman's reverse rolling-cradle for the victory pin!!!
●●● Afterward, despite Emricko's protest that he had absolutely nothing to do with Everest's involvement, Feelbad announced that the title was being stripped and would be awarded back to the man who twice had not been defeated fairly for it - "The Rev" Ron Hunt, thereby making the next scheduled bout a championship match!!! ●●●
"Colossal" Mike Law pinned champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in 10:22 to win the title by reversing his foe's takedown cradle over into his favor via a heaping handful of his gear!!!
●●● Julia Lynn was announced as coming to the ring next to finally reveal her dreaded secret which Notorious Norm had threatened to expose on the previous R.W.A. live event!!! However, it was "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor who emerged through the entrance curtain speaking on a cellphone presumably with Lynn!!! Nothing would be revealed from Taylor nor from the later arriving Notorious Norm!!! Taylor did at the end get the satisfaction of clubbing Norm hard across the back of his neck rendering him facedown on the canvas!!!●●●
"The Gambino Family" (Stevie LeBell & Marshall "The Bull" Gambino) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The Runway", "The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein, (Gambino pinned Klein) in 7:15!!! The Runway appeared to have been taunting Atlas and Emmy D standing down at ringside after which they both turned around to each be clobbered by Marshall's big double clothesline clout leading directly to the victory cover!!!
●●● Postbout, as the victorious "Gambino Family" was scaling the ramp, Paul Atlas had just first exited the curtain when a loud noise was heard and the Gambinos' mentor came flying unconscious back out through the curtain!!! A note was delivered to ring announcer Hank Hudson stating "That was Hit #2, signed The Wise Guys!!!" That means Hit #1 had to be their attack on the Gambinos' newest family member Stevie LeBell during intermission at the previous live event after they had earlier lost a "Losers Leave R.W.A. Match"!!! With a seething with anger look on his face Marshall looked briefly at the note, crumbled it into a ball, and spiked it onto the hardwood floor!!! ●●●
A.E.W. superstar "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer (with Notorious Norm) pinned "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 14:06!!! The two would battle pillar-to-post and wall-to-wall all over the building!!! At about the 11-minute mark J-Rocc and Chris Taylor would emerge to beat down Archer at ringside and then haul him on his back to center ring!!! Archer would roll aside at the last instant to avoid Beastman's top-rope flying splash-press attempt!!! He would follow up with consecutive chokeslams on Taylor, J-Rocc, and finally Beastman for the winning three-count!!! Afterward Norm would extort an agreement from J-Rocc to meet John McChesney on the next live event to stop Archer from torturing the captive Taylor!!! When Archer proceeded to chokeslam Taylor anyway, J-Rocc then demanded that McChesney beat A.E.W. star Ethan Page first before a match with him!!! Stay tuned!!!
SAT. APRIL 20TH 2024
●●●●● EVENT OPENING ●●●●●
R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad announced the recent passing of longtime R.W.A. superfan Eddie Petriski who, despite a long succession of several amputations and other health setbacks one after the other, attended many R.W.A. events when he was able!!! A standing ten-bell salute would next be held in honor of his memory!!!
(1) "The Hottness" Troy Lords defeated "Colossal" Mike Law, SUBMISSION in 9:58!!! With Lords appearing enroute to victory, his enemy "King Of Men" Devin Devine would emerge in an effort to cause him to lose focus and give Law time to recover!!! Law had just revealed his sudden possession of a section of pipe when "The Rev" Ron Hunt rushed out and reached through the ropes to snatch the intended weapon away from the self-proclaimed "Colossal" one!!! Lords next clamped on what appeared to be a modified version of a "crossface" grip to cop the winning tap-out!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy and Julia Lynn commandeered a house mic and center ring for their own unscheduled news conference, but it was all in vain as the noise of the R.W.A. faithful would completely drown out their voices!!! Then suddenly Notorious Norm appeared to request time alone in the ring to speak with Lynn to which J-Rocc surprisingly complied!!! Norm immediately informed her that if she thought the two of them were together after her betrayal of John McChesney and Tommy Dreamer the previous February and his intervention saving her from the wrath of Dr. Feelbad, she was wrong!!! Norm then went into their history together of how they had met at her grandmother's funeral twelve years earlier, how she had asked him to get her involved in professional wrestling, and how he got her connected with McChesney to get her break!!! Norm then stated that it was on that evening at R.W.A. "Fury" two months back when she became a "bitch", but then again she may have always been a "bitch"!!! At this point Norm was about to reveal some dreaded "secret" of Lynn, when J-Rocc hurriedly returned to shove Norm!!! Dr. Feelbad emerged next armed with a huge galvanized bucket to make J-Rocc back off and leave!!!
(2) "The Pride Of The Pacific" - "The Island Girl" . pinned champion "Your Favorite Second Generation, Female Sensation", "The Bourbon City Bad Ass", And "The Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jessie Belle Smothers in about seven minutes to win the title!!! . at first challenged Jessie Belle to a friendly "dance-off" after which both competitors were cheered with Smothers receiving a slightly higher volume!!! The cleanly-grappled event would end after a lightning-like series between the two of trading the advantage back and forth in pinning situations from Smothers' sunset-flip type hold down to .'s reversing to a seated position atop Jessie Belle's chest and so on!!! Finally . would hook the champion's legs forward to prevent her next reversal for the title-winning three-count!!!
(3) "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest" WarHoss (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), DISQUALIFICATION in 9:30 ("WarHoss" retained their title, nonetheless)!!! In the heat of the battle original official Jeff Jefferies was taken out due to a blow from Bruiser and soon replaced by George Ross!!! The Culmination would eventually hit a double-team maneuver on Bruiser but, just prior to a potential title-changing third count about to be hit on Bruiser, a rejuvenated ref Jefferies would order the concluding bell rung to disqualify WarHoss for the original hit on him!!!
(4) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko defeated champion "The Shadoman" Elijah, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:57 (Elijah retained his title, nonetheless)!!! During the ring intros Emricko hid just outside the entrance curtain to then viciously beat down the emerging Elijah with a steel chair!!! However, Elijah survived this onslaught to compete in his title defense and would eventually be disqualified for smashing Emricko with another steel chair which his challenger had originally brought into the ring!!!
(5) The Original E.C.W.'s "Hardcore Icon" The Sandman & "Big League" John McChesney (with Notorious Norm) defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn) (McChesney pinned Taylor) in 7:08!!! Sandman appeared completely unfocused on the contest for at least the opening five minutes as his partner McChesney was mainly beaten down!!! However, when Sandman would finally tag in, all hell broke loose with the "Hardcore Icon" swinging away via the "Singapore Cane"!!! Norm would foil an attempt by Lynn to spray a McChesney held captive from behind by J-Rocc by snatching her weapon away from the blindside!!! Sandman would then from the floor reach over the top rope to viciously swat Taylor right between his eyes with the cane to send him stumbling back into the waiting McChesney's suplex pin!!! Afterward, as McChesney was about to exit through the stage curtain, sore-loser J-Rocc emerged to viciously piledrive him onto the rampway!!!
(6) "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned H.L. Supreme in 4:21!!! Prior to the match Preston Everest (dressed as a faux "New & Improved" Super Hentai) taunted Supreme (the real Super Hentai) on a house mic from the stage area!!! Eventually Supreme would powerslam the massive Beastman down from a perch atop a turnbuckle, but Kincaid would yank official Ross by his ankles out to ringside just prior to a possible third count!!! This action would give the West Virginia wildman time to recover and soon catch Supreme by surprise with a double-arm sit-out chokeslam to cop the victory cover!!!
(7) Patrick Hayes (with his "New Ace" - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko) pinned champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in only 1:53 to regain the title!!! This started out as just a negotiation for the signing of a Hayes' mandatory return bout but, immediately after both had officially signed the agreement, Hayes and his "Ace" began a double-team beatdown on "The Rev"!!! However, "Shadoman" Elijah arrived to pummel a retreating Emricko up the rampway and through the stage curtain!!! Thus, Hunt was able to come back and eventually plant Hayes with his standing bulldog maneuver!!! Suddenly Mike Law arrived to pay Rev a receipt for the meddling in his earlier bout with Lords by distracting him long enough for a recovered Hayes to strike him with his walking stick!!! At this point Hayes proceeded to cash in his "return match contract" and soon suplex him through the inclined negotiation table to score the title-regaining three-count!!! Afterward the interfering Law would gripe on the stage to "Doc" Michael about the "glass ceiling" implemented by Rev and his like impeding his progress in R.W.A.!!!
( "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The New & Improved" Super Hentai (actually "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest) in 10:01!!! Gory almost immediately tore the mask off his foe but later, thinking himself already enroute to victory, Everest thought out loud that he would finish this bout in a Super Hentai manner!!! However, Gory would foil Everest's leaping top-rope splash-press attempt by raising his knees up into his airborne foe's midsection!!! Gory would then follow up with his "Q.A.S." maneuver (sunset-flip short powerbomb) and a top-rope leaping double-foot stomp into his foe's abdomen to cop the winning cover!!! When asked afterward by "Doc" Michael what was next, Gory replied: "Patrick Hayes!!!"
●●● Notorious Norm next sauntered unannounced down the rampway armed with a house mic to at first boast about several of the wrestling stars which he in his days as a promoter was the first to bring to the Greater Pittsburgh Area!!! He then officially revealed that, using the connections he still has in the business, he is bringing current A.E.W. and former W.W.E. and T.N.A. star "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer to R.W.A. for the next live event May 18th to hopefully get revenge for John McChesney's injury on either J-Rocc or Chris Taylor!!! ●●●
(9) "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) (Marshall pinned Irish) in 12:52 to send their foes packing!!! Before the opening bell spokesman for "The Wise Guys" DeCapo insisted that the often interfering Atlas and Emmy D not be permitted at ringside for the duration of the bout to which the "Family" eventually agreed after huddling for a brief discussion!!! Eventually ref George Ross would get squashed between two of the big brawlers and be taken out of the match completely!!! However, before official Jeff Jefferies would arrive as an emergency replacement, the Gambinos would execute their usual top-rope leaping elbow-drop finisher on one of the Wise Guys but with no ref available yet to toll a pin!!! Once the new arbiter was on the scene, the Wise Guys hit their usual "3-D" finisher on Mickey who managed to kick out of the ensuing cover try at a count of two!!! Soon after the Gambinos would steal their foes "3-D" maneuver to use on Irish for Marshall's deciding three-count!!!
R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad announced the recent passing of longtime R.W.A. superfan Eddie Petriski who, despite a long succession of several amputations and other health setbacks one after the other, attended many R.W.A. events when he was able!!! A standing ten-bell salute would next be held in honor of his memory!!!
(1) "The Hottness" Troy Lords defeated "Colossal" Mike Law, SUBMISSION in 9:58!!! With Lords appearing enroute to victory, his enemy "King Of Men" Devin Devine would emerge in an effort to cause him to lose focus and give Law time to recover!!! Law had just revealed his sudden possession of a section of pipe when "The Rev" Ron Hunt rushed out and reached through the ropes to snatch the intended weapon away from the self-proclaimed "Colossal" one!!! Lords next clamped on what appeared to be a modified version of a "crossface" grip to cop the winning tap-out!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy and Julia Lynn commandeered a house mic and center ring for their own unscheduled news conference, but it was all in vain as the noise of the R.W.A. faithful would completely drown out their voices!!! Then suddenly Notorious Norm appeared to request time alone in the ring to speak with Lynn to which J-Rocc surprisingly complied!!! Norm immediately informed her that if she thought the two of them were together after her betrayal of John McChesney and Tommy Dreamer the previous February and his intervention saving her from the wrath of Dr. Feelbad, she was wrong!!! Norm then went into their history together of how they had met at her grandmother's funeral twelve years earlier, how she had asked him to get her involved in professional wrestling, and how he got her connected with McChesney to get her break!!! Norm then stated that it was on that evening at R.W.A. "Fury" two months back when she became a "bitch", but then again she may have always been a "bitch"!!! At this point Norm was about to reveal some dreaded "secret" of Lynn, when J-Rocc hurriedly returned to shove Norm!!! Dr. Feelbad emerged next armed with a huge galvanized bucket to make J-Rocc back off and leave!!!
(2) "The Pride Of The Pacific" - "The Island Girl" . pinned champion "Your Favorite Second Generation, Female Sensation", "The Bourbon City Bad Ass", And "The Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jessie Belle Smothers in about seven minutes to win the title!!! . at first challenged Jessie Belle to a friendly "dance-off" after which both competitors were cheered with Smothers receiving a slightly higher volume!!! The cleanly-grappled event would end after a lightning-like series between the two of trading the advantage back and forth in pinning situations from Smothers' sunset-flip type hold down to .'s reversing to a seated position atop Jessie Belle's chest and so on!!! Finally . would hook the champion's legs forward to prevent her next reversal for the title-winning three-count!!!
(3) "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest" WarHoss (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), DISQUALIFICATION in 9:30 ("WarHoss" retained their title, nonetheless)!!! In the heat of the battle original official Jeff Jefferies was taken out due to a blow from Bruiser and soon replaced by George Ross!!! The Culmination would eventually hit a double-team maneuver on Bruiser but, just prior to a potential title-changing third count about to be hit on Bruiser, a rejuvenated ref Jefferies would order the concluding bell rung to disqualify WarHoss for the original hit on him!!!
(4) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko defeated champion "The Shadoman" Elijah, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:57 (Elijah retained his title, nonetheless)!!! During the ring intros Emricko hid just outside the entrance curtain to then viciously beat down the emerging Elijah with a steel chair!!! However, Elijah survived this onslaught to compete in his title defense and would eventually be disqualified for smashing Emricko with another steel chair which his challenger had originally brought into the ring!!!
(5) The Original E.C.W.'s "Hardcore Icon" The Sandman & "Big League" John McChesney (with Notorious Norm) defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn) (McChesney pinned Taylor) in 7:08!!! Sandman appeared completely unfocused on the contest for at least the opening five minutes as his partner McChesney was mainly beaten down!!! However, when Sandman would finally tag in, all hell broke loose with the "Hardcore Icon" swinging away via the "Singapore Cane"!!! Norm would foil an attempt by Lynn to spray a McChesney held captive from behind by J-Rocc by snatching her weapon away from the blindside!!! Sandman would then from the floor reach over the top rope to viciously swat Taylor right between his eyes with the cane to send him stumbling back into the waiting McChesney's suplex pin!!! Afterward, as McChesney was about to exit through the stage curtain, sore-loser J-Rocc emerged to viciously piledrive him onto the rampway!!!
(6) "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned H.L. Supreme in 4:21!!! Prior to the match Preston Everest (dressed as a faux "New & Improved" Super Hentai) taunted Supreme (the real Super Hentai) on a house mic from the stage area!!! Eventually Supreme would powerslam the massive Beastman down from a perch atop a turnbuckle, but Kincaid would yank official Ross by his ankles out to ringside just prior to a possible third count!!! This action would give the West Virginia wildman time to recover and soon catch Supreme by surprise with a double-arm sit-out chokeslam to cop the victory cover!!!
(7) Patrick Hayes (with his "New Ace" - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko) pinned champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in only 1:53 to regain the title!!! This started out as just a negotiation for the signing of a Hayes' mandatory return bout but, immediately after both had officially signed the agreement, Hayes and his "Ace" began a double-team beatdown on "The Rev"!!! However, "Shadoman" Elijah arrived to pummel a retreating Emricko up the rampway and through the stage curtain!!! Thus, Hunt was able to come back and eventually plant Hayes with his standing bulldog maneuver!!! Suddenly Mike Law arrived to pay Rev a receipt for the meddling in his earlier bout with Lords by distracting him long enough for a recovered Hayes to strike him with his walking stick!!! At this point Hayes proceeded to cash in his "return match contract" and soon suplex him through the inclined negotiation table to score the title-regaining three-count!!! Afterward the interfering Law would gripe on the stage to "Doc" Michael about the "glass ceiling" implemented by Rev and his like impeding his progress in R.W.A.!!!
( "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The New & Improved" Super Hentai (actually "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest) in 10:01!!! Gory almost immediately tore the mask off his foe but later, thinking himself already enroute to victory, Everest thought out loud that he would finish this bout in a Super Hentai manner!!! However, Gory would foil Everest's leaping top-rope splash-press attempt by raising his knees up into his airborne foe's midsection!!! Gory would then follow up with his "Q.A.S." maneuver (sunset-flip short powerbomb) and a top-rope leaping double-foot stomp into his foe's abdomen to cop the winning cover!!! When asked afterward by "Doc" Michael what was next, Gory replied: "Patrick Hayes!!!"
●●● Notorious Norm next sauntered unannounced down the rampway armed with a house mic to at first boast about several of the wrestling stars which he in his days as a promoter was the first to bring to the Greater Pittsburgh Area!!! He then officially revealed that, using the connections he still has in the business, he is bringing current A.E.W. and former W.W.E. and T.N.A. star "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer to R.W.A. for the next live event May 18th to hopefully get revenge for John McChesney's injury on either J-Rocc or Chris Taylor!!! ●●●
(9) "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) (with "Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy D) defeated "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) (Marshall pinned Irish) in 12:52 to send their foes packing!!! Before the opening bell spokesman for "The Wise Guys" DeCapo insisted that the often interfering Atlas and Emmy D not be permitted at ringside for the duration of the bout to which the "Family" eventually agreed after huddling for a brief discussion!!! Eventually ref George Ross would get squashed between two of the big brawlers and be taken out of the match completely!!! However, before official Jeff Jefferies would arrive as an emergency replacement, the Gambinos would execute their usual top-rope leaping elbow-drop finisher on one of the Wise Guys but with no ref available yet to toll a pin!!! Once the new arbiter was on the scene, the Wise Guys hit their usual "3-D" finisher on Mickey who managed to kick out of the ensuing cover try at a count of two!!! Soon after the Gambinos would steal their foes "3-D" maneuver to use on Irish for Marshall's deciding three-count!!!
SAT. MARCH 16TH 2024
●●●●● SHOW OPENING ●●●●●
The R.W.A. ring bell was tolled ten times in honor of three recently deceased members of the pro wrestling community:
■■■ ANTHONY GAINES (Indy competitor in the Greater Pittsburgh Tri-State Area)
■■■OLE ANDERSON (member of the original "Four Horsemen", N.W.A. star who appeared in Pittsburgh during the 1980's)
■■■VIRGIL/VINCENT (bodyguard for "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase in the W.W.F., and later in W.C.W. "The Chief of Security" for the New World Order)
●●● (1) H.L. Supreme pinned "Colossal" Mike Law in 9:43!!! Law would eventually catch a leaping Supreme in mid-air with a spectacular out of nowhere "codebreaker" maneuver, but his follow up cover try yielded only a two-count!!! However, immediately afterward Law began celebrating as if he had already won only to be maneuvered from the blindside into the ropes and rebounded into a reverse rolling-cradle for the three-count!!!
Norm would admit that, when he had first demanded a public apology from Feelbad for what had happened on the previous live event, he was totally unaware that he had already made one!!! So Norm proceeded to jokingly get down on his knees to reciprocate with his own "mea culpa"!!! Norm stated that Chris Taylor and J-Rocc were still pieces of crap, that Julia Lynn was also one herself as well as a "be-otch" who had turned her back on the fans, and he hoped that Sandman would cane the heck out of her!!! Norm announced that this was his last night in R.W.A. but, as he was exiting the ring, he took one parting shot at Feelbad stating that he would never be the promoter he was!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Golden Glovers" (#0 - "The Set Up Man" King Caesar Bambino & #26 - "The Designated Hitter" Landon Hernandez) (Kelly pinned Hernandez) in 8:19 to retain their title after each of them had lifted Hernandez by one of his arms from his perch atop a turnbuckle for a high-altitude double-team "uranage"!!!
"Doc" asked the retaining titleholders what was next for them and received a one-word reply: "Anyone!!!" In the meantime, members of "The Culmination" ("The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer) were entering the ring below from another direction and immediately called them out!!! LaVey and Archer had been earlier sneakattacked by WarHoss during a pre-show interview in front of the fans and were bent on revenge!!! WarHoss commenced descending the rampway toward their challengers, but suddenly at the bottom made a 90° right turn toward an exit!!!
●●● (3) J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "The Hottness" Troy Lords in 8:21!!! Upon entering the ring first, J-Rocc commandeered the house mic to talk smack about John McChesney who then charged the ring to embark on a bigtime beatdown on the "Daddy"!!! However, Lynn would eventually put a screeching halt to the onslaught via her vicious blow to the back of McChesney's knees with a wooden club!!! As "Big League" was being helped to the back by R.W.A. officials, scheduled foe Lords emerged to continue the beatdown on J-Rocc from where McChesney had left off!!! Lynn would soon halt that offensive with an under the ropes reach to trip the rebounding Lords!!! However, Lords' enemy "King Of Men" Devin Devine would finally emerge to discreetly sucker punch a newly rallying Lords with a "loaded" duke, leading directly to J-Rocc's victory cover!!!
●●● (4) "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas & valet Emmy Dee) vs. "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish), NO CONTEST VERDICT, MATCH NEVER OFFICIALLY STARTED!!! After their intro the Wise Guys left the ring to wait for the Gambinos at the bottom of the rampway when they first noticed Atlas and Emmy Dee emerging through the stage curtain!!! However, the Gambinos made their entry instead from the fans' entrance door to next engage their foes in a wall-to-wall five minutes plus war during which the battlers would never enter the ring and no opening bell would ever be rung to make the bout official!!!
"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn and J-Rocc, Daddy) pinned The Original E.C.W.'s "Hardcore Icon" The Sandman in only 1:44!!! Sandman made his usual lengthy ring entrance to the sound of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" through much of the near capacity crowd toting a case of canned beer as well as his "Singapore Cane"!!! In the ring Sandman would goad Taylor into a handshake immediately after which he would club his foe over the top of his head with the "Singapore Cane"!!! Then, in a wink of an eye, the sneaky Lynn would blind Sandman via the mist from her spray can to be rolled up by Taylor for the winning three-count!!!
●●● (6) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest pinned "The Thicky Time Bomb" Brian Bomb in only 58 seconds!!! Everest competed wearing a "Super Hentai" mask and insisted that he be reintroduced by that name!!! Everest blindsided Bomb prior to the opening gong and, despite a brief comeback by his foe, still finished him off in under one minute via an "Oklahoma Stampede" type running powerdrive into a turnbuckle followed immediately by a running powerslam press for the cover!!! Afterward his enemy H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) emerged from hiding under the R.W.A. ring, but faux Hentai managed to break his grasp and scurry to safety!!!
●●● (7) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland) pinned "No Shame" Jimmy Shane in 8:27 via a "Northern Lights Suplex" and backbridge despite the obvious lingering effects from the cheap shot administered to him earlier by Julia Lynn!!!
McChesney was in a bigtime angry mood, not only due to the injury he had suffered earlier that evening, but also due to the travesty which had occurred in Sandman's bout as well as on top of twenty-three years of dealing with J-Rocc!!! McChesney confronted promoter Dr. Feelbad and demanded a tag-team match for the April 20th R.W.A. live event: Sandman & McChesney vs. Chris Taylor & J-Rocc, Daddy!!!
●●● ( "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman in 10:11!!! Beastman eventually attempted to use his giant bone and, during a struggle with ref George Ross over the weapon, the official was struck by it to collapse down on all fours!!! Gory immediately leaped from atop a turnbuckle to hit the West Virginia Wildman with a flying cross-bodyblock!!! Beastman stumbled backward and tripped over the prone Ross' body collapsing to the canvas with Gory on top of him for the deciding pin!!!
Current Two-Time R.W.A. Heavyweight Champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt & current R.W.A. "No Limits" Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated Patrick Hayes & his "New Ace" - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko, DISQUALIFICATION in 13:32!!! After Emricko had run Elijah skull-first into a ringpost down on the floor, he would reenter the ring to swat Hunt with a chair for the "D.Q."!!! Hayes and Emricko would then embark on a seven person chair beatdown and choke out on their foes Hunt and Elijah, referees Jefferies and Sensation, and three R.W.A. stars who had unsuccessfully tried to halt the brutal onslaught, Brian Bomb and The Golden Glovers!!! Hayes and Emricko would then spend so much time gloating and admiring the damage they had done that Hunt and Elijah would eventually recover to pummel them up the rampway and through the stage curtain for good!!! Elijah did take time to announce that it would be him and Emricko for the R.W.A. "No Limits" title on the next live event on April 20th!!!
The R.W.A. ring bell was tolled ten times in honor of three recently deceased members of the pro wrestling community:
■■■ ANTHONY GAINES (Indy competitor in the Greater Pittsburgh Tri-State Area)
■■■OLE ANDERSON (member of the original "Four Horsemen", N.W.A. star who appeared in Pittsburgh during the 1980's)
■■■VIRGIL/VINCENT (bodyguard for "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase in the W.W.F., and later in W.C.W. "The Chief of Security" for the New World Order)
●●● (1) H.L. Supreme pinned "Colossal" Mike Law in 9:43!!! Law would eventually catch a leaping Supreme in mid-air with a spectacular out of nowhere "codebreaker" maneuver, but his follow up cover try yielded only a two-count!!! However, immediately afterward Law began celebrating as if he had already won only to be maneuvered from the blindside into the ropes and rebounded into a reverse rolling-cradle for the three-count!!!
Norm would admit that, when he had first demanded a public apology from Feelbad for what had happened on the previous live event, he was totally unaware that he had already made one!!! So Norm proceeded to jokingly get down on his knees to reciprocate with his own "mea culpa"!!! Norm stated that Chris Taylor and J-Rocc were still pieces of crap, that Julia Lynn was also one herself as well as a "be-otch" who had turned her back on the fans, and he hoped that Sandman would cane the heck out of her!!! Norm announced that this was his last night in R.W.A. but, as he was exiting the ring, he took one parting shot at Feelbad stating that he would never be the promoter he was!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - WarHoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Golden Glovers" (#0 - "The Set Up Man" King Caesar Bambino & #26 - "The Designated Hitter" Landon Hernandez) (Kelly pinned Hernandez) in 8:19 to retain their title after each of them had lifted Hernandez by one of his arms from his perch atop a turnbuckle for a high-altitude double-team "uranage"!!!
"Doc" asked the retaining titleholders what was next for them and received a one-word reply: "Anyone!!!" In the meantime, members of "The Culmination" ("The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer) were entering the ring below from another direction and immediately called them out!!! LaVey and Archer had been earlier sneakattacked by WarHoss during a pre-show interview in front of the fans and were bent on revenge!!! WarHoss commenced descending the rampway toward their challengers, but suddenly at the bottom made a 90° right turn toward an exit!!!
●●● (3) J-Rocc, Daddy (with Julia Lynn) pinned "The Hottness" Troy Lords in 8:21!!! Upon entering the ring first, J-Rocc commandeered the house mic to talk smack about John McChesney who then charged the ring to embark on a bigtime beatdown on the "Daddy"!!! However, Lynn would eventually put a screeching halt to the onslaught via her vicious blow to the back of McChesney's knees with a wooden club!!! As "Big League" was being helped to the back by R.W.A. officials, scheduled foe Lords emerged to continue the beatdown on J-Rocc from where McChesney had left off!!! Lynn would soon halt that offensive with an under the ropes reach to trip the rebounding Lords!!! However, Lords' enemy "King Of Men" Devin Devine would finally emerge to discreetly sucker punch a newly rallying Lords with a "loaded" duke, leading directly to J-Rocc's victory cover!!!
●●● (4) "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas & valet Emmy Dee) vs. "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish), NO CONTEST VERDICT, MATCH NEVER OFFICIALLY STARTED!!! After their intro the Wise Guys left the ring to wait for the Gambinos at the bottom of the rampway when they first noticed Atlas and Emmy Dee emerging through the stage curtain!!! However, the Gambinos made their entry instead from the fans' entrance door to next engage their foes in a wall-to-wall five minutes plus war during which the battlers would never enter the ring and no opening bell would ever be rung to make the bout official!!!
"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with Julia Lynn and J-Rocc, Daddy) pinned The Original E.C.W.'s "Hardcore Icon" The Sandman in only 1:44!!! Sandman made his usual lengthy ring entrance to the sound of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" through much of the near capacity crowd toting a case of canned beer as well as his "Singapore Cane"!!! In the ring Sandman would goad Taylor into a handshake immediately after which he would club his foe over the top of his head with the "Singapore Cane"!!! Then, in a wink of an eye, the sneaky Lynn would blind Sandman via the mist from her spray can to be rolled up by Taylor for the winning three-count!!!
●●● (6) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest pinned "The Thicky Time Bomb" Brian Bomb in only 58 seconds!!! Everest competed wearing a "Super Hentai" mask and insisted that he be reintroduced by that name!!! Everest blindsided Bomb prior to the opening gong and, despite a brief comeback by his foe, still finished him off in under one minute via an "Oklahoma Stampede" type running powerdrive into a turnbuckle followed immediately by a running powerslam press for the cover!!! Afterward his enemy H.L. Supreme (the real Super Hentai) emerged from hiding under the R.W.A. ring, but faux Hentai managed to break his grasp and scurry to safety!!!
●●● (7) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland) pinned "No Shame" Jimmy Shane in 8:27 via a "Northern Lights Suplex" and backbridge despite the obvious lingering effects from the cheap shot administered to him earlier by Julia Lynn!!!
McChesney was in a bigtime angry mood, not only due to the injury he had suffered earlier that evening, but also due to the travesty which had occurred in Sandman's bout as well as on top of twenty-three years of dealing with J-Rocc!!! McChesney confronted promoter Dr. Feelbad and demanded a tag-team match for the April 20th R.W.A. live event: Sandman & McChesney vs. Chris Taylor & J-Rocc, Daddy!!!
●●● ( "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Stone Age Savage" The Beastman in 10:11!!! Beastman eventually attempted to use his giant bone and, during a struggle with ref George Ross over the weapon, the official was struck by it to collapse down on all fours!!! Gory immediately leaped from atop a turnbuckle to hit the West Virginia Wildman with a flying cross-bodyblock!!! Beastman stumbled backward and tripped over the prone Ross' body collapsing to the canvas with Gory on top of him for the deciding pin!!!
Current Two-Time R.W.A. Heavyweight Champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt & current R.W.A. "No Limits" Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated Patrick Hayes & his "New Ace" - "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko, DISQUALIFICATION in 13:32!!! After Emricko had run Elijah skull-first into a ringpost down on the floor, he would reenter the ring to swat Hunt with a chair for the "D.Q."!!! Hayes and Emricko would then embark on a seven person chair beatdown and choke out on their foes Hunt and Elijah, referees Jefferies and Sensation, and three R.W.A. stars who had unsuccessfully tried to halt the brutal onslaught, Brian Bomb and The Golden Glovers!!! Hayes and Emricko would then spend so much time gloating and admiring the damage they had done that Hunt and Elijah would eventually recover to pummel them up the rampway and through the stage curtain for good!!! Elijah did take time to announce that it would be him and Emricko for the R.W.A. "No Limits" title on the next live event on April 20th!!!
RWA- FURY 2024
SAT. FEB. 17TH 2024
Current two-time R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Colossal" Mike Law in 10:36 after planting his foe with his usual "standing bulldog" finisher!!! The entitled Law was expecting to be a challenger for the R.W.A. belt but the promotion powers that be ruled that, because he had yet to score a victory in the R.W.A. ring, he would have to win this event to be awarded a future title opportunity!!!
(2) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned "The Hottness" Troy Lords in 7:33!!! Lords appeared enroute to a possible victory after planting Emricko with a leaping D.D.T., but he completely lost focus when his enemy Devin Devine appeared at ringside!!! Lords turned his back on Emricko to confront Devine along the ropes only to be rolled up from his blindside high on his shoulders by the strongman who would drape both feet over the middle ring rope to ensure the winning three-count!!! Afterward Devine had to be saved from Lords' receipt beatdown by the R.W.A. officials!!!
Norm stated that it had been eight years since he had been in a ring, but he was here now because of two bullies, J-Rocc and Chris Taylor!!! Dr. Feelbad gave credit to Norm for himself being the promoter he has become today, and for that he presented him with a gift wrapped metal tray, one of the purple-clad former manager's two favorite weapons along with aluminum plates during his heyday!!! J-Rocc and Taylor then appeared on the rampway with a commandeered house mic!!! J-Rocc admitted that Taylor's R.W.A. loss to Gangrel four weeks earlier was due to his drinking, but he has not had a drink since and as a result was mean and angry for this fight!!! The two next menacingly started heading closer to the ring, bringing their later foes Tommy Dreamer and John McChesney onto the scene to head them off!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) and "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas & valet Emmy Dee) (DeCapo pinned Couture) in 9:03!!! "The Wise Guys" baited the Gambinos from a distance throughout the bout, but they never once would step into the ring legally to battle either of them!!! Eventually the Gambinos would hit their usual finishing Mickey's leaping elbow-drop onto Klein draped over Marshall's knee!!! However, before any concluding cover could be attempted, Irish would pull Marshall out to ringside while Mickey would pursue DeCapo to the floor where the four would engage in an intense brawl!!! Meanwhile, Couture would drag a semi-conscious Klein over to his own corner to then legally tag himself in!!! Couture screamed at ref Jefferies to count out the four fighting outside, not realizing that there are no countouts in these multiple team matches!!! Eventually, the Wise Guys would achieve a brief edge down on the hardwood and quickly reenter the squared-circle to destroy the all alone Couture with their "3-D" finisher to cop the clinching cover!!! Afterward Marshall proceeded to beat on DeCapo all the way up the rampway and through the stage curtain, while Mickey beat down Irish bigtime at the base of the ramp!!!
(4) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (introduced as "The Man Who Says He Owns Super Hentai") pinned "The Blond Blur" Mikey Montgomery in 12:38!!! Everest eventually removed one of his boots and deliberately allowed ref C.J. Sensation to see a potential weapon in his possession!!! After the official had confiscated the boot and had briefly turned his back to remove it from the ring, Everest viciously gouged Montgomery and then nailed him with a blow from his goggles to score the victory three-count!!! Afterward H.L. Supreme (a.k.a. the former Super Hentai) would chase Everest out the stage curtain, and it would continue to God knows where at the very least through near the end of intermission when the hot pursuit would again carry quickly in and out of the West Newton Gym!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") (Kelly pinned LaVey) in 10:18 to retain their title!!! As Archer and Bruiser were duking it out down on the floor, inside the ring Kelly delivered a double-thrust deep into LaVey's throat followed by an eye rake and a "coup de grace" swinging neckbreaker to get the title-retaining count of three!!! Adding some post-bout insult to injury, War Hoss would skull their defeated challengers from the blindside with simultaneous blows from the R.W.A. tag-team championship belts!!!
Doc informed Norris that it has been heard that Patrick Hayes has been blaming him for the loss of his R.W.A. title to "The Rev" Ron Hunt on the previous live event!!! Norris emphatically replied that he doesn't give a #@%& what Patrick Hayes says and that he vows to put his lights out!!! Afterward, as Norris was preoccupied fist-bumping with his newfound R.W.A. ringside fans, Gianni Michael Emricko rushed down the rampway to deliver a vicious chair swat to the back of Norris' knees followed by blow after blow to his fallen victim's lower extremities until the R.W.A. officials could finally put an end to the onslaught!!!
●●●●● INTERMISSION ●●●●●
(6) "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador in 8:51 following his "Q.A.S." ("sunset-flip/short powerbomb") maneuver!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned "King Of Men" Devin Devine (sub for the originally scheduled "American Daredevil" Johnny Patch) in 5:31 to retain his title after charging diagonally across the ring to crush his prone challenger with a flying corner "cannonball"!!! Afterward Gianni Michael Emricko sauntered down the rampway with a commandeered house mic to boast about what he had done earlier that evening to the knee of Johnny Norris!!! He claimed to be Patrick Hayes' new "ace" and had been sent by him specifically to hurt Norris!!! After revealing his plans to next take Elijah's title, Emricko would be soon bolting from the scene to escape the "No Limits" champ's fist-flying retort!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy
"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
"Big League" John McChesney
(with Julia Lynn & "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland)
"The Original E.C.W.'s Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer
(with "Dr. Feelbad" & "Notorious Norm")
(J-Rocc pinned McChesney) in 19:28!!!
Notorious Norm would be caught meddling and be evicted by ref C.J. Sensation for the duration of the bout at the seven-minute mark!!! At the fourteen-minute mark Dreamer would produce a garbage can full of weapons, and soon McChesney and Lynn would get a table to place upright against a turnbuckle!!! However, as McChesney was setting up to next hurl J-Rocc through it, to the shock of one and all, Lynn would spray an irritating substance into her man Big League's eyes!!! J-Rocc would follow up with his "piledriver" finisher on McChesney to take the deciding pinfall!!! Postbout Feelbad became rip-snorting mad over Lynn's betrayal, so much so that Notorious Norm would return to the ring in an effort to restrain him!!! When Feelbad shoved him aside hard, Norm would retaliate via a swat from his gift metal tray to level the R.W.A. promoter!!!
Current two-time R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Colossal" Mike Law in 10:36 after planting his foe with his usual "standing bulldog" finisher!!! The entitled Law was expecting to be a challenger for the R.W.A. belt but the promotion powers that be ruled that, because he had yet to score a victory in the R.W.A. ring, he would have to win this event to be awarded a future title opportunity!!!
(2) "The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko pinned "The Hottness" Troy Lords in 7:33!!! Lords appeared enroute to a possible victory after planting Emricko with a leaping D.D.T., but he completely lost focus when his enemy Devin Devine appeared at ringside!!! Lords turned his back on Emricko to confront Devine along the ropes only to be rolled up from his blindside high on his shoulders by the strongman who would drape both feet over the middle ring rope to ensure the winning three-count!!! Afterward Devine had to be saved from Lords' receipt beatdown by the R.W.A. officials!!!
Norm stated that it had been eight years since he had been in a ring, but he was here now because of two bullies, J-Rocc and Chris Taylor!!! Dr. Feelbad gave credit to Norm for himself being the promoter he has become today, and for that he presented him with a gift wrapped metal tray, one of the purple-clad former manager's two favorite weapons along with aluminum plates during his heyday!!! J-Rocc and Taylor then appeared on the rampway with a commandeered house mic!!! J-Rocc admitted that Taylor's R.W.A. loss to Gangrel four weeks earlier was due to his drinking, but he has not had a drink since and as a result was mean and angry for this fight!!! The two next menacingly started heading closer to the ring, bringing their later foes Tommy Dreamer and John McChesney onto the scene to head them off!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) and "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas & valet Emmy Dee) (DeCapo pinned Couture) in 9:03!!! "The Wise Guys" baited the Gambinos from a distance throughout the bout, but they never once would step into the ring legally to battle either of them!!! Eventually the Gambinos would hit their usual finishing Mickey's leaping elbow-drop onto Klein draped over Marshall's knee!!! However, before any concluding cover could be attempted, Irish would pull Marshall out to ringside while Mickey would pursue DeCapo to the floor where the four would engage in an intense brawl!!! Meanwhile, Couture would drag a semi-conscious Klein over to his own corner to then legally tag himself in!!! Couture screamed at ref Jefferies to count out the four fighting outside, not realizing that there are no countouts in these multiple team matches!!! Eventually, the Wise Guys would achieve a brief edge down on the hardwood and quickly reenter the squared-circle to destroy the all alone Couture with their "3-D" finisher to cop the clinching cover!!! Afterward Marshall proceeded to beat on DeCapo all the way up the rampway and through the stage curtain, while Mickey beat down Irish bigtime at the base of the ramp!!!
(4) "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (introduced as "The Man Who Says He Owns Super Hentai") pinned "The Blond Blur" Mikey Montgomery in 12:38!!! Everest eventually removed one of his boots and deliberately allowed ref C.J. Sensation to see a potential weapon in his possession!!! After the official had confiscated the boot and had briefly turned his back to remove it from the ring, Everest viciously gouged Montgomery and then nailed him with a blow from his goggles to score the victory three-count!!! Afterward H.L. Supreme (a.k.a. the former Super Hentai) would chase Everest out the stage curtain, and it would continue to God knows where at the very least through near the end of intermission when the hot pursuit would again carry quickly in and out of the West Newton Gym!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") (Kelly pinned LaVey) in 10:18 to retain their title!!! As Archer and Bruiser were duking it out down on the floor, inside the ring Kelly delivered a double-thrust deep into LaVey's throat followed by an eye rake and a "coup de grace" swinging neckbreaker to get the title-retaining count of three!!! Adding some post-bout insult to injury, War Hoss would skull their defeated challengers from the blindside with simultaneous blows from the R.W.A. tag-team championship belts!!!
Doc informed Norris that it has been heard that Patrick Hayes has been blaming him for the loss of his R.W.A. title to "The Rev" Ron Hunt on the previous live event!!! Norris emphatically replied that he doesn't give a #@%& what Patrick Hayes says and that he vows to put his lights out!!! Afterward, as Norris was preoccupied fist-bumping with his newfound R.W.A. ringside fans, Gianni Michael Emricko rushed down the rampway to deliver a vicious chair swat to the back of Norris' knees followed by blow after blow to his fallen victim's lower extremities until the R.W.A. officials could finally put an end to the onslaught!!!
●●●●● INTERMISSION ●●●●●
(6) "The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador in 8:51 following his "Q.A.S." ("sunset-flip/short powerbomb") maneuver!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned "King Of Men" Devin Devine (sub for the originally scheduled "American Daredevil" Johnny Patch) in 5:31 to retain his title after charging diagonally across the ring to crush his prone challenger with a flying corner "cannonball"!!! Afterward Gianni Michael Emricko sauntered down the rampway with a commandeered house mic to boast about what he had done earlier that evening to the knee of Johnny Norris!!! He claimed to be Patrick Hayes' new "ace" and had been sent by him specifically to hurt Norris!!! After revealing his plans to next take Elijah's title, Emricko would be soon bolting from the scene to escape the "No Limits" champ's fist-flying retort!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy
"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
"Big League" John McChesney
(with Julia Lynn & "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland)
"The Original E.C.W.'s Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer
(with "Dr. Feelbad" & "Notorious Norm")
(J-Rocc pinned McChesney) in 19:28!!!
Notorious Norm would be caught meddling and be evicted by ref C.J. Sensation for the duration of the bout at the seven-minute mark!!! At the fourteen-minute mark Dreamer would produce a garbage can full of weapons, and soon McChesney and Lynn would get a table to place upright against a turnbuckle!!! However, as McChesney was setting up to next hurl J-Rocc through it, to the shock of one and all, Lynn would spray an irritating substance into her man Big League's eyes!!! J-Rocc would follow up with his "piledriver" finisher on McChesney to take the deciding pinfall!!! Postbout Feelbad became rip-snorting mad over Lynn's betrayal, so much so that Notorious Norm would return to the ring in an effort to restrain him!!! When Feelbad shoved him aside hard, Norm would retaliate via a swat from his gift metal tray to level the R.W.A. promoter!!!
SAT. JAN. 20ST 2024
"The New Age Plague" Gory & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "King Of Men" Devin Devine (Archer pinned Devine) in 9:43!!! Eventually Gory would battle on the ring floor with J-Rocc who was in the process of slipping a chair inside the ring!!! Devine would gain possession of the seat but, before he could put it to use, "The Hottness" Troy Lords would suddenly emerge to wrest it from him in a brief tug-of-war!!! Devine would then turn around immediately into Archer's 310-pound backed spinebuster followed by Gory's top-rope leaping stomp leading to the concluding cover!!! Postbout Lords would deliver a bigtime receipt to Devine with a lengthy hellacious beatdown on the ringside floor in retaliation for an attack on him by the R.W.A. malcontents on the previous live event!!!
"Doc" was hoping to interview "The Shining Light" Catie Brite only to have Tony Kincaid storm out first to shoo him from the ring!!! Brite immediately told Kincaid that she does not want to speak to these people and only wants to make a point to R.W.A. women's titleholder Jessie Belle Smothers!!! Brite next went and grabbed from the crowd what appeared at the time to be just a random much attractive red-haired woman, dragged her toward and inside the ring, and proceeded to viciously beat her down until finally stopped by the R.W.A. officials!!! Later in the evening the victim would be identified as a personality from another Pittsburgh area wrestling organization known as "Honey Darling"!!!
●●● It was announced that unfortunately the evening's scheduled challenger for the R.W.A. "No Limits" title, "The Great Sage" Mr. L.A.G.X. (formerly "Project X"), was still snowbound in the state of Virginia and thus would not be able to appear!!! As a result the R.W.A. had instituted an "Open Challenge" to any past R.W.A. star to appear and replace him in this championship contest!!! ●●●
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned "The Successful Saint" Jordan Styles (self-proclaimed three-time "Emmy" winner) in about four minutes to retain his title!!! Styles managed to block Elijah's attempt to set up his usual "fisherman buster" finisher, but the defending titleholder immediately countered with a modified "S.T.O." takedown to score the title-retaining three-count!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & James "The Baker" Hickey (claiming a weight of 260 pound cakes) (DeCapo pinned Blayze) in 9:18!!! The combination of Blayze's amazing agility and Baker's power resulted in the Wise Guys getting a real run for their money!!! Eventually the Wise Guys would hit Hickey with their "3-D" maneuver to send the baker rolling to the floor followed up a brief time later with an encore "3-D" on Blayze to take the victory pin!!!
"Big League" John McChesney pinned "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest in 12:01!!! Immediately after putting on his signature goggles in the middle of a match for no apparent reason, Everest attempted to set up what appeared would be an "unprettier" move, only to be shoved off at the last instant!!! He would next turn back toward his foe to be clocked bigtime with a thrust-superkick and be pinned!!!
Guest "The Rev" Ron Hunt said the first matter of business was to get rid of the elephant in the room and requested that "Doc" leave the ring so that he could call out "Lights Out" Johnny Norris for a man-to-man talk!!! Rev proceeded to tell Norris straight up that these R.W.A. fans want so much to love, respect, and support you, but all you do is act like R.W.A. champion Patrick Hayes' "bitch"!!! Norris replied that Hayes is his best friend, but all he would next hear were loud crowd chants in unison of "bitch" as Hunt left him alone speechless inside the ring!!! Norris suddenly snapped, pulled R.W.A. Multimedia rep Timothy Titan into the ring for a pair of chokeslams, and finally kayoed intervening official Bo Browning!!! Dr. Feelbad had Norris evicted from the building by security never to return for the remainder of the evening!!!
Former W.W.E. superstar "The Vampire Warrior" Gangrel pinned "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) in 8:58!!! Official George Ross would eventually get his fill of Devine's constant meddling in the bout and proceeded to banish the R.W.A. malcontent from ringside for the duration!!! Gangrel would soon plant Taylor via an "Impaler D.D.T." to cop the winning three-count!!!
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (R.W.A. debut) pinned H.L. Supreme in 9:50!!! Just as the match was starting, it was temporarily interrupted by malcontent Preston Everest with a commandeered house mic!!! From a vantage point in the aisle he boasted of his possession of a bag supposedly containing trademarked items some of which belonging to Supreme!!! Everest then invited himself onstage to do commentary with the announce team to the sounds of "J-Rocc's bitch" chants!!! When Supreme later appeared enroute to a possible victory via a running powerslam, he would suddenly lose focus when Everest stood up on stage wearing what appeared to be one of his trademarked masks!!! This distraction enabled Emricko to execute a blindside takedown cradle with both feet perched over the middle rope for extra illegal leverage to steal the debut duke!!! An angry Supreme would afterward chase and beat down the thieving Everest back through the entrance curtain!!!
This was mic time demanded by J-Rocc, Daddy who immediately called out for "Big League" John McChesney, a man whom he had been feverishly pursuing to join his gang of R.W.A. malcontents!!! J-Rocc embraced McChesney upon his arrival, but "Big League" displayed bigtime apathy to the greeting!!! J-Rocc joyfully announced the signing of a contract for a two-on-two match: himself and a man of his choosing versus Dr. Feelbad's chosen duo!!! J-Rocc went on to praise the attributes of all of his fellow malcontents to possibly be his partner, but he continued to act as if he already had McChesney's agreement to be so in the bag!!! McChesney admitted that J-Rocc had indeed helped him get started in wrestling a couple of decades back, but he currently despises what J-Rocc has done toward the R.W.A. fans!!! While all of this had been going on, Dr. Feelbad could be seen at ringside conversing via his cellphone!!! Feelbad would finally exclaim that McChesney would instead be half of his team in the contracted contest: J-Rocc & Chris Taylor vs. McChesney & "The Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer (recruited via help from "Notorious Norm" Connors) on February 17th at R.W.A. "Fury"!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) (Kelly pinned Marshall) in 13:08 to retain their title!!! The match would break down after Bruiser had lifted Mickey into a fireman's carry and then spun his victim's legs inadvertently knocking out ref C.J. Sensation in the process!!! Atlas would then get involved inside the ring, and Emmy Dee would low-bridge the middle ring rope to send the massive Bruiser tumbling out to the hardwood floor!!! With the Gambinos apparently enroute to a possible victory, "The Wise Guys" quickly emerged to first run Atlas' skull into a ringpost and then quickly beat down the Gambinos leading to Kelly's swinging neckbreaker on Marshall and title-retaining three-count!!!
Marchewka would enter the ring to ask "War Hoss" what is next, and "Crosshairs" Kelly would reply anybody from anywhere and with any style!!! Before long Gory and Philip Archer of "The Culmination" would be out and right in War Hoss' faces!!!
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned champion Patrick Hayes in 25:35 to regain the title!!! Some of the many, many highlights of this multiple weapon war follow!!! Rev would use a kitchen grater to rip Hayes' forehead raw and would later stab a heaping handful of razor-sharp thin sticks deep into his skull!!! Hayes would remove the leather belt from his waist, but Hunt would soon confiscate it and then pull down the back of his foe's pants to deliver an X-rated bare bum beating to both the shock and enjoyment of the near capacity crowd!!! Rev would rebound from the opposite ring ropes to dive through the ropes and spear Hayes from the apron down through a ringside table!!! A short time later Hunt would leap from halfway up a giant staircase on wheels in an effort to splash a prone Hayes through yet another table, but his intended victim would move at the last instant!!! Hayes would soon top-rope frog-splash his still reeling foe in mid-ring, but to the champ's shock his victim would kick out after a two-count!!! A desperate Hayes then laid a giant flat screen television on the canvas only to have Rev quickly regain the advantage to plant him skull first onto the TV set via his standing bulldog finisher to cop the historic title-regaining three-count!!!
"The New Age Plague" Gory & "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") defeated J-Rocc, Daddy & "King Of Men" Devin Devine (Archer pinned Devine) in 9:43!!! Eventually Gory would battle on the ring floor with J-Rocc who was in the process of slipping a chair inside the ring!!! Devine would gain possession of the seat but, before he could put it to use, "The Hottness" Troy Lords would suddenly emerge to wrest it from him in a brief tug-of-war!!! Devine would then turn around immediately into Archer's 310-pound backed spinebuster followed by Gory's top-rope leaping stomp leading to the concluding cover!!! Postbout Lords would deliver a bigtime receipt to Devine with a lengthy hellacious beatdown on the ringside floor in retaliation for an attack on him by the R.W.A. malcontents on the previous live event!!!
"Doc" was hoping to interview "The Shining Light" Catie Brite only to have Tony Kincaid storm out first to shoo him from the ring!!! Brite immediately told Kincaid that she does not want to speak to these people and only wants to make a point to R.W.A. women's titleholder Jessie Belle Smothers!!! Brite next went and grabbed from the crowd what appeared at the time to be just a random much attractive red-haired woman, dragged her toward and inside the ring, and proceeded to viciously beat her down until finally stopped by the R.W.A. officials!!! Later in the evening the victim would be identified as a personality from another Pittsburgh area wrestling organization known as "Honey Darling"!!!
●●● It was announced that unfortunately the evening's scheduled challenger for the R.W.A. "No Limits" title, "The Great Sage" Mr. L.A.G.X. (formerly "Project X"), was still snowbound in the state of Virginia and thus would not be able to appear!!! As a result the R.W.A. had instituted an "Open Challenge" to any past R.W.A. star to appear and replace him in this championship contest!!! ●●●
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned "The Successful Saint" Jordan Styles (self-proclaimed three-time "Emmy" winner) in about four minutes to retain his title!!! Styles managed to block Elijah's attempt to set up his usual "fisherman buster" finisher, but the defending titleholder immediately countered with a modified "S.T.O." takedown to score the title-retaining three-count!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Mean Girl" Austin Blayze & James "The Baker" Hickey (claiming a weight of 260 pound cakes) (DeCapo pinned Blayze) in 9:18!!! The combination of Blayze's amazing agility and Baker's power resulted in the Wise Guys getting a real run for their money!!! Eventually the Wise Guys would hit Hickey with their "3-D" maneuver to send the baker rolling to the floor followed up a brief time later with an encore "3-D" on Blayze to take the victory pin!!!
"Big League" John McChesney pinned "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest in 12:01!!! Immediately after putting on his signature goggles in the middle of a match for no apparent reason, Everest attempted to set up what appeared would be an "unprettier" move, only to be shoved off at the last instant!!! He would next turn back toward his foe to be clocked bigtime with a thrust-superkick and be pinned!!!
Guest "The Rev" Ron Hunt said the first matter of business was to get rid of the elephant in the room and requested that "Doc" leave the ring so that he could call out "Lights Out" Johnny Norris for a man-to-man talk!!! Rev proceeded to tell Norris straight up that these R.W.A. fans want so much to love, respect, and support you, but all you do is act like R.W.A. champion Patrick Hayes' "bitch"!!! Norris replied that Hayes is his best friend, but all he would next hear were loud crowd chants in unison of "bitch" as Hunt left him alone speechless inside the ring!!! Norris suddenly snapped, pulled R.W.A. Multimedia rep Timothy Titan into the ring for a pair of chokeslams, and finally kayoed intervening official Bo Browning!!! Dr. Feelbad had Norris evicted from the building by security never to return for the remainder of the evening!!!
Former W.W.E. superstar "The Vampire Warrior" Gangrel pinned "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) in 8:58!!! Official George Ross would eventually get his fill of Devine's constant meddling in the bout and proceeded to banish the R.W.A. malcontent from ringside for the duration!!! Gangrel would soon plant Taylor via an "Impaler D.D.T." to cop the winning three-count!!!
"The Italian Strongman" Gianni Michael Emricko (R.W.A. debut) pinned H.L. Supreme in 9:50!!! Just as the match was starting, it was temporarily interrupted by malcontent Preston Everest with a commandeered house mic!!! From a vantage point in the aisle he boasted of his possession of a bag supposedly containing trademarked items some of which belonging to Supreme!!! Everest then invited himself onstage to do commentary with the announce team to the sounds of "J-Rocc's bitch" chants!!! When Supreme later appeared enroute to a possible victory via a running powerslam, he would suddenly lose focus when Everest stood up on stage wearing what appeared to be one of his trademarked masks!!! This distraction enabled Emricko to execute a blindside takedown cradle with both feet perched over the middle rope for extra illegal leverage to steal the debut duke!!! An angry Supreme would afterward chase and beat down the thieving Everest back through the entrance curtain!!!
This was mic time demanded by J-Rocc, Daddy who immediately called out for "Big League" John McChesney, a man whom he had been feverishly pursuing to join his gang of R.W.A. malcontents!!! J-Rocc embraced McChesney upon his arrival, but "Big League" displayed bigtime apathy to the greeting!!! J-Rocc joyfully announced the signing of a contract for a two-on-two match: himself and a man of his choosing versus Dr. Feelbad's chosen duo!!! J-Rocc went on to praise the attributes of all of his fellow malcontents to possibly be his partner, but he continued to act as if he already had McChesney's agreement to be so in the bag!!! McChesney admitted that J-Rocc had indeed helped him get started in wrestling a couple of decades back, but he currently despises what J-Rocc has done toward the R.W.A. fans!!! While all of this had been going on, Dr. Feelbad could be seen at ringside conversing via his cellphone!!! Feelbad would finally exclaim that McChesney would instead be half of his team in the contracted contest: J-Rocc & Chris Taylor vs. McChesney & "The Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer (recruited via help from "Notorious Norm" Connors) on February 17th at R.W.A. "Fury"!!!
Champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with "Gambino Family" members Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) (Kelly pinned Marshall) in 13:08 to retain their title!!! The match would break down after Bruiser had lifted Mickey into a fireman's carry and then spun his victim's legs inadvertently knocking out ref C.J. Sensation in the process!!! Atlas would then get involved inside the ring, and Emmy Dee would low-bridge the middle ring rope to send the massive Bruiser tumbling out to the hardwood floor!!! With the Gambinos apparently enroute to a possible victory, "The Wise Guys" quickly emerged to first run Atlas' skull into a ringpost and then quickly beat down the Gambinos leading to Kelly's swinging neckbreaker on Marshall and title-retaining three-count!!!
Marchewka would enter the ring to ask "War Hoss" what is next, and "Crosshairs" Kelly would reply anybody from anywhere and with any style!!! Before long Gory and Philip Archer of "The Culmination" would be out and right in War Hoss' faces!!!
"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned champion Patrick Hayes in 25:35 to regain the title!!! Some of the many, many highlights of this multiple weapon war follow!!! Rev would use a kitchen grater to rip Hayes' forehead raw and would later stab a heaping handful of razor-sharp thin sticks deep into his skull!!! Hayes would remove the leather belt from his waist, but Hunt would soon confiscate it and then pull down the back of his foe's pants to deliver an X-rated bare bum beating to both the shock and enjoyment of the near capacity crowd!!! Rev would rebound from the opposite ring ropes to dive through the ropes and spear Hayes from the apron down through a ringside table!!! A short time later Hunt would leap from halfway up a giant staircase on wheels in an effort to splash a prone Hayes through yet another table, but his intended victim would move at the last instant!!! Hayes would soon top-rope frog-splash his still reeling foe in mid-ring, but to the champ's shock his victim would kick out after a two-count!!! A desperate Hayes then laid a giant flat screen television on the canvas only to have Rev quickly regain the advantage to plant him skull first onto the TV set via his standing bulldog finisher to cop the historic title-regaining three-count!!!
SAT. JAN. 21ST 2023
(1) GRUDGE MATCH: "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") pinned "The Shadow Man" Elijah (formerly known as "The Temptation" Elijah Crews) (with Project X) in 8:16!!! Immediately after Kovad had connected with a spectacular, potentially match-winning top-rope split-legged spinning in mid-air splash-press, Project X mounted the ring apron to draw the attention of the official!!! As Dr. Feelbad was attempting to evict the meddling X, a distracted Elijah would be rolled by Kovad into a "small-package" cradle for the duke!!!
(2) "The Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado pinned "The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador in 4:58 following a double-underhook lift into a vertical upside-down position to plant his foe with a facedown "gourdbuster" slam!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL INTERVIEW WITH "GORY": The interview had just barely begun when it was interrupted by Troy Lords and Shirley Doe who taunted Gory about recently not having anyone around to back him up!!! Gory would calmly disagree at which point the ring music of Remy LaVey hit!!!*****
(3) IMPROMPTU TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Culmination" ("The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey) defeated "Mad Man" Shirley Doe & "The Hottness" Troy Lords), DISQUALIFICATION in 9:08!!! Lords eventually took a wild chair swing at ref George Ross as the official was attempting to disarm him to get his team disqualified!!!
(4) PROFESSOR JAKOB EDWINN'S "OPEN CHALLENGE" MATCH: "Wakawakashi Kin" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 8:44!!! Alexander eventually hurled Edwinn over the top rope to next crush him via a sensational "tope con hilo" maneuver!!! A.J. then tossed him back inside the ring to soon finish him via a devastating clothesline clout for the three-count!!! Afterward Dios Salvador would rush into the ring to save ref Jefferies from sore-loser Edwinn's retribution only to soon be felled by the Professor's low blow!!! However, to the surprise of one and all, "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor emerged to duck a wild swing from the Professor's heavy volume "book" and then flatten the educator via a "diamond cutter" maneuver!!!
(5) SPECIAL ATTRACTION CONTEST: Former W.W.E. star Scotty 2 Hotty pinned H.L. Supreme (sub for "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds who failed to show despite the recent best efforts of Dr. Feelbad to goad and shame him into fulfilling the remainder of his R.W.A. contract) in 9:17!!! Scotty doubled-over Supreme with an inverted "atomic drop", spiked his skull into the canvas, and finally executed "The Worm" in its entirety to cop the winning cover!!!
(6) GRUDGE MATCH: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned Project X (with "The Shadow Man" Elijah) in 12:49 to avenge an earlier controversial October 15, 2022 defeat!!! Eads foiled X's attempt for a top-rope "shooting star press" by nailing his foe mid-maneuver with his "superman punch" to get the victory count of three!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Patrick Hayes pinned champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 10:16 to win the title!!! The match stipulation required the loser to leave R.W.A. for no less than 90 days!!! Jarvis eventually flattened Hayes with a thrust-superkick, but he would then dawdle valuable seconds while seeking crowd approval for whether or not he should climb to the top ring rope!!! Jake Bravado stormed through the entrance curtain to push Tad down from his turnbuckle perch to be next the victim of Hayes' "frog splash" for the title-changing three-count!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. NEWCOMER "THE EAST COAST KILLER" DEAN RADFORD: Dr. Feelbad stated that it was because of Radford's sense of loyalty during his starring stints with other great promotions in the Greater Pittsburgh Area that it took him fourteen years to finally appear in the R.W.A.!!! Eventually Elijah and Project X invited themselves into the conversation and would fail miserably in their attempt to bully this savvy ring veteran!!! Radford would sidestep the charging Elijah and toss him to the floor and next clock X with a big clothesline!!! Dean would then brandish a big shock stick taser to keep the two troublemakers at bay!!!*****
( FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) (with R.J. Booker) (Mickey pinned Jay with a rear takedown cradle immediately after he had hurled him through the corner ropes shoulder first into an iron ringpost) in 10:56!!!
(9) MAIN EVENT FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Currently recognized R.W.A. champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "title claimant" J-Rocc, Daddy in 18:24 to now continue his reign as the "undisputed" titleholder!!! Hunt would forgo his ring intro to immediately tear into the man whose recent sneakattack beatdowns had put him out of action for several months!!! Original ref George Ross would eventually be incapacitated by being struck by the flying bodies during Hunt's "Death Valley Driver" maneuver, and emergency official Bo Browning would soon squashed against a turnbuckle to be taken out of action!!! J-Rocc was then in process of setting up for a piledriver of the final remaining official Jeff Jefferies when "The Rev" nailed Daddy with a thrust-superkick followed by a standing bulldog head-first drive into the canvas to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
(2) "The Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado pinned "The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador in 4:58 following a double-underhook lift into a vertical upside-down position to plant his foe with a facedown "gourdbuster" slam!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL INTERVIEW WITH "GORY": The interview had just barely begun when it was interrupted by Troy Lords and Shirley Doe who taunted Gory about recently not having anyone around to back him up!!! Gory would calmly disagree at which point the ring music of Remy LaVey hit!!!*****
(3) IMPROMPTU TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Culmination" ("The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey) defeated "Mad Man" Shirley Doe & "The Hottness" Troy Lords), DISQUALIFICATION in 9:08!!! Lords eventually took a wild chair swing at ref George Ross as the official was attempting to disarm him to get his team disqualified!!!
(4) PROFESSOR JAKOB EDWINN'S "OPEN CHALLENGE" MATCH: "Wakawakashi Kin" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 8:44!!! Alexander eventually hurled Edwinn over the top rope to next crush him via a sensational "tope con hilo" maneuver!!! A.J. then tossed him back inside the ring to soon finish him via a devastating clothesline clout for the three-count!!! Afterward Dios Salvador would rush into the ring to save ref Jefferies from sore-loser Edwinn's retribution only to soon be felled by the Professor's low blow!!! However, to the surprise of one and all, "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor emerged to duck a wild swing from the Professor's heavy volume "book" and then flatten the educator via a "diamond cutter" maneuver!!!
(5) SPECIAL ATTRACTION CONTEST: Former W.W.E. star Scotty 2 Hotty pinned H.L. Supreme (sub for "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds who failed to show despite the recent best efforts of Dr. Feelbad to goad and shame him into fulfilling the remainder of his R.W.A. contract) in 9:17!!! Scotty doubled-over Supreme with an inverted "atomic drop", spiked his skull into the canvas, and finally executed "The Worm" in its entirety to cop the winning cover!!!
(6) GRUDGE MATCH: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned Project X (with "The Shadow Man" Elijah) in 12:49 to avenge an earlier controversial October 15, 2022 defeat!!! Eads foiled X's attempt for a top-rope "shooting star press" by nailing his foe mid-maneuver with his "superman punch" to get the victory count of three!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Patrick Hayes pinned champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 10:16 to win the title!!! The match stipulation required the loser to leave R.W.A. for no less than 90 days!!! Jarvis eventually flattened Hayes with a thrust-superkick, but he would then dawdle valuable seconds while seeking crowd approval for whether or not he should climb to the top ring rope!!! Jake Bravado stormed through the entrance curtain to push Tad down from his turnbuckle perch to be next the victim of Hayes' "frog splash" for the title-changing three-count!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. NEWCOMER "THE EAST COAST KILLER" DEAN RADFORD: Dr. Feelbad stated that it was because of Radford's sense of loyalty during his starring stints with other great promotions in the Greater Pittsburgh Area that it took him fourteen years to finally appear in the R.W.A.!!! Eventually Elijah and Project X invited themselves into the conversation and would fail miserably in their attempt to bully this savvy ring veteran!!! Radford would sidestep the charging Elijah and toss him to the floor and next clock X with a big clothesline!!! Dean would then brandish a big shock stick taser to keep the two troublemakers at bay!!!*****
( FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) (with R.J. Booker) (Mickey pinned Jay with a rear takedown cradle immediately after he had hurled him through the corner ropes shoulder first into an iron ringpost) in 10:56!!!
(9) MAIN EVENT FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Currently recognized R.W.A. champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "title claimant" J-Rocc, Daddy in 18:24 to now continue his reign as the "undisputed" titleholder!!! Hunt would forgo his ring intro to immediately tear into the man whose recent sneakattack beatdowns had put him out of action for several months!!! Original ref George Ross would eventually be incapacitated by being struck by the flying bodies during Hunt's "Death Valley Driver" maneuver, and emergency official Bo Browning would soon squashed against a turnbuckle to be taken out of action!!! J-Rocc was then in process of setting up for a piledriver of the final remaining official Jeff Jefferies when "The Rev" nailed Daddy with a thrust-superkick followed by a standing bulldog head-first drive into the canvas to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
RWA- FURY 2023
SAT. FEB. 18TH 2023
(1) PRE-SHOW MATCH: The Great Alexander pinned "The Mor Of Irish Strong Style" - "Wild Irish" Riley Rose in 3:51!!! Alexander raked his foe's eyes and immediately followed up with a modified "stunner" maneuver to cop the victory cover!!!
*****The R.W.A. ring bell was tolled ten times in honor of the recently deceased wrestling star and promoter Jerry Jarrett and the R.W.A. superfan mother of fan William Kenna!!!*****
(2) "The Shadoman" Elijah (with Project X and representing "Project Society") pinned "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul (with Dean Radford) in 6:53!!! During Paul's ring intro X and Elijah were already beginning to close in on him, but Radford's sudden emergence through the curtain succeeded in backing them off pronto!!! Eventually X was able from the blindside to run Radford's skull into an iron ringpost, and a towel would be needed to wrap around his forehead due to his subsequent injury!!! In the meantime a concerned Cowpoke would be victimized by Elijah's blindside takedown cradle using ropes for extra illegal pinning leverage!!!
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma" (K.C. Jacobs & Brent Oakley) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Oakley pinned Couture) in 8:17!!! After Couture's flying kneeblow had inadvertently driven his own partner Klein out to the gym floor, Calvin was immediately victimized by his foes' double-team maneuver to be pinned!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" TITLEHOLDER PATRICK HAYES: Hayes vowed that throughout his never ending reign as champion, all "No Limits" title matches will be straight one-on-one with no longer any stipulations!!!*****
(4) "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned Damian Chambers in 13:50!!! After executing a hyper-extending move on Eads' left arm that left his foe writhing on the canvas in obvious severe pain, Chambers turned toward the crowd and boasted about how he had broken his arm!!! However, Eads would recover quickly to interrupt Chambers' grandstanding with his big "superman punch" to then score the winning three-count!!! Eads had little time to savor his triumph due to a pair of unknown, unannounced intruders storming the ring to deal him a vicious double-team beatdown!!! They were later identified as Johnny Patch and Preston Everest of the tag-team "Good Budz"!!!
(5) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad in 6:24!!! When Kovad eventually leaped at his foe from atop a turnbuckle, Norris caught him in mid-air by the throat to then chokeslam him for the cover!!!
(6) FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt vs. J-Rocc, Daddy, DOUBLE C.O.R. in 5:18 (Hunt retained his title)!!! The action started with J-Rocc coming out to first bully sound man Erin West and commentator Doc Michael, and he then commandeered a house mic to rant about "The Rev" who finally rushed out to officially begin the bout without any ring introductions!!! The brawl was completely out of control from the start, and before long official George Ross finally just counted them both out of the ring!!! It would eventually take several minutes and the assistance of about half of the R.W.A. dressing room to finally separate these two!!! In the meantime commentator Tony Kincaid had snatched a house mic to loudly cheerlead for J-Rocc only to be slapped by Dr. Feelbad and then speared down to the hardwood floor by the rampaging Rev!!! Kincaid had to be then carried out by R.W.A. security!!! Afterward Dr. Feelbad was totally apoplectic due to this chaos as well as the injury to an R.W.A. employee!!! The R.W.A. promoter announced that as a result Ron Hunt would be suspended from in-ring action at the upcoming March 18th live event, but also that it would be Rev versus J-Rocc on April 15th for the Undisputed R.W.A. Heavyweight Title in a 15-Feet High Steel Cage Match!!!
*****During intermission "The New Age Plague" Gory and "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey were attacked at their "Culmination" souvenir table by Troy Lords and Shirley Doe who would proceed to choke out both of their victims each via an official "Culmination" T-Shirt from that table!!!*****
(7) Project X (with "The Shadoman" Elijah and representing "Project Society") pinned "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") in 8:03!!! Archer was in the process of setting up a superplex of his foe seated on the top turnbuckle support, but X would escape that fate by tumbling off down to the floor!!! As the official was busy checking on the fallen X's condition, Elijah would utilize his walking stick to yank the legs out from under Archer and cause his bad fall from his middle rope perch!!! X next executed a spectacular top-rope 450° splash-press for the victory three-count!!!
( R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion Patrick Hayes pinned former W.C.W. star Lodi in 8:25 to retain his title!!! Prior to the bout Dr. Feelbad told Hayes that, because he has already had too much to deal with already on this evening, he will be having a talk with him about his "No Stips" demand at a later time!!! Hayes eventually pulled official George Ross into the path of the charging Lodi to knock the arbiter temporarily out of commission!!! Lodi next planted Hayes via a D.D.T. for a cover attempt, but there was no ref available to toll a count!!! At this point Johnny Norris emerged to "spear" Lodi, smash him with a chair, and then place the limp Hayes over his challenger for a still half-loopy official Ross' count of three!!!
*****Suddenly, with a now bandaged head and armed with a house mic, "The East Coast Killer" Dean Radford angrily announced that he had come to R.W.A. just to help showcase some new talent, but Project X had to come and shake the wrong tree!!! Radford then revealed that he had placed a phone call to "First Klass" Brandon K, and that they would be challenging "Project Society" (X & Elijah) to a tag-team match for March 18th!!!*****
(9) MAIN EVENT/R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur & "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Mickey pinned McArthur) in 13:50 to win the title!!! From the apron Atlas was able to snatch a chair from Stone's backswing to enable Marshall to next send him flying from the ring with a big clothesline clout!!! McArthur was then held captive across Marshall's knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop and title-winning three-count!!!
*****The R.W.A. ring bell was tolled ten times in honor of the recently deceased wrestling star and promoter Jerry Jarrett and the R.W.A. superfan mother of fan William Kenna!!!*****
(2) "The Shadoman" Elijah (with Project X and representing "Project Society") pinned "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul (with Dean Radford) in 6:53!!! During Paul's ring intro X and Elijah were already beginning to close in on him, but Radford's sudden emergence through the curtain succeeded in backing them off pronto!!! Eventually X was able from the blindside to run Radford's skull into an iron ringpost, and a towel would be needed to wrap around his forehead due to his subsequent injury!!! In the meantime a concerned Cowpoke would be victimized by Elijah's blindside takedown cradle using ropes for extra illegal pinning leverage!!!
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma" (K.C. Jacobs & Brent Oakley) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Oakley pinned Couture) in 8:17!!! After Couture's flying kneeblow had inadvertently driven his own partner Klein out to the gym floor, Calvin was immediately victimized by his foes' double-team maneuver to be pinned!!!
*****DOC MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" TITLEHOLDER PATRICK HAYES: Hayes vowed that throughout his never ending reign as champion, all "No Limits" title matches will be straight one-on-one with no longer any stipulations!!!*****
(4) "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned Damian Chambers in 13:50!!! After executing a hyper-extending move on Eads' left arm that left his foe writhing on the canvas in obvious severe pain, Chambers turned toward the crowd and boasted about how he had broken his arm!!! However, Eads would recover quickly to interrupt Chambers' grandstanding with his big "superman punch" to then score the winning three-count!!! Eads had little time to savor his triumph due to a pair of unknown, unannounced intruders storming the ring to deal him a vicious double-team beatdown!!! They were later identified as Johnny Patch and Preston Everest of the tag-team "Good Budz"!!!
(5) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad in 6:24!!! When Kovad eventually leaped at his foe from atop a turnbuckle, Norris caught him in mid-air by the throat to then chokeslam him for the cover!!!
(6) FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt vs. J-Rocc, Daddy, DOUBLE C.O.R. in 5:18 (Hunt retained his title)!!! The action started with J-Rocc coming out to first bully sound man Erin West and commentator Doc Michael, and he then commandeered a house mic to rant about "The Rev" who finally rushed out to officially begin the bout without any ring introductions!!! The brawl was completely out of control from the start, and before long official George Ross finally just counted them both out of the ring!!! It would eventually take several minutes and the assistance of about half of the R.W.A. dressing room to finally separate these two!!! In the meantime commentator Tony Kincaid had snatched a house mic to loudly cheerlead for J-Rocc only to be slapped by Dr. Feelbad and then speared down to the hardwood floor by the rampaging Rev!!! Kincaid had to be then carried out by R.W.A. security!!! Afterward Dr. Feelbad was totally apoplectic due to this chaos as well as the injury to an R.W.A. employee!!! The R.W.A. promoter announced that as a result Ron Hunt would be suspended from in-ring action at the upcoming March 18th live event, but also that it would be Rev versus J-Rocc on April 15th for the Undisputed R.W.A. Heavyweight Title in a 15-Feet High Steel Cage Match!!!
*****During intermission "The New Age Plague" Gory and "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey were attacked at their "Culmination" souvenir table by Troy Lords and Shirley Doe who would proceed to choke out both of their victims each via an official "Culmination" T-Shirt from that table!!!*****
(7) Project X (with "The Shadoman" Elijah and representing "Project Society") pinned "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (representing "The Culmination") in 8:03!!! Archer was in the process of setting up a superplex of his foe seated on the top turnbuckle support, but X would escape that fate by tumbling off down to the floor!!! As the official was busy checking on the fallen X's condition, Elijah would utilize his walking stick to yank the legs out from under Archer and cause his bad fall from his middle rope perch!!! X next executed a spectacular top-rope 450° splash-press for the victory three-count!!!
( R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion Patrick Hayes pinned former W.C.W. star Lodi in 8:25 to retain his title!!! Prior to the bout Dr. Feelbad told Hayes that, because he has already had too much to deal with already on this evening, he will be having a talk with him about his "No Stips" demand at a later time!!! Hayes eventually pulled official George Ross into the path of the charging Lodi to knock the arbiter temporarily out of commission!!! Lodi next planted Hayes via a D.D.T. for a cover attempt, but there was no ref available to toll a count!!! At this point Johnny Norris emerged to "spear" Lodi, smash him with a chair, and then place the limp Hayes over his challenger for a still half-loopy official Ross' count of three!!!
*****Suddenly, with a now bandaged head and armed with a house mic, "The East Coast Killer" Dean Radford angrily announced that he had come to R.W.A. just to help showcase some new talent, but Project X had to come and shake the wrong tree!!! Radford then revealed that he had placed a phone call to "First Klass" Brandon K, and that they would be challenging "Project Society" (X & Elijah) to a tag-team match for March 18th!!!*****
(9) MAIN EVENT/R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur & "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Mickey pinned McArthur) in 13:50 to win the title!!! From the apron Atlas was able to snatch a chair from Stone's backswing to enable Marshall to next send him flying from the ring with a big clothesline clout!!! McArthur was then held captive across Marshall's knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop and title-winning three-count!!!
SAT. MARCH 18TH 2023
- Cowpoke Paul defeated Alex Monroe via a roll up pinfall
- “Lights Out” Johnny Norris beat Dios Salvador after a vicious choke slam
- Chris Taylor returned to RWA only to be verbally assaulted from the crowd by Taylor’s former wrestling academy classmate Devin Devine that resulted in a face to face altercation between the two men
- Gory & Remy LaVey of The Culmination upended Shirley Doe & Troy Lords after Gory misted Doe in the eyes stopping the steel chain attack attempt by Doe
- Kavod seemed frustrated at Doc Michaels’ questions during a live in ring interview, nearly losing his composure more than once
- Crazy Steve shut up The Great Alexander via pinfall victory receiving a huge ovation from the capacity crowd
- Patrick Hayes retained the RWA No Limits Championship over Daniel Eads by disqualification after Hayes tossed Eads the title belt and acted like Daniel Eads hit him with the belt. Hayes also added the stipulation to his title defenses that the No Limits Championship will be on the line for the first 10 minutes only of a championship match.
- The Gambino Brothers defeated The Bruisers by pinfall to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships after a wild brawl all over ringside
- Tony Kincaid confronted Dr Feelbad about what he felt was an insincere apology after Feelbad slapped Kincaid at the last event. Kincaid saw two men enter the building with evil intentions but failed to warn RWA owner Feelbad, who was viciously attacked and mauled by Johnny Patch & Preston Everest
- JRocc scored the pinfall victory over surprise opponent AJ Alexander only after a blatant low blow leading to J-Rocc’s piledriver
- Brandon K & Dean Radford defeated Project X & Elijah Crews via pinfall in a clinic of a tag team match
- After the main event, Patrick Hayes was insulted over the fact that X & Elijah Crews did not ask for the help he offered just before the match began. He began berating Project X before slapping him across the face which resulted in a return punch to face by X knocking the RWA No Limits Champion out cold much to the fans delight
- “Lights Out” Johnny Norris beat Dios Salvador after a vicious choke slam
- Chris Taylor returned to RWA only to be verbally assaulted from the crowd by Taylor’s former wrestling academy classmate Devin Devine that resulted in a face to face altercation between the two men
- Gory & Remy LaVey of The Culmination upended Shirley Doe & Troy Lords after Gory misted Doe in the eyes stopping the steel chain attack attempt by Doe
- Kavod seemed frustrated at Doc Michaels’ questions during a live in ring interview, nearly losing his composure more than once
- Crazy Steve shut up The Great Alexander via pinfall victory receiving a huge ovation from the capacity crowd
- Patrick Hayes retained the RWA No Limits Championship over Daniel Eads by disqualification after Hayes tossed Eads the title belt and acted like Daniel Eads hit him with the belt. Hayes also added the stipulation to his title defenses that the No Limits Championship will be on the line for the first 10 minutes only of a championship match.
- The Gambino Brothers defeated The Bruisers by pinfall to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships after a wild brawl all over ringside
- Tony Kincaid confronted Dr Feelbad about what he felt was an insincere apology after Feelbad slapped Kincaid at the last event. Kincaid saw two men enter the building with evil intentions but failed to warn RWA owner Feelbad, who was viciously attacked and mauled by Johnny Patch & Preston Everest
- JRocc scored the pinfall victory over surprise opponent AJ Alexander only after a blatant low blow leading to J-Rocc’s piledriver
- Brandon K & Dean Radford defeated Project X & Elijah Crews via pinfall in a clinic of a tag team match
- After the main event, Patrick Hayes was insulted over the fact that X & Elijah Crews did not ask for the help he offered just before the match began. He began berating Project X before slapping him across the face which resulted in a return punch to face by X knocking the RWA No Limits Champion out cold much to the fans delight
SAT. APRIL 15TH 2023
(1) FOUR-WAY SCRAMBLE FOR THE R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner), "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein), and "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma" (K.C. Jacobs & Brent Oakley) (Mickey Gambino pinned Klein) in 7:45 to retain their title!!! Eventually Altas and Klein would get into each other's faces down on the floor and, immediately after Klein had slapped Atlas across his face, a seven-man ringside scrum resulted!!! This enabled the only two men still left up in the ring, "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma", to charge across the canvas and bowl over all the battlers down below via a spectacular pair of over the top rope suicide dives in stereo!!! Soon Atlas would repay Klein for his earlier blow by reaching over the ropes from the apron to smack and send him stumbling right into the clutches of Marshall who slammed him down into the upraised knees of a prone Mickey to then yield the title-retaining cover!!!
*****"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH GUEST "ONE COOL CAT" JUSTIN IDOL - Idol stated that after already ten months gone due to his concussion that he is not coming back just yet, but the good news is that he will be back sooner, not later!!! Further into the conversation Idol mentioned how the team "The Runway" reminded him of his earlier successful duo "Sexual Harassment" with "The Sexual Icon" Eric Xtasy, adding that they were often imitated, never duplicated!!! At this point "The Runway" would march to the ring with Calvin Couture retorting that they have traveled coast to coast, Idol just from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, and that Idol's time has gone, "The Runway" is now!!! Still in concussion protocol Idol let discretion be the better part of valor and left the ring to fight another day!!!*****
(2) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The C.R.G." Curtis Ray Goddi (representing "The Apex") in only 2:28!!! Norris sidestepped the charging Goddi who then crashed the turnbuckle to rebound right into his foe's waiting chokeslam for the three-count!!! Soon Patrick Hayes would emerge through the curtain to skull the still smarting Goddi with a blow from his R.W.A. "No Limits" title belt!!! Hayes next graciously gave his bodyguard Norris the rest of the night off!!!
(3) "The Shadoman" Elijah (Crews) (representing "Project Society") pinned "The Real Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado (with Patrick Hayes)!!! Prior to the gong Hayes attempted to recruit Elijah into his stable via smothering him with various compliments about how he is so much better than his partner Project X!!! After Elijah had told him to shove his offer up his ass, he would then be the victim of a double-team beatdown for an unofficial three minutes or so until the opening bell would finally be rung!!! Soon after Hayes had been at last evicted from ringside for constant meddling at the five-minute mark, the charging Bravado inadvertently crashed a turnbuckle to bound into the waiting Elijah's "fisherman" cradle-suplex pin!!!
(4) "The Future Gaijin" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kavod (also representing "The Apex") in 8:01!!! Kavod had volunteered to step in for the originally scheduled Blake "Money" Wright!!! Alexander eventually rolled Kavod into a "small-package" with "The Regent" immediately reversing it and then A.J. re-reversing it, and so on and so on, until they had done at least a complete 360° circle of reversals around the ring and until the gaijin would finally be able to maintain an advantage for a winning count of three!!!
*****Afterward "Doc" Michael attempted to do an impromptu interview with Kovad as a follow-up to their last confusing attempt of four weeks earlier at The Gym!!! Kavod immediately snapped at Doc as to why he keeps asking him questions and proceeded to rant about how he is the better man in "The Apex"!!! At this point Alexander returned to the ring in an effort to calm his angry stablemate!!! Kavod would apologize only to seconds later level A.J. with a thrust-superkick!!!*****
(5) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH (TITLE ON THE LINE ONLY FOR THE FIRST TEN MINUTES): Champion Patrick Hayes (with Jake Bravado) pinned "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 12:17 to retain his title!!! After Hayes had been tossed over the top rope down to the hardwood floor, he would dawdle for about four minutes of the limited title time feigning an injury and being helped to the back, only to suddenly re-emerge through the curtain to re-attack his challenger!!! Eventually Bravado would place a chair on the ring apron to force ref Browning to temporarily have to turn his back on the current ring action to dispose of it!!! In the meantime Bravado would halt Jaxon's attempt to set up a superplex with a smash from the "No Limits" title belt!!! Hayes would immediately follow up with his "frog splash" to cop the title-retaining three-count!!!
(6) R.W.A. PROMOTER DR. FEELBAD'S "OPEN CHALLENGE": "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch, C.O.R. in 12:52!!! Patch (along with "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest) had been barging uninvited into The Gym during the prior two live events to stage impromptu hit-and-run attacks, so Feelbad proceeded over the last few weeks to attempt goading one or the other to take on Eads face-to-face!!! Patch eventually misconnected with a "shooting star press" try and would then barely dodge Eads' "superman punch" before leaving the ring and walking out on the match through the same door from which he had entered!!!
*****Promoter Dr. Feelbad then entered the ring to congratulate the victorious Eads, only to be soon interrupted by "King Of Men" Devin Devine who had loudly protested his choice of "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor for regaining R.W.A. law and order back on the previous live event!!! Devine first apologized for his disturbance last month, but he reiterated that the truth sometimes hurts, that Chris Taylor is not the good guy which he pretends to be, and that Devin Devine is the solution!!!*****
(7) Project X (representing "Project Society") pinned Damian Chambers in 11:05!!! The two eventually embarked on a lightning-like exchange of potential submission maneuvers trading the advantage every few seconds with various keylocks, cross-armbreakers, and the like!!! X would finally sneak in a quick "codebreaker" to get a count of three!!! Afterward Patrick Hayes and Jake Bravado stormed in to beat down X with a leather belt until Elijah was able to make the save!!!
*****"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH HIS CO-COMMENTATOR TONY KINCAID: Kincaid had requested time to air his grievances stating first that he did not know in advance about the Patch and Everest attack on Dr. Feelbad, but he admitted to having loved watching it as well as the faces Feelbad had made while being beaten down!!! By this time the crowd had begun to vociferously chant "What" along with other boos and catcalls while Kincaid sounded like he was plotting some future revenge on "The Rev" Ron Hunt for injuring him back in February via a "spear" down onto the hardwood floor!!!*****
( MAIN EVENT/STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (PIN OR SUBMISSION ONLY TO A FINISH) (STIPULATION: THE LOSER MAY NOT COMPETE AGAIN FOR THE R.W.A. TITLE AS LONG AS THE WINNER CONTINUES TO HOLD THE BELT): Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, SUBMISSION in 17:29 to retain his title!!! Both combatants suffered head injuries with J-Rocc utilizing a belt stolen from the waist of ref Bo Browning to pound Rev's head and with Rev escaping his challenger's attempted set-up for a piledriver via a double-leg takedown into a catapult skull first into the cage fencing!!! Eventually Rev would confiscate the leather belt and utilize it to add more painful impact to a lenghty "crossface" application to finally yield the title-retaining tap-out!!!
*****"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH GUEST "ONE COOL CAT" JUSTIN IDOL - Idol stated that after already ten months gone due to his concussion that he is not coming back just yet, but the good news is that he will be back sooner, not later!!! Further into the conversation Idol mentioned how the team "The Runway" reminded him of his earlier successful duo "Sexual Harassment" with "The Sexual Icon" Eric Xtasy, adding that they were often imitated, never duplicated!!! At this point "The Runway" would march to the ring with Calvin Couture retorting that they have traveled coast to coast, Idol just from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, and that Idol's time has gone, "The Runway" is now!!! Still in concussion protocol Idol let discretion be the better part of valor and left the ring to fight another day!!!*****
(2) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris pinned "The C.R.G." Curtis Ray Goddi (representing "The Apex") in only 2:28!!! Norris sidestepped the charging Goddi who then crashed the turnbuckle to rebound right into his foe's waiting chokeslam for the three-count!!! Soon Patrick Hayes would emerge through the curtain to skull the still smarting Goddi with a blow from his R.W.A. "No Limits" title belt!!! Hayes next graciously gave his bodyguard Norris the rest of the night off!!!
(3) "The Shadoman" Elijah (Crews) (representing "Project Society") pinned "The Real Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado (with Patrick Hayes)!!! Prior to the gong Hayes attempted to recruit Elijah into his stable via smothering him with various compliments about how he is so much better than his partner Project X!!! After Elijah had told him to shove his offer up his ass, he would then be the victim of a double-team beatdown for an unofficial three minutes or so until the opening bell would finally be rung!!! Soon after Hayes had been at last evicted from ringside for constant meddling at the five-minute mark, the charging Bravado inadvertently crashed a turnbuckle to bound into the waiting Elijah's "fisherman" cradle-suplex pin!!!
(4) "The Future Gaijin" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kavod (also representing "The Apex") in 8:01!!! Kavod had volunteered to step in for the originally scheduled Blake "Money" Wright!!! Alexander eventually rolled Kavod into a "small-package" with "The Regent" immediately reversing it and then A.J. re-reversing it, and so on and so on, until they had done at least a complete 360° circle of reversals around the ring and until the gaijin would finally be able to maintain an advantage for a winning count of three!!!
*****Afterward "Doc" Michael attempted to do an impromptu interview with Kovad as a follow-up to their last confusing attempt of four weeks earlier at The Gym!!! Kavod immediately snapped at Doc as to why he keeps asking him questions and proceeded to rant about how he is the better man in "The Apex"!!! At this point Alexander returned to the ring in an effort to calm his angry stablemate!!! Kavod would apologize only to seconds later level A.J. with a thrust-superkick!!!*****
(5) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH (TITLE ON THE LINE ONLY FOR THE FIRST TEN MINUTES): Champion Patrick Hayes (with Jake Bravado) pinned "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 12:17 to retain his title!!! After Hayes had been tossed over the top rope down to the hardwood floor, he would dawdle for about four minutes of the limited title time feigning an injury and being helped to the back, only to suddenly re-emerge through the curtain to re-attack his challenger!!! Eventually Bravado would place a chair on the ring apron to force ref Browning to temporarily have to turn his back on the current ring action to dispose of it!!! In the meantime Bravado would halt Jaxon's attempt to set up a superplex with a smash from the "No Limits" title belt!!! Hayes would immediately follow up with his "frog splash" to cop the title-retaining three-count!!!
(6) R.W.A. PROMOTER DR. FEELBAD'S "OPEN CHALLENGE": "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch, C.O.R. in 12:52!!! Patch (along with "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest) had been barging uninvited into The Gym during the prior two live events to stage impromptu hit-and-run attacks, so Feelbad proceeded over the last few weeks to attempt goading one or the other to take on Eads face-to-face!!! Patch eventually misconnected with a "shooting star press" try and would then barely dodge Eads' "superman punch" before leaving the ring and walking out on the match through the same door from which he had entered!!!
*****Promoter Dr. Feelbad then entered the ring to congratulate the victorious Eads, only to be soon interrupted by "King Of Men" Devin Devine who had loudly protested his choice of "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor for regaining R.W.A. law and order back on the previous live event!!! Devine first apologized for his disturbance last month, but he reiterated that the truth sometimes hurts, that Chris Taylor is not the good guy which he pretends to be, and that Devin Devine is the solution!!!*****
(7) Project X (representing "Project Society") pinned Damian Chambers in 11:05!!! The two eventually embarked on a lightning-like exchange of potential submission maneuvers trading the advantage every few seconds with various keylocks, cross-armbreakers, and the like!!! X would finally sneak in a quick "codebreaker" to get a count of three!!! Afterward Patrick Hayes and Jake Bravado stormed in to beat down X with a leather belt until Elijah was able to make the save!!!
*****"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH HIS CO-COMMENTATOR TONY KINCAID: Kincaid had requested time to air his grievances stating first that he did not know in advance about the Patch and Everest attack on Dr. Feelbad, but he admitted to having loved watching it as well as the faces Feelbad had made while being beaten down!!! By this time the crowd had begun to vociferously chant "What" along with other boos and catcalls while Kincaid sounded like he was plotting some future revenge on "The Rev" Ron Hunt for injuring him back in February via a "spear" down onto the hardwood floor!!!*****
( MAIN EVENT/STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE UNDISPUTED R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (PIN OR SUBMISSION ONLY TO A FINISH) (STIPULATION: THE LOSER MAY NOT COMPETE AGAIN FOR THE R.W.A. TITLE AS LONG AS THE WINNER CONTINUES TO HOLD THE BELT): Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, SUBMISSION in 17:29 to retain his title!!! Both combatants suffered head injuries with J-Rocc utilizing a belt stolen from the waist of ref Bo Browning to pound Rev's head and with Rev escaping his challenger's attempted set-up for a piledriver via a double-leg takedown into a catapult skull first into the cage fencing!!! Eventually Rev would confiscate the leather belt and utilize it to add more painful impact to a lenghty "crossface" application to finally yield the title-retaining tap-out!!!
SAT. MAY 13TH 2023
(1) "The Writing On The Wall" Christian Noir (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 7:07!!! Immediately after LeBell had misconnected with a "frog splash" attempt, Noir hit his rising foe with a "Diamond Cutter" maneuver to cop the victory cover!!!
*****Afterward R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt emerged and asked the crowd "Do you want a revolution???" and followed up by officially announcing Rev vs. Noir for his title on the next live event June 10th!!! He was then sneakattacked by Noir for a brief brawl soon to be broken up by the R.W.A. officials!!!*****
(2) "Lights Out" Tony Norris pinned "The Most Dominant Big Man In Professional Wrestling" - "The Sleeper" Don Murphy in 4:27 following his "chokeslam" finisher after his foe had already blocked a pair of earlier attempts at the maneuver!!!
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) defeated "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma", Brent Oakley & "Pledge" (sub for K.C. Jacobs), (Jay pinned "Pledge") in 6:35!!! The inexperienced "Pledge" made a rookie mistake when he embarked on a much too long showboating setup for a planned "People's Elbow" onto a fallen Jay!!! Bonner would grab his leg from the floor on his attempted rebound and, when he turned his back to the ring to confront him, an already recovered Jay would blindside him with a reverse rolling-cradle high on the shoulders for the three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH "THE WAR MACHINE" DENNIS GREGORY (RETURNING TO R.W.A. FOLLOWING A FIVE MONTHS ABSENCE): The interview was just getting started when it was interrupted by the arrival of R.W.A. "No Limits" titleholder Patrick Hayes, bodyguard Johnny Norris, and "Patrick Hayes Experience" pledge Lucio Deveer!!! After a couple of minutes of trading barbs and snatching the house mic back and forth, Gregory stated: "If you won't give respect, I'll just take it!!!" Hayes exclaimed that Norris already had his match tonight and that he himself still has a title defense later, so Gregory attacked Deveer, and an impromptu bout was on!!!●●●●●
(4) IMPROMPTU MATCH: "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory pinned "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer in 7:10!!! After the charging Deveer had inadvertently crashed Hayes off the apron and Norris had been shoved down to the floor, Gregory then slammed Deveer down to the canvas out of a seated electric chair position to score the winning pin!!!
●●●●●Ring announcer Hank Hudson was about to proceed to the next bout when a newcomer by the name of "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage decided to interrupt and schedule his own segment!!! He twice browbeat sound man Erin West into playing his entrance music, nagged Hudson into a pair of intros, and then was about to bully a ringside female camera person when R.W.A. video production assistant Timothy Titan gallantly attempted to intervene on her behalf only to be beaten down for his efforts!!!●●●●●
(5) WOMEN'S MATCH: "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger pinned "The Dark Angel" Dani Jacx in 6:36 following her "stunner" maneuver finisher!!! Immediately afterward intruders Johnny Patch and Preston Everest (armed with a commandeered house mic) rushed out to distract Badger for an attack by a female competitor later identified as "The Shining Light" Catie Brite!!! "Culmination" members Gory and Remy LaVey would soon storm out to rid the ring area of the trio of interlopers!!!
(6) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) (Mickey pinned Kelly) in 11:57 to retain their title!!! This bout proved to be the very toughest yet for the Gambinos during their current reign!!! With an intervening Paul Atlas taken out via a "chopblock" and Marshall having been viciously hurled up an aisle on the hardwood floor and temporarily incapacitated, Mickey was left at a one-on-two disadvantage and seemingly in dire straits!!! However, in a wink of an eye he would miraculously snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by suddenly shoving Kelly head-on into Bruiser to rebound into his blindside takedown cradle for the title-retaining duke!!!
*****Afterward "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) would present the belts to the victorious Gambinos and, on the basis of their tag-team victory earlier in the evening, proceeded to demand the next crack at their title!!! Marshall stated that it is not they but the R.W.A. powers that be who decide such things and then ordered them out of the ring!!! The Gambinos had just turned their backs to resume celebrating with their fans when "The Brotherhood" felled them via a couple of blindside uppercut low blows in stereo!!! They next embarked on a prolonged and severe thrashing of the already battle worn champions and, with apparently no help enroute, the same female member of the camera crew who had earlier in the evening needed herself to be saved attempted to intervene only to be shoved down brutally for her efforts possibly whiplashing her neck as it collided with the middle ring rope during her fall!!!*****
●●●●●"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor was headed to the ring to discuss his recent differences of opinion with "King Of Men" Devin Devine when he was blindsided by his antagonist in the aisle!!! After breaking free and driving back his attacker, Taylor took the house mic, climbed a ringpost, and screamed down to R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad ordering him to sign Devine to a contract immediately!!! In the meantime, Devine had wandered close enough back toward the ring for Taylor to leap from his high perch and bowl him (as well as a member of R.W.A. security) over with a spectacular high arc flying cross-bodyblock!!!●●●●●
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH (TITLE ON THE LINE ONLY DURING THE OPENING TEN MINUTES): Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The Shadoman" Elijah (representing "Project Society") in 12:12 to retain his title!!! As has been his custom since taking the title, Hayes dawdled and loitered again at the beginning, this time for about four minutes!!! Eventually Hayes' heaping handful of powder inadvertently ended up in the eyes of bodyguard Norris who then inadvertently blindly chokeslammed his boss Hayes!!! During his efforts to punish Hayes, Elijah would shove referee P.J. Parker face-first into a turnbuckle to take him out of action temporarily!!! This would enable Norris to plant Elijah with consecutive chokeslams leading directly to a still half loopy Hayes' "frog splash" title-retaining three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION "THE REV" RON HUNT: "Rev" stated that the contract is signed, and that "Rev vs. Noir" is going to happen in front of his R.W.A. family!!! Hunt then pointed to Tony Kincaid at the R.W.A. announcing table and informed him that in three seconds this entire crowd would be calling him "Donkey Dick"!!! Rev went on to say that he and Noir have a rich history, still are enemies and know each other well, and both will be bringing their "A-Game" to turn this gym upside down!!! Rev vowed to never avoid challengers like previous champs J-Rocc and Ryan Edmonds and to defend his title day-in and day-out!!! He promised that it is going to happen, and you can preach that!!!●●●●●
( MAIN EVENT/FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch & "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest defeated "The Culmination" ("The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "later injury replacement" H.L. Supreme) (Patch pinned Supreme) in 13:57!!! Gory's "pescado" three minutes into the bout bowled over his two foes down on the floor, but it also ended up injuring his partner LaVey in the process!!! LaVey had to be helped back to the dressing room, and H.L. Supreme surprisingly volunteered to assume his spot!!! Eventually J-Rocc, Daddy, who was not even scheduled on this card, out of the blue interjected himself into the contest!!! As Supreme attempted a slingshot "sunset-flip" on Patch from the apron back into the ring, J-Rocc joined arms with the intruder undetected by the official to prevent his takedown and enabling him to sit on his foe's chest and steal the victory three-count!!! Patch, Everest, and J-Rocc were able to ward off any and all potential help from the dressing room until they succeeded in planting Supreme with a triple-team, double-leaping from a turnbuckle spike-piledriver!!! Finally the Gambinos would arrive to prevent even more damage in the ring!!!
*****Afterward R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt emerged and asked the crowd "Do you want a revolution???" and followed up by officially announcing Rev vs. Noir for his title on the next live event June 10th!!! He was then sneakattacked by Noir for a brief brawl soon to be broken up by the R.W.A. officials!!!*****
(2) "Lights Out" Tony Norris pinned "The Most Dominant Big Man In Professional Wrestling" - "The Sleeper" Don Murphy in 4:27 following his "chokeslam" finisher after his foe had already blocked a pair of earlier attempts at the maneuver!!!
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) defeated "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma", Brent Oakley & "Pledge" (sub for K.C. Jacobs), (Jay pinned "Pledge") in 6:35!!! The inexperienced "Pledge" made a rookie mistake when he embarked on a much too long showboating setup for a planned "People's Elbow" onto a fallen Jay!!! Bonner would grab his leg from the floor on his attempted rebound and, when he turned his back to the ring to confront him, an already recovered Jay would blindside him with a reverse rolling-cradle high on the shoulders for the three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH "THE WAR MACHINE" DENNIS GREGORY (RETURNING TO R.W.A. FOLLOWING A FIVE MONTHS ABSENCE): The interview was just getting started when it was interrupted by the arrival of R.W.A. "No Limits" titleholder Patrick Hayes, bodyguard Johnny Norris, and "Patrick Hayes Experience" pledge Lucio Deveer!!! After a couple of minutes of trading barbs and snatching the house mic back and forth, Gregory stated: "If you won't give respect, I'll just take it!!!" Hayes exclaimed that Norris already had his match tonight and that he himself still has a title defense later, so Gregory attacked Deveer, and an impromptu bout was on!!!●●●●●
(4) IMPROMPTU MATCH: "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory pinned "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer in 7:10!!! After the charging Deveer had inadvertently crashed Hayes off the apron and Norris had been shoved down to the floor, Gregory then slammed Deveer down to the canvas out of a seated electric chair position to score the winning pin!!!
●●●●●Ring announcer Hank Hudson was about to proceed to the next bout when a newcomer by the name of "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage decided to interrupt and schedule his own segment!!! He twice browbeat sound man Erin West into playing his entrance music, nagged Hudson into a pair of intros, and then was about to bully a ringside female camera person when R.W.A. video production assistant Timothy Titan gallantly attempted to intervene on her behalf only to be beaten down for his efforts!!!●●●●●
(5) WOMEN'S MATCH: "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger pinned "The Dark Angel" Dani Jacx in 6:36 following her "stunner" maneuver finisher!!! Immediately afterward intruders Johnny Patch and Preston Everest (armed with a commandeered house mic) rushed out to distract Badger for an attack by a female competitor later identified as "The Shining Light" Catie Brite!!! "Culmination" members Gory and Remy LaVey would soon storm out to rid the ring area of the trio of interlopers!!!
(6) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) (Mickey pinned Kelly) in 11:57 to retain their title!!! This bout proved to be the very toughest yet for the Gambinos during their current reign!!! With an intervening Paul Atlas taken out via a "chopblock" and Marshall having been viciously hurled up an aisle on the hardwood floor and temporarily incapacitated, Mickey was left at a one-on-two disadvantage and seemingly in dire straits!!! However, in a wink of an eye he would miraculously snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by suddenly shoving Kelly head-on into Bruiser to rebound into his blindside takedown cradle for the title-retaining duke!!!
*****Afterward "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron Mike" Bonner) would present the belts to the victorious Gambinos and, on the basis of their tag-team victory earlier in the evening, proceeded to demand the next crack at their title!!! Marshall stated that it is not they but the R.W.A. powers that be who decide such things and then ordered them out of the ring!!! The Gambinos had just turned their backs to resume celebrating with their fans when "The Brotherhood" felled them via a couple of blindside uppercut low blows in stereo!!! They next embarked on a prolonged and severe thrashing of the already battle worn champions and, with apparently no help enroute, the same female member of the camera crew who had earlier in the evening needed herself to be saved attempted to intervene only to be shoved down brutally for her efforts possibly whiplashing her neck as it collided with the middle ring rope during her fall!!!*****
●●●●●"The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor was headed to the ring to discuss his recent differences of opinion with "King Of Men" Devin Devine when he was blindsided by his antagonist in the aisle!!! After breaking free and driving back his attacker, Taylor took the house mic, climbed a ringpost, and screamed down to R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad ordering him to sign Devine to a contract immediately!!! In the meantime, Devine had wandered close enough back toward the ring for Taylor to leap from his high perch and bowl him (as well as a member of R.W.A. security) over with a spectacular high arc flying cross-bodyblock!!!●●●●●
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH (TITLE ON THE LINE ONLY DURING THE OPENING TEN MINUTES): Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The Shadoman" Elijah (representing "Project Society") in 12:12 to retain his title!!! As has been his custom since taking the title, Hayes dawdled and loitered again at the beginning, this time for about four minutes!!! Eventually Hayes' heaping handful of powder inadvertently ended up in the eyes of bodyguard Norris who then inadvertently blindly chokeslammed his boss Hayes!!! During his efforts to punish Hayes, Elijah would shove referee P.J. Parker face-first into a turnbuckle to take him out of action temporarily!!! This would enable Norris to plant Elijah with consecutive chokeslams leading directly to a still half loopy Hayes' "frog splash" title-retaining three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION "THE REV" RON HUNT: "Rev" stated that the contract is signed, and that "Rev vs. Noir" is going to happen in front of his R.W.A. family!!! Hunt then pointed to Tony Kincaid at the R.W.A. announcing table and informed him that in three seconds this entire crowd would be calling him "Donkey Dick"!!! Rev went on to say that he and Noir have a rich history, still are enemies and know each other well, and both will be bringing their "A-Game" to turn this gym upside down!!! Rev vowed to never avoid challengers like previous champs J-Rocc and Ryan Edmonds and to defend his title day-in and day-out!!! He promised that it is going to happen, and you can preach that!!!●●●●●
( MAIN EVENT/FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch & "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest defeated "The Culmination" ("The New Age Plague" Gory & "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey & "later injury replacement" H.L. Supreme) (Patch pinned Supreme) in 13:57!!! Gory's "pescado" three minutes into the bout bowled over his two foes down on the floor, but it also ended up injuring his partner LaVey in the process!!! LaVey had to be helped back to the dressing room, and H.L. Supreme surprisingly volunteered to assume his spot!!! Eventually J-Rocc, Daddy, who was not even scheduled on this card, out of the blue interjected himself into the contest!!! As Supreme attempted a slingshot "sunset-flip" on Patch from the apron back into the ring, J-Rocc joined arms with the intruder undetected by the official to prevent his takedown and enabling him to sit on his foe's chest and steal the victory three-count!!! Patch, Everest, and J-Rocc were able to ward off any and all potential help from the dressing room until they succeeded in planting Supreme with a triple-team, double-leaping from a turnbuckle spike-piledriver!!! Finally the Gambinos would arrive to prevent even more damage in the ring!!!
(1) "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned "Colossal" Mike Law in 9:52 after planting him via a "fisherman buster"!!!
"The Rad BoyZ" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) defeated "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer & "The Real Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado (subbing for originally scheduled "The Brotherhood") (Elliott pinned Deveer) in 8:34!!! After Bravado had been sent tumbling to the floor via a pair of consecutive thrust superkicks, Deveer would be the victim of a double-team "codebreaker" with Elliott leaping from the top rope with a double foot-stomp into the captive Enigma's back to add even more devastating impact to get the clinching cover!!!
(3) "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage pinned "The Future Gaijin" A.J. Alexander in 9:11!!! Alexander would eventually have to stop on a dime to avoid a collision with the referee, but in so doing he inadvertently shielded the official from seeing Gage nail him with a blindside low kick between his uprights!!! Gage immediately followed up with a "blue thunder bomb" maneuver to cop the victory three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH "THE SHINING LIGHT" CATIE BRITE: Brite had shown up unannounced at the previous R.W.A. live event to attack Honey Badger with distraction help from invaders Johnny Patch and Preston Everest!!!●●●●●
Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Best Family In Professional Wrestling: Ross & Son" (John Ross & James Ross) (Marshall pinned James Ross) in 12:13 to retain their title!!! After Dad had been top ring rope "low bridged" out of the ring, Son would be draped over Marshall's knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop followed by the title-retaining cover!!!
(5) "The Sensei" Dee Vibe vs. ????????, MATCH DOES NOT TAKE PLACE!!! As Vibe was being introduced enroute to the ring for his R.W.A. debut appearance, he was brutally attacked by Christian Noir for absolutely no reason other than perhaps a tune-up beatdown in preparation for his later main-event title opportunity!!! Noir planted Vibe inside the ring with a "downward spiral" and was about to deliver an encore when the arrival of champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt and the three assigned R.W.A. officials would put an end to the onslaught!!! Vibe was declared unable to compete, and the bout was canceled before the name of his intended adversary could be revealed!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory in 12:46 to retain his title!!! As has been his custom since capturing the title, Hayes once again dawdled and avoided contact for nearly five minutes following the bell!!! Gregory would eventually attempt to vertical-suplex Hayes from the apron back into the ring, but Norris would discreetly reach in to put the legs out from under the challenger and continue to maintain his grasp as he caved in beneath the champ to be pinned!!! In a postbout interview on the stage, Hayes was none too pleased when informed by "Doc" Michael that he would have to once again face "The Shadoman" Elijah for his title on the next live event July 8th!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest defeated H.L. Supreme & "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads (J-Rocc pinned Eads) in 18:22!!! With Eads currently distracted by the recently arriving and already meddlesome Johnny Patch, J-Rocc would blindside him with a reverse rolling-cradle high on the shoulders aided by a heaping handful of his trunks to steal the winning count of three!!!
●●●●●"King Of Men" Devin Devine out of nowhere commandeered a house mic to rant about his current feud with "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor!!! Taylor would soon arrive to confront him about signing an R.W.A. contract so they could settle their differences officially in the R.W.A. ring!!! Devine would toss the unsigned contract to the canvas and then immediately slap Taylor bigtime across the face!!! In a wink of an eye, Taylor would plant Devine facedown unconscious onto the canvas via a devastating "diamond cutter"!!! Taylor manipulated Devine's hand to sign the prone contract and told his foe that all we need now is a time and place!!!●●●●●
( "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes) pinned "The Meme One" Andy Lee Ray in only 54 seconds following a "chokeslam"!!! When it became obvious that Ray's punishment from these two was far from over, "The Shadoman" Elijah would storm onto the scene!!!
(9) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch in 9:56!!! Only one minute into the contest J-Rocc and Preston Everest would saunter out to ringside foreboding trouble ahead!!! Gory would eventually appear enroute to a victory cover following a thrust-superkick and his "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb, but the two ringside loiterers would mount the apron to draw the attention of the official!!! At this point Gory signaled toward the entrance curtain for the arrival of Daniel Eads and H.L. Supreme to watch his back!!! Gory would soon send Patch staggering after gnawing on his forehead for a bit and would then roll him into a "La Magistral" cradle to get the duke!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The Writing On The Wall" Christian Noir (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 16:51 to retain his title following a standing head drive into the canvas!!!
●●●●●As the crowd was attempting to leave the building through the fans' entrance door, J-Rocc (along with Patch and Everest) began to rant on a commandeered house mic!!! In the meantime the tempers of Gory, Eads, and Supreme had reached their boiling point, and as a result a ten minutes plus three-on-three wall-to-wall and on-and-off the stage war would erupt scattering scores of chairs all over until J-Rocc's trio would be driven from the building at last!!! Before leaving J-Rocc had attempted unsuccessfully to push sound man Erin West off the stage in his wheelchair!!!●●●●●
"The Rad BoyZ" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) defeated "The Enigma" Lucio Deveer & "The Real Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado (subbing for originally scheduled "The Brotherhood") (Elliott pinned Deveer) in 8:34!!! After Bravado had been sent tumbling to the floor via a pair of consecutive thrust superkicks, Deveer would be the victim of a double-team "codebreaker" with Elliott leaping from the top rope with a double foot-stomp into the captive Enigma's back to add even more devastating impact to get the clinching cover!!!
(3) "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage pinned "The Future Gaijin" A.J. Alexander in 9:11!!! Alexander would eventually have to stop on a dime to avoid a collision with the referee, but in so doing he inadvertently shielded the official from seeing Gage nail him with a blindside low kick between his uprights!!! Gage immediately followed up with a "blue thunder bomb" maneuver to cop the victory three-count!!!
●●●●●"DOC" MICHAEL IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH "THE SHINING LIGHT" CATIE BRITE: Brite had shown up unannounced at the previous R.W.A. live event to attack Honey Badger with distraction help from invaders Johnny Patch and Preston Everest!!!●●●●●
Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Best Family In Professional Wrestling: Ross & Son" (John Ross & James Ross) (Marshall pinned James Ross) in 12:13 to retain their title!!! After Dad had been top ring rope "low bridged" out of the ring, Son would be draped over Marshall's knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop followed by the title-retaining cover!!!
(5) "The Sensei" Dee Vibe vs. ????????, MATCH DOES NOT TAKE PLACE!!! As Vibe was being introduced enroute to the ring for his R.W.A. debut appearance, he was brutally attacked by Christian Noir for absolutely no reason other than perhaps a tune-up beatdown in preparation for his later main-event title opportunity!!! Noir planted Vibe inside the ring with a "downward spiral" and was about to deliver an encore when the arrival of champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt and the three assigned R.W.A. officials would put an end to the onslaught!!! Vibe was declared unable to compete, and the bout was canceled before the name of his intended adversary could be revealed!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory in 12:46 to retain his title!!! As has been his custom since capturing the title, Hayes once again dawdled and avoided contact for nearly five minutes following the bell!!! Gregory would eventually attempt to vertical-suplex Hayes from the apron back into the ring, but Norris would discreetly reach in to put the legs out from under the challenger and continue to maintain his grasp as he caved in beneath the champ to be pinned!!! In a postbout interview on the stage, Hayes was none too pleased when informed by "Doc" Michael that he would have to once again face "The Shadoman" Elijah for his title on the next live event July 8th!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy & "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest defeated H.L. Supreme & "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads (J-Rocc pinned Eads) in 18:22!!! With Eads currently distracted by the recently arriving and already meddlesome Johnny Patch, J-Rocc would blindside him with a reverse rolling-cradle high on the shoulders aided by a heaping handful of his trunks to steal the winning count of three!!!
●●●●●"King Of Men" Devin Devine out of nowhere commandeered a house mic to rant about his current feud with "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor!!! Taylor would soon arrive to confront him about signing an R.W.A. contract so they could settle their differences officially in the R.W.A. ring!!! Devine would toss the unsigned contract to the canvas and then immediately slap Taylor bigtime across the face!!! In a wink of an eye, Taylor would plant Devine facedown unconscious onto the canvas via a devastating "diamond cutter"!!! Taylor manipulated Devine's hand to sign the prone contract and told his foe that all we need now is a time and place!!!●●●●●
( "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes) pinned "The Meme One" Andy Lee Ray in only 54 seconds following a "chokeslam"!!! When it became obvious that Ray's punishment from these two was far from over, "The Shadoman" Elijah would storm onto the scene!!!
(9) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch in 9:56!!! Only one minute into the contest J-Rocc and Preston Everest would saunter out to ringside foreboding trouble ahead!!! Gory would eventually appear enroute to a victory cover following a thrust-superkick and his "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb, but the two ringside loiterers would mount the apron to draw the attention of the official!!! At this point Gory signaled toward the entrance curtain for the arrival of Daniel Eads and H.L. Supreme to watch his back!!! Gory would soon send Patch staggering after gnawing on his forehead for a bit and would then roll him into a "La Magistral" cradle to get the duke!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "The Writing On The Wall" Christian Noir (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 16:51 to retain his title following a standing head drive into the canvas!!!
●●●●●As the crowd was attempting to leave the building through the fans' entrance door, J-Rocc (along with Patch and Everest) began to rant on a commandeered house mic!!! In the meantime the tempers of Gory, Eads, and Supreme had reached their boiling point, and as a result a ten minutes plus three-on-three wall-to-wall and on-and-off the stage war would erupt scattering scores of chairs all over until J-Rocc's trio would be driven from the building at last!!! Before leaving J-Rocc had attempted unsuccessfully to push sound man Erin West off the stage in his wheelchair!!!●●●●●
SAT. JULY 8TH 2023
Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Mickey pinned Couture) in 10:21 to retain their title!!! After Marshall had been tossed out to ringside, Couture held Mickey captive for Klein's fast charging kneestrike!!! As the challengers were about to attempt a possible title-changing cover, valet Emmy Dee rushed in to viciously eye rake Design to send him rolling out to the floor, and she next booted Couture low right between his uprights!!! The Fashionista was sent stumbling into the grasp of Marshall who proceeded to hold him across his knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop and title-retaining cover!!! Afterward The Gambinos were informed by "Doc" Michael that a return title battle with "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) would take place at the next live event on August 26th!!!
"King Of Men" Devin Devine & "The Mac Daddy Of Violence" Boomer Payne defeated "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (Devine pinned Taylor) in 8:41!!! Taylor eventually hit his "Diamond Cutter" on Devine to send him rolling to the apron and just moments later hit the move on Payne for a pin attempt!!! However, "Impact Wrestling" star John Skyler suddenly stormed through the entrance curtain toward the ring to distract Taylor and official Bo Browning just long enough for a recovered Devine to execute a "swinging neckbreaker" on "The Prince Of Sin" to cop the victory three-count!!! Afterward Skyler wound a chain around his fist with intentions of using it on Taylor being held captive by both Devine and Payne, but "The Rev" Ron Hunt arrived just in time for the save!!!
"The Best Family In Professional Wrestling - Ross & Son" (John Ross & James Ross) defeated "The Golden Glovers" ("The Set Up Man - #0" King Caesar Bambino & "Designated Hitter - #26" Landon Hernandez) (with a combined batting average of .817) (Son pinned Hernandez) in 10:26!!! After #26 had been pulled hard from the apron down to the floor, the Ross Family combined for a double-team "stunner" maneuver on #0 to score the victory pin!!!
Immediately "Doc" was none too pleased when Brite showed up with Tony Kincaid!!! The talk centered around the R.W.A. women's division starting up soon after an absence of four years!!! Promoter Dr. Feelbad stated that the reason for the shutdown was both the "coronavirus" situation plus the fact that there were not any females good enough to even lace the boots of then R.W.A. star Jesse Belle Smothers!!! Feelbad told Brite she will have a spot in R.W.A., but she is not going to just walk in and be handed the title or anything else!!! Kincaid forecasted that Brite will be the new face of the R.W.A. women's division!!! Feelbad said that he will be talking to the R.W.A. board and may even be making a call to Jesse Belle Smothers!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) defeated "The Shadoman" Elijah (representing "Project Society"), REVERSED DECISION DISQUALIFICATION in 4:15 to retain his title!!! Elijah sneaked to the ring and jumped from a ringpost at Hayes prior to the bell to this time prevent the usual stalling evasive tactics of the defending titleholder!!! At the two-minute mark a desperate Norris caused Elijah to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support to next be ordered from ringside by ref Bo Browning!!! As the official was busy escorting Norris toward the entrance curtain, Hayes nailed Elijah with knucks and placed them inside his foe's gear!!! Elijah would kick out of Hayes' cover at two and follow up quickly with a superplex and a "swanton bomb" to score a temporary winning three-count and be announced as the new R.W.A. "No Limits" champion!!! Hayes would immediately protest that knucks had been used and ordered the arbiter to search Elijah's person!!! The knucks were found, the decision was reversed, and the title belt was returned to Hayes!!! "Doc" Michael would next inform Hayes that his next challenger on August 26th would be the man whom he defeated for the "No Limits" title - "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis!!!
(5) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes) pinned "Blue Chipper" Chase Emery in 8:54!!! Emery had Norris in trouble and was about to scale a turnbuckle when Hayes mounted the apron to distract both he and the official!!! This provided valuable recovery time for Norris so, when Emery finally did get to execute his leap at him from the top rope, he would catch his airborne foe by his throat for a chokeslam and the victory three-count!!!
"The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads & H.L. Supreme & "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest & "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch & J-Rocc, Daddy in 18 minutes!!! About twelve minutes into this wall-to-wall war, Gory tried to crash J-Rocc through an in-ring table via a "swanton bomb", but he ended up going through it himself when his intended victim moved at the last instant!!! However, official George Ross would immediately make the correct ruling that Gory had put himself through the table and that the match would continue!!! Eventually Eads would block an attempt by Everest to send him down through an in-ring table via a top-rope "hurricanrana"!!! Eads would then muscle his foe back up into a powerbombing position to then "superbomb" him through that table for the victory!!! Sure-losers J-Rocc and Patch would soon attack the celebrating victors with chairs and tie Gory helplessly to a turnbuckle!!! Patch and Everest would jump from atop opposite turnbuckles simultaneously to smash Eads through a mid-ring table as he was being restrained by J-Rocc!!! The Daddy then placed two tables side-by-side on the floor alongside the ring and leaped from the apron to piledrive Supreme through them!!! The masked man had to carried from the ring on a hard board stretcher!!!
(7) "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon pinned "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage in 8:29 following a pop-up sit-out powerbomb!!! Afterward Jaxon would offer Gage a handshake which was accepted but, as soon as Crash had turned his back to continue his victory celebration, the Psycho would blindside him in the small of the back with a blow from his giant hammer!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Impact Wrestling" star "The Southern Savior" John Skyler (with Boomer Payne) in 16:11 to retain his title!!! Skyler would employ a matchlong strategy of working on the champion's rib area with great effect!!! Hunt's thrust-superkick would eventually send Skyler stumbling back into the ropes knocking Payne from the apron to the floor!!! Skyler then rebounded right into the Rev's forward head drive D.D.T. to be next covered for the title-retaining three-count!!!
With Hunt about to be beaten down by sore-losers Skyler and Payne, Chris Taylor was the first to rush to his rescue followed quickly by over half of the R.W.A. dressing room who would battle among themselves for about five minutes in an inadvertent preview of the "Renegade Rumble" to be featured on the next R.W.A. live event August 26th!!!
Champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Mickey pinned Couture) in 10:21 to retain their title!!! After Marshall had been tossed out to ringside, Couture held Mickey captive for Klein's fast charging kneestrike!!! As the challengers were about to attempt a possible title-changing cover, valet Emmy Dee rushed in to viciously eye rake Design to send him rolling out to the floor, and she next booted Couture low right between his uprights!!! The Fashionista was sent stumbling into the grasp of Marshall who proceeded to hold him across his knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop and title-retaining cover!!! Afterward The Gambinos were informed by "Doc" Michael that a return title battle with "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) would take place at the next live event on August 26th!!!
"King Of Men" Devin Devine & "The Mac Daddy Of Violence" Boomer Payne defeated "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor (Devine pinned Taylor) in 8:41!!! Taylor eventually hit his "Diamond Cutter" on Devine to send him rolling to the apron and just moments later hit the move on Payne for a pin attempt!!! However, "Impact Wrestling" star John Skyler suddenly stormed through the entrance curtain toward the ring to distract Taylor and official Bo Browning just long enough for a recovered Devine to execute a "swinging neckbreaker" on "The Prince Of Sin" to cop the victory three-count!!! Afterward Skyler wound a chain around his fist with intentions of using it on Taylor being held captive by both Devine and Payne, but "The Rev" Ron Hunt arrived just in time for the save!!!
"The Best Family In Professional Wrestling - Ross & Son" (John Ross & James Ross) defeated "The Golden Glovers" ("The Set Up Man - #0" King Caesar Bambino & "Designated Hitter - #26" Landon Hernandez) (with a combined batting average of .817) (Son pinned Hernandez) in 10:26!!! After #26 had been pulled hard from the apron down to the floor, the Ross Family combined for a double-team "stunner" maneuver on #0 to score the victory pin!!!
Immediately "Doc" was none too pleased when Brite showed up with Tony Kincaid!!! The talk centered around the R.W.A. women's division starting up soon after an absence of four years!!! Promoter Dr. Feelbad stated that the reason for the shutdown was both the "coronavirus" situation plus the fact that there were not any females good enough to even lace the boots of then R.W.A. star Jesse Belle Smothers!!! Feelbad told Brite she will have a spot in R.W.A., but she is not going to just walk in and be handed the title or anything else!!! Kincaid forecasted that Brite will be the new face of the R.W.A. women's division!!! Feelbad said that he will be talking to the R.W.A. board and may even be making a call to Jesse Belle Smothers!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) defeated "The Shadoman" Elijah (representing "Project Society"), REVERSED DECISION DISQUALIFICATION in 4:15 to retain his title!!! Elijah sneaked to the ring and jumped from a ringpost at Hayes prior to the bell to this time prevent the usual stalling evasive tactics of the defending titleholder!!! At the two-minute mark a desperate Norris caused Elijah to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support to next be ordered from ringside by ref Bo Browning!!! As the official was busy escorting Norris toward the entrance curtain, Hayes nailed Elijah with knucks and placed them inside his foe's gear!!! Elijah would kick out of Hayes' cover at two and follow up quickly with a superplex and a "swanton bomb" to score a temporary winning three-count and be announced as the new R.W.A. "No Limits" champion!!! Hayes would immediately protest that knucks had been used and ordered the arbiter to search Elijah's person!!! The knucks were found, the decision was reversed, and the title belt was returned to Hayes!!! "Doc" Michael would next inform Hayes that his next challenger on August 26th would be the man whom he defeated for the "No Limits" title - "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis!!!
(5) "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes) pinned "Blue Chipper" Chase Emery in 8:54!!! Emery had Norris in trouble and was about to scale a turnbuckle when Hayes mounted the apron to distract both he and the official!!! This provided valuable recovery time for Norris so, when Emery finally did get to execute his leap at him from the top rope, he would catch his airborne foe by his throat for a chokeslam and the victory three-count!!!
"The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads & H.L. Supreme & "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest & "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch & J-Rocc, Daddy in 18 minutes!!! About twelve minutes into this wall-to-wall war, Gory tried to crash J-Rocc through an in-ring table via a "swanton bomb", but he ended up going through it himself when his intended victim moved at the last instant!!! However, official George Ross would immediately make the correct ruling that Gory had put himself through the table and that the match would continue!!! Eventually Eads would block an attempt by Everest to send him down through an in-ring table via a top-rope "hurricanrana"!!! Eads would then muscle his foe back up into a powerbombing position to then "superbomb" him through that table for the victory!!! Sure-losers J-Rocc and Patch would soon attack the celebrating victors with chairs and tie Gory helplessly to a turnbuckle!!! Patch and Everest would jump from atop opposite turnbuckles simultaneously to smash Eads through a mid-ring table as he was being restrained by J-Rocc!!! The Daddy then placed two tables side-by-side on the floor alongside the ring and leaped from the apron to piledrive Supreme through them!!! The masked man had to carried from the ring on a hard board stretcher!!!
(7) "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon pinned "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage in 8:29 following a pop-up sit-out powerbomb!!! Afterward Jaxon would offer Gage a handshake which was accepted but, as soon as Crash had turned his back to continue his victory celebration, the Psycho would blindside him in the small of the back with a blow from his giant hammer!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Impact Wrestling" star "The Southern Savior" John Skyler (with Boomer Payne) in 16:11 to retain his title!!! Skyler would employ a matchlong strategy of working on the champion's rib area with great effect!!! Hunt's thrust-superkick would eventually send Skyler stumbling back into the ropes knocking Payne from the apron to the floor!!! Skyler then rebounded right into the Rev's forward head drive D.D.T. to be next covered for the title-retaining three-count!!!
With Hunt about to be beaten down by sore-losers Skyler and Payne, Chris Taylor was the first to rush to his rescue followed quickly by over half of the R.W.A. dressing room who would battle among themselves for about five minutes in an inadvertent preview of the "Renegade Rumble" to be featured on the next R.W.A. live event August 26th!!!
SAT. AUG. 26ST 2023
"The Rad Boyz" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) (accompanied by a giant prehistoric monster) defeated "The Wise Guys" ("The Sure Bet" Asher Knox & "The Made Man" Gino DeCapo) (Elliott pinned DeCapo) in 6:51!!! Elliott would eventually dive over and down the back of DeCapo for a "sunset-flip" attempt, but Knox grabbed his partner's arms to temporarily halt his takedown!!! However, Wily would soon dive through the air to break the grip and enable Elliott to complete his maneuver for the victory three-count!!!
(2) Gorgeous Gregory (R.W.A. debut) pinned "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 8:17!!! Jaxon appeared enroute to victory following a "flatliner" maneuver but, before a pin count could be tolled, both Crash and official P.J. Parker were distracted by the sudden arrival of the dude's recent adversary Malaki Gage!!! This action enabled Gregory to blindside his foe via an uppercut low blow followed by a "D.D.T." to cop the winning cover!!!
"The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), "The Golden Glovers" ("The Set Up Man - #0" King Caesar Bambino & "The Designated Hitter - #26" Landon Hernandez), and champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with valet Emmy Dee) (Pile-on pin onto Marshall) in 9:48 to win the title!!! The Gambinos were without the ringside services this evening of Paul Atlas who was away on his annual trek to the Cauliflower Alley Club gathering in Las Vegas, Nevada!!! The bout was originally scheduled as just the Gambinos versus War Hoss, but The Runway would commander a house mic and, blaming their most recent lost title bout on that "jezebel" Emmy Dee's meddling, talked their way into the match!!! Marshall replied that while we are at it, why not add another upcoming team, "The Golden Glovers"??? The presence of Atlas was sorely missed by the Gambinos as Emmy Dee would be held in check by occasional stalking by the Runway's Klein!!! Despite this it would take the arrival of "The Brotherhood" ("Iron" Mike Bonner & Julian Jay) to put a roadblock on two big chances for a Gambinos title retention!!! Marshall would soon be isolated one-on-two with Klein restraining the Bull for Couture's vicious charging kneestrike and leading directly to the Runway's pile-on title-winning three-count!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with "bodyguard" - "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned challenger and former titleholder "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 17:10 to retain his title!!! Hayes would run the opening nearly five minutes off the title on the line clock with his usual stalling and dawdling tactics to easily retain at the ten minutes notification!!! Hayes would go on to nail Jarvis with a double-foot to the face flying dropkick and follow up with a double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry and a "frog splash" pin to also earn the winner's share of the purse!!!
Michael tried to question a prone on the canvas gassed out Patrick Hayes about how a future shot at his title would be up for grabs for anyone who could eliminate him in the later Renegade Rumble!!! However, this would lead into Hayes somehow getting into it with a ringside fan who was eventually tossed into the ring to be chokeslammed by Johnny Norris!!! Dennis Gregory armed with what looked to be a section of pipe would storm out to the aid of the beaten down fan!!!
(5) "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, DISQUALIFICATION in 9:05 due to the "outside interference" of "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest who had sneaked out to shove Gory down to the canvas from atop a turnbuckle!!! Afterward the two would maneuver Gory into position for a J-Rocc attempt at a leaping piledriver from the apron down to the hardwood floor!!! However, fellow "Culmination" member "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey would arrive just in time to spare Gory from this fate!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Big League" John McChesney (R.W.A. debut) (with "Team Big League" executives "President" Jordie Noland and "First Lady" Julia Lynn) in 14:17 to retain his title!!! McChesney would eventually get a temporary three-count cover on Hunt, immediately after which official George Ross noticed that Rev had a leg draped over the bottom rope and then waved off the pin!!! As McChesney rhubarbed with the arbiter over this happenings, Hunt would execute a blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders to score the title-retaining pin!!!
*****Between matches "The Rev" Ron Hunt would boot Tony Kincaid from the R.W.A. broadcast table to join "Doc" Michael for color commentary!!!*****
(7) ●●●●THE 30-PERSON R.W.A. RENEGADE RUMBLE was won by R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes in 32:33 to win an "open contract" for an R.W.A. heavyweight title shot!!! Also, "The Rad Boyz" would both eliminate R.W.A. tag-team title co-holder Tyler Klein, and later Honey Badger would oust Klein's "Runway" partner Calvin Couture, each earning future tag-team championship opportunities!!! Crash Jaxon would exact revenge on Gorgeous Gregory by eliminating the egomaniac as soon as he had arrived at the ring!!! Devin Devine would leave the ring and attack rival Chris Taylor upon arrival with both never to return!!! Non-participant J-Rocc and the already eliminated Preston Everest would get "Culmination" members Gory and Remy LaVey out to the floor to stage a battle among themselves up the aisle and through the entrance curtain!!! Honey Badger would nearly run the table of the remaining competitors upon her entry with a lightning-like series of successive "stunners"!!! Hayes would eventually dump both Jaxon and "bodyguard" Johnny Norris simultaneously to leave just him and Elijah as the final two remaining survivors in a "pin or submission" match to determine the "Rumble" winner!!! However, with all four officials busy trying to force the protesting 301-pound Jaxon away from the ring toward the curtain, Norris had free reign to reenter the squared-circle to chokeslam "The Shadoman" for Hayes' "Rumble" victory three-count!!!
#1: Patrick Hayes ("No Limits" champion)
(eventual winner)
#2: Crash Jaxon
#3: "Crosshairs" Kelly
#4: Remy LaVey
#5: "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest
#6: Landon Hernandez
#7: Tyler Klein (Tag-Team champion)
(eliminated by both "Rad Boyz")
#8: "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage
#9: "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
#10: Braden Elliott
#11: "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq.
#12: Gino DeCapo
#13: Calvin Couture (Tag-Team champion)
(eliminated by Honey Badger)
#14: "The Shadoman" Elijah
#15: "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer
#16: Gorgeous Gregory
#17: Jake Wily
#18: Gory
#19: "King Of Men" Devin Devine
#20: "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey
#21: Pat The Bruiser
#22: Mickey Gambino
#23: "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
#24: "Iron" Mike Bonner
#25: King Caesar Bambino
#26: "Lights Out" Johnny Norris
#27: Tad Jarvis
#28: Julian Jay
#29: Asher Knox
#30: Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
*****"The Rev" Ron Hunt from his commentary vantage point got on the house mic to masterfully goad and shame Patrick Hayes into giving Elijah an immediate "No Limits" title shot!!!*****
"The Shadoman" Elijah pinned champion Patrick Hayes (with "bodyguard" Johnny Norris) in only 22 seconds to win the title!!! With Hayes facing the entrance curtain on a house mic taunting Elijah to come back to the ring, "The Shadoman" would emerge from the opposite direction, take out both Hayes and Norris via a missile-dropkick, and after two big moves later cover him for the championship!!! Afterward scores of jubilant R.W.A. fans would surround the ring to join Elijah and Ron Hunt in the celebration!!!
"The Rad Boyz" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) (accompanied by a giant prehistoric monster) defeated "The Wise Guys" ("The Sure Bet" Asher Knox & "The Made Man" Gino DeCapo) (Elliott pinned DeCapo) in 6:51!!! Elliott would eventually dive over and down the back of DeCapo for a "sunset-flip" attempt, but Knox grabbed his partner's arms to temporarily halt his takedown!!! However, Wily would soon dive through the air to break the grip and enable Elliott to complete his maneuver for the victory three-count!!!
(2) Gorgeous Gregory (R.W.A. debut) pinned "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon in 8:17!!! Jaxon appeared enroute to victory following a "flatliner" maneuver but, before a pin count could be tolled, both Crash and official P.J. Parker were distracted by the sudden arrival of the dude's recent adversary Malaki Gage!!! This action enabled Gregory to blindside his foe via an uppercut low blow followed by a "D.D.T." to cop the winning cover!!!
"The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), "The Golden Glovers" ("The Set Up Man - #0" King Caesar Bambino & "The Designated Hitter - #26" Landon Hernandez), and champions "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with valet Emmy Dee) (Pile-on pin onto Marshall) in 9:48 to win the title!!! The Gambinos were without the ringside services this evening of Paul Atlas who was away on his annual trek to the Cauliflower Alley Club gathering in Las Vegas, Nevada!!! The bout was originally scheduled as just the Gambinos versus War Hoss, but The Runway would commander a house mic and, blaming their most recent lost title bout on that "jezebel" Emmy Dee's meddling, talked their way into the match!!! Marshall replied that while we are at it, why not add another upcoming team, "The Golden Glovers"??? The presence of Atlas was sorely missed by the Gambinos as Emmy Dee would be held in check by occasional stalking by the Runway's Klein!!! Despite this it would take the arrival of "The Brotherhood" ("Iron" Mike Bonner & Julian Jay) to put a roadblock on two big chances for a Gambinos title retention!!! Marshall would soon be isolated one-on-two with Klein restraining the Bull for Couture's vicious charging kneestrike and leading directly to the Runway's pile-on title-winning three-count!!!
Champion Patrick Hayes (with "bodyguard" - "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned challenger and former titleholder "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 17:10 to retain his title!!! Hayes would run the opening nearly five minutes off the title on the line clock with his usual stalling and dawdling tactics to easily retain at the ten minutes notification!!! Hayes would go on to nail Jarvis with a double-foot to the face flying dropkick and follow up with a double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry and a "frog splash" pin to also earn the winner's share of the purse!!!
Michael tried to question a prone on the canvas gassed out Patrick Hayes about how a future shot at his title would be up for grabs for anyone who could eliminate him in the later Renegade Rumble!!! However, this would lead into Hayes somehow getting into it with a ringside fan who was eventually tossed into the ring to be chokeslammed by Johnny Norris!!! Dennis Gregory armed with what looked to be a section of pipe would storm out to the aid of the beaten down fan!!!
(5) "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated J-Rocc, Daddy, DISQUALIFICATION in 9:05 due to the "outside interference" of "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest who had sneaked out to shove Gory down to the canvas from atop a turnbuckle!!! Afterward the two would maneuver Gory into position for a J-Rocc attempt at a leaping piledriver from the apron down to the hardwood floor!!! However, fellow "Culmination" member "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey would arrive just in time to spare Gory from this fate!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Big League" John McChesney (R.W.A. debut) (with "Team Big League" executives "President" Jordie Noland and "First Lady" Julia Lynn) in 14:17 to retain his title!!! McChesney would eventually get a temporary three-count cover on Hunt, immediately after which official George Ross noticed that Rev had a leg draped over the bottom rope and then waved off the pin!!! As McChesney rhubarbed with the arbiter over this happenings, Hunt would execute a blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders to score the title-retaining pin!!!
*****Between matches "The Rev" Ron Hunt would boot Tony Kincaid from the R.W.A. broadcast table to join "Doc" Michael for color commentary!!!*****
(7) ●●●●THE 30-PERSON R.W.A. RENEGADE RUMBLE was won by R.W.A. "No Limits" champion Patrick Hayes in 32:33 to win an "open contract" for an R.W.A. heavyweight title shot!!! Also, "The Rad Boyz" would both eliminate R.W.A. tag-team title co-holder Tyler Klein, and later Honey Badger would oust Klein's "Runway" partner Calvin Couture, each earning future tag-team championship opportunities!!! Crash Jaxon would exact revenge on Gorgeous Gregory by eliminating the egomaniac as soon as he had arrived at the ring!!! Devin Devine would leave the ring and attack rival Chris Taylor upon arrival with both never to return!!! Non-participant J-Rocc and the already eliminated Preston Everest would get "Culmination" members Gory and Remy LaVey out to the floor to stage a battle among themselves up the aisle and through the entrance curtain!!! Honey Badger would nearly run the table of the remaining competitors upon her entry with a lightning-like series of successive "stunners"!!! Hayes would eventually dump both Jaxon and "bodyguard" Johnny Norris simultaneously to leave just him and Elijah as the final two remaining survivors in a "pin or submission" match to determine the "Rumble" winner!!! However, with all four officials busy trying to force the protesting 301-pound Jaxon away from the ring toward the curtain, Norris had free reign to reenter the squared-circle to chokeslam "The Shadoman" for Hayes' "Rumble" victory three-count!!!
#1: Patrick Hayes ("No Limits" champion)
(eventual winner)
#2: Crash Jaxon
#3: "Crosshairs" Kelly
#4: Remy LaVey
#5: "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest
#6: Landon Hernandez
#7: Tyler Klein (Tag-Team champion)
(eliminated by both "Rad Boyz")
#8: "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage
#9: "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory
#10: Braden Elliott
#11: "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq.
#12: Gino DeCapo
#13: Calvin Couture (Tag-Team champion)
(eliminated by Honey Badger)
#14: "The Shadoman" Elijah
#15: "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer
#16: Gorgeous Gregory
#17: Jake Wily
#18: Gory
#19: "King Of Men" Devin Devine
#20: "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey
#21: Pat The Bruiser
#22: Mickey Gambino
#23: "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor
#24: "Iron" Mike Bonner
#25: King Caesar Bambino
#26: "Lights Out" Johnny Norris
#27: Tad Jarvis
#28: Julian Jay
#29: Asher Knox
#30: Marshall "The Bull" Gambino
*****"The Rev" Ron Hunt from his commentary vantage point got on the house mic to masterfully goad and shame Patrick Hayes into giving Elijah an immediate "No Limits" title shot!!!*****
"The Shadoman" Elijah pinned champion Patrick Hayes (with "bodyguard" Johnny Norris) in only 22 seconds to win the title!!! With Hayes facing the entrance curtain on a house mic taunting Elijah to come back to the ring, "The Shadoman" would emerge from the opposite direction, take out both Hayes and Norris via a missile-dropkick, and after two big moves later cover him for the championship!!! Afterward scores of jubilant R.W.A. fans would surround the ring to join Elijah and Ron Hunt in the celebration!!!
SAT. SEPT. 16TH 2023
With enemies "King Of Men" Devin Devine and "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor both being in the building at the same time, it was just a matter of time before they would clash, and they would soon battle out through the entrance curtain in front of the standing crowd during the middle of the playing of our national anthem!!! Promoter Dr. Feelbad would order R.W.A. security to evict both of them from the premises and would then apologize to the fans for this very disrespectful interruption!!!
(1) "Mystery Opponent" H.L. Supreme defeated "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:28 for "outside interference"!!! Everest and Johnny Patch had earlier in the year helped J-Rocc, Daddy execute a leaping piledriver of Supreme from the ring apron through a ringside table into the hardwood floor to put the masked man out of competition for several months!!! The revenge seeking Supreme would eventually execute a top-rope leaping splash-press, but Patch would immediately emerge through the curtain to pull Everest out to ringside from under the cover attempt to warrant the disqualification!!!
*****During the introductions of the following bout, Devin Devine was able to reenter the gym to get into the face of promoter Dr. Feelbad in addition to shoving him twice in the process!!! Once again he had to be removed by security, this time for good!!!*****
"War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated the debuting "The Apocalypse Highway" (Wayne Evans & "Highway" Miles Jacobs) (Kelly pinned Wayne following a double-team "uranage") in 3:25!!!
*****Immediately after the conclusion of this event, it was Chris Taylor's turn to harass Dr. Feelbad who would refuse his demands for a bout with Devin Devine due to Taylor's still healing partially separated shoulder suffered in a previous R.W.A. altercation with his rival!!! A compromise would be reached where Taylor would take off the October R.W.A. card to heal while the longtime ring inactive Devine would be tested versus another adversary!!! The November event would have Taylor's recovery tested versus yet another foe!!! Finally, if all went well by the December show, Taylor would get a Christmas gift of an R.W.A. signed and sanctioned battle with Devin Devine!!!*****
(3) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland and "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Damian Chambers in 11:13!!! With her man McChesney down on the canvas, a concerned Julia Lynn mounted the ring apron only to be immediately bullied by Chambers!!! He would then scoop her up from the apron into the ring, and only the intervention of referee George Ross saved her from whatever plans Chambers had for her!!! At this point a recovered McChesney would blindside his foe via a reverse rolling-cradle and backbridge for the victory three-count!!!
*****"Doc" Michael attempted a postbout interview with the victorious McChesney only to be interrupted by Gorgeous Gregory!!! The twenty-two year veteran McChesney was more than ready for the young intruder and proceeded to give him an oral beatdown on the house mic about learning to act like a professional!!! Gregory then quietly retreated from the scene but, as the "Big League" entourage soon approached the exit curtain, he would bolt back through and deal McChesney a severe beatdown on the ringside floor!!!*****
Champions "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) defeated "The Rad Boyz" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) in 8:27 to retain their title!!! After causing Wily to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support and then tumble down to the floor, Couture would bash Elliott with one of his wrestling boots he had just removed for Klein's title-retaining cover!!! The Rad Boyz had earned this title crack on the previous R.W.A. live event three weeks earlier via their joint elimination of Klein in the R.W.A. Renegade Rumble!!!
*****Afterward Dr. Feelbad would remind The Runway that, due to "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger's elimination of Calvin Couture in the R.W.A. Renegade Rumble, she and a partner of her choosing would get the next shot at their tag-team title on the October 14th next live event!!!*****
(5) ●●●"HAIR vs. HAIR" MATCH●●●
"The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch in 11:59!!! Before the opening bell, due to the heavy stakes in this bout, official George Ross using a threat of suspension ordered both Preston Everest and J-Rocc, Daddy to the back!!! Later with Patch down on all fours attempting to rise from his unsuccessfull "shooting star press" attempt, Gory dove over him for an "Oklahoma Roll" cradle three-count!!! The defeated Patch tried to sneak out on fulfilling the match stipulation, but H.L. Supreme and "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (Gory's fellow member of "The Culmination") were blocking the aisle and would restrain him in the makeshift barber's chair for his haircut!!!
Currently sidelined by an injury, "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon commented that wrestling was his sole source of income, stated his appreciation to R.W.A. for giving him the opportunity to earn money, and expressed hope of returning to the R.W.A. ring by the December live event!!! At this point a laughing Malaki Gage emerged wielding his giant hammer and declaring that he is about to do everyone a favor and end Jaxon's career!!! "The Shadoman" Elijah would race to his rescue leading into the next scheduled bout!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated Gorgeous Gregory and "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage (Elijah pinned Gage) in 8:44 to retain his title!!! Under these "Triple Threat Rules", an earlier blind draw determined that Elijah and Gage would start the match and that Gregory would not officially enter until the three-minute mark!!! Gregory would eventually sneak into a corner and discreetly load up a hand with what appeared to be powder!!! At this point Julia Lynn would saunter down the aisle, and Gregory would then completely lose focus on the match at the sight of the statuesque blonde!!! When he finally got around to rejoining the match, Elijah would slap beneath the loaded hand to send the contents into the eyes of Gregory who would retreat blinded from the ring never to return!!! The still stationed at ringside Jaxon would soon nail Gage with a blow from his cast to the breadbasket causing his victim to fall into a seated position in a ring corner!!! Shadoman would then charge diagonally across the ring to crush him with a "cannonball" and next plant him with a short "fisherman buster" to cop the championship retaining cover!!!
*****With both of the former R.W.A. tag-team champion "Gambino Brothers", Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey, currently off on vacation, they would be represented by the angry duo of family members, mentor Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee!!! Three weeks earlier the Gambinos had been defeated for the R.W.A. tag-team belts due to the unprovoked distraction and meddling of non-participants "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron" Mike Bonner)!!! Atlas would announce that on the next live event (October 14th) their family would be back in full force to beat them all over West Newton, PA in "Gambino Street Fight"!!! The Brotherhood then marched to the ring, immediately agreed to the bout, attacked and leveled Atlas, and finally flung Emmy Dee hard into a turnbuckle!!! Atlas gallantly draped himself over the prone and injured valet to spare her from further punishment!!!*****
(7) J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Poster Boy" Jason Hendrix (R.W.A. debut) in 10:21!!! Hendrix would eventually bowl over J-Rocc with a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock press for a two-count cover!!! As Hendrix then mounted the opposite corner for an encore try, J-Rocc shoved ref Ross into the ropes causing his foe to be crotched onto the top turnbuckle support!!! J-Rocc followed up with a "superplex", a "piledriver", and the winning three-count!!!
Doc first pointed out how his friends Everest and Patch had already lost that evening leading J-Rocc into a rant about how they were cheated and how sick he is of everybody!!! J-Rocc appeared ready to walk out on the interview, but he would suddenly wheel around and knock out Michael with a single blow!!! Everest and Patch (wearing a ball cap) emerged to prevent J-Rocc from getting into further trouble!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:09 to retain his title!!! After his victory three weeks earlier in the 30-Man R.W.A. Renegade Rumble, Hayes earned an open contract for this title scrap!!! However, Norris reaching from the ring apron would blatantly in clear vision of official Ross maul Hunt down to the canvas from the blindside to forfeit Hayes' opportunity!!!
*****Postbout an angry Hayes would get into Norris' face, point a finger hard into his chest several times, and then finally smash him across the face!!! However, before Norris could even begin to retaliate against Hayes if he so desired, Hunt had just recovered and at that time tore into Norris!!! After a moment or two of pondering, Hayes would come to the aid of his bodyguard for a two-on-one beatdown on "The Rev" prompting Dennis Gregory to intervene and then challenge Hayes and Norris to an immediate tag-team match!!! Rev and Gregory had to chase down their reluctant adversaries through the entrance curtain, hurl them back out into the gym, and then brawl for several unofficial minutes all over the floor before they finally entered the ring for the opening bell to be rung!!!*****
"The Rev" Ron Hunt & "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated Patrick Hayes & "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (Gregory pinned Norris) in 9:06!!! Hayes and Norris appeared enroute to victory after the bodyguard had chokeslammed both of their foes in quick succession!!! However, Norris looked none too happy after Hayes had interrupted his cover attempt on a prone Gregory and ordered him to get a ringside chair!!! Gregory, despite being held captive by Norris, would manage to dodge Hayes' chair swing resulting in the bodyguard instead being crowned bigtime with the seat to be pinned!!!
With enemies "King Of Men" Devin Devine and "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor both being in the building at the same time, it was just a matter of time before they would clash, and they would soon battle out through the entrance curtain in front of the standing crowd during the middle of the playing of our national anthem!!! Promoter Dr. Feelbad would order R.W.A. security to evict both of them from the premises and would then apologize to the fans for this very disrespectful interruption!!!
(1) "Mystery Opponent" H.L. Supreme defeated "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest, DISQUALIFICATION in 8:28 for "outside interference"!!! Everest and Johnny Patch had earlier in the year helped J-Rocc, Daddy execute a leaping piledriver of Supreme from the ring apron through a ringside table into the hardwood floor to put the masked man out of competition for several months!!! The revenge seeking Supreme would eventually execute a top-rope leaping splash-press, but Patch would immediately emerge through the curtain to pull Everest out to ringside from under the cover attempt to warrant the disqualification!!!
*****During the introductions of the following bout, Devin Devine was able to reenter the gym to get into the face of promoter Dr. Feelbad in addition to shoving him twice in the process!!! Once again he had to be removed by security, this time for good!!!*****
"War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated the debuting "The Apocalypse Highway" (Wayne Evans & "Highway" Miles Jacobs) (Kelly pinned Wayne following a double-team "uranage") in 3:25!!!
*****Immediately after the conclusion of this event, it was Chris Taylor's turn to harass Dr. Feelbad who would refuse his demands for a bout with Devin Devine due to Taylor's still healing partially separated shoulder suffered in a previous R.W.A. altercation with his rival!!! A compromise would be reached where Taylor would take off the October R.W.A. card to heal while the longtime ring inactive Devine would be tested versus another adversary!!! The November event would have Taylor's recovery tested versus yet another foe!!! Finally, if all went well by the December show, Taylor would get a Christmas gift of an R.W.A. signed and sanctioned battle with Devin Devine!!!*****
(3) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The President Of Team Big League" Jordie Noland and "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Damian Chambers in 11:13!!! With her man McChesney down on the canvas, a concerned Julia Lynn mounted the ring apron only to be immediately bullied by Chambers!!! He would then scoop her up from the apron into the ring, and only the intervention of referee George Ross saved her from whatever plans Chambers had for her!!! At this point a recovered McChesney would blindside his foe via a reverse rolling-cradle and backbridge for the victory three-count!!!
*****"Doc" Michael attempted a postbout interview with the victorious McChesney only to be interrupted by Gorgeous Gregory!!! The twenty-two year veteran McChesney was more than ready for the young intruder and proceeded to give him an oral beatdown on the house mic about learning to act like a professional!!! Gregory then quietly retreated from the scene but, as the "Big League" entourage soon approached the exit curtain, he would bolt back through and deal McChesney a severe beatdown on the ringside floor!!!*****
Champions "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) defeated "The Rad Boyz" (Braden Elliott & Jake Wily) in 8:27 to retain their title!!! After causing Wily to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support and then tumble down to the floor, Couture would bash Elliott with one of his wrestling boots he had just removed for Klein's title-retaining cover!!! The Rad Boyz had earned this title crack on the previous R.W.A. live event three weeks earlier via their joint elimination of Klein in the R.W.A. Renegade Rumble!!!
*****Afterward Dr. Feelbad would remind The Runway that, due to "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger's elimination of Calvin Couture in the R.W.A. Renegade Rumble, she and a partner of her choosing would get the next shot at their tag-team title on the October 14th next live event!!!*****
(5) ●●●"HAIR vs. HAIR" MATCH●●●
"The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch in 11:59!!! Before the opening bell, due to the heavy stakes in this bout, official George Ross using a threat of suspension ordered both Preston Everest and J-Rocc, Daddy to the back!!! Later with Patch down on all fours attempting to rise from his unsuccessfull "shooting star press" attempt, Gory dove over him for an "Oklahoma Roll" cradle three-count!!! The defeated Patch tried to sneak out on fulfilling the match stipulation, but H.L. Supreme and "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (Gory's fellow member of "The Culmination") were blocking the aisle and would restrain him in the makeshift barber's chair for his haircut!!!
Currently sidelined by an injury, "A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon commented that wrestling was his sole source of income, stated his appreciation to R.W.A. for giving him the opportunity to earn money, and expressed hope of returning to the R.W.A. ring by the December live event!!! At this point a laughing Malaki Gage emerged wielding his giant hammer and declaring that he is about to do everyone a favor and end Jaxon's career!!! "The Shadoman" Elijah would race to his rescue leading into the next scheduled bout!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah defeated Gorgeous Gregory and "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage (Elijah pinned Gage) in 8:44 to retain his title!!! Under these "Triple Threat Rules", an earlier blind draw determined that Elijah and Gage would start the match and that Gregory would not officially enter until the three-minute mark!!! Gregory would eventually sneak into a corner and discreetly load up a hand with what appeared to be powder!!! At this point Julia Lynn would saunter down the aisle, and Gregory would then completely lose focus on the match at the sight of the statuesque blonde!!! When he finally got around to rejoining the match, Elijah would slap beneath the loaded hand to send the contents into the eyes of Gregory who would retreat blinded from the ring never to return!!! The still stationed at ringside Jaxon would soon nail Gage with a blow from his cast to the breadbasket causing his victim to fall into a seated position in a ring corner!!! Shadoman would then charge diagonally across the ring to crush him with a "cannonball" and next plant him with a short "fisherman buster" to cop the championship retaining cover!!!
*****With both of the former R.W.A. tag-team champion "Gambino Brothers", Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey, currently off on vacation, they would be represented by the angry duo of family members, mentor Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee!!! Three weeks earlier the Gambinos had been defeated for the R.W.A. tag-team belts due to the unprovoked distraction and meddling of non-participants "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron" Mike Bonner)!!! Atlas would announce that on the next live event (October 14th) their family would be back in full force to beat them all over West Newton, PA in "Gambino Street Fight"!!! The Brotherhood then marched to the ring, immediately agreed to the bout, attacked and leveled Atlas, and finally flung Emmy Dee hard into a turnbuckle!!! Atlas gallantly draped himself over the prone and injured valet to spare her from further punishment!!!*****
(7) J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Poster Boy" Jason Hendrix (R.W.A. debut) in 10:21!!! Hendrix would eventually bowl over J-Rocc with a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock press for a two-count cover!!! As Hendrix then mounted the opposite corner for an encore try, J-Rocc shoved ref Ross into the ropes causing his foe to be crotched onto the top turnbuckle support!!! J-Rocc followed up with a "superplex", a "piledriver", and the winning three-count!!!
Doc first pointed out how his friends Everest and Patch had already lost that evening leading J-Rocc into a rant about how they were cheated and how sick he is of everybody!!! J-Rocc appeared ready to walk out on the interview, but he would suddenly wheel around and knock out Michael with a single blow!!! Everest and Patch (wearing a ball cap) emerged to prevent J-Rocc from getting into further trouble!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:09 to retain his title!!! After his victory three weeks earlier in the 30-Man R.W.A. Renegade Rumble, Hayes earned an open contract for this title scrap!!! However, Norris reaching from the ring apron would blatantly in clear vision of official Ross maul Hunt down to the canvas from the blindside to forfeit Hayes' opportunity!!!
*****Postbout an angry Hayes would get into Norris' face, point a finger hard into his chest several times, and then finally smash him across the face!!! However, before Norris could even begin to retaliate against Hayes if he so desired, Hunt had just recovered and at that time tore into Norris!!! After a moment or two of pondering, Hayes would come to the aid of his bodyguard for a two-on-one beatdown on "The Rev" prompting Dennis Gregory to intervene and then challenge Hayes and Norris to an immediate tag-team match!!! Rev and Gregory had to chase down their reluctant adversaries through the entrance curtain, hurl them back out into the gym, and then brawl for several unofficial minutes all over the floor before they finally entered the ring for the opening bell to be rung!!!*****
"The Rev" Ron Hunt & "The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated Patrick Hayes & "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (Gregory pinned Norris) in 9:06!!! Hayes and Norris appeared enroute to victory after the bodyguard had chokeslammed both of their foes in quick succession!!! However, Norris looked none too happy after Hayes had interrupted his cover attempt on a prone Gregory and ordered him to get a ringside chair!!! Gregory, despite being held captive by Norris, would manage to dodge Hayes' chair swing resulting in the bodyguard instead being crowned bigtime with the seat to be pinned!!!
SAT. OCT. 14TH 2023
"The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger & The Beastman (the partner of her choosing) defeated champions "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Pile-on pin of Couture) in 9:43 to win the title!!! Badger had earned this title crack via her elimination of Couture back at August's "Renegade Rumble"!!! At the last instant Beastman managed to escape the rear grasp from the apron of Klein resulting in Couture's toss of glitter instead inadvertently blinding his own partner as well as sending him crashing down to the hardwood floor!!! The challengers immediately followed up with a one-two punch of Badger's stunner and Beastman's sit-out double-arm chokeslam to cop the championship changing cover!!!
(2) Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey (representing "The Culmination") in 10:04!!! Enroute to the ring Hayes would snatch a ringside steel chair and Norris, paranoid already from a supposedly inadvertent chair swat from Hayes on the previous live event, would suddenly exclaim "I'm done!!!" and walk off for the duration of the contest!!! Eventually the now all alone Hayes would barely escape a cover attempt by draping a leg over the bottom ring rope at the count of two!!! LaVey then scaled a turnbuckle, but J-Rocc, Daddy sneaked out to discreetly shove Remy from his perch for an ugly awkward one-leg deflection off the side of the top rope enroute to his canvas crash landing!!! Hayes would next crush him via his "frog splash" for the victory three-count!!!
●●●●●Tony Kincaid (along with R.W.A. women's division contender "The Shining Light" Catie Brite) would commander the house mic and the R.W.A. ring for their own impromptu press conference!!! The entitled Kincaid ranted that R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had still not yet acceded to his demand that the R.W.A. women's title be turned over to his client Catie Brite!!! Feelbad attempted to convince Kincaid that he himself had just lost communication over time with the longtime, still reigning R.W.A. women's titleholder "The Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jesse Belle Smothers and that it was his fault alone that the championship had not been defended!!! Kincaid was still not convinced and, after referring to Jesse Belle as a "paper champion", made an oral dig at her late father "The Wild-Eyed Southern Boy" Tracy Smothers!!! Unknown to one and all, Jesse Belle had already secretly been listening to all of this and would emerge from the fans' entrance door at this point to tell Dr. Feelbad she wanted him to sanction a title bout between her and Brite whether he liked it or not (he did) at the next live event on November 11th!!! Then, in a wink of an eye, Jesse Belle would smash Kincaid down to the canvas pronto and take him completely out of action and out of everyone's sight never to return for the remainder of the evening!!!●●●●●
"The Wise Guys" ("Brutal" Tommy Irish & "The Made Man" Gino DeCapo) defeated "The C.R.G." Curtis Ray Goddi & "The Alpha" Rick Matthews (DeCapo pinned Goddi) in 7:21!!! Eventually Irish via a low mule kick would take Matthews out of match long enough for he and his partner DeCapo to plant Goddi bigtime with a double-team suplex to cop the winning cover!!!
(4) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned J-Rocc, Daddy (with Johnny Patch and Preston Everest) in 10:52!!! Prior to the bell, J-Rocc would face the R.W.A. announce table on the stage and "apologize" to "Doc" Michael for on the prior event wheeling around and knocking him out cold, instinctively thinking it could have been anyone behind him like one of his enemies such as Gory, H.L. Supreme, or even maybe Andre The Giant!!! J-Rocc then sent his men Patch and Everest to the stage to monitor the content of Doc's commentary during the upcoming bout!!! Eventually Doc must have imparted some info contrary to J-Rocc's narrative and was about to be attacked by Patch and Everest, only to be saved by a lead pipe wielding Remy LaVey!!! Meanwhile, back in the ring, McChesney would counter J-Rocc's attempted hoist for an intended piledriver via a lightning-like double-leg takedown into a jackknife rollover-cradle for the victory three-count!!!
Undisputed champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, DISQUALIFICATION in 7:03 to retain his title!!! As Norris had done to him on the previous live event via his blatant outside interference right in front of the official, Patrick Hayes would suddenly storm through the entrance curtain and into the ring to beat down "The Rev" to then cost Norris his crack at the title!!! Afterward Norris and Hayes would be both standing right in each other's faces for several minutes with the R.W.A. fans just foaming at the mouth hoping to see them go at it!!! However, to their disappointment, Hayes and Norris would finally embrace in reconciliation, duct tape Hunt to the ring ropes, and mercilessly pummel him until the arrival of Curtis Ray Goddi and Elijah!!!
The annual R.W.A. "Halloween Costume Contest" was held hosted by Dr. Feelbad, "Doc" Michael, and Jason Marchewka!!!
○○○○○MATCH RULES○○○○○
(a) Only two competitors may be in the ring at one time!!!
(b) All others will be on the floor while not competing!!!
(c) When one competitor exits the ring, another can then enter as the second competitor in the ring!!!
"The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage emerged victorious over "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest, "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch, H.L. Supreme, and "Plaga De Vuelo" Gory (Gage pinned Gory) in 7:22 to earn the title opportunity!!! Although this type of bout was designed as "every man for himself", it sometimes seemed that both Patch and Everest were less focused on individual victory and more focused on preventing Gory and Supreme from winning!!! Eventually Gory would plant Everest with his "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb move for a cover attempt, but ref C.J. Sensation would not toll a count for probably a third man in the ring at one time violation!!! As Gory was in the process of disputing this decision, he would be rolled up from the blindside high on the shoulders by Gage for the duke!!! Afterward J-Rocc would join his buddies Patch and Everest in a long but futile attempt to cut the hair of not only Gory but also Remy LaVey who had come to his aid!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 10:38 to retain his title!!! Gregory eventually ventured out to ringside to snatch a chair, but John McChesney would sneak out and grab it away on his backswing before it could be utilized!!! Gregory would then walk right into a rejuvenated Elijah's short "fisherman buster" to score the title-retaining pin!!! Afterward, without the benefit of the house mic, McChesney appeared to be giving yet another lecture to Gregory on how to act like a professional in the sport of pro wrestling!!!
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron" Mike Bonner) (Mickey pinned Jay) in 11:13!!! This was a wall-to-wall, chair-scattering battle all through ringside!!! The action became so intense that Atlas would get involved dishing out dukes during the mayhem!!! Eventually Jay set up a table against a turnbuckle, and it looked for a while that valet Emmy Dee would be soon be taking a bullet for the team!!! However, Marshall would arrive just in time to spear Jay through the upright table for Mickey's concluding cover!!!
"The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger & The Beastman (the partner of her choosing) defeated champions "The Runway" ("The Fashionista Of Professional Wrestling" Calvin Couture & "Mr. Design" Tyler Klein) (Pile-on pin of Couture) in 9:43 to win the title!!! Badger had earned this title crack via her elimination of Couture back at August's "Renegade Rumble"!!! At the last instant Beastman managed to escape the rear grasp from the apron of Klein resulting in Couture's toss of glitter instead inadvertently blinding his own partner as well as sending him crashing down to the hardwood floor!!! The challengers immediately followed up with a one-two punch of Badger's stunner and Beastman's sit-out double-arm chokeslam to cop the championship changing cover!!!
(2) Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) pinned "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey (representing "The Culmination") in 10:04!!! Enroute to the ring Hayes would snatch a ringside steel chair and Norris, paranoid already from a supposedly inadvertent chair swat from Hayes on the previous live event, would suddenly exclaim "I'm done!!!" and walk off for the duration of the contest!!! Eventually the now all alone Hayes would barely escape a cover attempt by draping a leg over the bottom ring rope at the count of two!!! LaVey then scaled a turnbuckle, but J-Rocc, Daddy sneaked out to discreetly shove Remy from his perch for an ugly awkward one-leg deflection off the side of the top rope enroute to his canvas crash landing!!! Hayes would next crush him via his "frog splash" for the victory three-count!!!
●●●●●Tony Kincaid (along with R.W.A. women's division contender "The Shining Light" Catie Brite) would commander the house mic and the R.W.A. ring for their own impromptu press conference!!! The entitled Kincaid ranted that R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had still not yet acceded to his demand that the R.W.A. women's title be turned over to his client Catie Brite!!! Feelbad attempted to convince Kincaid that he himself had just lost communication over time with the longtime, still reigning R.W.A. women's titleholder "The Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jesse Belle Smothers and that it was his fault alone that the championship had not been defended!!! Kincaid was still not convinced and, after referring to Jesse Belle as a "paper champion", made an oral dig at her late father "The Wild-Eyed Southern Boy" Tracy Smothers!!! Unknown to one and all, Jesse Belle had already secretly been listening to all of this and would emerge from the fans' entrance door at this point to tell Dr. Feelbad she wanted him to sanction a title bout between her and Brite whether he liked it or not (he did) at the next live event on November 11th!!! Then, in a wink of an eye, Jesse Belle would smash Kincaid down to the canvas pronto and take him completely out of action and out of everyone's sight never to return for the remainder of the evening!!!●●●●●
"The Wise Guys" ("Brutal" Tommy Irish & "The Made Man" Gino DeCapo) defeated "The C.R.G." Curtis Ray Goddi & "The Alpha" Rick Matthews (DeCapo pinned Goddi) in 7:21!!! Eventually Irish via a low mule kick would take Matthews out of match long enough for he and his partner DeCapo to plant Goddi bigtime with a double-team suplex to cop the winning cover!!!
(4) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned J-Rocc, Daddy (with Johnny Patch and Preston Everest) in 10:52!!! Prior to the bell, J-Rocc would face the R.W.A. announce table on the stage and "apologize" to "Doc" Michael for on the prior event wheeling around and knocking him out cold, instinctively thinking it could have been anyone behind him like one of his enemies such as Gory, H.L. Supreme, or even maybe Andre The Giant!!! J-Rocc then sent his men Patch and Everest to the stage to monitor the content of Doc's commentary during the upcoming bout!!! Eventually Doc must have imparted some info contrary to J-Rocc's narrative and was about to be attacked by Patch and Everest, only to be saved by a lead pipe wielding Remy LaVey!!! Meanwhile, back in the ring, McChesney would counter J-Rocc's attempted hoist for an intended piledriver via a lightning-like double-leg takedown into a jackknife rollover-cradle for the victory three-count!!!
Undisputed champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, DISQUALIFICATION in 7:03 to retain his title!!! As Norris had done to him on the previous live event via his blatant outside interference right in front of the official, Patrick Hayes would suddenly storm through the entrance curtain and into the ring to beat down "The Rev" to then cost Norris his crack at the title!!! Afterward Norris and Hayes would be both standing right in each other's faces for several minutes with the R.W.A. fans just foaming at the mouth hoping to see them go at it!!! However, to their disappointment, Hayes and Norris would finally embrace in reconciliation, duct tape Hunt to the ring ropes, and mercilessly pummel him until the arrival of Curtis Ray Goddi and Elijah!!!
The annual R.W.A. "Halloween Costume Contest" was held hosted by Dr. Feelbad, "Doc" Michael, and Jason Marchewka!!!
○○○○○MATCH RULES○○○○○
(a) Only two competitors may be in the ring at one time!!!
(b) All others will be on the floor while not competing!!!
(c) When one competitor exits the ring, another can then enter as the second competitor in the ring!!!
"The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage emerged victorious over "The Peak Performer" Preston Everest, "The American Daredevil" Johnny Patch, H.L. Supreme, and "Plaga De Vuelo" Gory (Gage pinned Gory) in 7:22 to earn the title opportunity!!! Although this type of bout was designed as "every man for himself", it sometimes seemed that both Patch and Everest were less focused on individual victory and more focused on preventing Gory and Supreme from winning!!! Eventually Gory would plant Everest with his "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb move for a cover attempt, but ref C.J. Sensation would not toll a count for probably a third man in the ring at one time violation!!! As Gory was in the process of disputing this decision, he would be rolled up from the blindside high on the shoulders by Gage for the duke!!! Afterward J-Rocc would join his buddies Patch and Everest in a long but futile attempt to cut the hair of not only Gory but also Remy LaVey who had come to his aid!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 10:38 to retain his title!!! Gregory eventually ventured out to ringside to snatch a chair, but John McChesney would sneak out and grab it away on his backswing before it could be utilized!!! Gregory would then walk right into a rejuvenated Elijah's short "fisherman buster" to score the title-retaining pin!!! Afterward, without the benefit of the house mic, McChesney appeared to be giving yet another lecture to Gregory on how to act like a professional in the sport of pro wrestling!!!
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay & "Iron" Mike Bonner) (Mickey pinned Jay) in 11:13!!! This was a wall-to-wall, chair-scattering battle all through ringside!!! The action became so intense that Atlas would get involved dishing out dukes during the mayhem!!! Eventually Jay set up a table against a turnbuckle, and it looked for a while that valet Emmy Dee would be soon be taking a bullet for the team!!! However, Marshall would arrive just in time to spear Jay through the upright table for Mickey's concluding cover!!!
SAT. NOV. 11TH 2023
"War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated champions The Beastman & "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger (Kelly pinned Beastman) in 5:05 to win the title!!! As ref Jefferies escorted Badger back to her corner, Bruiser pilfered Beastman's giant bone to clobber him from the blindside to set up the "War Hoss" double-team "uranage" slam for their title-winning cover!!!
"The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage in 7:24 via a "crucifix" takedown!!! Afterward sore-loser Gage would throw a big tantrum and proceeded to call out R.W.A. newcomer Austin Blayze who had been behind the entrance curtain as one of the options he could have chosen!!! Gage attacked Blayze as he stepped through the ring ropes for just a temporary advantage, before the victim would become the aggressor with a whirlwind offense of acrobatic, high-flying maneuvers to send the "Sideshow Psycho" crashing down to the hardwood floor!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Saint Brothers" (Chase & Corey) (DeCapo pinned Chase) in 5:50!!! Chase was caught alone in the ring at a one-on-two disadvantage to be the victim of a "3-D" maneuver to be pinned!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey (representing "The Culmination") in 10:14!!! Eventually Preston Everest would sneak out to discreetly trip LaVey to immediately set up J-Rocc's blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders aided by a heaping handful of tights exposing an X-rated half of his foe's bare derriere in the process!!! Afterward LaVey was subjected to a double-team beatdown and would be finally saved from an upcoming J-Rocc piledriver by the arrival of Gory brandishing a chair!!!
"The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with Patrick Hayes), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:14!!! With Gregory appearing enroute to a victory after hitting three big moves in succession, Hayes would enter the ring to help his bodyguard beat down Gregory until the arrival of The Rev!!!
"The Peak Performer" Preston Everest pinned "Snapshot" C.J. Sensation in 6:32!!! When Everest bullied and manhandled ref Browning early in the contest, promoter Dr. Feelbad sent out Marshall "The Bull" Gambino to take over the officiating!!! Everest eventually hit an "unprettier" maneuver on Sensation but ref Gambino refused to toll the third count!!! A second "unprettier" saw Everest yank up C.J. from the canvas at the count of two!!! Marshall would finally toll a slow three-count following a third "unprettier" most likely to spare Sensation any further punishment!!!
(7) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 11:28!!! When Gregory eventually brought a chair into the ring, Julia would mount the apron to grab it away from him on his backswing!!! McChesney would next shove his distracted foe into the ropes to rebound him into a reverse rolling-cradle and backbridge for the winning three-count!!! "Doc" Michael would afterward inform the defeated Gregory that would be facing McChesney again on the next R.W.A. live event on December 9th and that he and his scheduled opponent both needed to choose a Renegade Roulette envelope!!! The result was a Gregory victory on December 9th would earn him the services of Julia Lynn for sixty days, and a McChesney win would get Gregory indefinitely banned from R.W.A.!!!
"King Of Men" Devin Devine vs. "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor, EVENT NEVER TOOK PLACE!!! Devine entered the ring first, but there would be a several minutes pause before an semi-conscious Taylor would be dragged to and thrown into the ring by J-Rocc and Preston Everest!!! This immediately brought Dr. Feelbad storming out to get between Taylor and the men about to destroy him even further!!! A seemingly grateful Taylor then grabbed Feelbad in a tight embrace only to next destroy him via a vicious "diamond cutter" maneuver to be soon carried out by security!!! Thus, the months long animosity between Taylor and Devine was just a planned ruse leading up to this eventual destruction and humiliation of Dr. Feelbad!!! Afterward Taylor, Devine, and their two co-conspirators would all be seen congratulating each other inside the ring!!!
Champion "The Second Generation, Female Sensation, Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jessie Belle Smothers pinned "The Shining Light" Catie Brite (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 7:51 to retain her title!!! Brite would eventually wind a chain around her fist to coldcock Smothers for a three-count and be announced as the new women's titleholder!!! However, ref Browning would soon notice the presence of the illegal object and order a restart of the contest!!! In a wink of an eye, Jessie Belle would roll up a celebrating Brite to keep her title!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) in 14:26 to retain his title!!! A total of twelve R.W.A. superstars who had competed earlier in the event were appointed as the lumberjacks to patrol the outside perimeter of the ring and with orders to keep the main-event battle within the ring ropes at all times!!! At one point the lumberjacks would battle in and out of the ring among themselves for several minutes!!! Norris would eventually chokeslam Hunt who would kick out of Hayes' cover try at a count of two!!! Dennis Gregory would then rid the ring of Norris followed by Hunt's standing bulldog finisher on Hayes for the title-retaining pin!!!
"War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly) defeated champions The Beastman & "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger (Kelly pinned Beastman) in 5:05 to win the title!!! As ref Jefferies escorted Badger back to her corner, Bruiser pilfered Beastman's giant bone to clobber him from the blindside to set up the "War Hoss" double-team "uranage" slam for their title-winning cover!!!
"The New Age Plague" Gory (representing "The Culmination") pinned "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage in 7:24 via a "crucifix" takedown!!! Afterward sore-loser Gage would throw a big tantrum and proceeded to call out R.W.A. newcomer Austin Blayze who had been behind the entrance curtain as one of the options he could have chosen!!! Gage attacked Blayze as he stepped through the ring ropes for just a temporary advantage, before the victim would become the aggressor with a whirlwind offense of acrobatic, high-flying maneuvers to send the "Sideshow Psycho" crashing down to the hardwood floor!!!
"The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) defeated "The Saint Brothers" (Chase & Corey) (DeCapo pinned Chase) in 5:50!!! Chase was caught alone in the ring at a one-on-two disadvantage to be the victim of a "3-D" maneuver to be pinned!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Mind Eracer" Remy LaVey (representing "The Culmination") in 10:14!!! Eventually Preston Everest would sneak out to discreetly trip LaVey to immediately set up J-Rocc's blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders aided by a heaping handful of tights exposing an X-rated half of his foe's bare derriere in the process!!! Afterward LaVey was subjected to a double-team beatdown and would be finally saved from an upcoming J-Rocc piledriver by the arrival of Gory brandishing a chair!!!
"The War Machine" Dennis Gregory defeated "Lights Out" Johnny Norris (with Patrick Hayes), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:14!!! With Gregory appearing enroute to a victory after hitting three big moves in succession, Hayes would enter the ring to help his bodyguard beat down Gregory until the arrival of The Rev!!!
"The Peak Performer" Preston Everest pinned "Snapshot" C.J. Sensation in 6:32!!! When Everest bullied and manhandled ref Browning early in the contest, promoter Dr. Feelbad sent out Marshall "The Bull" Gambino to take over the officiating!!! Everest eventually hit an "unprettier" maneuver on Sensation but ref Gambino refused to toll the third count!!! A second "unprettier" saw Everest yank up C.J. from the canvas at the count of two!!! Marshall would finally toll a slow three-count following a third "unprettier" most likely to spare Sensation any further punishment!!!
(7) "Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 11:28!!! When Gregory eventually brought a chair into the ring, Julia would mount the apron to grab it away from him on his backswing!!! McChesney would next shove his distracted foe into the ropes to rebound him into a reverse rolling-cradle and backbridge for the winning three-count!!! "Doc" Michael would afterward inform the defeated Gregory that would be facing McChesney again on the next R.W.A. live event on December 9th and that he and his scheduled opponent both needed to choose a Renegade Roulette envelope!!! The result was a Gregory victory on December 9th would earn him the services of Julia Lynn for sixty days, and a McChesney win would get Gregory indefinitely banned from R.W.A.!!!
"King Of Men" Devin Devine vs. "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor, EVENT NEVER TOOK PLACE!!! Devine entered the ring first, but there would be a several minutes pause before an semi-conscious Taylor would be dragged to and thrown into the ring by J-Rocc and Preston Everest!!! This immediately brought Dr. Feelbad storming out to get between Taylor and the men about to destroy him even further!!! A seemingly grateful Taylor then grabbed Feelbad in a tight embrace only to next destroy him via a vicious "diamond cutter" maneuver to be soon carried out by security!!! Thus, the months long animosity between Taylor and Devine was just a planned ruse leading up to this eventual destruction and humiliation of Dr. Feelbad!!! Afterward Taylor, Devine, and their two co-conspirators would all be seen congratulating each other inside the ring!!!
Champion "The Second Generation, Female Sensation, Wild-Eyed Southern Girl" Jessie Belle Smothers pinned "The Shining Light" Catie Brite (presented by Tony Kincaid) in 7:51 to retain her title!!! Brite would eventually wind a chain around her fist to coldcock Smothers for a three-count and be announced as the new women's titleholder!!! However, ref Browning would soon notice the presence of the illegal object and order a restart of the contest!!! In a wink of an eye, Jessie Belle would roll up a celebrating Brite to keep her title!!!
Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Patrick Hayes (with bodyguard "Lights Out" Johnny Norris) in 14:26 to retain his title!!! A total of twelve R.W.A. superstars who had competed earlier in the event were appointed as the lumberjacks to patrol the outside perimeter of the ring and with orders to keep the main-event battle within the ring ropes at all times!!! At one point the lumberjacks would battle in and out of the ring among themselves for several minutes!!! Norris would eventually chokeslam Hunt who would kick out of Hayes' cover try at a count of two!!! Dennis Gregory would then rid the ring of Norris followed by Hunt's standing bulldog finisher on Hayes for the title-retaining pin!!!
SAT. DEC. 9TH 2023
*****It was announced that a member of "The Saint Brothers" tag-team had suffered a broken hand in action the previous night, so as a result their scheduled bout with R.W.A. tag-team titleholders "War Hoss" would not be talking place!!!*****
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Alpha" Rick Matthews & John Ross (of "Ross & Son" fame) and "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) (Mickey Gambino pinned John Ross) in 9:14!!! Eventually the Wise Guys would embark on a mad spree of executing a succession of "3-D" double-team maneuvers on anyone within reach!!! However, in a wink of an eye Mickey would hurl both of them from the ring one after the other and then steal the victory three-count on the still prone Ross!!! Afterward "War Hoss" would enter the ring for a brief staredown with "The Gambinos", while from the apron "The Wise Guys" would give both other tandems the evil eye!!!
Taylor, holding a can of beer, immediately shooed "Doc" from the ring!!! Feelbad attempted one more time to get Taylor to work things out only to be told to shut up and that his lectures weren't needed!!! Things would progress on a downward spiral from here to even snipes at each other's wives!!! Taylor ranted that everybody wants to know why??? Taylor claimed that for fifteen years he gave all of himself, and all Feelbad did was take!!! Taylor stated that his contract has the equivalent of "diplomatic immunity" so he is now going to get everything he wants, he is now finally going to wrestle the "names" R.W.A. brings in, and since he helped build this place he is going to get to burn it down!!! Taylor said the R.W.A. fans are just as big of a problem, so he will be making all lives here a living hell!!! Just before leaving Taylor concluded with ordering Feelbad to choose five members for his own team so we can burn this place down!!!
"The Shining Light" Catie Brite (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger in 6:43!!! The interfering Kincaid proved to be a thorn in Badger's side throughout this contest!!! Finally, as Badger was attempting to set up for her "stunner" finisher, Brite shoved her off face-first into the ropes, got down on all fours behind her, and then let her rebounding and backpedaling foe tumble over her into a high on the shoulders cradle for the winning three-count!!! As the defeated and tearful Badger was walking back toward the exit curtain, it was officially announced that she had just competed in her final career match!!!
"The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) pinned "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (with manager "Freek" and representing "The Culmination") in 6:49!!! Archer was in the process of setting up what appeared may be a "package piledriver" when both he and the official became distracted by a brewing altercation on the ring apron between Devine and Freek!!! This would allow Everest to
procure his "goggles" with which during this confusion to smash Archer and then score the victory cover!!! Archer's "Culmination" stablemate Gory would soon have to rush to the ring and save him from a double-team beatdown!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah vs. "The Great Sage" Mr. L.A.G.X. (formerly known as "Project X"), 15:00 MINUTE TIME-LIMIT DRAW (Elijah retained his title)!!! A completely scientific display of moves, countermoves, and high-flying agility between two tremendous athletes!!!
○○○○○If Gorgeous Gregory wins, he will acquire the valet services of Julia Lynn for sixty days!!!
○○○○○If John McChesney wins, Gorgeous Gregory will henceforth be banned from R.W.A. indefinitely!!!
"Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 13:09!!! Lynn was so desperately frightened with the prospect
of two months mandatory servitude with Gregory that she twice nearly got her man McChesney disqualified with her attempts at interference!!! After she first reached under the bottom ring rope to trip the rebounding Gregory, McChesney ordered her away from the apron to an empty front row ringside seat!!! A short time later she would try to pass a chair through the ropes to her reluctant man only to have Gregory eventually snatch it for himself!!! However, McChesney would dodge Gregory's wild swing with the chair hitting the top ring rope and rebounding into the egomaniac's skull!!! McChesney would follow up with a thrust-superkick to his staggering foe to cop the winning cover!!! Afterward, armed with a commandeered house mic, J-Rocc would sweet talk and smother with praise both his former trainee McChesney and Lynn, in an effort to enlist him into his already five-man group of R.W.A. malcontents to all together rule the world!!!
The champion and five of the top ten ranked R.W.A. contenders drew their numbers inside the ring!!! Defending titleholder "The Rev" Ron Hunt drew #3, and Johnny Norris drew the coveted and most advantageous to possible victory number #6!!! The others would keep their respective order selections to themselves!!! However, it suddenly appeared that Patrick Hayes had grasped something from Norris, and the immediate suspicions were later confirmed when Hayes would later enter the gauntlet at #6 and Norris at what was Hayes' originally selected #4!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "Major League Wrestling" star "M-Dogg" Matt Cross in 14:15!!! As Cross was mid-airborne in one of his spectacular top-rope leaping maneuvers, J-Rocc was already in the process of rolling out of harm's way!!! The agile M-Dogg was able to redirect his flight into a feet first landing only to be upon impact immediately eye-poked and piledriven by J-Rocc for the clinching cover!!!
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:48 ("War Hoss", nonetheless, retained their title)!!! The original official Jeff Jefferies would eventually be inadvertently squashed against a turnbuckle by the battling brawlers and rendered "hors de combat" for the duration!!! Kelly would soon be draped over Marshall's knee for Mickey's elbow-drop leap from a turnbuckle usual finisher, but there was no referee available to toll the three-count!!! Ref P.J. Parker would then arrive and was just beginning to slap the canvas when Pat The Bruiser splashed his 300-plus pounds across his back to stop the count!!! A third official, C.J. Sensation, would call for the bell to render the disqualification verdict!!!
"The Hottness" Troy Lords commandeered a house mic and requested a talk inside the ring with R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad!!! What would transpire in this conversation would be completely out of character for the usually fan-hated twenty-plus years ring veteran!!! Now recovered from his latest ring injury suffered in the R.W.A. ring, Lords admitted that he wants to be respected, wants to be in the middle of all of this R.W.A. madness, and needs to fight Chris Taylor!!! Taylor, followed soon by Devin Devine and Preston Everest, would eventually overpower Lords until officials intervened!!!
Patrick Hayes emerged victorious in 31:59 to win the title over champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt, H.L. Supreme, "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage, "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, and "The New Age Plague" Gory!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #1○○○○○
Malaki Gage pinned H.L. Supreme at the 7:28 mark as the interfering Devin Devine discreetly grabbed and continued to hold on to "The Sideshow Psycho" as Supreme was attempting a slingshot "sunset-flip" takedown from the apron back into the ring!!! This extra illegal leverage enabled Gage to sit down on the masked man's chest and steal the advancing three-count!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #2○○○○○
R.W.A. champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Malaki Gage at the 13:54 mark!!! Gage was eventually caught by official C.J. Sensation attempting an illegal pin with both of his feet on the ring ropes for extra leverage!!! When an angry Gage then got into the arbiter's face, Hunt would execute a blindside takedown high on the shoulders cradle pin to advance!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #3○○○○○
Johnny Norris pinned champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt at the 22:24 mark!!! Norris would eventually attempt to use Malaki Gage's giant clown hammer which had been left behind in a corner from the previous leg!!! However, ref Sensation would snatch away the intended weapon and, while the official was busy removing it from the ring, Norris would wind a chain around a duke to clock the rebounding Rev for the advancing cover!!! It would take three members of R.W.A. security to finally evict the angry, cheated Rev from the ring area!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #4○○○○○
Gory defeated Johnny Norris, DISQUALIFICATION at the 31:04 mark!!! After Gory had executed a "crucifix bomb" and then a top-rope leaping double-foot "Kangaroo Stomp" into the prone Norris' midsection, the sudden arrival of Preston Everest grabbed the official's attention and prevented any immediate tolling of a possible three-count!!! Thus, Norris was given time to recover and to soon nail Gory completely out cold with a blow from his chain, but this time he would caught by ref Sensation and be disqualified!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #5○○○○○
Patrick Hayes pinned Gory at the 31:59 mark for the championship!!! Hayes upon arrival would immediately hurriedly shoo Norris out of the ring so the bell could be rung to commence this final leg!!! All Hayes needed to do was simply cover the still kayoed Gory for the title-winning three-count!!!
Former titleholder "The Rev" screaming with rage stormed into the ring to invoke his rematch clause for a "West Newton Street Fight" championship match at the R.W.A. 15th Anniversary Event on January 20, 2024!!! Despite a one-on-two disadvantage the half-crazed Rev would then leave both Hayes and Norris prone on the canvas to end the evening!!
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated "The Alpha" Rick Matthews & John Ross (of "Ross & Son" fame) and "The Wise Guys" ("The Made Man" Gino DeCapo & "Brutal" Tommy Irish) (Mickey Gambino pinned John Ross) in 9:14!!! Eventually the Wise Guys would embark on a mad spree of executing a succession of "3-D" double-team maneuvers on anyone within reach!!! However, in a wink of an eye Mickey would hurl both of them from the ring one after the other and then steal the victory three-count on the still prone Ross!!! Afterward "War Hoss" would enter the ring for a brief staredown with "The Gambinos", while from the apron "The Wise Guys" would give both other tandems the evil eye!!!
Taylor, holding a can of beer, immediately shooed "Doc" from the ring!!! Feelbad attempted one more time to get Taylor to work things out only to be told to shut up and that his lectures weren't needed!!! Things would progress on a downward spiral from here to even snipes at each other's wives!!! Taylor ranted that everybody wants to know why??? Taylor claimed that for fifteen years he gave all of himself, and all Feelbad did was take!!! Taylor stated that his contract has the equivalent of "diplomatic immunity" so he is now going to get everything he wants, he is now finally going to wrestle the "names" R.W.A. brings in, and since he helped build this place he is going to get to burn it down!!! Taylor said the R.W.A. fans are just as big of a problem, so he will be making all lives here a living hell!!! Just before leaving Taylor concluded with ordering Feelbad to choose five members for his own team so we can burn this place down!!!
"The Shining Light" Catie Brite (presented by Tony Kincaid) pinned "The Feral Female Of The Kalahari" Honey Badger in 6:43!!! The interfering Kincaid proved to be a thorn in Badger's side throughout this contest!!! Finally, as Badger was attempting to set up for her "stunner" finisher, Brite shoved her off face-first into the ropes, got down on all fours behind her, and then let her rebounding and backpedaling foe tumble over her into a high on the shoulders cradle for the winning three-count!!! As the defeated and tearful Badger was walking back toward the exit curtain, it was officially announced that she had just competed in her final career match!!!
"The Peak Performer" Preston Everest (with "King Of Men" Devin Devine) pinned "Satan's Survivor" Philip Archer (with manager "Freek" and representing "The Culmination") in 6:49!!! Archer was in the process of setting up what appeared may be a "package piledriver" when both he and the official became distracted by a brewing altercation on the ring apron between Devine and Freek!!! This would allow Everest to
procure his "goggles" with which during this confusion to smash Archer and then score the victory cover!!! Archer's "Culmination" stablemate Gory would soon have to rush to the ring and save him from a double-team beatdown!!!
Champion "The Shadoman" Elijah vs. "The Great Sage" Mr. L.A.G.X. (formerly known as "Project X"), 15:00 MINUTE TIME-LIMIT DRAW (Elijah retained his title)!!! A completely scientific display of moves, countermoves, and high-flying agility between two tremendous athletes!!!
○○○○○If Gorgeous Gregory wins, he will acquire the valet services of Julia Lynn for sixty days!!!
○○○○○If John McChesney wins, Gorgeous Gregory will henceforth be banned from R.W.A. indefinitely!!!
"Big League" John McChesney (with "The First Lady Of Team Big League" Julia Lynn) pinned Gorgeous Gregory in 13:09!!! Lynn was so desperately frightened with the prospect
of two months mandatory servitude with Gregory that she twice nearly got her man McChesney disqualified with her attempts at interference!!! After she first reached under the bottom ring rope to trip the rebounding Gregory, McChesney ordered her away from the apron to an empty front row ringside seat!!! A short time later she would try to pass a chair through the ropes to her reluctant man only to have Gregory eventually snatch it for himself!!! However, McChesney would dodge Gregory's wild swing with the chair hitting the top ring rope and rebounding into the egomaniac's skull!!! McChesney would follow up with a thrust-superkick to his staggering foe to cop the winning cover!!! Afterward, armed with a commandeered house mic, J-Rocc would sweet talk and smother with praise both his former trainee McChesney and Lynn, in an effort to enlist him into his already five-man group of R.W.A. malcontents to all together rule the world!!!
The champion and five of the top ten ranked R.W.A. contenders drew their numbers inside the ring!!! Defending titleholder "The Rev" Ron Hunt drew #3, and Johnny Norris drew the coveted and most advantageous to possible victory number #6!!! The others would keep their respective order selections to themselves!!! However, it suddenly appeared that Patrick Hayes had grasped something from Norris, and the immediate suspicions were later confirmed when Hayes would later enter the gauntlet at #6 and Norris at what was Hayes' originally selected #4!!!
J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "Major League Wrestling" star "M-Dogg" Matt Cross in 14:15!!! As Cross was mid-airborne in one of his spectacular top-rope leaping maneuvers, J-Rocc was already in the process of rolling out of harm's way!!! The agile M-Dogg was able to redirect his flight into a feet first landing only to be upon impact immediately eye-poked and piledriven by J-Rocc for the clinching cover!!!
"The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas and valet Emmy Dee) defeated champions "The Best In The Midwest - War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser & "Crosshairs" Kelly), DISQUALIFICATION in 7:48 ("War Hoss", nonetheless, retained their title)!!! The original official Jeff Jefferies would eventually be inadvertently squashed against a turnbuckle by the battling brawlers and rendered "hors de combat" for the duration!!! Kelly would soon be draped over Marshall's knee for Mickey's elbow-drop leap from a turnbuckle usual finisher, but there was no referee available to toll the three-count!!! Ref P.J. Parker would then arrive and was just beginning to slap the canvas when Pat The Bruiser splashed his 300-plus pounds across his back to stop the count!!! A third official, C.J. Sensation, would call for the bell to render the disqualification verdict!!!
"The Hottness" Troy Lords commandeered a house mic and requested a talk inside the ring with R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad!!! What would transpire in this conversation would be completely out of character for the usually fan-hated twenty-plus years ring veteran!!! Now recovered from his latest ring injury suffered in the R.W.A. ring, Lords admitted that he wants to be respected, wants to be in the middle of all of this R.W.A. madness, and needs to fight Chris Taylor!!! Taylor, followed soon by Devin Devine and Preston Everest, would eventually overpower Lords until officials intervened!!!
Patrick Hayes emerged victorious in 31:59 to win the title over champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt, H.L. Supreme, "The Sideshow Psycho" Malaki Gage, "Lights Out" Johnny Norris, and "The New Age Plague" Gory!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #1○○○○○
Malaki Gage pinned H.L. Supreme at the 7:28 mark as the interfering Devin Devine discreetly grabbed and continued to hold on to "The Sideshow Psycho" as Supreme was attempting a slingshot "sunset-flip" takedown from the apron back into the ring!!! This extra illegal leverage enabled Gage to sit down on the masked man's chest and steal the advancing three-count!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #2○○○○○
R.W.A. champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Malaki Gage at the 13:54 mark!!! Gage was eventually caught by official C.J. Sensation attempting an illegal pin with both of his feet on the ring ropes for extra leverage!!! When an angry Gage then got into the arbiter's face, Hunt would execute a blindside takedown high on the shoulders cradle pin to advance!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #3○○○○○
Johnny Norris pinned champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt at the 22:24 mark!!! Norris would eventually attempt to use Malaki Gage's giant clown hammer which had been left behind in a corner from the previous leg!!! However, ref Sensation would snatch away the intended weapon and, while the official was busy removing it from the ring, Norris would wind a chain around a duke to clock the rebounding Rev for the advancing cover!!! It would take three members of R.W.A. security to finally evict the angry, cheated Rev from the ring area!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #4○○○○○
Gory defeated Johnny Norris, DISQUALIFICATION at the 31:04 mark!!! After Gory had executed a "crucifix bomb" and then a top-rope leaping double-foot "Kangaroo Stomp" into the prone Norris' midsection, the sudden arrival of Preston Everest grabbed the official's attention and prevented any immediate tolling of a possible three-count!!! Thus, Norris was given time to recover and to soon nail Gory completely out cold with a blow from his chain, but this time he would caught by ref Sensation and be disqualified!!!
○○○○○GAUNTLET LEG #5○○○○○
Patrick Hayes pinned Gory at the 31:59 mark for the championship!!! Hayes upon arrival would immediately hurriedly shoo Norris out of the ring so the bell could be rung to commence this final leg!!! All Hayes needed to do was simply cover the still kayoed Gory for the title-winning three-count!!!
Former titleholder "The Rev" screaming with rage stormed into the ring to invoke his rematch clause for a "West Newton Street Fight" championship match at the R.W.A. 15th Anniversary Event on January 20, 2024!!! Despite a one-on-two disadvantage the half-crazed Rev would then leave both Hayes and Norris prone on the canvas to end the evening!!
SAT. JAN. 22ND 2022
(1) "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon (301 lbs.) pinned James "Big Man" Bunn (360 lbs.) after 8:54 in this opening contest "Battle Of The Super Heavyweights"!!! With Bunn stunned on his knees, Jaxon delivered a trio of consecutive charging blows (an elbow to the back of the head, a knee strike, and an uppercut forearm) to cop the victory cover!!!
(2) "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned The Great Alexander in 6:23 with a rear takedown cradle after his sidestepped charging foe's upraised knee had crashed a turnbuckle!!!
*****Dr. Feelbad called out J-Rocc, Daddy to the ring to strip him of the R.W.A. heavyweight championship for his part on the previous November live event in the damaging dressing room clearing brawl that evening!!! The situation quickly became heated when J-Rocc threatened to drop the R.W.A. promoter on his head prompting a rush of the officials onto the scene!!! J-Rocc eventually threw the R.W.A. strap onto the canvas in a show of disrespect which would earn him the #1 entrant slot per Dr. Feelbad's orders in the later "12-Man Renegade Rumble" for the now vacant R.W.A. heavyweight title!!!*****
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "The Apex" ("The Redemption Fighter" A.J. Alexander/"The Regent" Joshua Kovad) (McArthur pinned Kovad following an across the knee double-team powerbomb down from the top rope) in 8:17!!!
(4) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero defeated champion Professor Jakob Edwinn, DISQUALIFICATION in 5:42 (Edwinn, nonetheless, retained his title)!!! The pre-match stipulation for this particular bout was "no jumping down from the top rope under threat of disqualification"!!! Edwinn would try to sneak a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock onto his challenger which would be immediately reversed via a backroll by Nero!!! However, Edwinn's title may have saved by ref Bo Browning calling for a stip violation "DQ" instead of tolling a potential title-changing three-count on Nero's reversal of the illegal maneuver!!! Prior to the opening bell Edwinn had coerced Nero into putting his slot in the night's "Renegade Rumble" on the line, but Nick would by virtue of his victory retain it!!!
(5) "SPECIAL ATTRACTION" CONTEST: "The Mecca" Brian Johnson pinned "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads in 16:38!!! Eads would eventually level his foe via a "superman punch" but, when he followed up with a lackadaisical "back-to-belly" cover, Johnson would quickly hook his arms into a "horizontal crucifix" cradle winning three-count!!!
(6) "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen pinned "Ruthless" Jason Radatz in 6:54!!! Standing on the middle ring rope Radatz executed a vertical-suplex of his foe from the apron back into the ring!!! Radatz next would try to backroll onto his victim for the cover but, midway through the attempt, J.D.L. hooked his legs into a "small-package" for the duke!!!
(7) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated champions "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) (Two-on-one pile-on pin of Gregory) in 8:13 to win the title!!! Due to his commitments to "Impact Wrestling", Gory's regular teammate Crazzy Steve was not available!!! R.W.A. commentator "Doc" tried to get Gory enroute to the ring to reveal his partner, but he only commented his wish for G. Raver, Facade, and others, all of whom could not be there for various reasons!!! Gory would courageously compete alone for about the first seven minutes until out of the blue Justin Idol would arrive in street attire to reach for a tag!!! Soon Gory would send Gregory via a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock stumbling over the back of Idol on the canvas into a two-on-one pile-up pin for the championship!!!
(8) THE 12-MAN MODIFIED "RENEGADE RUMBLE" FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP was won by the returning "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in 33:25!!! Competitors entered the rumble randomly at 90-second intervals and were eliminated via a toss over the top rope to the floor!!! Once the field had been reduced down to a final four, over the top elims were halted and a "Four Way Scramble Match" ensued with neither disqualifications nor countouts!!! The first survivor to score a pinfall or submission over any of the other three would leave as the new R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder!!! At about the 16-minute mark J-Rocc, Rev. Ron Hunt, Shane Andrews, and Edmonds emerged as the four finalists!!! The house mic mouthy Edmonds was then treated to a lengthy hellacious three-on-one beatdown which left him prone and incapacitated somewhere at ringside until the very end of the match!!! J-Rocc eventually knocked Hunt totally out cold inside the ring with a blow from the R.W.A. title belt!!! J-Rocc then tried to set up a piledriver on Andrews, but the "Bad Boy" countered by backdropping his foe over the top rope and down to the floor where the two would continue their battle!!! At this point Edmonds could be spotted slowly crawling back toward the ring to eventually cover the still prone Hunt uncontested to win the R.W.A. heavyweight title!!!
#1: J-Rocc, Daddy
#2: The Great Alexander
#3: James "Big Man" Bunn
#4: "Ruthless" Jason Radatz
#5: Marshall "The Bull" Gambino (first "surprise" entrant)
#6: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis
#7: "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews (second "surprise" entrant)
#8: "Crash" Jaxon
#9: J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen
#10: "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
#11: "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero
#12: "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds (third "surprise" entrant) (eventual winner)
(2) "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned The Great Alexander in 6:23 with a rear takedown cradle after his sidestepped charging foe's upraised knee had crashed a turnbuckle!!!
*****Dr. Feelbad called out J-Rocc, Daddy to the ring to strip him of the R.W.A. heavyweight championship for his part on the previous November live event in the damaging dressing room clearing brawl that evening!!! The situation quickly became heated when J-Rocc threatened to drop the R.W.A. promoter on his head prompting a rush of the officials onto the scene!!! J-Rocc eventually threw the R.W.A. strap onto the canvas in a show of disrespect which would earn him the #1 entrant slot per Dr. Feelbad's orders in the later "12-Man Renegade Rumble" for the now vacant R.W.A. heavyweight title!!!*****
(3) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "The Apex" ("The Redemption Fighter" A.J. Alexander/"The Regent" Joshua Kovad) (McArthur pinned Kovad following an across the knee double-team powerbomb down from the top rope) in 8:17!!!
(4) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero defeated champion Professor Jakob Edwinn, DISQUALIFICATION in 5:42 (Edwinn, nonetheless, retained his title)!!! The pre-match stipulation for this particular bout was "no jumping down from the top rope under threat of disqualification"!!! Edwinn would try to sneak a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock onto his challenger which would be immediately reversed via a backroll by Nero!!! However, Edwinn's title may have saved by ref Bo Browning calling for a stip violation "DQ" instead of tolling a potential title-changing three-count on Nero's reversal of the illegal maneuver!!! Prior to the opening bell Edwinn had coerced Nero into putting his slot in the night's "Renegade Rumble" on the line, but Nick would by virtue of his victory retain it!!!
(5) "SPECIAL ATTRACTION" CONTEST: "The Mecca" Brian Johnson pinned "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads in 16:38!!! Eads would eventually level his foe via a "superman punch" but, when he followed up with a lackadaisical "back-to-belly" cover, Johnson would quickly hook his arms into a "horizontal crucifix" cradle winning three-count!!!
(6) "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen pinned "Ruthless" Jason Radatz in 6:54!!! Standing on the middle ring rope Radatz executed a vertical-suplex of his foe from the apron back into the ring!!! Radatz next would try to backroll onto his victim for the cover but, midway through the attempt, J.D.L. hooked his legs into a "small-package" for the duke!!!
(7) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated champions "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) (Two-on-one pile-on pin of Gregory) in 8:13 to win the title!!! Due to his commitments to "Impact Wrestling", Gory's regular teammate Crazzy Steve was not available!!! R.W.A. commentator "Doc" tried to get Gory enroute to the ring to reveal his partner, but he only commented his wish for G. Raver, Facade, and others, all of whom could not be there for various reasons!!! Gory would courageously compete alone for about the first seven minutes until out of the blue Justin Idol would arrive in street attire to reach for a tag!!! Soon Gory would send Gregory via a top-rope flying cross-bodyblock stumbling over the back of Idol on the canvas into a two-on-one pile-up pin for the championship!!!
(8) THE 12-MAN MODIFIED "RENEGADE RUMBLE" FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP was won by the returning "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in 33:25!!! Competitors entered the rumble randomly at 90-second intervals and were eliminated via a toss over the top rope to the floor!!! Once the field had been reduced down to a final four, over the top elims were halted and a "Four Way Scramble Match" ensued with neither disqualifications nor countouts!!! The first survivor to score a pinfall or submission over any of the other three would leave as the new R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder!!! At about the 16-minute mark J-Rocc, Rev. Ron Hunt, Shane Andrews, and Edmonds emerged as the four finalists!!! The house mic mouthy Edmonds was then treated to a lengthy hellacious three-on-one beatdown which left him prone and incapacitated somewhere at ringside until the very end of the match!!! J-Rocc eventually knocked Hunt totally out cold inside the ring with a blow from the R.W.A. title belt!!! J-Rocc then tried to set up a piledriver on Andrews, but the "Bad Boy" countered by backdropping his foe over the top rope and down to the floor where the two would continue their battle!!! At this point Edmonds could be spotted slowly crawling back toward the ring to eventually cover the still prone Hunt uncontested to win the R.W.A. heavyweight title!!!
#1: J-Rocc, Daddy
#2: The Great Alexander
#3: James "Big Man" Bunn
#4: "Ruthless" Jason Radatz
#5: Marshall "The Bull" Gambino (first "surprise" entrant)
#6: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis
#7: "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews (second "surprise" entrant)
#8: "Crash" Jaxon
#9: J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen
#10: "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt
#11: "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero
#12: "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds (third "surprise" entrant) (eventual winner)
SAT. FEB. 19TH 2022
(1) FIVE-WAY SCRAMBLE MATCH FOR A FUTURE SHOT AT THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: "Ruthless" Jason Radatz defeated The Great Alexander, "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex"), "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe, and "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen (Radatz pinned Alexander following a "Michinoku Driver") in 10:24 to earn the title opportunity!!!
(2) RETURN MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP (STIPULATION: THE TITLE WOULD CHANGE HANDS IN THE EVENT OF A DISQUALIFICATION): Champion Professor Jakob Edwinn pinned "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero in 8:18 to retain his title!!! During Nero's attempt during the bout for a second successful "Victory Roll" rana takedown, Edwinn managed to grab a ring rope midway through the maneuver to hold his challenger's shoulders on the canvas for the title-retaining three-count!!!
(3) A SPECIAL RETURN MATCH - "JOHNSON vs. EADS II": "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Mecca" Brian Johnson in 16:05 to avenge a pinfall loss to his foe on the previous (January 22nd) R.W.A. live event!!! Immediately after Johnson had misconnected with a top-rope elbow-drop attempt, Eads locked his prone adversary into a horizontal crucifix cradle for the pin!!!
☆☆☆"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt requested the house mic to call out newly-crowned R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds and to demand a crack at his belt!!! Edmonds outright refused to even consider it, claiming he had already defeated him in the previous month's "Renegade Rumble", and then told him to go take his place at the back of the line as far as any future title opportunities!!! Hunt angrily would take a front row seat to observe at close proximity Edmonds first title defense of his current reign in the next contest!!!☆☆☆
(4) R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds pinned "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 8:52 to retain his title!!! Jarvis eventually leveled Edmonds with a "thrust superkick", but his follow-up attempt at a top-rope maneuver would overshoot the mark!!! Edmonds immediately snatched his fallen challenger to plant him via a spinning "uranage" to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
(5) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) defeated "Hossman, Inc." ("Thicc" Vic Braun/Stevie LeBell) (Supreme pinned LeBell) in 14:02!!! Gregory eventually tossed out Braun to the floor and then leaped into the air to come crashing down onto the back of the down on all fours LeBell with a seated-senton!!! Supreme then added a "coup de grace" top-rope flying double-kneedrop into their victim's abdomen to take the winning count of three!!!
(6) "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley pinned "The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") via a "450° splash-press" in 8:54!!! O'Riley was seconded by a pair of accomplices who proceeded to continually meddle in the contest to the detriment of Alexander!!!
(7) MATCH WITH BOTH THE "V.I.P. WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP" AND THE TITLE OF "THE BADDEST MAN IN 'RING OF HONOR' WRESTLING" ON THE LINE: Double champion "The Baddest Of All Time" Shane Taylor vs. J-Rocc, Daddy, NO FINAL DECISION WOULD BE RENDERED after 16:54!!! Prior to the opening bell J-Rocc announced that, due to his being undefeated in R.W.A. over the past two-and-one-half years as well as his being stripped of the R.W.A. heavyweight title despite never having been beaten inside the ring for it, he would make this main-event "Winner Takes All" by putting on the line his own belt signifying his claim to being the "real" R.W.A. titleholder!!! This hard-hitting encounter would eventually go off the rails when official Bo Browning ended up squashed between the two match principals and taken out of action for the next several minutes!!! Ryan Edmonds followed by "Rev" Ron Hunt would enter the squared-circle to get involved prompting promoter Dr. Feelbad to finally come in to halt all of the chaos and carnage with no winner declared and with all title belts remaining with their current holders!!!
(2) RETURN MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP (STIPULATION: THE TITLE WOULD CHANGE HANDS IN THE EVENT OF A DISQUALIFICATION): Champion Professor Jakob Edwinn pinned "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero in 8:18 to retain his title!!! During Nero's attempt during the bout for a second successful "Victory Roll" rana takedown, Edwinn managed to grab a ring rope midway through the maneuver to hold his challenger's shoulders on the canvas for the title-retaining three-count!!!
(3) A SPECIAL RETURN MATCH - "JOHNSON vs. EADS II": "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Mecca" Brian Johnson in 16:05 to avenge a pinfall loss to his foe on the previous (January 22nd) R.W.A. live event!!! Immediately after Johnson had misconnected with a top-rope elbow-drop attempt, Eads locked his prone adversary into a horizontal crucifix cradle for the pin!!!
☆☆☆"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt requested the house mic to call out newly-crowned R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds and to demand a crack at his belt!!! Edmonds outright refused to even consider it, claiming he had already defeated him in the previous month's "Renegade Rumble", and then told him to go take his place at the back of the line as far as any future title opportunities!!! Hunt angrily would take a front row seat to observe at close proximity Edmonds first title defense of his current reign in the next contest!!!☆☆☆
(4) R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds pinned "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 8:52 to retain his title!!! Jarvis eventually leveled Edmonds with a "thrust superkick", but his follow-up attempt at a top-rope maneuver would overshoot the mark!!! Edmonds immediately snatched his fallen challenger to plant him via a spinning "uranage" to cop the title-retaining cover!!!
(5) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) defeated "Hossman, Inc." ("Thicc" Vic Braun/Stevie LeBell) (Supreme pinned LeBell) in 14:02!!! Gregory eventually tossed out Braun to the floor and then leaped into the air to come crashing down onto the back of the down on all fours LeBell with a seated-senton!!! Supreme then added a "coup de grace" top-rope flying double-kneedrop into their victim's abdomen to take the winning count of three!!!
(6) "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley pinned "The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") via a "450° splash-press" in 8:54!!! O'Riley was seconded by a pair of accomplices who proceeded to continually meddle in the contest to the detriment of Alexander!!!
(7) MATCH WITH BOTH THE "V.I.P. WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP" AND THE TITLE OF "THE BADDEST MAN IN 'RING OF HONOR' WRESTLING" ON THE LINE: Double champion "The Baddest Of All Time" Shane Taylor vs. J-Rocc, Daddy, NO FINAL DECISION WOULD BE RENDERED after 16:54!!! Prior to the opening bell J-Rocc announced that, due to his being undefeated in R.W.A. over the past two-and-one-half years as well as his being stripped of the R.W.A. heavyweight title despite never having been beaten inside the ring for it, he would make this main-event "Winner Takes All" by putting on the line his own belt signifying his claim to being the "real" R.W.A. titleholder!!! This hard-hitting encounter would eventually go off the rails when official Bo Browning ended up squashed between the two match principals and taken out of action for the next several minutes!!! Ryan Edmonds followed by "Rev" Ron Hunt would enter the squared-circle to get involved prompting promoter Dr. Feelbad to finally come in to halt all of the chaos and carnage with no winner declared and with all title belts remaining with their current holders!!!
SAT. MARCH 19TH 2022
1. Shane Andrews defeated John Rodin via Pinfall
2. Bulking Season defeated Marshall Gambino & Steve LeBelle via pinfall
3. Daniel Eads defeated Roger Mathues via pinfall
4. J-Rocc defeated Rev. Ron Hunt via Pinfall
5. Jacob Edwinn defeated Jordan Styles & Tad Jarvis via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
6. Ryan Edmonds defeated Jason Radatz via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
7. Chris Gatton defeated Reggie Collins via tap-out
8. Idol/Gory defeated Sons of Liberty via Pinfall to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships
2. Bulking Season defeated Marshall Gambino & Steve LeBelle via pinfall
3. Daniel Eads defeated Roger Mathues via pinfall
4. J-Rocc defeated Rev. Ron Hunt via Pinfall
5. Jacob Edwinn defeated Jordan Styles & Tad Jarvis via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
6. Ryan Edmonds defeated Jason Radatz via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
7. Chris Gatton defeated Reggie Collins via tap-out
8. Idol/Gory defeated Sons of Liberty via Pinfall to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships
☆☆☆SHOW OPENING: All three R.W.A. officials, all of R.W.A. ring security, and several R.W.A. superstars were on hand in a futile effort to maintain order as promoter Dr. Feelbad, R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds, "The Rev" Ron Hunt", and title claimant J-Rocc, Daddy all took turns jawing at each other on the house mics!!! The end result was Feelbad forcing Edmonds to be a fighting champion by assigning himself as special referee for his May 14th title defense against Hunt!!! J-Rocc reiterated his claim to be the "real" R.W.A. titleholder and stated his "belt" would be on the line in the evening's main event versus Silas Young!!!☆☆☆
(1) "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero in 6:36 by reversing his foe's attempt at a "La Magistral" cradle!!!
(2) Dennis Gregory pinned "The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander in 5:25!!! Alexander had been chosen by Silas Young from among those participating earlier in the day at his training seminar to compete on the evening's live event!!! Gregory eventually floated above the corner charging Alexander and executed a rear takedown cradle holding tights to steal the victory three-count!!!
(3) MATCH FOR A FUTURE SHOT AT THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 12:42!!! Eads eventually caught O'Riley's "quebrada" attempt in mid-air, muscled him up into a fireman's carry position, and then from there planted him via a "Michinoku Driver" to cop the victory cover!!! Afterward Eads took the house mic to reminisce about his stellar career in R.W.A. and to emphatically state that he is not done yet!!! His plans are to win the R.W.A. heavyweight title for an unprecedented fourth time and also to win a proposed rubber match with rival "The Mecca" Brian Johnson, this time for the best two-out-of-three falls!!!
(4) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated The Great Alexander/"The Successful Saint" Jordan Styles (Three Time "Emmy" Winner) (Gory pinned Alexander following his own "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb and Idol's thrust kick to the head) in 9:32 to retain their title!!!
(5) "GAUNTLET MATCH" FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP: "Juggernaut" John Rodin pinned champion Professor Jakob Edwinn in 5:44 during gauntlet leg #3 to win the title!!! Edwinn entered the ring first and immediately commandeered the house mic to state that on this evening he would decide who will be his challenger and what the match stipulation would be!!! Edwinn decided to have a "gauntlet match" with participants from the earlier Silas Young training seminar as his challengers!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #1: Edwinn pinned a training seminar participant identified only as "Paul" in only 22 seconds by just quickly maneuvering behind him for a takedown cradle!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #2: Edwinn pinned training seminar participant Joshua Kovad in only 58 seconds!!! Edwinn cut short Kovad's offensive rally by jamming the middle ring rope into his challenger's groin as he stepped back into the ring to be next felled by a running kick to the head for the three-count!!!
At this point Edwinn announced that he had fulfilled his obligations to defend the title and that he was now done for the evening!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad then stepped in to add one more competitor!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #3: "Juggernaut" John Rodin pinned Edwinn in 5:44 to win the title following a modified "spinebuster" delivered out of the fireman's carry position!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) vs. "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" Gambino & Mickey Gambino), NO CONTEST in 9:32 after Troy Lords and Shirley Doe had suddenly rushed into the ring to exact a severe beatdown on the Gambinos!!!
(7) ON THE LINE J-ROCC'S CLAIM TO BE THE "REAL" R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "Ring Of Honor" star "The Last Real Man" Silas Young in 20:43 to retain his title claim!!! Eventually attempted meddling from R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder Ryan Edmonds brought his future challenger Ron Hunt onto the scene also!!! Young maneuvered J-Rocc from behind into the ropes for a reverse rolling-cradle on the rebound, but the Daddy was able to contlnue the rolling momentum and reverse the cradle for the "title claimant" retaining three-count!!!
(1) "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero in 6:36 by reversing his foe's attempt at a "La Magistral" cradle!!!
(2) Dennis Gregory pinned "The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander in 5:25!!! Alexander had been chosen by Silas Young from among those participating earlier in the day at his training seminar to compete on the evening's live event!!! Gregory eventually floated above the corner charging Alexander and executed a rear takedown cradle holding tights to steal the victory three-count!!!
(3) MATCH FOR A FUTURE SHOT AT THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 12:42!!! Eads eventually caught O'Riley's "quebrada" attempt in mid-air, muscled him up into a fireman's carry position, and then from there planted him via a "Michinoku Driver" to cop the victory cover!!! Afterward Eads took the house mic to reminisce about his stellar career in R.W.A. and to emphatically state that he is not done yet!!! His plans are to win the R.W.A. heavyweight title for an unprecedented fourth time and also to win a proposed rubber match with rival "The Mecca" Brian Johnson, this time for the best two-out-of-three falls!!!
(4) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated The Great Alexander/"The Successful Saint" Jordan Styles (Three Time "Emmy" Winner) (Gory pinned Alexander following his own "Q.A.S." sunset-flip short powerbomb and Idol's thrust kick to the head) in 9:32 to retain their title!!!
(5) "GAUNTLET MATCH" FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP: "Juggernaut" John Rodin pinned champion Professor Jakob Edwinn in 5:44 during gauntlet leg #3 to win the title!!! Edwinn entered the ring first and immediately commandeered the house mic to state that on this evening he would decide who will be his challenger and what the match stipulation would be!!! Edwinn decided to have a "gauntlet match" with participants from the earlier Silas Young training seminar as his challengers!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #1: Edwinn pinned a training seminar participant identified only as "Paul" in only 22 seconds by just quickly maneuvering behind him for a takedown cradle!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #2: Edwinn pinned training seminar participant Joshua Kovad in only 58 seconds!!! Edwinn cut short Kovad's offensive rally by jamming the middle ring rope into his challenger's groin as he stepped back into the ring to be next felled by a running kick to the head for the three-count!!!
At this point Edwinn announced that he had fulfilled his obligations to defend the title and that he was now done for the evening!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad then stepped in to add one more competitor!!!
GAUNTLET LEG #3: "Juggernaut" John Rodin pinned Edwinn in 5:44 to win the title following a modified "spinebuster" delivered out of the fireman's carry position!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme/Dennis Gregory) vs. "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" Gambino & Mickey Gambino), NO CONTEST in 9:32 after Troy Lords and Shirley Doe had suddenly rushed into the ring to exact a severe beatdown on the Gambinos!!!
(7) ON THE LINE J-ROCC'S CLAIM TO BE THE "REAL" R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "Ring Of Honor" star "The Last Real Man" Silas Young in 20:43 to retain his title claim!!! Eventually attempted meddling from R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder Ryan Edmonds brought his future challenger Ron Hunt onto the scene also!!! Young maneuvered J-Rocc from behind into the ropes for a reverse rolling-cradle on the rebound, but the Daddy was able to contlnue the rolling momentum and reverse the cradle for the "title claimant" retaining three-count!!!
MAY 14TH 2022
(1) THREE-WAY "SUBMISSION" MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "Juggernaut" John Rodin defeated "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") and Professor Jakob Edwinn in 6:24 to retain his title!!! This bout was originally scheduled with Kovad as the sole challenger, but former titleholder Edwinn at the last instant insisted upon his inclusion using his guaranteed return match clause!!! Kovad's "frog splash" onto Edwinn would enable Rodin to reverse the Professor's lengthy figure-four leglock application and yield his concession!!! Afterward, with the victorious Rodin still in the ring hurting badly from his challenger's long leghold, Patrick Hayes made a surprising return to the R.W.A. ring, at first feigning a congratulatory gesture before staging a cruel beatdown on him!!!
*****Promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that "The Rock 'N' Roll Express", Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, would be bringing their "Farewell Tour" to West Newton and appearing on the August 27, 2022 R.W.A. live event!!!*****
(2) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: Curtis Ray Goddi/"The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") defeated "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Alexander pinned McArthur) in 13:11!!! With Stone currently down at ringside and McArthur having been just gut-wrenched by Alexander over one shoulder into a reverse backbreaker position, A.J. and Goddi combined on a double-team neckbreaker takedown to cop the winning cover!!!
(3) WOMEN'S MATCH: "Your Favorite Cornfed Hero" - "Authentic" Rahne Victoria pinned "Dream Girl" Ellie (one-half of "The International Superstars") in 9:25 with a sudden mid-ring double-leg takedown into a front-cradle high on the shoulders!!!
(4) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The Sultan Of The Sky" Blanco Loco (one-half of "The International Superstars") in 15:29!!! Gory countered Loco's dive at him from a turnbuckle with a "codebreaker" maneuver and then connected with a "swanton bomb" for the three-count!!!
*****It was announced at this time that scheduled for the next R.W.A. live event on June 11, 2022 would be a third meeting between "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads and "Ring Of Honor" star "The Mecca" Brian Johnson with each man already having one victory to his credit!!! This rubber match would be for the best two-out-of three falls!!!*****
(5) R.W.A. heavyweight title claimant J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 10:34 after planting him via a "piledriver"!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM GRUDGE MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) vs. "The Hottness" Troy Lords/"Mad Man" Shirley Doe, NO CONTEST in a bell-to-bell time of 6:18 after official Bo Browning had been shoved down to the canvas by the brawlers!!! The four had battled three minutes at ringside before finally entering the squared-circle to officially start the bout and then perhaps four or five more minutes after the concluding bell had been rung!!! At the end Marshall had been thrown through at least a half-dozen rows of plastic folding chairs, and Mickey had been beaten down prone inside the ring!!!
(7) R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WITH SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE R.W.A. PROMOTER "DR. FEELBAD": Champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds pinned "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in 21:56 to retain his title!!! When Edmonds attempted at the two-minute mark to save his title via a deliberate disqualification with a blatant foul of his challenger, Feelbad immediately saw through this scam and proceeded to add a "No D.Q." stip from that point!!! Fearing that he may have to submit soon to Rev's figure-four leglock, Edmonds socked ref Feelbad to enable his escape from this predicament!!! The champion later pulled him into the path of the charging Hunt resulting in the Doctor being sent flying to the floor and then taken back to the dressing room for the remainder of this main event!!! J-Rocc next entered the ring and initially pretended to be on the side of Hunt!!! However, the Daddy would suddenly hurl the Rev head-first with a running start through a chair wedged between the top two ring ropes in a corner!!! J-Rocc would be walking back through the curtain as Edmonds was slowly crawling across the ring to cop the title-retaining cover tolled by the arriving emergency ref Jefferies!!!
*****Promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that "The Rock 'N' Roll Express", Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, would be bringing their "Farewell Tour" to West Newton and appearing on the August 27, 2022 R.W.A. live event!!!*****
(2) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: Curtis Ray Goddi/"The King Of King's Road" A.J. Alexander (representing "The Apex") defeated "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Alexander pinned McArthur) in 13:11!!! With Stone currently down at ringside and McArthur having been just gut-wrenched by Alexander over one shoulder into a reverse backbreaker position, A.J. and Goddi combined on a double-team neckbreaker takedown to cop the winning cover!!!
(3) WOMEN'S MATCH: "Your Favorite Cornfed Hero" - "Authentic" Rahne Victoria pinned "Dream Girl" Ellie (one-half of "The International Superstars") in 9:25 with a sudden mid-ring double-leg takedown into a front-cradle high on the shoulders!!!
(4) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned "The Sultan Of The Sky" Blanco Loco (one-half of "The International Superstars") in 15:29!!! Gory countered Loco's dive at him from a turnbuckle with a "codebreaker" maneuver and then connected with a "swanton bomb" for the three-count!!!
*****It was announced at this time that scheduled for the next R.W.A. live event on June 11, 2022 would be a third meeting between "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads and "Ring Of Honor" star "The Mecca" Brian Johnson with each man already having one victory to his credit!!! This rubber match would be for the best two-out-of three falls!!!*****
(5) R.W.A. heavyweight title claimant J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 10:34 after planting him via a "piledriver"!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM GRUDGE MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey Gambino) vs. "The Hottness" Troy Lords/"Mad Man" Shirley Doe, NO CONTEST in a bell-to-bell time of 6:18 after official Bo Browning had been shoved down to the canvas by the brawlers!!! The four had battled three minutes at ringside before finally entering the squared-circle to officially start the bout and then perhaps four or five more minutes after the concluding bell had been rung!!! At the end Marshall had been thrown through at least a half-dozen rows of plastic folding chairs, and Mickey had been beaten down prone inside the ring!!!
(7) R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WITH SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE R.W.A. PROMOTER "DR. FEELBAD": Champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds pinned "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt in 21:56 to retain his title!!! When Edmonds attempted at the two-minute mark to save his title via a deliberate disqualification with a blatant foul of his challenger, Feelbad immediately saw through this scam and proceeded to add a "No D.Q." stip from that point!!! Fearing that he may have to submit soon to Rev's figure-four leglock, Edmonds socked ref Feelbad to enable his escape from this predicament!!! The champion later pulled him into the path of the charging Hunt resulting in the Doctor being sent flying to the floor and then taken back to the dressing room for the remainder of this main event!!! J-Rocc next entered the ring and initially pretended to be on the side of Hunt!!! However, the Daddy would suddenly hurl the Rev head-first with a running start through a chair wedged between the top two ring ropes in a corner!!! J-Rocc would be walking back through the curtain as Edmonds was slowly crawling across the ring to cop the title-retaining cover tolled by the arriving emergency ref Jefferies!!!
SAT. JUNE 11TH 2022
(1) PRE-SHOW CONTEST FEATURING TWO NEW COMPETITORS IN R.W.A.: "The Essence Of Excellence" Jake Bravado pinned "The Dagger" Damon Chase in 4:28 with a "frog splash" set up by a spinebuster of his rebounding foe!!!
(2) J-Rocc, Daddy (R.W.A. heavyweight title claimant) pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 4:03!!! J-Rocc eventually reached over the official to rake LeBell's eyes and immediately followed up with a piledriver to cop the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆Commentator "Doc" tried postbout to interview J-Rocc inside the ring only to hear his usual rant and complaints about promoter Dr. Feelbad and about never having been beaten for his R.W.A. title, etc., etc.!!! Feelbad arrived to admit that he himself had made some mistakes, but he proceeded to state that J-Rocc's miscue was getting involved with R.W.A. champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds who then emerged at the mention of his name!!! Edmonds eventually talked J-Rocc out of planting Feelbad via a piledriver with a whispered alternative suggestion!!! Edmonds would steal a condiments bottle and a handful of hot dogs from the concessions table to squirt yellow mustard and toss the buns and wieners all over Feelbad!!!☆☆☆
(3) "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 6:58 following an "Eat Da Feet" maneuver!!!
(4) Patrick Hayes pinned "Ruthless" Jason Radatz in 7:09!!! After shoving Radatz into official Bo Browning, Hayes delivered a quick eye poke followed by a sit-out double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry to get the winning three-count!!!
(5) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser/"Crosshairs" Kelly) (Gory pinned Kelly) in 14:19 to retain their title!!! With Idol knocked out of action due to a spinning uranage takedown from the massive Bruiser, Gory carried on despite the numbers disadvantage!!! After Kelly had been inadvertently clocked by his own teammate, Gory tossed Bruiser through the ropes to the floor and then frog-splashed "Crosshairs" for the title-retaining duke!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) defeated "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Marshall pinned McArthur) in 11:07!!! Eventually Stone would misconnect with an attempted charging chair shot resulting in the seat rebounding off the top ring rope into his own skull to send him stumbling backward through the opposite ropes to the floor!!! Meanwhile Marshall held McArthur captive over a knee to be the recipient of Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop to be pinned!!! "The Sons Of Liberty", H.L. Supreme and Dennis Gregory, would soon blindside the celebrating Gambinos and eventually beat them down to the floor!!! Next S.O.L. would be jawing noses to noses with the arriving "The Hotness" Troy Lords and "Mad Man" Shirley Doe!!! The Gambinos would soon recover to blindside Doe and Lords with chair swats as Supreme and Gregory were retreating from the ring unscathed!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WITH THE STIPULATION BEING THE APPOINTMENT OF PATRICK HAYES AS THE SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen pinned champion "Juggernaut" John Rodin in 6:33 to win the title!!! On the previous R.W.A. live event Hayes unexpectedly had entered the ring following a successful Rodin title defense with a phony congratulatory gesture to catch him off guard for a severe beatdown!!! As would be expected here official Hayes did everything possible to impede a Rodin victory and eventually tolled a super fast title-changing three-count on him following a simple J.D.L. bodyslam!!!
(8) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride made an electrifying return to R.W.A. pinning "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe in only 49 seconds following a "powerslam"!!!
(9) MAIN EVENT/SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH WITH EADS' STATUS AS THE RANKED "#1 CONTENDER" FOR THE R.W.A. TITLE ON THE LINE: "Big Time" Bill Collier vs. "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads, NO CONTEST in 15:49!!! These two threw everything in their respective offensive arsenals at each other over fifteen plus minutes with neither man able to score a three-count!!! Eads eventually decked Collier with his "superman" style flying punch, but he then collapsed from exhaustion before he could attempt a cover!!! With both combatants lying prone on the canvas, J-Rocc, Daddy and R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds took this opportunity to exact a thrashing on the two contenders to the extent that both had to be helped from the scene!!! At this point promoter Dr. Feelbad informed Edmonds that on July 9th he would be defending his R.W.A. belt versus both Eads and Collier in a Triple Threat Match!!! When it appeared that J-Rocc was about to inflict some bodily harm on Feelbad, the ring music of the returning Chris Taylor was heard and the crowd exploded!!! After Taylor had dealt J-Rocc some punishment, Feelbad announced the other half of a July 9th double main-event would be Chris Taylor vs. J-Rocc, Daddy in a Streetfight Match!!!
(2) J-Rocc, Daddy (R.W.A. heavyweight title claimant) pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 4:03!!! J-Rocc eventually reached over the official to rake LeBell's eyes and immediately followed up with a piledriver to cop the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆Commentator "Doc" tried postbout to interview J-Rocc inside the ring only to hear his usual rant and complaints about promoter Dr. Feelbad and about never having been beaten for his R.W.A. title, etc., etc.!!! Feelbad arrived to admit that he himself had made some mistakes, but he proceeded to state that J-Rocc's miscue was getting involved with R.W.A. champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds who then emerged at the mention of his name!!! Edmonds eventually talked J-Rocc out of planting Feelbad via a piledriver with a whispered alternative suggestion!!! Edmonds would steal a condiments bottle and a handful of hot dogs from the concessions table to squirt yellow mustard and toss the buns and wieners all over Feelbad!!!☆☆☆
(3) "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 6:58 following an "Eat Da Feet" maneuver!!!
(4) Patrick Hayes pinned "Ruthless" Jason Radatz in 7:09!!! After shoving Radatz into official Bo Browning, Hayes delivered a quick eye poke followed by a sit-out double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry to get the winning three-count!!!
(5) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "The New Age Plague" Gory/"One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated "War Hoss" (Pat The Bruiser/"Crosshairs" Kelly) (Gory pinned Kelly) in 14:19 to retain their title!!! With Idol knocked out of action due to a spinning uranage takedown from the massive Bruiser, Gory carried on despite the numbers disadvantage!!! After Kelly had been inadvertently clocked by his own teammate, Gory tossed Bruiser through the ropes to the floor and then frog-splashed "Crosshairs" for the title-retaining duke!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) defeated "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) (Marshall pinned McArthur) in 11:07!!! Eventually Stone would misconnect with an attempted charging chair shot resulting in the seat rebounding off the top ring rope into his own skull to send him stumbling backward through the opposite ropes to the floor!!! Meanwhile Marshall held McArthur captive over a knee to be the recipient of Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop to be pinned!!! "The Sons Of Liberty", H.L. Supreme and Dennis Gregory, would soon blindside the celebrating Gambinos and eventually beat them down to the floor!!! Next S.O.L. would be jawing noses to noses with the arriving "The Hotness" Troy Lords and "Mad Man" Shirley Doe!!! The Gambinos would soon recover to blindside Doe and Lords with chair swats as Supreme and Gregory were retreating from the ring unscathed!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WITH THE STIPULATION BEING THE APPOINTMENT OF PATRICK HAYES AS THE SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen pinned champion "Juggernaut" John Rodin in 6:33 to win the title!!! On the previous R.W.A. live event Hayes unexpectedly had entered the ring following a successful Rodin title defense with a phony congratulatory gesture to catch him off guard for a severe beatdown!!! As would be expected here official Hayes did everything possible to impede a Rodin victory and eventually tolled a super fast title-changing three-count on him following a simple J.D.L. bodyslam!!!
(8) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride made an electrifying return to R.W.A. pinning "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe in only 49 seconds following a "powerslam"!!!
(9) MAIN EVENT/SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH WITH EADS' STATUS AS THE RANKED "#1 CONTENDER" FOR THE R.W.A. TITLE ON THE LINE: "Big Time" Bill Collier vs. "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads, NO CONTEST in 15:49!!! These two threw everything in their respective offensive arsenals at each other over fifteen plus minutes with neither man able to score a three-count!!! Eads eventually decked Collier with his "superman" style flying punch, but he then collapsed from exhaustion before he could attempt a cover!!! With both combatants lying prone on the canvas, J-Rocc, Daddy and R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds took this opportunity to exact a thrashing on the two contenders to the extent that both had to be helped from the scene!!! At this point promoter Dr. Feelbad informed Edmonds that on July 9th he would be defending his R.W.A. belt versus both Eads and Collier in a Triple Threat Match!!! When it appeared that J-Rocc was about to inflict some bodily harm on Feelbad, the ring music of the returning Chris Taylor was heard and the crowd exploded!!! After Taylor had dealt J-Rocc some punishment, Feelbad announced the other half of a July 9th double main-event would be Chris Taylor vs. J-Rocc, Daddy in a Streetfight Match!!!
SAT. JULY 9TH 2022
(1) TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds vs. "Big Time" Bill Collier vs. "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads, NO CONTEST in 15:22!!! For almost the entire event Edmonds would either be a victim of his challengers' double-team beatdown or otherwise would be prone on the ringside floor licking his wounds while the bout continued on above without him!!! Eads eventually clocked Edmonds with his "Superman Punch" for a possible title-changing cover, but out of nowhere J-Rocc, Daddy yanked official George Ross from the ring and viciously hurled him up the aisle toward the entrance curtain to get the entire bout thrown out!!! A short time later as Edmonds was gloating inside the squared-circle about retaining his belt, he would be speared and beaten down by "The Rev" Ron Hunt!!!
(2) "2PW" TOP PROSPECT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated Professor Jakob Edwinn, "modified camel clutch" SUBMISSION in 5:59 to retain his title!!!
☆☆☆Postbout Gory took the house mic stating that, because there was currently no telling when his injured R.W.A. tag-team championship partner "One Cool Cat" Justin Idol would be able to return, he was going to relinquish the tag-team belts!!! At this point H.L. Supreme arrived to demand that the straps be turned over immediately to him and his "Sons Of Liberty" partner Dennis Gregory!!! However, promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that they would have to earn the vacant title on the next live event August 27th versus Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson on their "Rock 'N' Roll Express Farewell Tour" stop in West Newton!!!☆☆☆
(3) TWO-ON-ONE INTERGENDER HANDICAP MATCH: "The International Superstars" ("The Sultan Of The Sky" Blanco Loco/"Dream Girl" Ellie) defeated "The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur in 11:01!!! This began as a one-on-one scrap between just the men, but McArthur would quickly become frustrated by the five-minute mark with Ellie's constant chirping and meddling from ringside so much so that he insisted she be added to the match!!! However, Blanco would eventually execute a backward leap from a corner to nail their foe with a "Diamond Cutter" after which he and Ellie both piled on for the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆It was announced that D.H. Bruiser, a former R.W.A. commissioner back in the early years and currently the host of the "Wrestle Sense" podcast, would be joining Doc and Tony Kincaid as a guest commentator for the next contest!!!☆☆☆
(4) TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FEATURING ONE MEMBER EACH FROM THREE OF THE TOP CONTENDING DUOS FOR THE R.W.A. TAG-TEAM TITLE: H.L. Supreme (representing "Sons Of Liberty") defeated Marshall "The Bull" Gambino (representing "The Gambino Brothers") and "Mad Man" Shirley Doe (representing himself and "The Hottness" Troy Lords) in 5:10!!! Marshall attempted a top-rope leap to crash Doe through a table which failed to break and simply tipped over sending two injured wrestlers to the canvas!!! Supreme maneuvered Marshall onto Doe and then piled upon them to be credited with the three-count!!!
☆☆☆As intermission was coming to a close, R.W.A. heavyweight champion Ryan Edmonds commandeered the house mic and then embarked on a rant which nearly caused him to come to blows with "The Rev" Ron Hunt!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had both men banished from the building for the remainder of the evening!!!☆☆☆
(5) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Death Proof" Bronco McBride/"Juggernaut" John Rodin defeated "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe/"The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador (McBride pinned Salvador after he and Rodin had executed the "Doomsday Device" maneuver) in 10:37!!!
(6) Patrick Hayes pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 8:34 with a "frog splash" set up by a sit-out double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry position!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David LuAllen pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") to retain his title after ten minutes!!! The title match stipulation "du jour" was that neither man could utilize his usual finisher - J.D.L. (superplex) and Kovad (swanton bomb)!!! J.D.L. would then insist that Kovad's "Eat Da Feet" move (a.k.a. "Straight From The Pulpit") also be barred!!! Ref Jeff Jefferies would eventually be squashed against a turnbuckle and be temporarily incapacitated during which Kovad would hit the banned "swanton bomb" for a three-count!!! However, official Bo Browning would quickly arrive on the scene to inform Jefferies of these happenings, and a restart was ordered!!! Within seconds J.D.L. would execute an "exploder suplex" resulting in the title-retaining pin as well as an injured Kovad having to be carried back to the dressing room!!!
( STREET FIGHT (NO HOLDS BARRED/NO DISQUALIFICATION/ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING GOES): J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor in 15:49!!! The two battled wall-to-wall all over the building through the ringside seats and even onto the bleachers!!! Eventually the momentum totally shifted into Taylor's favor until a ringside fan (an incognito Ryan Edmonds) tossed a handful of powder into his eyes through the ropes!!! The blinded Taylor would be piledriven immediately by J-Rocc for the winning pin!!! J-Rocc and Edmonds' postbout celebration would be short lived due to the angry arrivals of Hunt, Eads, and Collier to drive them out!!! Eads and Collier next appealed heavily to Dr. Feelbad to face Edmonds and J-Rocc on the August 27th live event, but the opportunity for that revenge ended up being awarded first to Hunt and Taylor seven weeks hence!!!
(2) "2PW" TOP PROSPECT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The New Age Plague" Gory defeated Professor Jakob Edwinn, "modified camel clutch" SUBMISSION in 5:59 to retain his title!!!
☆☆☆Postbout Gory took the house mic stating that, because there was currently no telling when his injured R.W.A. tag-team championship partner "One Cool Cat" Justin Idol would be able to return, he was going to relinquish the tag-team belts!!! At this point H.L. Supreme arrived to demand that the straps be turned over immediately to him and his "Sons Of Liberty" partner Dennis Gregory!!! However, promoter Dr. Feelbad announced that they would have to earn the vacant title on the next live event August 27th versus Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson on their "Rock 'N' Roll Express Farewell Tour" stop in West Newton!!!☆☆☆
(3) TWO-ON-ONE INTERGENDER HANDICAP MATCH: "The International Superstars" ("The Sultan Of The Sky" Blanco Loco/"Dream Girl" Ellie) defeated "The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur in 11:01!!! This began as a one-on-one scrap between just the men, but McArthur would quickly become frustrated by the five-minute mark with Ellie's constant chirping and meddling from ringside so much so that he insisted she be added to the match!!! However, Blanco would eventually execute a backward leap from a corner to nail their foe with a "Diamond Cutter" after which he and Ellie both piled on for the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆It was announced that D.H. Bruiser, a former R.W.A. commissioner back in the early years and currently the host of the "Wrestle Sense" podcast, would be joining Doc and Tony Kincaid as a guest commentator for the next contest!!!☆☆☆
(4) TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FEATURING ONE MEMBER EACH FROM THREE OF THE TOP CONTENDING DUOS FOR THE R.W.A. TAG-TEAM TITLE: H.L. Supreme (representing "Sons Of Liberty") defeated Marshall "The Bull" Gambino (representing "The Gambino Brothers") and "Mad Man" Shirley Doe (representing himself and "The Hottness" Troy Lords) in 5:10!!! Marshall attempted a top-rope leap to crash Doe through a table which failed to break and simply tipped over sending two injured wrestlers to the canvas!!! Supreme maneuvered Marshall onto Doe and then piled upon them to be credited with the three-count!!!
☆☆☆As intermission was coming to a close, R.W.A. heavyweight champion Ryan Edmonds commandeered the house mic and then embarked on a rant which nearly caused him to come to blows with "The Rev" Ron Hunt!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had both men banished from the building for the remainder of the evening!!!☆☆☆
(5) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "Death Proof" Bronco McBride/"Juggernaut" John Rodin defeated "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe/"The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador (McBride pinned Salvador after he and Rodin had executed the "Doomsday Device" maneuver) in 10:37!!!
(6) Patrick Hayes pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 8:34 with a "frog splash" set up by a sit-out double-knee gutbuster out of a fireman's carry position!!!
(7) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David LuAllen pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") to retain his title after ten minutes!!! The title match stipulation "du jour" was that neither man could utilize his usual finisher - J.D.L. (superplex) and Kovad (swanton bomb)!!! J.D.L. would then insist that Kovad's "Eat Da Feet" move (a.k.a. "Straight From The Pulpit") also be barred!!! Ref Jeff Jefferies would eventually be squashed against a turnbuckle and be temporarily incapacitated during which Kovad would hit the banned "swanton bomb" for a three-count!!! However, official Bo Browning would quickly arrive on the scene to inform Jefferies of these happenings, and a restart was ordered!!! Within seconds J.D.L. would execute an "exploder suplex" resulting in the title-retaining pin as well as an injured Kovad having to be carried back to the dressing room!!!
( STREET FIGHT (NO HOLDS BARRED/NO DISQUALIFICATION/ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING GOES): J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor in 15:49!!! The two battled wall-to-wall all over the building through the ringside seats and even onto the bleachers!!! Eventually the momentum totally shifted into Taylor's favor until a ringside fan (an incognito Ryan Edmonds) tossed a handful of powder into his eyes through the ropes!!! The blinded Taylor would be piledriven immediately by J-Rocc for the winning pin!!! J-Rocc and Edmonds' postbout celebration would be short lived due to the angry arrivals of Hunt, Eads, and Collier to drive them out!!! Eads and Collier next appealed heavily to Dr. Feelbad to face Edmonds and J-Rocc on the August 27th live event, but the opportunity for that revenge ended up being awarded first to Hunt and Taylor seven weeks hence!!!
SAT. AUG. 28TH 2022
(1) PRE-SHOW CONTEST: "The Lost Prodigy" Dios Salvador pinned Coach Michael Osbourne in 3:34 following a "T.K.O." maneuver!!!
☆☆☆Current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds interrupted ring announcer Hank Hudson's usual show opening spiel and commandeered the house mic to rant about the stipulations R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had attached to his main-event tag grudge bout with partner J-Rocc versus Chris Taylor and "Rev" Ron Hunt!!!☆☆☆
(2) FOUR-MAN GRUDGE TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Hottness" Troy Lords/"Mad Man" Shirley Doe defeated "The Gambino Brothers" (Mickey & Marshall "The Bull") (Doe pinned Mickey) in 10:31!!! Paul Atlas joined the R.W.A. commentary trio just for this one event and was noticeably baited from the ring several times by Doe and Lords!!! Doe and Marshall eventually took their battle to the floor during which "The Bull" had his skull rammed into a ringpost to take him temporarily out of the action!!! This enabled the rebounding Lords to sneak a blind tag to Doe unbeknownst to Mickey G. who proceeded to plant "His Hottness" for a pin attempt via a spinebuster!!! The now legal man Doe immediately yanked Mickey from Lords to deliver a big "D.D.T." and cop the victory cover!!! Afterward "Sons Of Liberty", Dennis Gregory and H.L. Supreme armed with chairs, rushed onto the scene to beat down all of the match principals with the seats!!! After the carnage had concluded, Paul Atlas would enter the ring to check on the conditions of the fallen Gambinos!!!
☆☆☆R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad was introduced and proceeded to explain the absence of the scheduled Ricky Morton due to his and his son Kerry's contractual obligations to the National Wrestling Alliance taking precedence!!! Feelbad next announced that, if Robert Gibson could defeat Dennis Gregory in a one-on-one bout later that evening, the postponed "Rock 'N' Roll Express" vs. "Sons Of Liberty" showdown for the vacant R.W.A. tag title would then take place on the next live event on September 17th!!!☆☆☆
(3) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 6:26!!! Bronco caused Edwinn to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support before riding him down to the canvas with a top-rope slam to be pinned!!!
☆☆☆R.W.A. match commentator "Doc" attempted an interview segment with the feuding Patrick Hayes and "Juggernaut" John Rodin to no avail!!! Hayes arrived first only to twice avoid Doc's question as to why he had continued to make Rodin's life a living hell since his return to R.W.A.!!! A crazed Rodin at this point charged the squared-circle and proceeded to bludgeon his rival's cranium with several minutes of tosses through rows of ringside chairs and into iron ringposts among other violence!!! Rodin eventually wrapped a folding chair around the helpless Hayes' head and had to be stopped from leaping off a turnbuckle onto him by his friend Bronco McBride!!! R.W.A. officials had escorted Rodin away almost as far as the entrance curtain when Hayes suddenly regained his bearings and blindsided McBride with a "brainbuster" suplex followed by a 255-pound "frog splash"!!! Rodin was only able to escape back to the ring after Hayes had fled from the scene!!!☆☆☆
(4) Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") pinned H.L. Supreme (with "Sons Of Liberty" tag-team partner Dennis Gregory) in 3:27!!! Eventually Mickey Gambino would approach the ring alone toward Gregory to draw all of the attention so brother Marshall could sneak out to spinebuster Supreme and then thrust the end of a baseball bat hard into his skull leading to LeBell's winning three-count!!!
(5) "JOHNSON vs. EADS III" SCHEDULED FOR THE BEST TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated "The Mecca" Brian Johnson, TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS in 14:19!!! Each man had scored one previous victory over the other in R.W.A. necessitating this rubber match!!!
1st/2nd falls: DOUBLE PIN at the 10:21 mark resulting in official George Ross' ruling that each would be awarded a pinfall making the next fall in his words "sudden death" for the victory!!! Eads had executed a superplex on Johnson and, immediately upon impact, attempted a backroll onto his foe for a cover!!! However, Johnson hooked Eads' legs midway through the backroll resulting in both men's shoulders down on the canvas for the count of three!!!
3rd fall: Eads pinned Johnson at the 14:19 mark after clocking him with his flying "superman" punch!!!
☆☆☆Announced at the start of intermission was that the very first official R.W.A. coloring book (Volume One) (created by Curtis Stevenson) was now on sale (priced at $15.00) at the souvenir tables!!!☆☆☆
(6) ORDERED BY R.W.A. PROMOTER DR. FEELBAD - A GIBSON VICTORY WOULD RESULT IN THE POSTPONED MATCH FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. TAG-TEAM TITLE BETWEEN "SONS OF LIBERTY" AND "THE ROCK 'N' ROLL EXPRESS" BEING RESCHEDULED FOR THE NEXT LIVE EVENT ON SEPTEMBER 17TH: "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson defeated Dennis Gregory (with "Sons Of Liberty" tag-team partner H.L. Supreme), DISQUALIFICATION in 5:32 due to the meddling of Troy Lords and Shirley Doe in their efforts to get back at "Sons Of Liberty"!!! As a result the long awaited contest will finally take place three weeks hence!!!
(7) FIVE-MAN SCRAMBLE MATCH FOR A FUTURE SHOT AT THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" TITLE: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory, The Great Alexander, "Ruthless" Jason Radatz, and "Miami" Mike Walker (with agent "Hellfire" McGuire) (Jarvis pinned Alexander) in 6:58 to earn the upcoming title opportunity!!! After all four of his competitors had either dove from the ring or had been dived upon down at ringside, Alexander would grandstand alone inside the squared-circle just a little too long to eventually be planted from the blindside by Jarvis' "inverted-D.D.T." and be covered for the three-count!!!
( FOUR-MAN GRUDGE TAG-TEAM MATCH WITH A SPECIAL STIPULATION - SHOULD CHRIS TAYLOR OR REV. RON HUNT SCORE THE WINNING PINFALL OR SUBMISSION, THAT R.W.A. SUPERSTAR WILL RECEIVE A "MONEY IN THE BANK" STYLE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH AT A LATER DATE AND TIME OF HIS CHOOSING: "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor/"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated J-Rocc, Daddy/current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds (Hunt pinned Edmonds with a blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders to win the championship contract) in 14:19!!!
☆☆☆Postbout after sustaining a beatdown from his sore-loser foes and seeing Edmonds trying to escape from the building by every conceivable route only to be blocked from doing so by some of his R.W.A. wrestler friends, Rev hurled Edmonds' head into a chair wedged during the previous match in a corner between the two top ropes!!! Right then and there, Hunt made the decision to cash in his contract for the immediate title opportunity!!!☆☆☆
(9) CHAMPIONSHIP CONTRACT CASH-IN FOR A SHOT AT THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in only 12 seconds to win the title to a thunderous ovation!!! Hunt would next clock the rising, staggering Edmonds with a thrust-superkick to cop the historic title-changing three-count, and the sustained chants and cheering which immediately followed would draw tears of joy from the eyes of the newly-crowned titleholder!!!
☆☆☆Current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds interrupted ring announcer Hank Hudson's usual show opening spiel and commandeered the house mic to rant about the stipulations R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad had attached to his main-event tag grudge bout with partner J-Rocc versus Chris Taylor and "Rev" Ron Hunt!!!☆☆☆
(2) FOUR-MAN GRUDGE TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Hottness" Troy Lords/"Mad Man" Shirley Doe defeated "The Gambino Brothers" (Mickey & Marshall "The Bull") (Doe pinned Mickey) in 10:31!!! Paul Atlas joined the R.W.A. commentary trio just for this one event and was noticeably baited from the ring several times by Doe and Lords!!! Doe and Marshall eventually took their battle to the floor during which "The Bull" had his skull rammed into a ringpost to take him temporarily out of the action!!! This enabled the rebounding Lords to sneak a blind tag to Doe unbeknownst to Mickey G. who proceeded to plant "His Hottness" for a pin attempt via a spinebuster!!! The now legal man Doe immediately yanked Mickey from Lords to deliver a big "D.D.T." and cop the victory cover!!! Afterward "Sons Of Liberty", Dennis Gregory and H.L. Supreme armed with chairs, rushed onto the scene to beat down all of the match principals with the seats!!! After the carnage had concluded, Paul Atlas would enter the ring to check on the conditions of the fallen Gambinos!!!
☆☆☆R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad was introduced and proceeded to explain the absence of the scheduled Ricky Morton due to his and his son Kerry's contractual obligations to the National Wrestling Alliance taking precedence!!! Feelbad next announced that, if Robert Gibson could defeat Dennis Gregory in a one-on-one bout later that evening, the postponed "Rock 'N' Roll Express" vs. "Sons Of Liberty" showdown for the vacant R.W.A. tag title would then take place on the next live event on September 17th!!!☆☆☆
(3) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 6:26!!! Bronco caused Edwinn to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle support before riding him down to the canvas with a top-rope slam to be pinned!!!
☆☆☆R.W.A. match commentator "Doc" attempted an interview segment with the feuding Patrick Hayes and "Juggernaut" John Rodin to no avail!!! Hayes arrived first only to twice avoid Doc's question as to why he had continued to make Rodin's life a living hell since his return to R.W.A.!!! A crazed Rodin at this point charged the squared-circle and proceeded to bludgeon his rival's cranium with several minutes of tosses through rows of ringside chairs and into iron ringposts among other violence!!! Rodin eventually wrapped a folding chair around the helpless Hayes' head and had to be stopped from leaping off a turnbuckle onto him by his friend Bronco McBride!!! R.W.A. officials had escorted Rodin away almost as far as the entrance curtain when Hayes suddenly regained his bearings and blindsided McBride with a "brainbuster" suplex followed by a 255-pound "frog splash"!!! Rodin was only able to escape back to the ring after Hayes had fled from the scene!!!☆☆☆
(4) Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") pinned H.L. Supreme (with "Sons Of Liberty" tag-team partner Dennis Gregory) in 3:27!!! Eventually Mickey Gambino would approach the ring alone toward Gregory to draw all of the attention so brother Marshall could sneak out to spinebuster Supreme and then thrust the end of a baseball bat hard into his skull leading to LeBell's winning three-count!!!
(5) "JOHNSON vs. EADS III" SCHEDULED FOR THE BEST TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated "The Mecca" Brian Johnson, TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS in 14:19!!! Each man had scored one previous victory over the other in R.W.A. necessitating this rubber match!!!
1st/2nd falls: DOUBLE PIN at the 10:21 mark resulting in official George Ross' ruling that each would be awarded a pinfall making the next fall in his words "sudden death" for the victory!!! Eads had executed a superplex on Johnson and, immediately upon impact, attempted a backroll onto his foe for a cover!!! However, Johnson hooked Eads' legs midway through the backroll resulting in both men's shoulders down on the canvas for the count of three!!!
3rd fall: Eads pinned Johnson at the 14:19 mark after clocking him with his flying "superman" punch!!!
☆☆☆Announced at the start of intermission was that the very first official R.W.A. coloring book (Volume One) (created by Curtis Stevenson) was now on sale (priced at $15.00) at the souvenir tables!!!☆☆☆
(6) ORDERED BY R.W.A. PROMOTER DR. FEELBAD - A GIBSON VICTORY WOULD RESULT IN THE POSTPONED MATCH FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. TAG-TEAM TITLE BETWEEN "SONS OF LIBERTY" AND "THE ROCK 'N' ROLL EXPRESS" BEING RESCHEDULED FOR THE NEXT LIVE EVENT ON SEPTEMBER 17TH: "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson defeated Dennis Gregory (with "Sons Of Liberty" tag-team partner H.L. Supreme), DISQUALIFICATION in 5:32 due to the meddling of Troy Lords and Shirley Doe in their efforts to get back at "Sons Of Liberty"!!! As a result the long awaited contest will finally take place three weeks hence!!!
(7) FIVE-MAN SCRAMBLE MATCH FOR A FUTURE SHOT AT THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" TITLE: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis defeated "The New Age Plague" Gory, The Great Alexander, "Ruthless" Jason Radatz, and "Miami" Mike Walker (with agent "Hellfire" McGuire) (Jarvis pinned Alexander) in 6:58 to earn the upcoming title opportunity!!! After all four of his competitors had either dove from the ring or had been dived upon down at ringside, Alexander would grandstand alone inside the squared-circle just a little too long to eventually be planted from the blindside by Jarvis' "inverted-D.D.T." and be covered for the three-count!!!
( FOUR-MAN GRUDGE TAG-TEAM MATCH WITH A SPECIAL STIPULATION - SHOULD CHRIS TAYLOR OR REV. RON HUNT SCORE THE WINNING PINFALL OR SUBMISSION, THAT R.W.A. SUPERSTAR WILL RECEIVE A "MONEY IN THE BANK" STYLE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH AT A LATER DATE AND TIME OF HIS CHOOSING: "The Iron City Prince Of Sin" Chris Taylor/"The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt defeated J-Rocc, Daddy/current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds (Hunt pinned Edmonds with a blindside takedown cradle high on the shoulders to win the championship contract) in 14:19!!!
☆☆☆Postbout after sustaining a beatdown from his sore-loser foes and seeing Edmonds trying to escape from the building by every conceivable route only to be blocked from doing so by some of his R.W.A. wrestler friends, Rev hurled Edmonds' head into a chair wedged during the previous match in a corner between the two top ropes!!! Right then and there, Hunt made the decision to cash in his contract for the immediate title opportunity!!!☆☆☆
(9) CHAMPIONSHIP CONTRACT CASH-IN FOR A SHOT AT THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned champion "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in only 12 seconds to win the title to a thunderous ovation!!! Hunt would next clock the rising, staggering Edmonds with a thrust-superkick to cop the historic title-changing three-count, and the sustained chants and cheering which immediately followed would draw tears of joy from the eyes of the newly-crowned titleholder!!!
SAT, SEPT. 17TH 2022
(1) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall "The Bull" & Mickey) defeated "The Apex" (Curtis Ray Goddi & "Wakawakashi Kin" A.J. Alexander) (Marshall pinned Goddi) in 13:10!!! After the Gambinos had sent Alexander over the top rope to the floor via a double-team charging clothesline clout, Marshall held Goddi captive over his knee for Mickey's top-rope elbow-drop to next score the clinching cover!!!
(2) Professor Jakob Edwinn pinned "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul in 8:01!!! Edwinn would eventually snatch Paul for a "Hot Shot" top-rope neckdrop and then immediately nail his rising foe with a vicious running kick to the head to cop the winning three-count!!!
☆☆☆Shirley Doe demanded mic time to call out Paul Atlas to the ring from the R.W.A. commentary table!!! Doe ranted about how Atlas used to be a "bad ass" only to now be just like one of these R.W.A. fans!!! Atlas replied with a big slap across the face of Doe who responded with some blows of his own!!! H.L. Supreme stormed into the squared-circle armed with a steel chair, but his arch enemy Doe would dodge his wild swing resulting in Atlas inadvertently being struck instead and having his skull split open bigtime!!! Finally the Gambino Brothers would arrive to send both Doe and Supreme scurrying!!!☆☆☆
(3) "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") in 7:58!!! Immediately after Kovad had misconnected with a "swanton bomb" attempt, Monroe would clock his rising foe via a "Lariat" to take the victory pin!!!
(4) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned The Great Alexander in 8:32 following a spinning "tombstone piledriver"!!!
(5) MAIN EVENT #1 - R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Project X" Greg Knight (with his top hat wearing, cane toting cornerman Elijah Crews) in 13:27 to retain his title after planting him with the "Canadian Destroyer" maneuver!!! Nonetheless, even in defeat Knight would impress one and all with a wide variety of amazing athletic moves topped by a top-rope leaping "shooting star" flying clothesline clout of the standing Rev!!!
(6) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned champion "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David LuAllen in 3:18 to win the title!!! The match stipulation turned out to be really no stip whatsoever - "just an ordinary, standard title match"!!! All within a scant few seconds J.D.L. would eventually bowl over the standing Jarvis with a top-rope leaping flying cross-bodyblock press which upon impact with the canvas the challenger would utilize the momentum to backroll and reverse the cover, the champion would continue the momentum to re-reverse the advantage, and finally Jarvis would re-re-reverse the situation for the historic title-changing three-count!!!
(7) J-Rocc, Daddy (R.W.A. Heavyweight Title Claimant) pinned "The Slice Of Nice" Reggie Collins (introduced at 200 smiles from the "Thumbs Up Village") in 11:01!!! As ref George Ross was lowering his head stepping between the two to break up a clinch near the ropes, J-Rocc reached over the official to rake his foe's eyes!!! Daddy immediately planted Collins with his piledriver finisher to score the winning pinfall!!! J-Rocc next commandeered the house mic to talk bigtime smack about the newly crowned R.W.A. titleholder "Rev" Ron Hunt!!!
( MAIN EVENT #2 - FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: W.W.E. Hall of Famers "The Rock 'N' Roll Express" (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) (on their "Farewell Tour") defeated the makeshift team of "The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur (one-half of "Bulking Season") & The Great Alexander (doing double-duty filling in for the injured on crutches at ringside "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone of "Bulking Season") (Morton pinned Alexander) in 7:50 for the title!!! When McArthur and Alexander attempted a double backdrop on the rebounding Morton, Ricky tried to counter via a "sunset-flip" takedown on Alexander!!! When McArthur proceeded to hold on to his partner in an effort to prevent his takedown, Gibson broke his grip so Morton could complete his planned maneuver for the championship three-count!!! Afterward Morton would announce that they would be back at the next R.W.A. live event with their title!!!
(2) Professor Jakob Edwinn pinned "The Leader Of The Cowpoke Posse" Cowpoke Paul in 8:01!!! Edwinn would eventually snatch Paul for a "Hot Shot" top-rope neckdrop and then immediately nail his rising foe with a vicious running kick to the head to cop the winning three-count!!!
☆☆☆Shirley Doe demanded mic time to call out Paul Atlas to the ring from the R.W.A. commentary table!!! Doe ranted about how Atlas used to be a "bad ass" only to now be just like one of these R.W.A. fans!!! Atlas replied with a big slap across the face of Doe who responded with some blows of his own!!! H.L. Supreme stormed into the squared-circle armed with a steel chair, but his arch enemy Doe would dodge his wild swing resulting in Atlas inadvertently being struck instead and having his skull split open bigtime!!! Finally the Gambino Brothers would arrive to send both Doe and Supreme scurrying!!!☆☆☆
(3) "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad (representing "The Apex") in 7:58!!! Immediately after Kovad had misconnected with a "swanton bomb" attempt, Monroe would clock his rising foe via a "Lariat" to take the victory pin!!!
(4) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned The Great Alexander in 8:32 following a spinning "tombstone piledriver"!!!
(5) MAIN EVENT #1 - R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned "Project X" Greg Knight (with his top hat wearing, cane toting cornerman Elijah Crews) in 13:27 to retain his title after planting him with the "Canadian Destroyer" maneuver!!! Nonetheless, even in defeat Knight would impress one and all with a wide variety of amazing athletic moves topped by a top-rope leaping "shooting star" flying clothesline clout of the standing Rev!!!
(6) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned champion "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David LuAllen in 3:18 to win the title!!! The match stipulation turned out to be really no stip whatsoever - "just an ordinary, standard title match"!!! All within a scant few seconds J.D.L. would eventually bowl over the standing Jarvis with a top-rope leaping flying cross-bodyblock press which upon impact with the canvas the challenger would utilize the momentum to backroll and reverse the cover, the champion would continue the momentum to re-reverse the advantage, and finally Jarvis would re-re-reverse the situation for the historic title-changing three-count!!!
(7) J-Rocc, Daddy (R.W.A. Heavyweight Title Claimant) pinned "The Slice Of Nice" Reggie Collins (introduced at 200 smiles from the "Thumbs Up Village") in 11:01!!! As ref George Ross was lowering his head stepping between the two to break up a clinch near the ropes, J-Rocc reached over the official to rake his foe's eyes!!! Daddy immediately planted Collins with his piledriver finisher to score the winning pinfall!!! J-Rocc next commandeered the house mic to talk bigtime smack about the newly crowned R.W.A. titleholder "Rev" Ron Hunt!!!
( MAIN EVENT #2 - FOR THE VACANT R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: W.W.E. Hall of Famers "The Rock 'N' Roll Express" (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) (on their "Farewell Tour") defeated the makeshift team of "The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur (one-half of "Bulking Season") & The Great Alexander (doing double-duty filling in for the injured on crutches at ringside "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone of "Bulking Season") (Morton pinned Alexander) in 7:50 for the title!!! When McArthur and Alexander attempted a double backdrop on the rebounding Morton, Ricky tried to counter via a "sunset-flip" takedown on Alexander!!! When McArthur proceeded to hold on to his partner in an effort to prevent his takedown, Gibson broke his grip so Morton could complete his planned maneuver for the championship three-count!!! Afterward Morton would announce that they would be back at the next R.W.A. live event with their title!!!
SAT. OCT. 15TH 2022
SAT. NOV. 12TH 2022
(1) PRE-SHOW MATCH: Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") pinned "Lights Out" Johnny Norris in 4:19 following an "S.T.O." takedown!!!
☆☆☆MAIN-SHOW OPENING: R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad attempted in so many words to goad the absent "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds into returning to R.W.A. and honoring the remainder of his talent contract ending during January, 2023!!! He even offered him a high profile bout at the January 21, 2023 R.W.A. Anniversary Show with former W.W.E. star Scotty 2 Hotty!!! Feelbad also announced for the next live event on December 10th a non-sanctioned "Pioneers Of Pittsburgh Wrestling" Three Way Tag-Team War between bitter enemies The Gambino Brothers, Sons Of Liberty, and Troy Lords & Shirley Doe with the surviving team to be declared the winner!!!☆☆☆
(2) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride pinned "The Slugger" Austin James in 5:48 following a modified shoulder-breaker maneuver lifted out of a standing dragon-sleeper position!!!
☆☆☆"DOC" INTERVIEW (with guest current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt): Hunt would emotionally admit that he wanted to defend his title tonight, but he had not yet been cleared to compete!!! He then stated that he at least wanted to be there tonight, so he would be seated throughout the card at the souvenir tables area!!!☆☆☆
(3) SPECIAL FEATURE CONTEST (EXCLUSIVE FIRST TIME MATCHUP SEEN ONLY IN R.W.A.): Project X (with "The Temptation" Elijah Crews) pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory in 9:13!!! Project X would eventually distract ref Ross in mid-ring while Crews on the ring apron was for several seconds viciously clawing and raking at the eyes of Gory!!! X would next lift the blinded Gory for what best could be described as a sit-out, double-knee "Go To Sleep"/"G.T.S." type maneuver to cop the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆"DOC" INTERVIEW (with guest current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis): Doc revealed that not only was tonight the first ever R.W.A. main-event for Jarvis, but it was also the first occasion that the R.W.A. "No Limits" title would be the feature attraction!!! The topic would then turn to Jarvis' "Gauntlet Match" championship bout later in the evening!!! Immediately afterward Jarvis was still at ringside conversing with his many fans when Patrick Hayes was approaching the squared circle for the next contest!!! Hayes was none too pleased seeing him still there and proceeded to stare him down!!!☆☆☆
(4) Patrick Hayes pinned "Juggernaut" John Rodin in the official time of 3:49!!! Hayes attacked Rodin as he was trying to enter the ring and proceeded to sadistically beat him down on the hardwood floor for several agonizing "unofficial" minutes before the two finally would move inside the ring to officially begin the bout!!! The punishment would still continue (except for a brief Rodin takedown) leading up to Hayes' usual finishing sequence, the sit-out double-knee gutbuster followed by the "frog splash"!!! However, Hayes refused to end it there with the probable pin and instead stood over and berated his fallen opponent!!! Rodin finally would spit at his enemy to be then answered with a kick to the head and next a second "frog splash" to be pinned!!!
(5) YET ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE FIRST TIME MATCHUP ONLY IN R.W.A.: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Temptation" Elijah Crews (with Project X) in 7:43!!! Crews would eventually duck under a flying Eads "superman punch" attempt, so his foe instead would utilize his airborne momentum to snatch him in passing into a takedown cradle for the three-count!!! Afterward Crews & X would exact a sore losers beatdown on Eads, until the surprising, sudden arrival of "Big Time" Bill Collier to the rescue!!! Dr. Feelbad would then order an immediate impromptu tag-team bout!!!
(6) IMPROMPTU TAG-TEAM MATCH ORDERED BY DR. FEELBAD: "Big Time" Bill Collier/"The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated Project X/"The Temptation" Elijah Crews, C.O.R. in 11:27 with X & Crews walking out on the match when the going got too tough!!!
(7) OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH FOR J-ROCC, DADDY'S CLAIM TO BE THE "REAL" R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLEHOLDER: "Title Claimant" J-Rocc, Daddy (accompanied by a pair of "unnamed" bodyguards) pinned "The Invincible" Vince Valor in 7:59 to retain his "claim"!!! At the end of intermission J-Rocc came out unannounced to rant about nobody stepping up to face him for his "title"!!! Valor at that point entered the ring, and the match was on!!! The "bodyguards" proved to be the deciding factors in the contest with the final of several instances being one of them distracting the official as the other tripped the rebounding Valor, leading directly into a J-Rocc piledriver and the title claim-retaining three-count!!! Postbout J-Rocc would embark on another long, seemingly never-ending rant in a futile attempt to goad the "injured and out of action" R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt into the ring despite his doctor's orders!!!
( R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay/"Iron" Mike Bonner) (with R.J. Booker) (McArthur pinned Bonner) in 12:05 to retain their title!!! On October 15, 2022 in West Newton, Bulking Season had defeated "The Rock 'N' Roll Express" (Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson) for the championship!!! Stone would eventually low-bridge the top ring rope causing a rebounding Jay to tumble out to the floor!!! Stone then leaped from a turnbuckle to combine with McArthur on a spike face-first piledriver on Bonner to score the title-retaining cover!!!
(9) MAIN-EVENT/FOUR-MAN GAUNTLET MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis defeated "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe, "The Regent" Joshua Kovad, and The Great Alexander in 13:48 to retain his title!!! The four combatants would enter the bout in a randomly-selected order!!!
LEG #1: Kavod pinned Monroe at the 4:01 mark following a backward middle-rope springboard into a "stunner" maneuver and a "downward spiral"!!!
LEG #2: Jarvis pinned Kovad at the 6:48 mark via a spectacular maneuver into a reverse cradle!!!
LEG #3: Jarvis pinned Alexander at the 13:48 mark to retain his title after leaping from atop a turnbuckle with he and his challenger both in standing positions to "bulldog" him down to the canvas!!!
☆☆☆Afterward "Doc" attempted to interview the victorious Jarvis, but they were immediately interrupted by Patrick Hayes who for some reason demanded an apology for something which must have happened during their earlier near confrontation!!! Jarvis responded that he does not owe any apology and then followed up with a double-leg takedown for a brief pounding until five security personnel and all three officials rushed in for a pull apart!!!☆☆☆
☆☆☆MAIN-SHOW OPENING: R.W.A. owner, founder, and promoter Dr. Feelbad attempted in so many words to goad the absent "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds into returning to R.W.A. and honoring the remainder of his talent contract ending during January, 2023!!! He even offered him a high profile bout at the January 21, 2023 R.W.A. Anniversary Show with former W.W.E. star Scotty 2 Hotty!!! Feelbad also announced for the next live event on December 10th a non-sanctioned "Pioneers Of Pittsburgh Wrestling" Three Way Tag-Team War between bitter enemies The Gambino Brothers, Sons Of Liberty, and Troy Lords & Shirley Doe with the surviving team to be declared the winner!!!☆☆☆
(2) "Death Proof" Bronco McBride pinned "The Slugger" Austin James in 5:48 following a modified shoulder-breaker maneuver lifted out of a standing dragon-sleeper position!!!
☆☆☆"DOC" INTERVIEW (with guest current R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt): Hunt would emotionally admit that he wanted to defend his title tonight, but he had not yet been cleared to compete!!! He then stated that he at least wanted to be there tonight, so he would be seated throughout the card at the souvenir tables area!!!☆☆☆
(3) SPECIAL FEATURE CONTEST (EXCLUSIVE FIRST TIME MATCHUP SEEN ONLY IN R.W.A.): Project X (with "The Temptation" Elijah Crews) pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory in 9:13!!! Project X would eventually distract ref Ross in mid-ring while Crews on the ring apron was for several seconds viciously clawing and raking at the eyes of Gory!!! X would next lift the blinded Gory for what best could be described as a sit-out, double-knee "Go To Sleep"/"G.T.S." type maneuver to cop the victory cover!!!
☆☆☆"DOC" INTERVIEW (with guest current R.W.A. "No Limits" champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis): Doc revealed that not only was tonight the first ever R.W.A. main-event for Jarvis, but it was also the first occasion that the R.W.A. "No Limits" title would be the feature attraction!!! The topic would then turn to Jarvis' "Gauntlet Match" championship bout later in the evening!!! Immediately afterward Jarvis was still at ringside conversing with his many fans when Patrick Hayes was approaching the squared circle for the next contest!!! Hayes was none too pleased seeing him still there and proceeded to stare him down!!!☆☆☆
(4) Patrick Hayes pinned "Juggernaut" John Rodin in the official time of 3:49!!! Hayes attacked Rodin as he was trying to enter the ring and proceeded to sadistically beat him down on the hardwood floor for several agonizing "unofficial" minutes before the two finally would move inside the ring to officially begin the bout!!! The punishment would still continue (except for a brief Rodin takedown) leading up to Hayes' usual finishing sequence, the sit-out double-knee gutbuster followed by the "frog splash"!!! However, Hayes refused to end it there with the probable pin and instead stood over and berated his fallen opponent!!! Rodin finally would spit at his enemy to be then answered with a kick to the head and next a second "frog splash" to be pinned!!!
(5) YET ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE FIRST TIME MATCHUP ONLY IN R.W.A.: "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Temptation" Elijah Crews (with Project X) in 7:43!!! Crews would eventually duck under a flying Eads "superman punch" attempt, so his foe instead would utilize his airborne momentum to snatch him in passing into a takedown cradle for the three-count!!! Afterward Crews & X would exact a sore losers beatdown on Eads, until the surprising, sudden arrival of "Big Time" Bill Collier to the rescue!!! Dr. Feelbad would then order an immediate impromptu tag-team bout!!!
(6) IMPROMPTU TAG-TEAM MATCH ORDERED BY DR. FEELBAD: "Big Time" Bill Collier/"The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads defeated Project X/"The Temptation" Elijah Crews, C.O.R. in 11:27 with X & Crews walking out on the match when the going got too tough!!!
(7) OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH FOR J-ROCC, DADDY'S CLAIM TO BE THE "REAL" R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLEHOLDER: "Title Claimant" J-Rocc, Daddy (accompanied by a pair of "unnamed" bodyguards) pinned "The Invincible" Vince Valor in 7:59 to retain his "claim"!!! At the end of intermission J-Rocc came out unannounced to rant about nobody stepping up to face him for his "title"!!! Valor at that point entered the ring, and the match was on!!! The "bodyguards" proved to be the deciding factors in the contest with the final of several instances being one of them distracting the official as the other tripped the rebounding Valor, leading directly into a J-Rocc piledriver and the title claim-retaining three-count!!! Postbout J-Rocc would embark on another long, seemingly never-ending rant in a futile attempt to goad the "injured and out of action" R.W.A. heavyweight champion "The Rev" Ron Hunt into the ring despite his doctor's orders!!!
( R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur/"The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "The Brotherhood" (Julian Jay/"Iron" Mike Bonner) (with R.J. Booker) (McArthur pinned Bonner) in 12:05 to retain their title!!! On October 15, 2022 in West Newton, Bulking Season had defeated "The Rock 'N' Roll Express" (Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson) for the championship!!! Stone would eventually low-bridge the top ring rope causing a rebounding Jay to tumble out to the floor!!! Stone then leaped from a turnbuckle to combine with McArthur on a spike face-first piledriver on Bonner to score the title-retaining cover!!!
(9) MAIN-EVENT/FOUR-MAN GAUNTLET MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis defeated "The Way To Go" Alex Monroe, "The Regent" Joshua Kovad, and The Great Alexander in 13:48 to retain his title!!! The four combatants would enter the bout in a randomly-selected order!!!
LEG #1: Kavod pinned Monroe at the 4:01 mark following a backward middle-rope springboard into a "stunner" maneuver and a "downward spiral"!!!
LEG #2: Jarvis pinned Kovad at the 6:48 mark via a spectacular maneuver into a reverse cradle!!!
LEG #3: Jarvis pinned Alexander at the 13:48 mark to retain his title after leaping from atop a turnbuckle with he and his challenger both in standing positions to "bulldog" him down to the canvas!!!
☆☆☆Afterward "Doc" attempted to interview the victorious Jarvis, but they were immediately interrupted by Patrick Hayes who for some reason demanded an apology for something which must have happened during their earlier near confrontation!!! Jarvis responded that he does not owe any apology and then followed up with a double-leg takedown for a brief pounding until five security personnel and all three officials rushed in for a pull apart!!!☆☆☆
SAT. DEC. 10TH 2022
*****Immediately following the conclusion of Hank Hudson's usual opening spiel, an angry, unannounced R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad stormed through the entrance curtain and into the ring to needle the absent "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds about being a man and fulfilling the final month of his R.W.A. contract by finally showing at the R.W.A. January 21, 2023 Anniversary Show to face former W.W.E. superstar Scotty 2 Hotty in a high profile event!!!*****
(1) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 8:57 to retain his title!!! The match stipulation was that both the cell phone of Jarvis and "The Book" of Edwinn were banned for the duration of the contest!!! Eventually a rallying Edwinn appeared enroute to a possible victory when a somewhat incognito Patrick Hayes arrived on scene to briefly delay the Professor's offensive from a corner, thereby surprisingly giving his rival Jarvis more time for recovery!!! Soon Edwinn would try to lift his foe for a bodyslam only to be pulled down forward into a title-retaining "small package" cradle three-count!!! Afterward Hayes would rant with commentator Doc from the stage that, as the self-appointed "#1 contender" for the "No Limits" title, on January 21st he will get both the strap and the apology to which he feels entitled!!! Jarvis took the house mic to call Hayes back to the ring, but his tormentor would stop just a few feet short of any engagement to then back off and leave!!!
(2) "The Temptation" Elijah Crews (with Project X) pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory in 9:34!!! Throughout the bout Gory's momentum was continually squashed by the distraction and meddling of Project X!!! Eventually Crews would catch and hold a Gory kick attempt, viciously rake his captive foe's eyes, and then plant him via a big "D.D.T." to cop the clinching cover!!!
*****"DOC" IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH GUESTS "SONS OF LIBERTY": Team spokesman Dennis Gregory exuded total confidence that he and partner H.L. Supreme would emerge victorious in their main-event unsanctioned "Pioneers Of Pittsburgh" three-way hardcore Elimination Tables Match in addition to talking a lot of trash denigrating the fans of R.W.A.!!!*****
(3) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur & "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma" (K.C. Jacobs & Brent Oakley) (McArthur pinned Oakley) in 9:39 to retain their title!!! Stone eventually snatched one of the tag-team belts from a corner to draw the total attention of ref Jefferies so that McArthur could take undetected the other title strap to bash Oakley and score the title-retaining three-count!!!
(4) AT STAKE J-ROCC, DADDY'S CLAIM TO THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Hooligan" Julian Jay (with R.J. Booker and representing "The Brotherhood") in 8:33 to retain his title claim!!! As official Browning was attempting to break up a clinch, J-Rocc temporarily blinded his challenger with an eye gouge to then immediately piledrive him for the claim-retaining pin!!! Afterward J-Rocc took the house mic to finally goad injury recovering R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder "Rev" Ron Hunt into a fight!!! Hunt would eventually backdrop free from J-Rocc's attempted piledriver set-up and next flatten him with a spear and then a punt to the puss!!! However, J-Rocc would change the momentum via an uppercut low blow at which time the night's two assigned officials, Joshua Kovad, and Stevie LeBell stormed into the ring to prevent a repeat of J-Rocc's October 15th piledriver of Rev onto a flattened chair!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad then announced that he would be taking total responsibility for allowing the Rev to defy doctor's orders and face J-Rocc on January 21st for the undisputed title!!!
(5) "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Intense Icon" Josh Bishop in 13:12!!! Eads managed to slide free from Bishop's set-up for what appeared would be an upcoming "Splash Mountain/Razor's Edge" type maneuver and then turned around to nail his foe with his "superman" knockout punch to get the winning cover!!!
*****As intermission was coming to a close, J-Rocc emerged pulling "Rev" Ron Hunt through the entrance curtain, hurled him into the ring, and planted him with a quick piledriver!!! Then, as the re-injured Rev was being helped from the ring, J-Rocc poked his head through the upstairs window of Dr. Feelbad's office and from there proceeded to taunt his victim and angry R.W.A. fans!!!*****
(6) "The Slugger" Austin James pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 5:01!!! Eventually as ref Browning was removing from the ring the baseball bat James had intended to use, Slugger used this momentary distraction to clock LeBell with the bat's heavy removable donut-shaped metal weight to steal the victory three-count!!!
(7) Patrick Hayes defeated "Death Proof" Bronco McBride, C.O.R. in an announced time of 30 seconds!!! Before McBride could even emerge before the crowd, Hayes went back behind the curtain with a chair and could be heard beating down Bronco bigtime with it!!! Hayes then reentered the ring and ordered ref Jefferies to call for the opening bell and to toll a ten-count on his absent foe!!!
( Project X (with "The Temptation" Elijah Crews) pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad in 9:24!!! After Kovad had executed a possible match-ending superplex, Crews stepped through the ropes to distract ref Browning from attempting any pin count!!! Moments later Project X would rake his foe's eyes to then follow up with a double-arm modified neckbreaker and the victory cover!!! An angry and frustrated Kavod would demand a January 21st bout with the interfering Crews, and the soon arriving Daniel Eads would demand an opportunity to avenge his controversial October 15th defeat by Project X as well, both of which would be agreed upon!!!
(9) MAIN-EVENT/20 PLUS YEARS IN THE MAKING/"THE PIONEERS OF PITTSBURGH" UNSANCTIONED THREE-WAY HARDCORE ELIMINATION TABLES MATCH WITH SPECIAL REFEREE C.J. SENSATION TO DETERMINE JUST WHO IS THE GREATEST TAG-TEAM IN THIS REGION OVER THE PAST QUARTER CENTURY: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall The Bull & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "Mad Man" Shirley Doe & "The Hottness" Troy Lords and "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme & Dennis Gregory) in 21:24 to earn a pair of silver trophies emblematic of their now status as the greatest area tandem of the past 25 years!!!
*****The match start was delayed for several minutes due to the fear by R.W.A. management of what damage could be done to their ring in this unsanctioned war!!! The top ring canvas and the ring skirt were removed immediately after the previous bout!!! The apprehension was later proved valid when the entire lower canvas ended up torn to shreds revealing the ring boards!!! Ball bats, crutches, ringside chairs, and more were utilized to inflict pain and injury!!! At one point Doe was brained with eight consecutive alternating chair shots courtesy of the Gambinos!!! Supreme would have jumped from the lofty heights of the West Newton Gym's giant staircase ladder on wheels but, thankfully, his intended victim Lords managed to get out of harm's way before the attempt could be made!!! The battle was pillar-to-post, wall-to-wall, scattering fans and ringside chairs throughout the gymnasium!!!*****
◇◇◇A team is totally eliminated as soon as either of its members has been put through a table by a move initiated by one of his opponents!!!◇◇◇
1st Elimination: Doe/Lords at the 16:15 mark with Supreme sending Lords flying from atop a turnbuckle down through a table along the ring!!!
*****Paul Atlas would get involved in some of the fighting on behalf of his men the Gambinos, and he would eventually pay a price being driven down from the apron through a table on the floor around the 17:10 mark*****
Final Elimination: "Sons Of Liberty" at the 21:24 mark after the Gambinos had collaborated on a double-team superplex of Supreme from the edge of the stage down through a table on the gym floor completely covered in barbed wire!!!
FINAL SURVIVORS: "The Gambino Brothers"
(1) R.W.A. "NO LIMITS" CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis pinned Professor Jakob Edwinn in 8:57 to retain his title!!! The match stipulation was that both the cell phone of Jarvis and "The Book" of Edwinn were banned for the duration of the contest!!! Eventually a rallying Edwinn appeared enroute to a possible victory when a somewhat incognito Patrick Hayes arrived on scene to briefly delay the Professor's offensive from a corner, thereby surprisingly giving his rival Jarvis more time for recovery!!! Soon Edwinn would try to lift his foe for a bodyslam only to be pulled down forward into a title-retaining "small package" cradle three-count!!! Afterward Hayes would rant with commentator Doc from the stage that, as the self-appointed "#1 contender" for the "No Limits" title, on January 21st he will get both the strap and the apology to which he feels entitled!!! Jarvis took the house mic to call Hayes back to the ring, but his tormentor would stop just a few feet short of any engagement to then back off and leave!!!
(2) "The Temptation" Elijah Crews (with Project X) pinned "The New Age Plague" Gory in 9:34!!! Throughout the bout Gory's momentum was continually squashed by the distraction and meddling of Project X!!! Eventually Crews would catch and hold a Gory kick attempt, viciously rake his captive foe's eyes, and then plant him via a big "D.D.T." to cop the clinching cover!!!
*****"DOC" IN-RING INTERVIEW WITH GUESTS "SONS OF LIBERTY": Team spokesman Dennis Gregory exuded total confidence that he and partner H.L. Supreme would emerge victorious in their main-event unsanctioned "Pioneers Of Pittsburgh" three-way hardcore Elimination Tables Match in addition to talking a lot of trash denigrating the fans of R.W.A.!!!*****
(3) R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champions "Bulking Season" ("The Strongest Man In All The Land" Arthur McArthur & "The Burger Loving Bad Ass" Chuck Stone) defeated "Alpha, Sigma, Sigma" (K.C. Jacobs & Brent Oakley) (McArthur pinned Oakley) in 9:39 to retain their title!!! Stone eventually snatched one of the tag-team belts from a corner to draw the total attention of ref Jefferies so that McArthur could take undetected the other title strap to bash Oakley and score the title-retaining three-count!!!
(4) AT STAKE J-ROCC, DADDY'S CLAIM TO THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: J-Rocc, Daddy pinned "The Hooligan" Julian Jay (with R.J. Booker and representing "The Brotherhood") in 8:33 to retain his title claim!!! As official Browning was attempting to break up a clinch, J-Rocc temporarily blinded his challenger with an eye gouge to then immediately piledrive him for the claim-retaining pin!!! Afterward J-Rocc took the house mic to finally goad injury recovering R.W.A. heavyweight titleholder "Rev" Ron Hunt into a fight!!! Hunt would eventually backdrop free from J-Rocc's attempted piledriver set-up and next flatten him with a spear and then a punt to the puss!!! However, J-Rocc would change the momentum via an uppercut low blow at which time the night's two assigned officials, Joshua Kovad, and Stevie LeBell stormed into the ring to prevent a repeat of J-Rocc's October 15th piledriver of Rev onto a flattened chair!!! R.W.A. promoter Dr. Feelbad then announced that he would be taking total responsibility for allowing the Rev to defy doctor's orders and face J-Rocc on January 21st for the undisputed title!!!
(5) "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads pinned "The Intense Icon" Josh Bishop in 13:12!!! Eads managed to slide free from Bishop's set-up for what appeared would be an upcoming "Splash Mountain/Razor's Edge" type maneuver and then turned around to nail his foe with his "superman" knockout punch to get the winning cover!!!
*****As intermission was coming to a close, J-Rocc emerged pulling "Rev" Ron Hunt through the entrance curtain, hurled him into the ring, and planted him with a quick piledriver!!! Then, as the re-injured Rev was being helped from the ring, J-Rocc poked his head through the upstairs window of Dr. Feelbad's office and from there proceeded to taunt his victim and angry R.W.A. fans!!!*****
(6) "The Slugger" Austin James pinned Stevie LeBell (representing "Hossman, Inc.") in 5:01!!! Eventually as ref Browning was removing from the ring the baseball bat James had intended to use, Slugger used this momentary distraction to clock LeBell with the bat's heavy removable donut-shaped metal weight to steal the victory three-count!!!
(7) Patrick Hayes defeated "Death Proof" Bronco McBride, C.O.R. in an announced time of 30 seconds!!! Before McBride could even emerge before the crowd, Hayes went back behind the curtain with a chair and could be heard beating down Bronco bigtime with it!!! Hayes then reentered the ring and ordered ref Jefferies to call for the opening bell and to toll a ten-count on his absent foe!!!
( Project X (with "The Temptation" Elijah Crews) pinned "The Regent" Joshua Kovad in 9:24!!! After Kovad had executed a possible match-ending superplex, Crews stepped through the ropes to distract ref Browning from attempting any pin count!!! Moments later Project X would rake his foe's eyes to then follow up with a double-arm modified neckbreaker and the victory cover!!! An angry and frustrated Kavod would demand a January 21st bout with the interfering Crews, and the soon arriving Daniel Eads would demand an opportunity to avenge his controversial October 15th defeat by Project X as well, both of which would be agreed upon!!!
(9) MAIN-EVENT/20 PLUS YEARS IN THE MAKING/"THE PIONEERS OF PITTSBURGH" UNSANCTIONED THREE-WAY HARDCORE ELIMINATION TABLES MATCH WITH SPECIAL REFEREE C.J. SENSATION TO DETERMINE JUST WHO IS THE GREATEST TAG-TEAM IN THIS REGION OVER THE PAST QUARTER CENTURY: "The Gambino Brothers" (Marshall The Bull & Mickey) (with Paul Atlas) defeated "Mad Man" Shirley Doe & "The Hottness" Troy Lords and "Sons Of Liberty" (H.L. Supreme & Dennis Gregory) in 21:24 to earn a pair of silver trophies emblematic of their now status as the greatest area tandem of the past 25 years!!!
*****The match start was delayed for several minutes due to the fear by R.W.A. management of what damage could be done to their ring in this unsanctioned war!!! The top ring canvas and the ring skirt were removed immediately after the previous bout!!! The apprehension was later proved valid when the entire lower canvas ended up torn to shreds revealing the ring boards!!! Ball bats, crutches, ringside chairs, and more were utilized to inflict pain and injury!!! At one point Doe was brained with eight consecutive alternating chair shots courtesy of the Gambinos!!! Supreme would have jumped from the lofty heights of the West Newton Gym's giant staircase ladder on wheels but, thankfully, his intended victim Lords managed to get out of harm's way before the attempt could be made!!! The battle was pillar-to-post, wall-to-wall, scattering fans and ringside chairs throughout the gymnasium!!!*****
◇◇◇A team is totally eliminated as soon as either of its members has been put through a table by a move initiated by one of his opponents!!!◇◇◇
1st Elimination: Doe/Lords at the 16:15 mark with Supreme sending Lords flying from atop a turnbuckle down through a table along the ring!!!
*****Paul Atlas would get involved in some of the fighting on behalf of his men the Gambinos, and he would eventually pay a price being driven down from the apron through a table on the floor around the 17:10 mark*****
Final Elimination: "Sons Of Liberty" at the 21:24 mark after the Gambinos had collaborated on a double-team superplex of Supreme from the edge of the stage down through a table on the gym floor completely covered in barbed wire!!!
FINAL SURVIVORS: "The Gambino Brothers"
SAT. AUG. 14TH 2021
1. In a number one contenders Rumble style Match for the RWA No Limits Championship.
Jakob Edwinn outlasted Cash Jaxon, Brother Jordan Styles, JDL, Rev Ron Hunt, Ryan Edmonds, and Tad Jarvis
2. Jakob Edwinn Defeated Bronco McBride via pinfall to become the new RWA No Limits Champion
3. Nick Nero Defeated Brother Jordan via pinfall
4. JDL Defeated Crash Jaxson via pinfall
5. Ryan Edmonds Defeated Rev Ron Hunt via pinfall for Rev's Championship Contract Cash in
6. Gory/Crazy Steve vs Hentai/Gregory went to a No Contest, Steve/Gory remain the RWA Tag Team Champions
7. J-Rocc Defeated Cody Deaner via pinfall to Retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
8. J-Rocc Defeated via pinfall Ryan Edmonds, who cashed in his Title Shot for the RWA Heavyweight Championship
Jakob Edwinn outlasted Cash Jaxon, Brother Jordan Styles, JDL, Rev Ron Hunt, Ryan Edmonds, and Tad Jarvis
2. Jakob Edwinn Defeated Bronco McBride via pinfall to become the new RWA No Limits Champion
3. Nick Nero Defeated Brother Jordan via pinfall
4. JDL Defeated Crash Jaxson via pinfall
5. Ryan Edmonds Defeated Rev Ron Hunt via pinfall for Rev's Championship Contract Cash in
6. Gory/Crazy Steve vs Hentai/Gregory went to a No Contest, Steve/Gory remain the RWA Tag Team Champions
7. J-Rocc Defeated Cody Deaner via pinfall to Retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
8. J-Rocc Defeated via pinfall Ryan Edmonds, who cashed in his Title Shot for the RWA Heavyweight Championship
SAT. SEPT. 18TH 2021
1. Idol Defeated Jason Raditz via Pinfall
2. Crash Jaxon Defeated JDL via Countout
3. Daniel Eads defeated Alex Monroe via Pinfall
4. Bulking Season Defeated Jesus Club (Bryce Coleman/AJ Alexander) via Pinfall
5. O'Shay Edwards Defeated Jon Rodin via Pinfall
6. Great Alexander Defeated Tad Jarvis via Pinfall
7.Gory Defeated Hentai via Pinfall As per the stipulation, Gory owns the Hentai name
8. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated via pinfall David Lawless in a NON Sanctioned Match
9. J-Rocc Defeated MECCA Brian Johnson via Pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
2. Crash Jaxon Defeated JDL via Countout
3. Daniel Eads defeated Alex Monroe via Pinfall
4. Bulking Season Defeated Jesus Club (Bryce Coleman/AJ Alexander) via Pinfall
5. O'Shay Edwards Defeated Jon Rodin via Pinfall
6. Great Alexander Defeated Tad Jarvis via Pinfall
7.Gory Defeated Hentai via Pinfall As per the stipulation, Gory owns the Hentai name
8. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated via pinfall David Lawless in a NON Sanctioned Match
9. J-Rocc Defeated MECCA Brian Johnson via Pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
SAT OCT. 16TH 2021
(1) "A Net Worth You Cannot Afford" The Great Alexander pinned "One Cool Cat" Justin Idol in 4:07!!! In a wink of an eye Alexander briefly manipulated ref Brad Mitchell face first against a turnbuckle and then rebounded Idol into a reverse rolling-cradle to steal the victory pin as he held the middle ring rope for extra illegal leverage!!!
(2) "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Alex Monroe in 9:04!!! At the opening bell "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq. commandeered a house mic to rant at Hunt in representation of his client Ryan Edmonds and next invited himself to the R.W.A. commentary table!!! The Rev eventually floored Monroe via a big punt to the puss at which point Lawless would venture up to ringside!!! Monroe would take this opportunity to attempt a blindside takedown on the distracted Hunt, but the Rev would masterfully reverse the maneuver halfway down for the winning three-count!!!
(3) "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 9:53 following a standing "sliced bread" maneuver into a neckbreaker takedown!!!
(4) "NO TIME-LIMIT" MATCH: "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen, TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS in 14:36!!!
1st fall: J.D.L. pinned Jaxon in a scant few seconds after clocking his foe with knucks immediately at the opening bell!!!
2nd fall: Jaxon pinned J.D.L. at the 12:40 mark to even the bout with a horizontal "crucifix" cradle!!!
3rd fall: Jaxon pinned J.D.L. at the 14:36 mark for the victory!!! Crash caught J.D.L. in the middle of a top-rope leap with a blow to the head and then rebounded for another strike to his fallen foe's skull to cop the winning cover!!!
*****DURING INTERMISSION: "The Annual R.W.A. Halloween Costume Contest" took place inside the ring hosted by promoter Dr. Feelbad and the R.W.A. commentators Doc, Church, and Tony Kincaid!!!*****
(5) "Ruthless" Jason Radatz pinned "The Trending Worldwide Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 3:08!!! Radatz caught Jarvis' flying cross-bodyblock attempt in mid-air and then planted his foe with a "Michinoku Driver" for the three-count!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Sons Of Liberty", Dennis Gregory/H.L. Supreme (formerly known as Super Hentai), defeated "The Jesus Club" (Curtis Ray Goddi/"The Chosen Samoan" A.J. Alexander) (Supreme pinned Alexander) in 9:44!!! With Goddi atop a turnbuckle readying to leap with plans for a spike-piledriver on Supreme, Gregory instead pushed him off his perch for a "Hot Shot" throat first landing on the top rope to take him out of the match!!! Alexander was as a result caught alone one-on-two in the ring to eventually be the victim of Supreme's top-rope double-kneedrop for the clinching cover!!! Afterward promoter Dr. Feelbad officially announced it would be "The Sons Of Liberty" challenging titleholders Gory/Crazzy Steve on the November 13th live event for the R.W.A. tag-team championship!!!
(7) TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion J-Rocc, Daddy defeated "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads and Impact Wrestling Superstar "Violent By Design" Cody Deaner (J-Rocc pinned Eads) in 15:09 to retain his title!!! Eads and Deaner collaborated on a double-team "superplex" which took J-Rocc completely out of the match for the next several minutes while his foes battled over just who would get to pin him for the title!!! This enabled J-Rocc to get the time he badly needed to recover and eventually reenter the action to piledrive Eads for the title-retaining three-count!!!
(2) "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt pinned Alex Monroe in 9:04!!! At the opening bell "The Gavel" David Lawless, Esq. commandeered a house mic to rant at Hunt in representation of his client Ryan Edmonds and next invited himself to the R.W.A. commentary table!!! The Rev eventually floored Monroe via a big punt to the puss at which point Lawless would venture up to ringside!!! Monroe would take this opportunity to attempt a blindside takedown on the distracted Hunt, but the Rev would masterfully reverse the maneuver halfway down for the winning three-count!!!
(3) "The Mouthpiece Of The Masses" Nick Nero pinned "The Low Life" Joey O'Riley in 9:53 following a standing "sliced bread" maneuver into a neckbreaker takedown!!!
(4) "NO TIME-LIMIT" MATCH: "He's A Whole Lot Of Dude" Crash Jaxon defeated "Pride Of The South" J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen, TWO-OUT-OF-THREE FALLS in 14:36!!!
1st fall: J.D.L. pinned Jaxon in a scant few seconds after clocking his foe with knucks immediately at the opening bell!!!
2nd fall: Jaxon pinned J.D.L. at the 12:40 mark to even the bout with a horizontal "crucifix" cradle!!!
3rd fall: Jaxon pinned J.D.L. at the 14:36 mark for the victory!!! Crash caught J.D.L. in the middle of a top-rope leap with a blow to the head and then rebounded for another strike to his fallen foe's skull to cop the winning cover!!!
*****DURING INTERMISSION: "The Annual R.W.A. Halloween Costume Contest" took place inside the ring hosted by promoter Dr. Feelbad and the R.W.A. commentators Doc, Church, and Tony Kincaid!!!*****
(5) "Ruthless" Jason Radatz pinned "The Trending Worldwide Social Media Icon" Tad Jarvis in 3:08!!! Radatz caught Jarvis' flying cross-bodyblock attempt in mid-air and then planted his foe with a "Michinoku Driver" for the three-count!!!
(6) FOUR-MAN TAG-TEAM MATCH: "The Sons Of Liberty", Dennis Gregory/H.L. Supreme (formerly known as Super Hentai), defeated "The Jesus Club" (Curtis Ray Goddi/"The Chosen Samoan" A.J. Alexander) (Supreme pinned Alexander) in 9:44!!! With Goddi atop a turnbuckle readying to leap with plans for a spike-piledriver on Supreme, Gregory instead pushed him off his perch for a "Hot Shot" throat first landing on the top rope to take him out of the match!!! Alexander was as a result caught alone one-on-two in the ring to eventually be the victim of Supreme's top-rope double-kneedrop for the clinching cover!!! Afterward promoter Dr. Feelbad officially announced it would be "The Sons Of Liberty" challenging titleholders Gory/Crazzy Steve on the November 13th live event for the R.W.A. tag-team championship!!!
(7) TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion J-Rocc, Daddy defeated "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads and Impact Wrestling Superstar "Violent By Design" Cody Deaner (J-Rocc pinned Eads) in 15:09 to retain his title!!! Eads and Deaner collaborated on a double-team "superplex" which took J-Rocc completely out of the match for the next several minutes while his foes battled over just who would get to pin him for the title!!! This enabled J-Rocc to get the time he badly needed to recover and eventually reenter the action to piledrive Eads for the title-retaining three-count!!!
SAT. NOV. 13TH 2021
1. Bronco McBride Defeated Jimmy Cicero via pinfall to Become the New RWA No Limits Champion
2. Justin Idol Defeated "VIP" Joe Rosa via pinfall
3. Gory/Crazy Steve Defeated "The Sons of Liberty" Gregory/Hentai via DQ, but The SOL Remain the RWA Tag Team Champions
4.The Rev. Ron Hunt Defeated John Rodin,Jason Radatz, Jacob Edwinn, Jordan Styles and JDL By climbing the ladder and retrieving the Contract for a Future Championship match of his Choosing
5. Nick Nero Defeated Shane Andrews via pinfall
6. J-Rocc Defeated Ryan Edmonds via pinfall
7. Daniel Eads Defeated Bill Collier via escaping thru the Steel Cage Door to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
2. Justin Idol Defeated "VIP" Joe Rosa via pinfall
3. Gory/Crazy Steve Defeated "The Sons of Liberty" Gregory/Hentai via DQ, but The SOL Remain the RWA Tag Team Champions
4.The Rev. Ron Hunt Defeated John Rodin,Jason Radatz, Jacob Edwinn, Jordan Styles and JDL By climbing the ladder and retrieving the Contract for a Future Championship match of his Choosing
5. Nick Nero Defeated Shane Andrews via pinfall
6. J-Rocc Defeated Ryan Edmonds via pinfall
7. Daniel Eads Defeated Bill Collier via escaping thru the Steel Cage Door to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
SAT. FEB. 15TH 2020
1. Clint Poe defeated Jordan Styles & Jakob Edwinn via Pinfall
2.Shane Andrews defeated Joey O' Riley via pinfall
3. Joe Rosa defeated Chase Jaxon via pinfall
4. Bronco McBride defeated Dave Crist via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
5. Sons of Liberty(Hentai & Gregory) defeated Marshall Gambino & Steve LaBelle to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships
6. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated Tony Gunn via pinfall
7. JDL defeated Gory via pinfall
8. J-Rocc defeated Daniel Eads via pinfall to become the New RWA Heavyweight Champion
2.Shane Andrews defeated Joey O' Riley via pinfall
3. Joe Rosa defeated Chase Jaxon via pinfall
4. Bronco McBride defeated Dave Crist via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
5. Sons of Liberty(Hentai & Gregory) defeated Marshall Gambino & Steve LaBelle to retain the RWA Tag Team Championships
6. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated Tony Gunn via pinfall
7. JDL defeated Gory via pinfall
8. J-Rocc defeated Daniel Eads via pinfall to become the New RWA Heavyweight Champion
PROVING GROUND MATCH- Philip Archer defeated Isiah Wolf via pinfall
1. Clint Poe defeated Joe Rosa via Countout
2. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated Jakob Edwinn via DQ
3. Jimmy Cicero defeated Justin Idol via pinfall
4. Bronco McBride defeated Jordan Styles via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
5. JDL defeated John Rodin via pinfall
6. J-Rocc defeated Bill Collier & Daniel Eads via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
7. Black Soil Bloodline(Gory & Crazzy Steve) defeated The Sons of Liberty (Hentai & Gregory) via pinfall to become the New RWA Tag Team Champions
1. Clint Poe defeated Joe Rosa via Countout
2. Rev. Ron Hunt defeated Jakob Edwinn via DQ
3. Jimmy Cicero defeated Justin Idol via pinfall
4. Bronco McBride defeated Jordan Styles via pinfall to retain the RWA No Limits Championship
5. JDL defeated John Rodin via pinfall
6. J-Rocc defeated Bill Collier & Daniel Eads via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
7. Black Soil Bloodline(Gory & Crazzy Steve) defeated The Sons of Liberty (Hentai & Gregory) via pinfall to become the New RWA Tag Team Champions
RWA- FURY 2019-
SHOW OPENING: R.W.A.'s Acting General Manager for the month of February, W.W.E. Hall of Famer Teddy Long!!!
(1) "LADDER MATCH" ALONG WITH "A CHAIN ON A POLE" FOR THE R.W.A. CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion "One Cool Cat" Justin Idol defeated "Masked Aggression" Super Hentai, FIRST TO RETRIEVE SUSPENDED CHAMPIONSHIP BELT in 14:05 to retain his title!!! Idol sent Hentai flying from the top of a ringpost and crashing down through a ringside table which enabled him ample time to scale the ladder for the hanging strap!!! (2) "The Rookie Sensation" Ken Iwakuma pinned "Combat Elitist" Noctus (opponent hand-selected by Alexa) in 7:20 following a "Salida Del Sol" maneuver to earn the reinstatement of The Great Akuma to the R.W.A.!!! (3) ONE-ON-TWO HANDICAP MATCH IN DEFENSE OF THE R.W.A. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: "Death Proof" Bronco McBride/"Juggernaut" John Rodin retained their title when McBride as a solo defeated the team of Professor Jakob Edwin/"mystery partner" Ruthless Jason Radatz (McBride pinned Edwin) in 10:59!!! Rodin, with an R.W.A. heavyweight title bout with Daniel Eads scheduled later for the night's main-event, was not permitted under R.W.A. rules to participate in more than one championship event per evening, so McBride sent him back to the dressing room and elected to compete alone!!! Edwin constantly nitpicked and browbeat his teammate Radatz throughout the match to the point that the two were eventually bickering nose-to-nose!!! McBride took advantage via a blindside dropkick to Edwin which sent the Professor crashing head-first into Radatz and then bounding back into Bronco's rear takedown cradle for the title-retaining three-count!!! (4) "The New Age Plague" Gory pinned J.D.L. - Jonathan David Luallen in 8:15 via a 450° splash-press!!! (5) TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE R.W.A. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: "Shotgun" Tony Gunn defeated champion "The Big Daddy Of Destruction" J-Rocc, Daddy and "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews (Gunn pinned J-Rocc by reversing his reverse rolling-cradle via a handful of tights) in 16:52 for the title!!! Gunn often avoided contact by loitering at ringside during the bout, and at one point even disappeared back to the dressing room for several minutes!!! (6) "The Savior Of Professional Wrestling" - "The Rev" Ron Hunt (with "The Pulpit") pinned "The Successful Saint" Jordan Styles in 8:50 following a sit-out double-knee backcracker maneuver in 8:50!!! Afterward Teddy Long joined Rev's postbout in-ring victory celebration and proceeded to engage in some scandalous "twerking" with a female member of "The Pulpit"!!! (7) SPECIAL ATTRACTION CONTEST: "The King Of The One Night Stands" Jock Samson pinned former W.W.F. star D'Lo Brown in 5:00!!! As an angry Brown pounded away on Samson in a corner, he eventually shoved down the protesting ref Jefferies!!! This gave Samson his opening to brain Brown with the metal cowbell from his bullrope to then steal the victory three-count!!! (8) STREETFIGHT TO A FINISH (ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING GOES): "The Owner, Founder, And Promoter Of R.W.A." Dr. Feelbad pinned "Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds in 7:38!!! Thus, Edmonds failed in his bid to be released from his R.W.A. contract!!! Edmonds brought to the ring the wrestling boots he had stolen months earlier during Chris Taylor's retirement ceremony!!! When Edmonds started to use the pilfered footwear during his match-long beatdown of Feelbad, Taylor appeared out of nowhere to use his old ring boots to quickly lay out Edmonds for Feelbad's victory cover!!! (9A) R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Champion "The Man Of Tomorrow" Daniel Eads vs. "Juggernaut" John Rodin, NO DECISION RENDERED in 16:00 (Eads retained his title) when once again the mystery masked attacker entered the ring without warning to beat down Eads, Rodin, and ref Bo Browning!!! (9B) IMPROMPTU R.W.A. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH DEMANDED BY DANIEL EADS AND SANCTIONED BY TEDDY LONG: The Masked Attacker (The Great Akuma) pinned champion Daniel Eads in only 59 seconds to win the title!!! Eads immediately tore into his months long tormentor and appeared to have him pinned within the first thirty seconds, but ref Tommy Trueblood for unknown reasons refused to toll the third count!!! Eads then pulled off the hood of his foe to reveal the just reinstated Great Akuma who then spewed a mouthful of his irritating mist into the eyes of the champion and then pinned him (with the aid of Trueblood's super quick count) to steal the R.W.A. title!!! RWA- MARCH TO VICTORY 2019
JUSTIN IDOL Won the Rumble, which now allows him to face Nick Nero for the Debuting RWA No Limits Championship 2.Shane Andrews & Jessie Belle Defeated VIP Joe Rosa & Miss Hannah via Submission 3. J-Rocc defeated Jason Radatz via Pinfall 4. Sons of Liberty (Gregory & Hentai) defeated Bronco McBride via a Tables Match to become the new RWA Tag Team Champions 5. Eric Darkstorm Defeated JDL via Submission to retain the AIWF World Champion 6. Daniel Eads Defeated 3 Other Opponents to get a shot at the RWA Heavyweight Championship but was injured before the Main Event. 7. John Rodin Defeated The Great Akuma via pinfall to become the New RWA Heavyweight Champion RWA- AGGRESSION 2019
1. Justin Idol defeated Super Hentai via Pinfall to become the new RWA Cruiserweight Champion
2. Noctus defeated Big Lenny via Pinfall 3. Great Akuma defeated King Kaluha via Pinfall to regain possession of his Samurai Sword. 4. Holidead defeated Nina Monet via DQ to retain the RWA Women's Championship 5. "The Original Circle" Chris Taylor & Ryan Edmonds defeated "The New Circle" The Rev. Ron Hunt & Thomas Mathis in a "Throw in the Towel Match" to become the new RWA Tag Team Champions. This occurred when Pres. Cicero grabbed the towel from Momma Hunt and threw in the towel on his team’s behalf. 6. "Scum Of Society" Edwinn & Nero defeated " The Sexy Shakers" Casey Reeves & Stan Styles via pinfall 7. "V.I.P." Joe Rosa defeated Aaron Williams via pinfall in a Top Contenders Match 8. John Rodin defeated Bronco McBride via Pinfall in a "Fans bring the Weapons Match" 9. Daniel Eads defeated Shane Andrews via pinfall to become the new RWA Heavyweight Champion. Thus ending the longest championship reign in RWA History. RWA FURY 2018
1. Papa Peacock's Palace(Jakob Edwinn, Billy Ocean & Noctus Defeated Stan Styles, Greywolf Raventhorne & Jimmy Cicero via pinfall
2. Jessie Belle Smothers Defeated Londyn Ali via pinfall to win the Vacant RWA Women's Championship 3. Shane Andrews Defeated John Rodin via pinfall after the time limit was extended twice 4. Marshall Gambino Defeated Thomas Mathis via pinfall 5. Papa Peacock's Palace(Super Hentai & Christian Noir) Defeated Justin Idol & Dennis Gregory via Submission 6. J-Rocc Defeated Bronco McBride via pinfall to become the new RWA Regional Champion 7. Daniel Eads Defeated Nick Nero via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship RWA- RESURRECTION 2018
RWA- FURY 2017
1. Shane Andrews Defeated Aaron Williams via pinfall to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship
2. Jon Rodin Defeated Logan James,Kevin Giza,Noctus, and Brandon Scott via pinfall 3. Matt Gilbert Defeated Menace via pinfall 4. Akuma Defeated Jimmy Cicero via pinfall 5. CA Elliott vs Daniel Eads went to a Double DQ 6. Nick Estaban Taylor Defeated Mempho Mofo via DQ 7.1 Jessie Belle Defeated Honey Badger & Laura Loveless via DQ to Retain the RWA Women's Championship 7.2 Jessie Belle & Amazing Maria Defeated Honey Badger & Laura Loveless via pinfall 8. Super Hentai & Bronco McBride Defeated Big Lenny & Chris Taylor via pinfall RWA- AGGRESSION 2017
RWA- Uprising 7- 6th Anniversary Show
RWA- Uprising 6- 5th Anniversary Show- Sat. Jan. 11th 2014, West Newton Gym, West Newton, Pa
1. Scott Sarin & Shane Andrews defeated Lucio Deveer and Danny Able
2. William Roberts Defeated John Skylar 3. Jessie Belle Smothers Defeated Sara Feeny and Sassy Stephie in a 3 way dance 4. Scotty Mathews Defeated Billy Brash 5. Brady Pierce Defeated Ryan Reign to retain the RWA PA Regional Championship 6. Generation Dead(Gory & G-Raver) Defeated Zubov & Brock Singleton, The Circle(Mitchell & Chris Taylor), Team CK to become the New RWA Tag Team Champions 7. LODI Defeated Ashton Amherst to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship RWA- Fury 5- Saurday ,Feb. 22nd, 2014, West Newton, Pa,1. Joseph A Blackwail calls Dr. Feelbad out to award him the RWA Cruiserweight Championship, Feelbad denied Blackwail since he didn't defeat Jay-Ice. Blackwail put his hands on Feelbad and didn't see a chair toatting Jay Ice behind him. Jay Challenged Blackwail to a Chair Match at March to Victory 6 on March 22nd
2. Scott Sarin Defeated Jaxson James, William Huckabee and Shawn Adams 3. Danny Able Defeated Zubov 4. Generation Dead Defeated the Team of Lucio Deveer & Shawn Andrews to retain the RWA Tag Team Championship 5. Jessie Belle Defeated Sera Feeny (As per the Stip of the match, Sera and Smothers will have a Bikini Contest at M.T.V. 6 6. Chris Taylor Defeated Ryan Mitchell 7. Exclusive Defeated Scotty Mathews & Brady Pierce 8. LODI Defeated William Roberts to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship RWA- MARCH TO VICTORY 6
RWA- Resurrection 5- Sat july 12th 2014 West Newton pa1. Chris Taylor Defeated Lucio Deveer
2. Sless Taylor Defeated Nick Estaban Taylor 3. Danny Able Defeated Zubov 4. Sera Feeny Defeated Jesse Belle Smothers 5. Sons of Strongstyle vs Aeroform went to a Double Count out 6. Shane Andrews Defeated Levi Connors to retain the RWA Cruiserweight Championship 7. Generation Defeated Wild West to retain the RWA Tag Team Championship 8. Ryan Edmonds Defeated Ryan Mitchell to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship RWA- ROAD TO AGGRESSION 6
RWA- Uprising 5- 4th Anniversary Show - Saturday, January 19th, 2013, West Newton Pa1. Opening match saw Super Oprah Defeat Bulldozer by DQ when Dozer use BrassKnuckles which he dropped and the ref decovered.
2. Patrick Hayes Defeated Zubov 3. The League of Assassins(Aramis & Ahtu) Defeated The team of William Roberts/Zac Vincent & The team of John Skylar/Matt Conard 4.G-raver Defeated Scott Sarin in what many are calling Match of the Night due to the match be a falls count anywhere to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. 5. LODI Defeated Steven Walters in a matching pitting Student vs Teacher 6. Sassy Stephie Defeated D'Arcy Dixon in a rematch, after match D'Arcy challenged to a inner-gender tag team match at Fury 4 7. a. LaMont Williams Defeated Mr. R.B.I. To retain the Pa Regional Championship. 7. b. KATO! Defeated LaMont Williams to win the Pa. Regional Championship and to also face Dr. Feelbad in a Street Fight at Fury 4 8. Calvin McGrath Defeated Jay Ice 9. Shane Taylor Defeated Stryder to retain the Heavyweight Championship RWA Fury 4- Saturday, February 16th, 2013, West Newton, PA1. G-Raver & Zack Vincent Defeated Matt Conard & Scott Sarin
2. Brady Pierce Defeated John Skylar & William Roberts 3. D'Arcy Dixon & Sera Feeney Defeated Sassy Stephie & Riley Rage 4. Jay Ice Defeated Zubov in a "Finisher's Match" 5. KATO! Defeated Dr. Feelbad in a Street Fight 6. Ryan Mitchell Defeated Patrick Hayes 7. Calvin McGrath Defeated LaMont Williams 8. Shane Taylor Defeated Stryder to retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship Ryan Edmonds Defeated LODI in this Non- Sanctioned w/ the help of the man who turned his back on the fans........ Ryan Mitchell RWA March to Victory 5- Saturday, March 23, 2013, West Newton Pa.1. G-Raver Defeated D.C. Bentley, "Big Star" Dave Daniels, and Takahashi
2. John Skylar Defeated Frankie Villa 3. Brady Pierce Defeated Jimmy Shane 4. Zubov Defeated Jay Ice 5. Patrick Hayes Defeated William Roberts 6. Scott Sarin Defeated Gabriel Soul 7. LODI Defeated Ryan Edmonds via Countout 8. KATO! Defeated Shane Taylor to become the New RWA Heavyweight Champion. RWA- Spring Fling 5
RWA- Aggression 5 RESULTS- Saturday, August 10th 2013, West Newton, Pa
1. Jay Ice defeated Lucio Deveer, and Dan Sandwich in a 3 Way Dance 2. Scotty Mathews Defeated Bulldozer 3. William Roberts Defeated Zubov to Retain the Pa. Regional Championship 4. A-List Defeated the Wild West via DQ 5. Brady Pierce Defeated Jimmy Shane 6. G-Raver Defeated Ryan Edmonds via Count-Out but not the Championship. RWA- Fall Free for All Results- Sept. 14th 2013, West Newton, Pa1. Angel Dust vs. Sera Feeny went to a No Contest when Wild West came into the match an tried putting Sera through another table, but was saved by the unlikely pair of Billy Brash and Brock Singleton.
2. Scott Sarin defeated Lucio Deveer 3. Wild West defeated the team Billy Brash & Brock Singleton 4. Jay Ice Defeated G-Raver to become the new RWA Cruiserweight Champion 5. William "The Hammer" Roberts defeated Brady Pierce by DQ 6. "SCP" Ryan Mitchell defeated Scotty Mathews 7. LODI defeats "STB" Ryan Edmonds by DQ and per the Contract Edmonds signed earlier in the show, Mr. Edmonds got his hair cut in the middle of the ring even after trying to leave the Ringside area but was chased back to the ring by the lockerroom. RWA Bloody Harvest 5- Saturday, Oct.12th 2013, West Newton,Pa1. G-Raver Defeated Lucio Deveer
2. Sean Carr Defeated Dan Sandwich 3. Kage Defeated Zubov 4. LODI Defeated John Skylar and Scotty Mathews in a 3 way Dance Top Contenders match for the RWA Heavyweight Championship 5. Jay Ice Defeated Jimmy Shane 6. Brady Pierce Defeated William Roberts to become the New RWA Pa Regional Champion 7. Wild West Defeated The A-List in the TLC Match after Sera Feeny turned her back on Juice and Joey by hitting Juice with the Tag Titles and Low Blowing Joey. RWA OPEN SEASON 5- Saturday, November 9th 2013
RWA Uprising 4- Saturday, January 21st, 2012, West Newton, PA
RWA February Fury 3- Saturday, February 18th, 2012, West Newton, PA
RWA March to Victory 4 March 24th, 2012, West Newton,PAScott Sarin and Mikey D. defeated Joey Vengeance and Juice Jennings.
Bodie Williams defeated Jimmy Shane. Terry Ring defeated Jeremy Madrox. Kato defeated Jack Pollack. RWA Tag Team Champions Jay Ice and Aftermath (w/ Tough Tina) defeated G-Raver and K-Starr. Ryan Mitchell defeated RWA PA Regional Champion Ryan Edmonds (w/ Dr. Feelbad and Angel) in a non-title match. Joseph Brooks (w/ Dr. Feelbad) defeated Jimmy Nutts in a Ladder Match. RWA Heavyweight Champion Calvin McGrath and Shane Taylor (w/ Dylan James) wrestled to a no-contest. RWA Spring Fling 4- April 21st, 2012, West Newton,PAOfficial Results from RWA SPRING FLING 4-
1. Scott Sarin beat Juice Jennings 2.Jock Samson beat Mikey Dee 3.Jay Ice and Aftermath beat G-Raver and Seth Allen 4.Bodie Williams beat Mr. RBI Isaiah Bonds 5.Terry Ring beat Jimmy Nutts 6.Matt Mason beat Joseph TheHammer Brooks 7."SCP" Ryan Mitchell beat Ryan Edmonds to become the new RWA Pa Regional Champion. 8.Shane Taylor and Lamont "Action" Williams beat Calvin McGrath and Kato RWA No Retreat 4
May 19th, 2012, West Newton, PA Official Results from RWA No Retreat 4-
1. Matt Mason defeated Mikey D and Juice Jennings 2.Terry Ring defeated Jimmy Nutts 3.Bodie Williams defeated Scott Sarin 4.Lamont Williams vs Kato was a No Contest 5.Zubov defeated Jock Samson 6.Jay-Ice defeated G-Raver 7.Shane Taylor defeats LODI 8."Simply The Best" Ryan Edmonds defeated "SCP" Ryan Mitchell to become the new RWA Pa Regional Champion. RWA UNLEASHED 4- JUNE 16TH, 2012,
Resurrection 3 July 14th, 2012, West Newton, Pa1. Jock Sampson defeated Mikey D.
2. Zubov defeated Juice Jennings 3. Scott Sarin and G Raver defeated Jay Ice and Michael Blade to win the RWA tag belts 4. Michael Blade defeated Hisakaka 5. Lodi defeated Joseph Brooks 6. Ashton Amherst defeated Calvin McGrath with help from Patrick Hayes 7.Kato defeated Patrick Hayes 8. Jimmy Nutts retained the Heavyweight title by submission over Shane Taylor (triangle choke) Taylor went crazy beating up refs and wrestlers alike and was fired by PIV RWA Aggression 4 August 11th, 2012, West Newton,PA1. Joey Vengeance defeated Terry Ring
2. Micheal Blade defeated Butcher Maddrox 3. Juice Jennings defeated Jimmy Shane 4. G-Raver defeated Jay-Ice & Scott Sarin to Retain the RWA Cruiserweight Championship 5. Lamont Williams defeated Zubov 6. Jock Samson vs Matt Mason went to a No Contest 7. Ashton Amherst & Patrick Hayes defeated Kato & Scott Fowler 8. Kato won the Vacated RWA Pa Regional in a Battle Royal 8.1. Jimmy Nutts defeated Joseph Brooks to Retain the RWA Heavyweight Championship RWA- FALL FREE FOR ALL 4 RESULTS - Sept. 15th 2012 West Newton,PaMatch 1. Went to No Contest due Shane Taylor attacking Mr. R.B.I and demanding his job back and a title shot, Commish PIV came to the ring and Confronted Shane and made a very impact-full deal to the big man that he Accepted. His Career vs Championship, no just his RWA Career but his whole wrestling career.
2. Mikey D Defeated Jimmy Shane 3. Team Hiptoss Defeated The A-List 4. Joseph Brooks Defeated Shane Douglas 5. Zubov Defeated LaMont Williams via DQ 6. Amherst/Hayes Defeated G-Force to become the new RWA Tag Team Champions - After the match Sarin attacked G-Raver for costing them the match. 7. Jimmy Nutts Defeated KATO! via Submission but also the Ref didn't notice that KATO's foot was on the rope. RWA- BLOODY HARVEST 4 RESULTS, Oct. 2012 West Newton,Pa1. The A-list defeated the team of Jimmy Shane & Ben Boone
2. G-Raver and Scott Sarin Fought to a draw 3. Mr. RBI Defeated Bryan Castle 4. Zubov defeated LaMont Williams via Count Out 5. Amherst/Hayes defeated "Party Gras" (Zoltan/Justin Sane) 6. LODI defeated Jock Samson After the match while LODI was celebrating his victory a returning Ryan Edmonds sneak attacks LODI from behind and Bloodies the former Raven's flock member leaving him in a pool of blood. 7.S.C.P. Ryan Mitchell defeated Joseph Brooks 8. Shane Taylor defeated Jimmy Nutts & KATO! to become the New RWA Heavyweight Champion. RWA OPEN SEASON 4 RESULTS NOV. 10 2012, West Newton ,Pa
1. Lodi Defeated William Roberts
Once again while celebrating Lodi gets attacked by Ryan Edmonds with the help of Roberts, leaving Lodi Bloodied again. 2. Party Gras defeated Jimmy Shane and Takahashi 3. Patrick Hayes defeated Juice Jennings 4. Jay-Ice defeated Mr R.B.I. 5. G-Raver defeated Scott Sarin 6. Zubov defeated LaMont Williams 7.Sassy Stephie defeated D'Arcy Dixon 8. Shane Taylor defeated KATO! RWA SEASONS BEATINGS 4 RESULTS SAT Dec. 15TH 2012 WEST NEWTON PA1. In a great opening tag team Match The A-List Defeated The returning Bulldozer and Debuting Super Oprah
2. Takahashi Defeated Jimmy Shane 3. Scott Sarin Defeated Mr. R.B.I. 4. LaMont "Action" Williams Defeated KATO! to become the New Pa. Regional Champion 5. Jay Ice Defeated Zubov, after the match Jay was very angry on his latest challegers and was about to quit when Zubov made a Challege to Jay to face a friend of Zubov's, and if his "Friend" win Zubov gets a Rematch against Jay at a future show. 6. In yet another amazing tag team contest, this time for the RWA Tag Team Championship, Amherst/Hayes Defeated the team of Aramis/Ahtu and the team Acting Commissioner Doc choose The SCP Ryan Mitchell and Chris Taylor. 7.Shane Taylor Defeated G-Raver in a very brutal match which left G-Raver having to be helped to the back and attended to by the Dr. and EMT's. But the biggest surprise of the night was the Return of Stryder to Challenge Shane Taylor at Uprising 5, RWA's Anniversary Show. Also on the Show the RWA Fans got to speak their minds to Mr. Ryan Edmonds and vice versa but Mr. Edmonds spoke very openly on the personal life of LODI to the point Doc stopped him and made a huge Annoucement, to find out more on this and all the great action go to Sorgatronmedia.com to order you Digital Download or Dvd. |
RWA Uprising 3- Saturday, January 22nd, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA February Fury 2- Saturday, February 26nd, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA March To Victory 3- Saturday, March 26th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Spring Fling 3- Saturday, April 16th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA No Retreat 3- Saturday, May 7th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Unleashed 3- Saturday, June 4th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Resurrection 2- Saturday, July 9th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Aggression 3- Saturday, August 13th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Fall Free For All 3- Saturday, September 17th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Bloody Harvest 3- Saturday, October 8th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Open Season 3- Saturday, November 5th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Season's Beatings 3- Saturday, December 10th, 2011, West Newton, PA
RWA Uprising 2 - Saturday, January 23rd, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA February Fury - Saturday, February 27th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA March to Victory 2 - Saturday, March 27th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Spring Fling 2 - Saturday, April 17th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA No Retreat 2 - Saturday, May 1st, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Unleashed 2 - Saturday, June 19th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Backdraft 2- Sunday, July 11th, 2010, Allenport, PA
RWA Resurrection- Saturday, July 31st, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Aggression 2- Saturday, August 28th, 2010, Mt. Pleasant, PA
RWA Fall Free For All 2- Sunday, September 19th, 2010, Allenport, PA
RWA Bloody Harvest 2- Saturday, October 16th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Open Season 2- Saturday, November 13th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Season's Beatings 2- Saturday, December 11th, 2010, West Newton, PA
RWA Uprising - Saturday, February 7th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA March to Victory - Saturday, March 14th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Spring Fling - Saturday, April 18th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA No Retreat - Saturday, May 23rd, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Unleashed - Friday, June 26th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Backdraft - Saturday, July 25th, 2009, Ellsworth, PA
RWA Aggression - Saturday, August 29th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Fall Free For All - Saturday, September 19th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Bloody Harvest - Friday, October 9th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Open Season - Saturday, November 7th, 2009, West Newton, PA
RWA Season's Beatings - Saturday, December 5th, 2009, West Newton, PA